And the first secret revealed? With hot chocolate and cuddles. They were all saying how amazing he was and that he was so much better then me. Only that the storm hasn't passed yet and he ends up injured on a not-quite-lonely island. Percy Jackson has a rough past. Atsushi hadn't expected Akutagawa to pick a fight with him on their days off and he certainly hadn't expected Dazai's reaction to it. It was kind of ironic to watch two natural born enemies sharing a lover. "Well, well, wellwe meet again, son of Poseidon," Ares said menacingly. I didn't necessasarily think that anything was going on between them until I saw her lean over and kiss him! Perseus finds herself in the past and has to survive times when the gods interfered with humans and revealed their true nature. Yet he still finds the merboy utterly endearing.). On other occasions, they are blessed with a partial immortality- Protection from illness, and natural is is the tale of the first. Intelligent, strong, beautiful and loyal. His mother was killed when lightning struck their house, his father rescued him, as did a mysterious women flanked by lions. Percy was about to run away but Ares, with the speed of Hermes, caught his arm and pushed him onto the ground. It turns out he is the son of an ancient sea god, and is now accused of stealing the king of gods' lightning bolt. Jason gripped my shoulder "No matter what. A Percy jackson fanfiction on a new Poseidon sibling (she is 15) All Rights Reserved camphalfblood daugterofposeidon demigod greek greekgods heroesofolympus nico olympians percy percyjackson poseidon Table of contents Last updated Sep 02, 2019 That can't be right Oh Brother A Lot O' Knowledge Morning Routine My Schedule Fight, Heal, Swim I've lived in New York for a few years with my adopted mom and father. I'm posting this here since like a lot of people the recent stuff going on is a bitmuch. He realized his hands had turned into fists, his nails were digging into the back of his hands but he didn't feel pain. From everything. I am in love with this story. Annabeth must have heard and turned around, when she saw me her eyes got as big as saucers. Percy Jackson, a 16-year-old lame kid, finds himself in a weird camp, after losing his mother to a half-bull, half-man creature.But that is not the worst. Sorry in advance. Wheelie and Daniel are in big trouble after they willfully disobey Cerebros orders to stay with the ship while on an unplanned mission to planet Beast. His face rapidly reddened and he turned and began taking off his armor to hide his face. Most of all, they must come to terms with a father they have never known, and an Oracle that has warned them of betrayal by a friend. If only they could appease the gods keeping them far from their destination first. He wanted to believe that he was fine, that the darkness didn't frighten him. Annabeth. I was running through the forest. Octavian gets his comeuppance at the hands of Rachel Elizabeth Dare and Reyna. Contains parental discipline/corporal punishment/spanking. But nevertheless, here he was staring at his old bedroom celling with the city's restless noise ringing outside his window. Greek Mythology was always a very messed up story, incest, parents eating their children, husbands Percy Jackson's Little Sister and the New Gr (This is my first fanfic so bear with me) Non-Sexual Spanking | Archive of Our Own He wasn't afraid of heights, and he wasn't afraid of falling. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (144), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (284), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (275), The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan (102), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (4), Percy Jackson & The Olympians (Movies) (4), Good Parent Poseidon (Percy Jackson) (118), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (38), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Asterion the Minotaur (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Alternate Universe - Always a Different Sex, Percy Jackson & Clarisse La Rue Friendship, nothing against Annabeth I just wanted to do something different, Book 1: The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson), Percy doesn't care if you are a god or a powerful guy, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, mentioned Silena Beauregard/Charles Beckendorf, Poseidon (Percy Jackson) is a Good Parent, Post-Gaea & The Second Giant War (Percy Jackson), no they will NOT be in a relationship perce is a minor, because this is a Moana AU that is also an Ancient Greece AU, If you havent noticed I cant write dialogue, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Percy Jackson & Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano, Percy Jackson & Original Female Character(s), Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace & Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque, Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque & Frank Zhang, Original Demigod Character(s) (Percy Jackson), how to take your crush of a year out on a date: a guide by percy jackson, Alternate Universe - No Gods (Percy Jackson), Alternate Universe - No Demigods (Percy Jackson), Percy can have a little bit of being an abomination, Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson Friendship, constructive criticism NOT welcomed thanks, Percy and Perseus are gonna be very close, The water's getting warm so you might as well swim, Er different sets of siblings to be clear, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie) Compliant, The gods are helpful even if you don't see them, Major character death applies to basically the first chapter, There are POV switches in chapters please blame my sixteen year old self, Lecherous Zeus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Book 2: The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson), Book 3: The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson), Book 4: The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson), Book 5: The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson), Thalia Grace/Percy Jackson/Zo Nightshade, Luke Castellan & Annabeth Chase & Thalia Grace, what is glory if there is no blood shed? 1st in #pe Gilgamesh forsaw that the ragnarok will start in another singularity killing all singularities at once. Thanks and comment please, oh and you should know I problably spelt a ton of things I can't spell at all! Percy finds himself getting dragged into Blue, a game full of plotholes when it comes to its sidequests, after a teeny tiny accident involving his teenage sisters new game console and his stepfathers old twister game (Weird combo, I know). I love these books. . Ok this one was different than the others in the series, but thats ok! The rape of Percy - Chapter 1 - Stories_of_the_Shadows - Percy Jackson Ever since the Argo II, he'd been so used to pretending to be okay, that for a moment he'd almost convinced himself. Please consider turning it on! The good thing; Octavian would be getting a new family now anyway. After her plans for becoming queen of Asgard backfire, Amora is upset that Loki tried keeping her married to Odin and becomes even more upset when she finds out that it was all part of Lokis own plans for taking over the throne. Wheelie and Daniel are in big trouble after they willfully disobey Cerebros' orders to stay with the ship while on an unplanned mission to planet Beast. And I ran. Nothing. Sharing a glance with Nico, I stood and followed Jason back towards the big house. I only cared about saving him. *officially adopted by EpiAsh* Percy's POV 35.6K 614 282 by zemmerson Share Percy's POV Each earth year is 10 000 years in Tartarus." By signing up on Inkitt, you agree to our, How (not) to date your neighbor - COMPLETE, Pucking the Shifter (Shifter World - Book Seven) (Series of 13 Short Stories), Made for the Alpha Shifter (Shifter World - Book Nine) (Series of 13 Short Stories), Shifter Mate Tri-Totem (Shifter World - Book Thirteen) (Series of 13 Short Stories), Dreaming of the Shifter (Shifter World - Book Five) (Series of 13 Short Stories), The Shifter Bar (Shifter World - Book Three) (Series of 13 Short Stories), Bearing the Shifter (Shifter World - Book Four) (Series of 13 Short Stories). Percy Jackson - Part 1 - KIDNAPPED | Fan Fiction - all books If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. So far I have read all your books out on this site and on storysome. Percy took a deep breath before squaring his shoulders, lifting his chin, and walking forward. Pjo and related fandoms E rated M/M drabbles. The way he saw it, the more he'd put it off the better it would be when he finally got it, but lately it seemed that it was the complete opposite. Naturally, he didn't do it. He couldnt help but feel something, seeing the old throne room and how different it was. Nico Di Angelo Gets a Twin Sister. I thoughtmy lifecouldn't possibly get better. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Taking a deep, steadying breath, I pulled my knife back over my shoulder and flicked it. She is illuminating and a breath of colourful air, an oasis amongst thirsting Gods who yearn to feel mortal despite the ichor in their veins. He felt like he was being eaten alive, like if he just stayed there he would drown in his own thoughts. The gods were spending more time with their kids, making sure that they knew that the gods cared about them. as of 1 / 17 / 2023, im taking my midterms, so ive not had time to update, but this is still in the works! Missing (A Percy Jackson FanFiction) - Chapter 1: Captured It'd be nice for Percy to have an evening with adults again. Everything is peaceful, at least until Nico's sire Luke decides to drop by, because the truly Old Ones don't exactly approve of Nico's treaty with the wolves. Percy wasn't quite sure what to expect. It hides secrets in its depths and threatens even those that know it well. "Father." But it's a decision already made and there's no place for questions or denial. Just going from one book to another. He felt as if the Fates were conspiring against . Teenager dean spanks Sam and then comforts him after please! Thalia looked at him, "I just got a bad feeling about Percy at the moment." Very obsessed Poseidon. Either way, all Percy knew was that he couldn't go back, not now, not when everything was still so fresh in his memory. So, you heard about the Ragnarok and make a deal with Poseidon. Hes courting you, dumbass, Clarisse interrupted, looking like she was barely resisting the urge to reach a hand out and slap him. Like lots of lemon. Elizabeth: While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She screamed after him. So basically, Liam, because he's the most responsible, and Louis, because he's the oldest, spank the others when they misbehave (non-sexual), but when one day Louis misbehaves there is someone needed to spank him as well, so Liam spanks him. Please consider turning it on! Takes place immediately after the episode, Lo, How the Mighty Hath Abdicated. One of the things they do know is that the gods like to have children with mortals. Contains parental discipline/spanking of a child robot. She knew him better than anyone else, she could see past everything, she was Annabeth she could see what he really was. Zeus and Poseidon are here as well." This is going to be a spanking you'll remember for the rest of your life." I have absolutely nothing but praise for this story. One that could not have happened with a worse timing. Betrayed. How wrong I was. Amphitrite and Poseidon got divorced and now Poseidon is hosting a grand gala to find a new omega queen. The word kept popping up in Percy's mind. Collecting souls from a shipwreck. Percy Jackson story. What are you doing? Her clouded eyes met Zeus's lightening blue ones. May contain spoilers. Helpless against the many monsters that grabbed and tore at me, I was dragged across the rough ground, back towards my new home. Either way Percy wanted her, he wanted to feel her besides him, to hear her voice say his name, maybe that would've done the trick. Lets find out together, these bitches gay!! Before Legolas, before Thranduil, before Oropher, there was Elu Thingol, King of Doriath, Lord of Beleriand in the First Age. "Remind me again d'Artagnan, did we not have a conversation a while ago, in which we talked about using your head first instead of throwing yourself into dangerous situations?" 5. A monster. Zeus cries "All those in favour of death" Athena, Ares, Poseidon, Zeus, Hera, Artemis, Apollo, Dionysus and Hephaestus all raised their hands. We all turned to see gods standing there. The wolves take revenge by kidnapping the one mortal Nico cares about - Percy.How will the two leaders handle that, especially when on top of the Old Ones there are also suddenly hunters in their little town? But ever since Percy is pregnant, he's even more of a horny kitten than before. Percy thinks the world of gods and monsters has finally let him go only to be caught up in an arranged marriage to a god who hates him, political intrigue of the court he belongs to but doesn't understand and a the strange situation of being a stepdad to millenia old goddess'. Dont like, Dont read. With powers he was never meant to have, and a third parent he never wanted, the plans that the Fates originally made for him will be torn asunder. And not only that but when I goy there I had found out I had a half - brother named Matt! Another excellent,intriguing, suspenseful addition to the continuing storyline. He got up, preforming the same ritual for the 7th night in a row. "You cannot!" Father/son relationships, contains spanking. Percy and Apollo have an open relationship, and Percy gets around. Nico is an old soul, literally. He stood before one of the city's most famous attractions, Brooklyn Bridge. For the briefest of moments, he saw a dark cloak, and a pale arm, holding a scythe. But how? Percy chokes out. He is also, whether he likes it or not, part of the Royal Family of Atlantis. A rush of monsters charged down the hill after me. I sat with Nico and Thalia as we watched from Half-Blood Hill as everyone celebrated. Maybe it'd worked for some time, but that faade had grown old. Annabeth cheated on him, his friends despised him, his mom and Paul are gone, and Poseidon disowned him. Gods Are Parents Too Chapter 3, a percy jackson and the - FanFiction He glanced back at the alarm clock, 2:22 A.M., 15 minutes had passed. A monster. Bamalady78: A loyal and kind father, disowned him. The past Olympians were sent to a room along with famous heroes, and Titans by the Fates. But after all, this is the world of greek myths we're talking about. He kept walking, until the it was already dawn and he reached his building. Fanfiction Betrayed. Especially knowing that in a few years, it might be destroyed and forever stained with grief and the blood of his family. Cerebros has had enough of Chromedomes disobedient attitude and decides that he needs a sterner form of discipline than just mopping floors. The twins don't want to sleep, Donny has a nightmare and Bianca Maria doesn't know how to fix it, so she goes to their mommy. If he would have known that he couldn't trust Lycaon, he would have taken Percy with him right from the start, really.After all, he had only left to find the summer camp for monster-children to keep their kids and his mate save. But on their way back home, they make a startling discovery about Percy. If you guys like it well enough I'll get all the chapters I currently have edited up. The thing about New York after dark is that it starts losing its glamour. Basically the big three fall for each other's sons. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Or more like they have some fun with him, while Percy contemplates some things worse than death. He can't betray the gods, not without being in literal pain." They had argued but Poseidon wouldn't give an inch, and Triton only gave up when his Dad threatened to spank him if he didn't stop arguing with him. His wife and best friend Persephone makes a simple suggestion. (Contains parental discipline/spanking of an adult trickster god. A long time ago, a prophecy was made about the Authors can write and upload their manuscripts on Inkit for free and writers retain 100% of their copyrights whilst writing on Inkitt. "You have been discovered as a traitor to the gods. Time seemed to move a lot slower when he was by himself. So when Percival falls (very unexpectedly) pregnant with Vaxildans baby, what else is there to do other than raise their family? Father thundered. Set after episode 16, Marcus and Sherlock face the consequences of their actions, as well as learning where they stand in Gregson's life. One Italian betrayed by the seven, the parents, the gods, the whole . But I didn't care anymore. Headcanon: While Hades and his siblings were stuck in their father's belly, they had nothing to so. Please consider turning it on! Percy Jackson is many things: part god, part human, Hero of Olympus, Savior of the Gods, Annabeth Chase's boyfriend, Sally Jackson's son. Kojiro is always glad to show Poseidon how beautiful he is before his eyes. The Prince. Percy nearly laughed at the sheer irony of the fact that he landed in the exact spot he had stood and said his goodbye in when the group teleported to camp. Sin embargo, quin pensara que habran muchos sospechosos? When it came down to the point where he felt like the walls were closing in on him, like his head would burst open and let the darkness consume him, when his knuckle turned white and he'd bite his lip so hard he could taste the blood on the tip of his tongue, that's when he'd get up. U-Ummmm maybe 3 months?" Why was he running? It's practically impossible for Nico to separate Percy from the bed. The books are getting saucier, and the plot is thickening up really well. jsmoore18: Percy was a very well-known and beautiful Prince of Atlantis, the other gods coveted the idea of spending a night with Poseidon's elusive son. I'll throw in a plot but it's not a record of Ragnarok fighting plot. Reader has to work with a tunnel vision My first story ever and I had a thought of why not make the original Journey 2 more interesting The Gods of Olympus were having a unique event restricted only to them, one night they all gather to play poker, sworn by the Styx to fulfill the bets, organized by Apollo, Hermes and Rhea. At least that's what A sexy story with an interesting and unique plot. But all the same, she has secrets. Frigga is highly displeased with Lokis attitude and his disrespectfulness towards her. Dean comforts him and then they have sex. The vampires decide to kidnap one of the wolves - Leo. They both looked at me. ", "How long?" Our Bedroom After the War//A Percy Jackson Fanfiction - Inkitt Dont like, Dont read.). With the help of a satyr and a daughter of Athena, Percy and Cassie must journey across the United States to catch a thief who has stolen the original weapon of mass destruction Zeus master bolt. Readers can read all books for free, without any ads and give the authors feedback. I'm going to talk to her", Percy still shaking, shakes his head and said "No Thal's you don't have to and besides it's over already and i.. 10. Zeus nodded and send a bolt of lightning at me. Percy took out Iapetus, Oceanus, Gaea, Kronos and Perses. Mythology with a twist and Reverse-Harem relatio What adventures await when percy meets his sister, andie? Percy Jackson hadn't always been Percy Jackson, he had been someone else before, in another life.Now however, he has this annoying constant sense of Presque-vu, which yes, he had to look up that word, but honestly who would know that?Being a 15 year old male omega with dyslexia and ADHD wasn't easy before and it isn't about to get better any minute from now.But his old nanny once said, "if life gives you lemons make a caipirinha".He would. Kimberly: Had he really been staring at the celling for the past 3 hours? Then what is it?" And that's how he encounters a majestic, white tiger. Aux yeux de tous, ils sont les frres ennemis. "-Bro, me veo gordo con esta camiseta? Nico is a white tiger, the king of the jungle. So he joined Chaos' army. When she spoke with him she was distant and anxious, and Percy knew exactly why. Please add more chapters I know you currently have 3 books in progress and I can't wait to see where they all go. Or, a complete AU rewrite from pre-canon through all five PJO books: Percy is born a little less human and a little more otherworldly than healthy. Only Percy walked back out. first !Their relationship was kept sub rosa! The God Family Chapter 1, a percy jackson and the olympians fanfic Like it was permanently scarred into his brain, maybe and that was it, maybe that was the way he'd go.". He knew too well that it would't be long before the entire platform filled with joggers and bikers and people walking their dogs, so he got of the railing and left. Apollo, Hades, Hestia, and Aphrodite raised their hands. "Percy! But it has its uses.. I gasped. Inkitts mission is to discover talented writers and turn them into globally successful authors. Annabeth cheated on him, his friends despised him, his mom and Paul are gone, and Poseidon disowned him. An enormous amount of demigods began pouring in, courtesy of the newly trained fauns helping out. "For life?" and pretend. He grunted and turned to his window. Seems important. Percy has faced down the horrors of war and the mythological world. Nico decides to do something nice for his husband, so he gets their rascal kids out of the house and brings the girls over. It was like it was permanently scarred into his brain, maybe that was it, maybe it was the fates' way of telling him his time was up, that his days were outnumbered. Then - something slammed into him, the faint smell of strawberry shampoo filling his senses as soft, curly hair smothered his face, but the smell of sweat, blood, dust, and sewer water was stronger. He really does need John to do just that. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). *officially adopted by EpiAsh*. Write captivating stories, read enchanting novels, and well publish the books our readers love most on our sister app, GALATEA and other formats. One destined to sail for Troy and wage a ten year war. Percy Jackson needs reference letters from three gods to get into New Rome University. As it turns out, their lives were sheltered as best they could be by fathers they hadn't even realized they'd met before. The first reached me before I was able to regain my footing and they pinned me down. So Hades and Poseidon kind of fucked. Please consider turning it on! Percy Jackson, a 16-year-old lame kid, finds himself in a weird camp, after losing his mother to a half-bull, half-man creature. The gods took out Typhoon and the Greek and Roman campers took out the monsters. The mortals of this world know little of the gods. Mygod, John. Sherlock holds two fingers to either side of his forehead. If Annabeth had been there she would probably be telling him historical facts about the bridge. When Percy Jackson is promised to Ares as his wife, he isn't particularly happy with the news. The Minotaur left Percy alone for a while, but he left Lycaon with the boy to take care and protect the Minotaur's pet. They thought the hunt was successful. As soon as the black cleared, I realized we were standing in a black stone palace. Dont like, dont read). While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Sam and Dean headed back to their motel to pack up and leave. Marriage by proxy may be out of vogue at the moment, Hera pipes up, delicate hands smoothing out a non-existent crease in her pantsuit. She said uncertanly. kathymetcalf10: After the Giant War, Poseidon feels like taking a break. Percy Jackson's Little Sister - Writingislove102 - Wattpad . After Percy Jackson In ten years, a fanfiction - Fanpop good for them, I shouldnt even be posting this Im gonna orphan it right after, This fic could ruin my reputation all yall better not figure out this is me, The sex is actually very vanilla besides the pregnancy kink, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Minor Annabeth Chase/Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano, Minor Hazel Levesque/Leo Valdez/Frank Zhang, Percy Jackson/Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano, Alternate Universe - Werewolves and Vampires.
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