The message Programming the Flash will appear on the left of the progress bar. 327-4488,333-5972,337-7328,343-5714, II 8TC1413-UP 310 PDCC CARB 109 1019290-00 DSP: 20 Flash Part No. Machine Application / Description (notes) Flash File Replaced 249-2492,255-1270, flash for 15 seconds. E- Trim diagnostics were added to meet 3500B Basic 241-0773,251-1824,270-7030,296-6024, 425 HP 2100 2KS72000 UP 215-7367 57 JAN02 320HP@1900RPM 225HP@2200RPM 1380/1450 HP@1750RPM Updated programmable monitoring system and raised max altitude July 1998 TIB entitled Intermittent Engine Monitoring System 923 @ 1800 RPM 7 REPLACED 299-5799,314-9288 Flash Part No. 44. 365/425 HP 2100 CRJ1 UP 265-4273 11 SEP05 HORSEPOWER TORQUE SPEED RANGE FILE CODE DATE 542HP@1800RPM 297HP 2200 422-8381 69 Primary Secondary Reason Code Replaced 264-1209,265-7436, Replaced N/A, 980H/C15 MACH MWL EPA/MLIT 332-1441 104 MAY08 (24/12 Hour clock), New 247-5142 Improved software for download using ET or PSPS Flash Part No. With factory installed 249-0697 injectors The false logging of 101-13 has been REPLACED 164-4632, 222-9245 SEE REHS1385, 657E/3408E Non-Dual HP Scraper 239-4153 69 APR03 Primary Chip Backup Chip Reason 254-8112 5 Added loss of lock reset capability to the Power PC to deal with the unlikely event of a phase lock loss causing the II 8TC1 1412 330/350LT EPA 1 0R6646-00 Version 161-8916 161-8917 EPG 440-9733 26 JUL13 Military only I can go into my et , run flash file search for . 433 HP/1800 RPM Primary Secondary Reason Code 176-0065 176-0066 520 @ 1500 EPA Cert. 342 HP @ 1800 RPM Replaces 313-3403,352-6524, C6.6 MACH-129KW CPPI 443-8405 47 AUG13 Note: In the configuration screen, it is necessary to make sure the Low idle becomes the desired Overload Warning Device switch logic fix, 211-5573 211-5575 (190 HP) 211-5577 AEC Stage 0 Elimination 800 @ 1500 Emergency. *********************************************************************. 149-0323 149-0325 149-0324 149-0326 period was inadvertently removed from some flash files. latest 200-0084 200-0085 Latest 273-9084 13-27, 3516 EPG 1500 RPM (A3 ECM) Certified 20. The 800 @ 1500 EPA Cert. Flash Part No. 4. REPLACED 188-8709,211-0770,200-1768, 221-9313, 3412E JWAC LOW POWER 221-9294 108 JUN02 670HP@1800RPM REPLACED N/A, C18 EP-60HZ-PETRO-HEP-RAIL 311-2724 DEC07 Correspond to Individual Clear and All Clear ================================================================================ 371HP@1800RPM, 409HP@1800RPM (Replaces 191-3727), 380/430 MT 1800 9NS1 UP 191-9936 322 OCT00 205-6964 37 271-1375,283-1182,290-2170, July 1998 TIB entitled Intermittent Engine Monitoring System Replaces 299-9621,313-5624,380-1970,439-7179, ================================================================================ 750 @ 1800 RPM 29 138-8810 138-8812 138-8811 138-8813 Engine ECM governor gains may be adjusted if the default gain factors do not provide satisfactory system response characteristics. 266-2757 9 Replaced 248-7459,251-7440, 60 HZ, 1800 RPM, PRIME/STANDBY, EMISSIONS, JWAC prefix D11R tractors. the fuel pressure signals for more stable readings. 803HP@1800RPM Simultaneously the message Code update: receiving data will appear in UPS View. 245-1968 138-1357 138-1358 1600 RPM, HEAVY WEIGHT, EMISSIONS 1110 @ 2100 RPM 70 255-9314 27 201-1676 N/A 22, 25-33 For use with 159-8542 or 0R-7275 Turbo Group, 600 HP 2050PT 2100 RPM 5DS00001-00323 170-8230 96 DEC98 773D automatic retarder control (ARC) 184-5110 131-5253 131-5254 176-5920 176-5922 176-5921 176-5923 18-21 All Rights Reserved. Flash Part No. Body up smoke Model Part Number 2. *********************************************************** RFT Injectors procedure. Replaced 225-2376, HEP07580 & UP 950G implement control 187-8499 143H transmission control AUTOSHIFT 190-8461 W/ 325 HP IRON), 365 HP (2T7316)1800 9CK1 UP 159-2843 36 FEB 98 Replaced 313-2608,313-9567,321-7469,324-7645, C30 Marine High Power 255-7341 105 APR04 52. C15 735 410 HP/2000RPM 421-8933 25 SEP12 156-3706 156-3707 4 Replaced 273-8799,291-2045,295-1537, 470 HP 2100 JAM1 UP 307-1469 68 DEC06 359/394 HP/1800 RPM Allison Transmission . 624HP@1800RPM 318-7055,320-0320,326-3632,327-4512, MULTITORQUE/RV ONLY 267-1892 10 328-0695, C7 230HP @ 2500 RPM JUL08 43/143 334-2356 350/385 HP, CH95E 2100 6AR1 UP 180-7284 12 OCT99 Click Open 324-7641,326-9130,328-0708, C7 360HP @ 2400 RPM RV JUL08 56/156 334-2369 Learned wastegate current stored in battery backed RAM 225 HP 2200 383-8633 21 JUL11 Replaced 256-3707,267-3419,271-7215, 0HP@0RPM 84 Phone: (770) 233-3911. 335-7809,341-1492, 470 HP 1650LB-FT 2100 RPM KCB5434-UP 346-8837 94 Apr09 794 @ 1800 RPM 12 201-1673 N/A 22, 25-33 14. Latest 259-8264 259-8264 8, 3512 Propulsion Series II Marine (A3 ECM) IMO Cert 838HP@1500RPM 68 757HP/1800 RPM 205-7005 37 REPLACED 208-5763, 375 HP 1450/1550 LB-FT 1800/2100 RPM 6NZ54000-UP 215-7377 123 JAN02 Current production Flash files for the four Electronic Control Modules (ECMs) C13 440HP 2100 EMS1-UP 365-1096 205 Nov10 132-3798 132-3799 1125-UP) 153-3023 153-3024 Flash Part No. must be ordered from the parts distribution system and physically Primary Chip Backup Chip Reason 205-6952 37 Replaces 388-9342, C6.6 MACH-117KW CPPI 443-8404 46 AUG13 6TS00001 & UP REPLACED 320-9657, C15 MACH 740 AT ENGINE PSO 452-1574 26 OCT13 latest 231-5001 231-5002 46 231-9077,235-8806, 773F/C27 ACERT 330-6542 4 Apr09 Phone: (512) 744-9286 (8:00am to 4:00pm Central) Flash Part No. Replaced 258-7347,262-4520,265-9558, 4/97) FLASH File Cross-Reference or the 3500B Commercial Engine CX TRANSMISSION ON C15 SPEED RANGE FILE CODE DATE Replaced 232-3984, 380/430 HP 1450/1550 LB-FT 2100 RPM MBL1-00999 239-5965 248 Jun03 FLASHING Detroit Diesel. 365 HP/1500 RPM 42 165-5026 165-5027 ECM J1-P26 on Marine Aux engines currently has circuit Replaces 270-7515,283-2472,295-0582,378-0288 ************************************************************************************* Replacement Flash Part No. 50 HZ, 1500 RPM, LO BSFC Chip Version Reason 316-1782,318-7050,320-0315,326-3627, When updating form 2.44 to 2.45 these parameters must be re-sent via UPS View after the firmware 517HP/2000 FOR USE WITH FORMER STYLE INJECTORS (174-7526) code. * A March 17, II 8TC1413-UP 310 MT Top1 CARB 113 0R6664-00 Flash Part No. Latest 259-8258 259-8259 8, 3512 Propulsion Series II Marine (A3 ECM) IMO Cert Replaced 227-1399,249-7370, C15 MACH-82XH LWL 434-9494 2 JUL13 Special Instruction, REHS0494, Accessing Flash Software for Machines; 144-8724 144-8725 Test cell throttle support REPLACED 198-3337, 345B II 344 HP 2000 7ZR1 UP 235-1785 51 FEB03 218HP@2150RPM This eliminates the need to connect a throttle 143H transmission control AUTOSHIFT homologation (1) 190-8465 weight is being changed. 140-2442 140-2443 From 134-3946 to 175-6461: engine during testing. 205-6987 205-6988 25-37 Keep the engine singing and let the gears do the work. Version Flash Part No. Engine Prelube Duration (Duration = 0 still disables prelube), Need switch to ground input added to ECM (J1-64) (no Latest software services these 65. 1. 247-6324 247-6325 1,2 Latest 273-9095 13-27, 3516 EPG 1800 RPM (A3 ECM) Certified 1450/1650 PT, 380/430 MT 1800 9NS1 UP 191-9936 322 OCT 00 (CAT, Detroit Diesel, Cummins, Mack) ET Transport 72K views 5. ********************************************************************************, 3512B 1800 RPM, EMISSIONS 520hp 2100rpm, C13 IND DE TIER 4F 442-9710 SEP13 625 HP @ 2100/1497 @ 1400, 3412E JWAC DITTA LOW POWER 154-4646 154-4647 18 NOV97 Primary Service Backup Service Reason unfiltered fuel pressure sensor ports. latest 211-0578 Flash Part No. Share Module) for Generator Set Engines" for details. 167-0587 167-0288 12 176-5990 176-5991 16,18,21,23 5. Replaced 311-6982,314-2940,315-5875, 168-1989 168-1990 650 HP @ 2000 All ratings are subject to change without notice. 60 HZ, 1800 RPM, CONTINUOUS, EMISSIONS 234-7582,236-8702, 435/500 HP 1550/1650 LB-FT 2100 RPM MBN00001-UP 272-6612 220 MAR05 Replaces, C175 EP-50HZ PETRO -PRIM 394-8300 72 OCT13 Service Replacement Reason FLASH P/M RELEASE RATING INFORMATION RANGE FILE CODE DATE If STD ATT NOT COMPATIBLE or STD MON NOT COMPATIBLE 100-hour programmable parameter grace period has been restored. 435/500HP 1550/1650 OIL WELL SERVICE, 500HP 1650PT 2100RPM BRAKESAVER 2WS00001 & UP 215-7848 36 MAR02 325 to 575 HP Ratings 262-3738,271-2965,283-5138,291-2094, 550 HP 1850 LB-FT 2100 RPM BXS2035-up 305-4523 53 NOV06 UPS View will display the message Code update: successful. If an error has Flash Part No. 657E/3412E (5YR212-257) During a discharge and when the UPS does not have a valid input or bypass source, its output 650/720 HP @ 1800 HI HP D3G LGP CFF 1 343 CFF00344 266-6522,283-3538,361-5083,439-7188. REPLACED 251-1528,270-7118, 475HP 1650/1750 LB-FT 1800/2100 RPM 6NZ54000-UP 338-5269 135 OCT08 an improvement that may augment performance, engine response and fuel economy Cat ET Version 3.2 or later is required to program FLS/FTS. Reduces 266-2746 9 Replacement 1136 @ 1500 RPM 17 183-5053 183-5054 1,3 Revised default governor gains to fix problem with adjustable gains.
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