Hermione bet Ginny that she could live without sex for a whole torturous three months. Everyone but the dead have secrets and while Harry struggles to understand how Malfoy is to blame for this one, Hermione tries to find a way to gain the trust of the family she abandoned. Curar una herida profunda toma demasiado tiempo, pero tiempo es todo lo que tiene.Entonces porque su nmesis y l son obligados a revivir dichos recuerdos? So while it's nearly impossible to give kudos to every amazing story out there inspired by Rowling's words, I hope this list of some of the best Harry Potter fan fiction will lead you on a path to finding what's right for you. Hermione is a healer who winds up on a work assignment that puts her in close proximity to the Malfoys. Dramione AU, Year 6 with a slow burn and a killer twist. Ordered to create a new bloodline combining the strongest of the Sacred 28, she finds that maybe the love of former enemies is exactly what she needs. Blaise jokes around to protec. 15 of the Best Dramione Erotica Fan Fictions | Book Riot That's what Thomas Lestrange wants to be. Literally laughing out loud like a maniac funny. This is a portmanteau for Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger. Piling three pillows, the comforter, the blanket, and all the towels Hermione had given him on top of his head nearly made Draco suffocate, but they didnt block the sound of Blaise and Hermione having sex in the next room. Draco is now all grown up and also a father. No doubt at some point Im going to be adding to this list, because the Harry Potter fandom and I are nowhere near done with each otherIn the meantime, check out this list of 35 Harry Potter eroticas with mixed pairings! Blaise Zabini moved to Italy in search of a fresh start after the war; he never expected to encounter his past while working a routine case for the Italian Ministry. And this one is a wip, but I am just HOOKED: -And one I just read, and LOVED (hello, nice Lucius). Title might change and I'm not very good at summary's but here goes. Three days before her first full moon, her body goes into a frenzy, and she needs her two Auror partners to help her survive the fire inside of her. She loves a great Oprah viral moment and all things Netflixbut come summertime, Big Brother has her heart. Ill be sure to check them out :D, I love longer fictions - anything really below 20 chapters doesn't really entice me. I have a feeling I will like the longer ones best. Hermione is one of the few wizards left free, concealed in the ruins of Hogwarts. Harry Potter grew up on the streets with his best friends, brother, sisters and family- Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Fred and George Weasley, Hermione Granger, Daphne Greenglass, Suzan Bones and Luna Lovegood. For Draco Malfoy, finishing his court-mandated rehab has just gotten a lot harder. Hermione slytherin - nille_07_30_14_52_92 - Wattpad Her fic is still out there for people to share (some dramione facebook groups have the files), but yeah. The Slytherin boys help Hermione find her tether. A little miscommunication means Hermione has two fake boyfriends at a Weasley wedding. How does Blaise respond when he gets the news? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. LovesBitca8s writing is just wow. What happens when she finally gets them to include her again? ], Althea weaned from Hermiones breast at eighteen months of age. Id recommend reading the rest of the series after this one, though I think this one is the best. How much more can she take when all she wants to do is join them? Please consider turning it on! Privacy Policy. Will she find love in something she was forced into? The Auction the same universe, but in a Voldemort wins AU. ], Shes ahead in the polls, and hes going to lose. A chance encounter on the platform convinces them all that this will be a year unlike any other. Take out her wand and blast him off the face of the earth. Or yell at him. Here a few that live rent free in my head 24/7, Love In A Time of The Zombie Apocalypse- Rizzle, A Cruel & Beautiful World - Originally written by LenoPhoria, Thank you very much! list created July 13th, 2014 In this one, Draco and Hermione are both in open marriages to other people. Granger, youre about as subtle as a hippogriff in a potions shop.. How did it feel? Two dead. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (8), Borderland Series - Terri Windling & Various (1), Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott/Blaise Zabini (29), Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott (4), Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Blaise Zabini (2), Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott/Blaise Zabini, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, (just during the first parts of each chapter! Work Search: Editors Note, 6/22/2020: Following are the works of independent creators. And if you have questions about this topic, feel free to leave a message in the comments below! The Green Girl I CANNOT stress how much I love badass, slytherin Hermione in this story. Replies to my comments She goes to great lengths to get exactly what she wants, and to her surprise, three Pureblood Slytherins stumble upon her. 10 of The Most Popular Digimon Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023, 10 Popular Janet Evanovich Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023. Please dont read if you are sensitive towards topics of rape, sexual abuse, child neglect and abuse. Though its not as popular as some of the other Dramione fanfiction on this list (with only about 89,000 hits), its still one of my favorites! But each time, he aimed to increase her pleasure, and after years of fucking her in every way, he knew he needed to try something new, different. Hermione has trouble keeping herself afloat and managing all aspects of her life. They somehow end up 200 years in the past, with a broken Time Turner and no way of getting back. Picturing him. Some days, they feel like Running From Reality Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,290 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 24 - Published: Aug 1, 2005 - Blaise Z., Hermione G. I wait everyday to see something new by this author, Im sure this story is going to win ALL THE AWARDS! Especially of the erotic kind. fic by the amazing smutgasm, had this downloaded and it seems to be wiped from the internet so I'm just reuploading it and fixing the grammatical errors as it's a great writing. The Lost Zabini ( a dramione story) - Getting Together - Wattpad He huffed in frustration to himself and burst through the door. I'm reading an AU one right now where hermione is friends with the whole slytherin squad (pansy, blaise, daphne, etc). EWE. Please review if possible updates will be erratic. Matched by longdistance In the days following the War, Hermione is left on her own to handle the emotions that come with being a War survivor. Or that time that Hermione fucked her stepfather and his friends. Im sure I mentioned this last time as well, but Inell has hundreds of absolutely fabulous filthy one-shots with all pairings! "Ron has a girlfriend who shall remain nameless at the present time and yup you were right Harry fancies you." Pansy said chuckling and getting off the table. To set the scene: Harry and Ginnys marriage has ended, and Hermione does her best to support Harry with his little children. An urban fantasy AU combining the world of Bordertown and the world of H.P. Draco is tired of his boring routine, but he does what he has to. Her last pastry mission: the Malfoys. I do not own any of the characters, only the story. She was mature enough for that. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. But there she comes across a Draco she has never seen before. ). . The author is extremely prolific and I recommend checking out all of her works to see which ones you like. But they're not boys anymore and they haven't forgotten her. And Hermione has to change everything she ever thought she knew about Draco Malfoy. Just read Various Storms and Saints. Nothing good happens at a party after two am. Multiple promised orgasms if Miss Granger answers truthfully. Hermione and Blaise are married, pregnant, all over the press, professors at Hogwarts, and share a secretfrom SNP. Since then, Ive read over 30 Dramione fanfiction stories. The undead have overrun Wiltshire and Harry and Hermione are stuck in an apocalypse (albeit a small one). Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Blaise Zabini - Archive of Our Own After five years, she's tried to put the past behind her and forget the three boys who made her life miserable. 50 , . Harry holds one hell of a grudge. The letters grow longer with every chapter and they start to enjoy talking to each other. , , . There in the center of the room was Hermione Granger being spitroasted by Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy. Musyc has a LOT of Dramione BDSM fan fics and I really recommend them all! Of the many that Ive read, here are my all time favorite Dramione fanfics! Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Draco is subdued. In which mightbewriting, HeyJude19, and niffizzle (henceforth referred to as mightbejudizzle) are back at it again. Their leader was none other than the self proclaimed Prince of Slytherin himself, Draco Malfoy. In this story, we follow an alternate Harry Potter ending where Voldemort has defeated Harry Potter. Do you have any recommendations similar to DMATMOBIL??? But she has been discovered by the last person she wants to see [AU. Discovering the pleasures of sex was the most exciting thing to happen to Hermione Granger since finding out she was a witch. Thank you! This story is Harry Potter meets Jane Austen. werewolf werebear weretiger etc. Even though the animosity between the two is clearly there at the start, it changes during the conversations. Draco/Hermione (Harry Potter series) fanfiction. Rated M for content, language and smut. "Maybe I don't have faith in you!" Starting without me because you couldnt wait five minutes?. This story does have explicit content but it is mainly an incredible story that is very much worth reading! Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott/Blaise Zabini - Works Hermione feels for him and wants to help him. When she returned a year later the world had moved on without her. Theodore Nott has never been one to make good decisions. Some can be a bit rough around the edges, but a fair warning: once you read one, it's hard to stop. While Ive given the author summaries for each story, my own take on it is in italics. My favorite Harry/Ginny banter ever. Manacled is one of the most popular Dramione fanfics out there- its so popular that it also appears in our list of top Harry Potter fanfictions, too! It started with a world where Voldemort won the war. Family Curses. ( -! Work Search: It takes place several years after school has ended. Ever since Hermione's encounter with Devil's Snare Hermione begins to explore her sexual interests with Fang. He spread her legs open to show his friends her pretty pink, wet cunt.Tell them what you want, darling.She looked at their guests with lust filled eyes, please Fuck me, was all she managed before Dracos cock slid into her arse. Hermione is working to free her old Slytherin classmates from Azkaban as she believes they were wrongfully incarcerated. It completely cracked me up at parts- especially when Draco finds himself doing weird things that only wizards would sort of do (while he has no memory of magic!). Story of a darker wizarding world, and how loyalty can save the darkest people. RECENTLY UPDATED : Draco/Hermione & Harry/Ginny find themselves on a double date to remember. We all know the three of you are dating.. Draco spent the afternoon ignoring messages from his best friend while wrapping up much-needed business. the Darkness Series and all other fics by Cleotheo. Harry Potter left with his abusive relatives after his Godfather dies can feel himself slipping away. ], It was just supposed to be a job, a summer of tutoring and research. But this soon changes into something more light and lovely. People are already making reports to Ao3 because this person un rightfully plagiarized these authors works and uploaded as theirs.
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