Since there are no gaps in the training there is no time wasted trying to figure out what did we do last time?. Then, there are the accelerated courses. At the end of the course, youll be well-prepared for the oral and flight exams. Career Pilot Program | Become a Professional Pilot | Blue Line Aviation Fly Accelerated Flight Training and Flight School - FlyAccelerated You need the knowledge and skill required to fly safely and comfortably in the system. You really have a professional operation going there. Minimum of 25 hours of Cross Country Pilot in Command logged, (an additional 25 hours is obtained during training) total 50 hours at time of check ride. We have trained hundreds of students who have received their private pilots license, instrument ratings, commercial pilot licenses and much more! I had read about the IFR6 program here on the COPA sight. The instructors vehicle expenses are calculated using the IRS standard mileage rate. Traditional instrument training can be confusing and complicated. For those pursuing non-accelerated instrument finish up training, instruction is provided at a rate of $960 per day or $480 per half day. It was a good feeling filing and flying home 17K IFR. Accelerated Instrument Rating Training from Alpine Flight Training. Call PIC now, 1-800-435-9437 (1-800-I-FLY-IFR) or use the Contact Us page. IFR Instrument Rating Training in Austin, TX. 5 Hours Dual IFR Flight Training; . We are always in the process of acquiring more aircraft in order to better serve the needs and desires of our students and clientele, with our fleet now including a complex Piper Arrow and a twin engine Beechcraft Baron. Instrument Flight Training - SunState Aviation Flight School Use the form below to create a battle plan with our team. Youll be amazed at how much you will learn. Open in Google Maps View Start Date Calendar. And in just ten days. Now a Commander Aircraft 5th seatbelt and shoulder harness is availablefor Commander 112, 114, 115 aircraft. To begin training for your Instrument Rating, you must hold a current PPL and current medical. Arizona Aerotech has set a new standard in accelerated flight training with the 11 Day Instrument Course. Youll be surprised how convenient and economical PIC training can be. I started there last Saturday and left there 6 days later with my instrument rating. Our Testimonials speak for themselves- people love our instructors. He has a unparalleled way of transferring his knowledge and experience to you. Train 5-7 days per week with the experienced instructional staff at Sporty's Academy. Youll train using a copy of our dedicated curriculum that was designed by PIC specifically for this course. Many of our customers opt for two 5-day sessions with a weekend break in between. Commercial - $395. Or go to the Contact Us page. KGTU METAR. Accelerated Flight Training - Thrust Flight IFR Flight Training School402 Wright Bros. Dr. #202Georgetown, TX 78628512-751-6275, KGTU 041456Z 18003KT 10SM CLR 14/07 A2999 RMK AO2 SLP155 T01390072 52015 $, "Call Leading Edge Insurance for your Aircraft Insurance Quote. Our students are trained initially on Garmin standard six pack and then finish on dual glass PFD's and a Garmin 175 GPS. Sometimes even after pilots obtain a rating, they don't feel comfortable about their new skills. Glass Analog Daytime Phone: Our PIC instructors average 14 graduates yearly. The following is a customer story from Chris Stater. Full Name:* Address:* City:* State:* Zip:* E-mail Address:* Aircraft You Fly? I would highly recommend IFR6 for anyone that wants to knock the training out in a short, focused time period. We do not, and will not, simply train you to pass your Check Ride, you will be evaluated each and every minute while in the air, as well as in ground training, When you train with Accelerated Flight & Instrument Training, you are guaranteed to not only to pass your Check Ride, but to become a Confident, Proficient and Safe IFR Pilot. Portable simulators can be useful for practice, but not for actual Instrument. Best Flight School & Flight Training Experience Awards. Mike and Kirk really make you feel at comfort and ease until everything falls into place! Our specialized training center offers a different approach to learning than you would receive at any other flight school, one that focuses on safety, technique and a thorough understanding of the technology utilized in general aviation today. This week-long rigorous, finish-up, course is designed to get your IFR ticket quickly while allowing you to absorb and master all the necessary information to make you a confident IFR pilot. You will be trained in all the latest avionics, GPS, HIS, MFD, Glass Panel, etc. - Accelerated Instrument Rating Training Structured, Efficient, & Cost Effective: Our practice area is a 2,000 mile cross country training experience Get 7 days of individualized experience for your training investment. The repetition is the best way for me to learn and I was away from the distractions of my business & personal life. Truth is, you can go and get your IFR ticket just about anywhere. We are a true dedicated accelerated flight training facility, not just a referral service or a school that dabbles in occasional accelerated activities. Instrument flight training on cross country flight procedures . Responsible for driving and managing the direct sales engagements and sales between Sensia Digital Alliance Solutions and our key alliance partners and clients. Train to Optimum Proficiency. . Any recommendations on who to go through for accelerated instrument training. Our program is Structured, Efficient, & Cost Effective, you may fly your own aircraft or we have a well equipped Cessna 182 to use for your instrument training. Premature engine rebuild due to poor engine techniques- $25,000 to $50,000. For information on the listed courses above please contact dispatch at 832-717-0766. Our ELITE SIM enables pilots to fly multiple types aircraft ranging from a CESSNA 172 to a KING AIR 200. Every aspect of our rigorous training programs, modern fleet, and meticulous maintenance standards are aligned toward the goal of helping future aviators take to the skies safely and confidently. You'll have an experienced CFI-I dedicated exclusively to you. Accelerated IFR? | Pilots of America January - FULL . The Course is efficient and successful, because we constantly evaluate our pilots while they are being instructed, enabling us to tailor each program so that pilots can complete their training quickly. If additional training is needed to complete the course, it is done at no additional training cost (for an additional day). pass the written. Any required endorsements are included (high performance or complex) at no additional charge. Yet you know that just above that shallow low overcast lie clear blue skies and great flying weather! (Our Instructors take care of their own meals.) Thats why our finely tuned syllabus takes you from zero to IFR Hero in 6 days. A well trained IFR pilot will rely on the procedures and techniques taught in instrument training to fly with confidence knowing that emergencies and unusual situations can be handled without compromising basic flying tasks or flight safety. Train at Addison Airport (KADS) one of the busiest general aviation airports in the country Your training is fast-paced and more comprehensive, Successfully complete the FAA written test, 3rd class (or higher) FAA medical certificate. Your PIC instructor will be dedicated to your training, without interruption for other activities. The 11 Day course offers the student a well organized, professional training experience. Before you are able to sit the exam, you first need to be endorsed by an instructor to indicate that you are well-prepared and ready for the exam. And we come to you. Thousands of pilots from all fifty states have become instrument rated with PIC Since 1980 the program has been proven to work, and to work very well. Enter your comments in the space provided below, 2018 PIC Aviation Services, Inc. - Aviation Center, 2080 Silas Deane Highway, Rocky Hill, CT 06067. In addition to the training sessions, youll also have unlimited use of it for practice during the course. American Flyers Airline and Flight Training School Our job is not completed until you receive your Instrument Ticket. If youre interested in completing your instrument training in a fast and efficient manner this is the program for you. Complete the Computer-Based Instruction course. Evidence of citizenship: US passport or birth certificate with government issued picture id. The fact is, not many instructors are available to devote themselves entirely to you for a ten day period. 3 hours of instrument flight in preparation for the FAA practical test. Double Eagle Aviation - Double Eagle Aviation We believe there is no substitute for actual. 88(R) SB 1261 - Introduced version - Bill Text - Your training is based on a building block of instruction in an organized manner. Instrument training is a standardized set of procedures and techniques to get you where you need to go, whether in clear or cloudy weather - No more unexpected layovers due to weather. We are committed to providing quality and thorough training using FAA Certificated and dedicated instructors as well as top industry syllabus and course materials. We will secure a checkride date with our in-house examiner at the time of scheduling and can also secure lodging on your behalf. Under Jamie's instruction I passed my written and checkride 1st time with flying colors!! What's the best? Learn to Fly with CRAFT Flight Training and Simulation in Charleston, SC . IFR Training - Austin, TX - TX | Aviation Schools Online Single Engine plane for your check ride. Note that any actual or simulated instrument flight time that you have logged before beginning your Instrument rating training (such as the three hours of instrument flight time required for the Private Pilot certificate) will count toward these requirements. You choose the path that is right for you. I have been an instructor here in the southwest US for many years now. Instructor Revalidation. Some of these come to your location and provide intense training in your own airplane. This full immersion style of training is perfect for people with busy schedules who want to step away and hammer our their training in short periods of time. Our Flight SimulatorS The Redbird FMX is a feature-rich, FAA-approved Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD) with multiple airplane configurations including C172 analog and glass-cockpit G1000, DA40 G1000, SR22 G1000, PA-34 analog multi-engine, and the . We want you to be the best aviator you can beand fly safely with a healthyconfidence. EMS, or cargo, Blue Line's accelerated courses are designed to take you from zero hours to starting your new career in as . Written Exam Test Cost: $150 Checkride Fee Instrument Rating - AOPA - Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association IFR6 Flight Training - Your Instrument Ticket in 6 Days Plane & PilotMagazineCFI on an adventure in learning to teach. Double Eagle Aviation has set a new standard in accelerated flight training with the 11 Day Instrument Course. 4. If time is of the essence, our accelerated flight training programs are just what you need. The time required will vary based on weather and your progress. Step 1: Meet eligibility requirements. Only the best career instructors can take you through an instrument rating this quickly. Best money I've spent on flight instruction! Flight Instructor Initial Training. Mike,I want to thank you and your team for the professional training experience that I had this past 6 days!! At the conclusion of the course youll take a simulated flight test from your PIC instructor, then the actual flight test from a local designated examiner. Step 2: Complete ground school. . It can mean the difference between getting your rating efficiently and on schedule, or enduring many unproductive and frustrating months with little or no progress. Train with IFR and Become a Professional Aviator! Enhanced and Accelerated Flight training courses that meet all FAA Part 61 requirements without compromising on flying fundamentals and safety standards. Our success is largely due to the quality of our Instrument Flight Instructors. $3,500. Private, Commercial, Instrument, Multi Engine, and CFI Flight Courses. Ready to start accelerated pilot training? 3-Day IFR Refresher Course. Call today to book your . Need air conditioning or a glass cockpit? Whatever the reason PIC can tailor a program to meet your particular level of IFR experience. With the skills youll develop in instrument training, youll be able to control your airplane and navigate all the way to your destination without outside visual references, solely by reference to the flight instruments. Typical completion times are: Private/14 Days . Instrument flight training on cross-country flight procedures, including one cross-country flight in an airplane with an authorized instructor, that is performed under instrument flight rules, when a flight plan has been filed with an air traffic control facility, and that involves: A flight of 250 nautical miles along airways or by directed routing from an air traffic control facility; An instrument approach at each airport; and. We set up the examiner and check ride for the end of your training. With the IFR6 Curriculum, this simulator is an essential training tool. Your training is based on a building block of instruction in an organized manner. Some ground school will be part of the syllabus, but if you go in cold, you'll be behind the curve and could struggle. The open sky awaits! Accelerated Training - Accelerated-IFR The course consists of an organized combination of ground, simulator, and flight training all of which are provided by an instructor who is one of the best in the business. PIC offers several options for preparing for the FAA Instrument Pilot Knowledge Test. A full start-finish instrument rating can be done in 14 days barring any un-flyable weather. . 402 Wright Bros. Dr. #202 Georgetown, Texas 78628. Pilots must have a minimum of 10 hours of instrument time logged before starting the course. St. George, Utah: Piper Archer & Cessna 172XP As with our other programs, with our Finish-up Course we customize a training schedule for you in advance then work with you at your location and at your convenience. Yes No Is it Glass or Analog? Imagine the difference in the quality and efficiency of the training you will receive with this kind of top-notch instructor. CALL TODAY AND FLY TOMORROW Commercial Pilot Training Price: CALL 603-670-0002 Prerequisites: FAA Commercial Pilot Written Exam 230 hours Total Time Experience per FAR 61.129 (a)* 50 hours PIC Cross-country requirements met - Accelerated Instrument Rating Training from Alpine Flight Training Our program is Structured, Efficient, & Cost Effective, you may fly your own aircraft or we have a well equipped Cessna 182 to use for your instrument training. Our Instrument rating course and flight training focuses on single pilot operations and scenario based training with opportunities to experience, in training, real IFR flying from the very beginning., Train the way you Fly - Fly the way you train. Contact Us At: 218-879-6599 for Course Scheduling Instrument Rating Course Prerequisites: For pilots seeking an accelerated instrument rating IFR training course; come prepared with the following information. Accelerated Instrument Training - In order for a pilot to obtain a private pilot certificate in the United States, they must obtain training from a FAA Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) and meet the requirements of the 1500-hour rule. Thank you very much. Aircraft Acquisition and Management If you are in the market for an aircraft, were here to help. 530 W Deer Valley Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85027. IFR Flight Training School Our instructors include extremely knowledgeable Gold Seal and Master CFIs as well as former airline captains. Most pilots will finish-up in 3 to 7 days. I GREATLY appreciated his flexibility as well. School locations. Refund Policy: Refunds will be granted with a minimum 30 days notice given before the start of any training dates scheduled and on a case by case basis when less than 30 days notice is given. IFR Flight Training School Mark Wilson 402 Wright Bros. Dr. #202 Georgetown, TX 78628 Call: 512-751-6275 Flight Training and Instruction just north of Austin, Texas. ft. of rented space; now, fast forward to almost twenty years later & SunState has . Family owned and operated in Texas since 2008. We have decades of experience in aircraft acquisition and management. The IFR6 accelerated IFR training course focuses on your particular needs. Our instructors are highly experienced IFR veterans with average flight time of 10,000 hours each and 5000 hours of dual given. Course. Accelerated Flight Training Programs With Classic Air Aviation in Arizona Private Pilot certificate Receive your private pilot's license in 35-45 days. Clients without personal aircraft can rent a variety of aircraft from steam gauge to Glass Panel at many of our locations, call for information. As part of the training, youll have the benefit of getting mountain flying experience, and learn real-world instrument flying while flying cross country in the western US. You train every day for a solid eight hours, so there is no wasted time because of breaks in training or lack of a specific plan or schedule. The Instrument Airman Certification Standards. Be able to read, write and speak the English language., Copyright 2022 Streamline Aviation, LLC | All Rights Reserved, Experienced instructor dedicated to your schedule for 10 days, Scenario-based curriculum designed for real-world experience, Approximately 35 hours of flight instruction, Approximately 20 hours of ground instruction, 50 hours of cross-country flight time as pilot in command, of which 10 hours must have been in an airplane; and.
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