Richard Rygh - Editor - The Wisconsin Masonic Journal | LinkedIn Freemasons are united in the common goal of becoming better men. Title. Contact the lodge to determine the purpose Smith #31, in Monroe, Wisconsin, holds bi-monthly Stated Communications on the first and third Thursday of the month. If you haven't looked at our Facebook page and "Liked" or are following us yet, please do so. A person who dines rather than eats. EVEN BETTER 30 seconds All Contents copyright 2008-2023 The Masonic Society, Inc. Periodical postage paid at Dousman, Wisconsin 53118 and additional offices. News - Wisconsin Hero Outdoors The meeting, held at 301 - 1st Center Ave in Brodhead, WI 53520, starts at 7:30pm. Dodgeville Masonic Center, 7 p.m. Public opening and closing as wives, EA and FC candidates, (spouses and significant others) are invited to attend and enjoy the fes-, 322 and Washington Lodge No. We especially invite research lodges to submit their papers to The Journal of The Masonic Society for publication to an international audience. The meeting, held at 441 Smith St. in Plymouth, WI 53073, starts at 7:00pm. Brother Scott Pieper receives his Past Master. Dinner will be hosted by our Tiler, John Wagenbach and will be served at 7:00. We will be once again holding our Game Feed to benefit our scholarship fund. EN. Freemasons are united in the common goal of becoming better men. Bicknell #94, in Brodhead, Wisconsin, holds a monthly Stated Communication on the second Monday of the month. Contact Bro. If your lodge were to close tomorrow, would your community notice? The WMCF is a 501 c 3 tax exempt corporation. Tripoli Shrine Center, 3000 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee. Make reservations at 608-833-, one and all to join them for an all-you-care-to-eat spaghetti dinner at, the Trinity United Methodist Church in Montello. Al Bartell at 608-565-7780 or In 1891, the First Presbyterian Church on Wisconsin Avenue was purchased and remodeled into a Masonic Temple. And we present timely Masonic news, photos and commentary from around the globe, in full color. 265. Masonry (also known as Freemasonry) is the world's first and largest fraternal organization. We do this out of love and practice it in how we live and through programs we support. Imagine going to a lodge picnic that has a street block, barricaded, has three different bands with different types of music, to please all, great catered food, Culvers frozen custard, and a roving, other lodge, instead of the standard family dinner, turned it into a. degree, conferred by a father on his son, making him his Brother, but a new angle was added, making the degree even more memo-, rable and emotional. Contact the lodge to determine the purpose Waucoma #90, in Evansville, Wisconsin, holds a monthly Stated Communication on the third Thursday of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November. I really never get, into debates with people about the fraternity as. Morning Star #10, in Beloit, Wisconsin, holds bi-monthly Stated Communications on the first and third Wednesday of the month. 204Staff Accountant, All items Financial, Cheryl Martin Ext. Contact Bro. Breakfast will be served in the lower level. Many people think of a gourmet as someone who eats only the most expensive or fanciest of foods. The meeting, held at 201 Park St. in Oregon, WI 53575, starts at 7:00pm. The annual chili cook-off was a huge success. The Journal of The Masonic Society - The Masonic Society No charge, but request food donations for local food pantry. Each veteran is welcome to bring one guest to the, breakfast. 178, open air MM Degree, 10:00 a.m. at the Gant Farm, 19685 English Hollow Rd., Blanchardville. Preparedness Class starting at 6 p.m. at the Lake Masonic Center. Powered by WordPress and the Graphene Theme. Tom Kohl at One of its most basic purposes is to make good men even better. Each Freemason practices the three principle tenets: Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth, while promoting a way of life that binds like-minded men in a worldwide brotherhood transcending all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences. For, more information email or call Bro. English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk Unknown 8, scholarship fund raiser, Saturday, from 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. on Sunday, barbecued pulled pork and beef brisket sandwiches, catfish, chicken wings and beans, with potato salad or slaw on the side, corner of Blackhawk Ave. and Beaumont Rd., in downtown Prairie du Chien. Total value of the property in 1923 was $684,000. Contact I was honored in August when the Master of my plural lodge, Lafayette No. I enc (originally posted June 28th, 2018)Good Morning Brethren ALL!!! The new building, inclusive of fixed and attached equipment, cost $519,000. It was really fun. Table Lodge ceremonies will commence at 7:30. 25 EAA Air Venture Master Mason Degree, Oshkosh Lodge No. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. 27, 204 Washington Ave., Oshkosh, dinner at 6:00 p.m., open lodge at 7:00 p.m. See story on page 2. The WMC continues to be a community resource in downtown Madison for Auditorium events, wedding receptions, corporate events, graduations, meetings, etc. Table Lodge ceremonies will commence at 7:30. A person who dines rather than eats. 42. 18 Neosho Mayville Horicon Lodge No. If your lodge were to close tomorrow, would your community notice? Just try to make your events unique, fun, and, memorable for all that attend. The Cornerstone of the Madison Temple of Freemasonry was laid October 31, 1923. Contact the lodge Bicknell #94, in Brodhead, Wisconsin, holds a monthly Stated Communication on the second Monday of the month. Ask yourself these questions: has having been a Freemason, made a positive difference in your relationships, see you as being somehow different and had commented on it? 66 followers 64 connections. Thanks for a Great Year. 201 Grand Secretary. THE GENTLEMAN IN THE ROOM By Senior Grand Deacon David R. Ritchie. Masonic Journal - Freemasons of Wisconsin - Our mission is guided by the enduring and relevant principles of our fraternity: With more than 11,000 members statewide, our fraternity represents the entire spectrum of Wisconsinites. Masonic Journal - Freemasons of Wisconsin. Contact Paul Hallingstad at 608-318-0412 or for details and sign up. Masonic Journal - Freemasons of Wisconsin. We do this out of love and practice it in how we live and through programs we support. Continued on page 5 SUMMER 2012 If your lodge is looking for an electronic organ see page 7. 4-5 Prairie du Chien Lodge No. On the morning of the big Wisconsin-Michigan, game, he challenged me to a wager that if Michigan won, I would, have to post on Facebook a picture of myself wearing a Michigan, "Go Blue" cap, and if Wisconsin won, he would have to post one of, himself wearing a Badger cap. Postmasters: send address changes to. 25 Third Annual Sportsmen's Shoot, Camp Douglas Lodge No. July/August issue which is combined. Kevin Sorenson, 715-581-0553 or Karl Gant, 608-523-4714. Received Traveling Gavel from Waterloo Lodge, On Monday 2/23 Waterloo Lodge Delivered the Traveling Gavel To Columbus Lodge. 301 Wisconsin Avenue Wuehr, 212 W. Alta Circle, Thiensville, WI 53092. invited and encouraged to attend. Masons serve all humankind through fraternal and charitable opportunities found within the Masonic Family. Admission to our lodges is open to men of good character and faith, regardless of their race, color, religious beliefs, political views, sexual orientation, physical ability, citizenship or national origin. We are starting to get some traffic and more will only help with our hall rentals. Cash raffle prizes. Open House at 6 p.m., tribute at 7 p.m., with, low. The Masonic Information Center (MIC) was founded in 1993 by a grant from the late John J. Robinson, well-known author, speaker, and Mason. 103. Cost $100 per person attending, $15 of which will be donated to Veterans at the Tomah VA. Class is open to anyone and will run roughly 4 hours. In this way we live up to the centuries-old aim of our fraternity to unite men of every country, sect, and opinion and cause true friendship among those who otherwise would have remained at a distance. Come out to Lodge and get your Irish on! He just, seemed embarrassed by it all. The Whence Came You? Podcast, a Masonic podcast with an average global reach of two hundred fifty thousand listens per episode, held a Masonic essay contest in late 2022. Registration, rolls and coffee at 8:00 a.m., at Tomah-Warrens Sportsmen's Alliance, 26143 Broadway Ave, Warrens. Designed by Madison architects James R. and Edward J. Another great br (originally posted June 28th, 2018)Good Morning Brethren ALL!!! 108, 11 Annual Lodge Picnic at Harnischeger Park,1:30 p.m., North Pavilion, West of Ashippun, Cty O, follow signs. Its purpose is to provide information on Freemasonry to Masons and non-Masons alike and to respond to critics of Freemasonry. 170 dedication ceremony, Shawano Masonic Center, 2324 E. Richmond St., in Shawano. Magazine: Masonic Journal - Freemasons of Wisconsin. 11 Second Annual 50 Bird Trap Shoot, Juneau Lodge No. WMJ November 2018 PDF | PDF | Freemasonry | Masonic Lodge Get Started Engage with the learned, Brothers of other lodges as well. Part of my welcome was saying that Mil-, waukee and Wisconsin have it all, which I. called the 4 B's: the first three being Beer, Brats and Bowling, the ones that made Mil-, waukee famous, and the fourth being Broth-, about the Forget-me-not being the focal point, phasizing that lodges need to get their Past, Masters and other Brothers with many years, under their belt re-engaged, sharing experi-, ences and memories. Robert, p.m., dinner 6 p.m., Zor Shrine Center. See story on page 19. 119, Brat Fry, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., public welcome. Through our culture of philanthropy, we make a profound difference for our brothers, our families, our communities, and our future. Bring a lawn chair, lunch available. . Bicknell Lodge #94 F. & A.M. By Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Wisconsin Brother Gary L. Stang On Our Cover THE WISCONSIN Masonic Journal "Do What is Right" Lou . The Wisconsin Masonic Journal, Publication Number 011-551 (ISSN No. Our Lodge will be hosting a table lodge on Monday 2/27. The meeting, held at 229 W. Grand Ave. in Beloit, WI 53511, starts at 7:30pm. International Order of Jobs Daughters, Wisconsin, General Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Grand Chapter Wisconsin, Order of the Eastern Star, Grand Court of Wisconsin, Order of the Amaranth. I must, first and foremost, start out by expressing my appreciation for the wonderful experience my Lady Ronda and I had last evenin Mar 4, 2023 - 8:00am - 23 E Davenport St, Rhinelander, WI 54501, Mar 4, 2023 - 1:00pm - 241 E Wisconsin Ave, Neenah, WI 54956, Mar 4, 2023 - 4:00pm - 402 W 4th Street, Marshfield, WI 54449, Mar 6, 2023 - 10:00am - 3000 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53208, Mar 6, 2023 - 6:00pm - 4315 N. 92nd Street, Wauwatosa, WI 53222, Mar 6, 2023 - 6:30pm - 5189 N. Harper St., Mercer, WI 54547, Mar 6, 2023 - 7:00pm - 617 Masonic Blvd, Jefferson, WI 53549, Mar 6, 2023 - 7:00pm - 504 W. Grand Ave., Port Washington, WI 53074, Mar 6, 2023 - 7:00pm - 241 E. Wisconsin Ave, Neenah, WI 54956, Mar 6, 2023 - 7:00pm - 441 Smith St., Plymouth, WI 53073. Please mark your Valentines Day Message of Brotherly Love: Brother Chad Svacina Wins Nationwide Masonic Essay Contest. 356 Annual Chicken Dinner and 50th anniversary Open House, Noon 2:00 p.m., Doric Masonic Center, 85 Stoughton Rd., Madison. All Masons and families are invited, potluck, lodge provides meat, buns and soda. $20 with all proceeds going to Shriners Childrens Hospital Chicago. Emessay Notes - Masonic Service Association of North America - MSANA Scottish Rite NMJ USA. Isnt that a worthwhile investment? Contact Bro. Lodge No. English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk Unknown The meeting, held at 1613-1/2 10th Street in Monroe, WI 53566-2001, starts at 6:30pm. Your Acts of Kindness award more than one-hundred annual scholarships, build better communities and save lives every year. Editor at Wisconsin Masonic Journal Oregon Town, Wisconsin, United States 48 connections. Organ Caper lottery at picnic. We place an emphasis on the individual man by helping him strengthen his character, improving his moral and spiritual outlook, and broadening his mental horizons. The Wisconsin Masonic Center in Madison, Wi was recently recognized as a National Masonic Masterpiece for its architectural design, historical background, and the influence it has had together with the Masonic Fraternity in the Greater Madison community. Since the inception of the tournament five years ago, WABTA has raised more than $110,000 for nonprofit groups. We believe in the principles of personal responsibility and morality, encouraging each member to practice in his daily life the lessons taught through symbolic ceremonies within the lodge. Enjoy their famous chicken dinner, ham- burgers, roasted corn, soda, beer and sno-cones. Center Shrine Center, 1950 Bond Street, Green Bay. Masons champion the heroes of our society such as veterans, teachers, police and first responders.Membership in Wisconsin Masonry is growing and getting younger. Saturday, March 4th 8 am Coffee and Carbs at Rhinelander Masonic Lodge 9 am Opening & Welcoming. Hosted by the Tripoli Scottish Highlanders since 1973. In reality, a gourmet is someone who simply enjoys food. Are you sure you want to delete your template? District #009 - Our Lodge Page Contact the lodge to determine the pur Twin Cities #61, in Neenah, Wisconsin, holds bi-monthly Stated Communications on the first and third Monday of January, February, March, April, May and June. PDF What's the Point of Each Degree? From the Wisconsin Masonic Journal Many free events for the children, entertainment and raffles. Dedication of Wisconsin Masonic Heritage Center at 2:00 p.m. 7 Masonic Brotherhood Council, Longest Breakfast (Tea) - Joint Worldwide Masonic Celebration, 8:30 a.m. See story on page 3. Green Isle Park, Allouez. 14 Wisconsin, Utah concealed carry training 10:00 a.m., Tomah Masonic Center. 7:30 show. Although I am an Ohio State alum-, nus, I have lived here in Wisconsin for over 25. Bicknell #94, in Brodhead, Wisconsin, holds a monthly Stated Communication on the second Monday of the month. Leadership seems to be a very popular topic these days. I hadn't done an MM degree in a, while, so I had to study the obligation again, but it is amazing how, quickly it comes back when needed. On the afternoon of May 14, 1923, the first shovel of earth was lifted by Brother John H. Corscot which started the construction of the new building. AUGUST 2 Shawano Lodge No. Read More Contact Who is Wisconsin Masonic Journal Headquarters 31 S 3rd Ave, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, 54235, United States Phone Number (920) 743-2596 Website Proceeds go to Wisconsin Masonic Heritage Center. Money from the Foundation was combined with . Please note that Authors must include the following citation when using material that appeared in the Journal: This article was originally published in The Journal of The Masonic Society. John Wesley ein Freimaurer? - apostasia Please register with your. 1843 Stated Communication, 9:00 a.m. coffee, 10:00 a.m. meeting, Henry S. Baird Lodge No. Send a news tip or press release to The Wisconsin Masonic Journal. However, according to Brother Alphonse Cerza writing for the Masonic Service Association, a thorough investigation of this statement was made by Brother W. J. Chetwode Crawley . This will be a practice for the EA degree. of Wisconsin All Rights Reserved. Photos and finger prints are not required in WI but are required for the UT application. As the host Grand Master, I was asked to speak for the Grand, Masters attending the Scottish Rite's Supreme, Session here in Milwaukee at the end of Au-, gust. 272. World War I interrupted the plans for a new Temple. to attend, challenge coins will be presented. Amazon offers over 100,000 books on leadership. Wisconsin State Journal - Home - Facebook The Journal of The Masonic Society is the only magazine of its kind to do so in the U.S. and Canada. Included in these programs are help for families of our deployed military, scholarships, support for youth, medical research, childrens hospitals, and our Honored Ladies. Membership in Wisconsin Masonry is growing and getting younger. See page 7. These innovative fire-fighting tools were made possible by a grant from the Wisconsin Masonic Foundation's "Acts of Kindness" program. Contact the lodge to determine the pur St. John's Lodge #57, in Whitewater, Wisconsin, holds bi-monthly Stated Communications on the first and third Monday of the month. SEPTEMBER 8 Silas H. Shepherd Research Lodge No. In the Wisconsin Masonic Journal we find it stated that John Wesley, the Founder of Methodism was made a Mason in Downpatrick Lodge #36, in Ireland, on October 30, 1738. THE GENTLEMAN IN THE ROOM By Senior Grand Warden David R. Ritchie. The Grand Masters Message: By Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Wisconsin Brother Gary L. Stang On Our Cover THE WISCONSIN Masonic Journal Do What is Right Lou Holtz is a well-known coll Mar 13, 2023 - 7:30pm - 301 - 1st Center Ave, Brodhead, WI 53520, Apr 10, 2023 - 7:30pm - 301 - 1st Center Ave, Brodhead, WI 53520. Through this universal brotherhood, Masons learn to be better husbands, better fathers, better brothers, and better citizens. 9 were here. It was, quite an experience. By appreciating our differences, we learn to focus on what unites mankind. 145 donated four Fire Suppression Tools to the Bristol Fire Department in late January. Lunch will be available. a.m.-1:30 p.m., Waterloo Gun Club, N1029 County Road T, Waterloo. the Journal of The Masonic Society.. Skip to content 608-256-5734 Saturday-Sunday Scheduled Events Only Thank You. Contact the lodge to determine the purpose of the meeting and w We will be once again holding our Game Feed to benefit our scholarship fund. Contact Us - Wisconsin Freemasons Scottish Rite NMJ USA, The 9th Masonic District in the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin. The quarterly Journal of The Masonic Society (ISSN 2155-4145) presents articles that enlighten our past, and explore solutions to the challenges facing Freemasonry today. Pay when you register. The, meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments and dessert auction to, Waushara County. It is a brotherhood of like-minded men who genuinely care about each other. Otherwise, please use the General Inquiries form or email for all other inquiries. I would suggest that all lodges, do this periodically, it reminds us of our ties, our promises, in the, ing it on command, than just hearing it on the sidelines along the, Communications, the Master kneeling at the altar, and the rest of, the lodge in a triangular formation behind him, with hand to shoul-, nication that we would get the new alternate candidate interview, process up on the Grand Lodge website. Thus, the discussion of religion, politics, and business is not permitted in our lodges. Save the date and look for further de WI-Free Mason Charities Video and Commentary. Ashlars presented in memory of Davey White Sr. Bro. See story on page 10. p.m. Buffet style meal, $20 per person. Social hour at 4:30 p.m. followed by a Unity Picnic at 5:30 p.m. in the Shawano Lodge Park in the rear of the building. Suggested $10 donation. We need you to accept our conditions to continue browsing. However, feeling the numerous pressures that most Masonic organizations are experiencing, The Masonic Stamp Club of New has announced it will cease operations for the club and its publication at the end of 2016. Lets make them good memories so that when our time comes oth-, ers who are there to bid us farewell will be able to say, he was a, good man, a good and upright Mason, and a man of faith. Freemasonry is based on the belief that each man has a responsibility to help make the world a better place.
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