BOOK Market Leader intermediate 3rd edition. C) 1.5% Raising the income tax decreases the amount of disposable income available to those households. B. the global economy. D) the plastic bags that Subway purchases to wrap its sandwiches. Where in Oceania are outrigger canoes used? C. How is the production quantity of snowboards determined? If the BLS counted persons that are on active military service in the totals for employment, the labor force, or the working-age population, this would _______________ You are investigating the punctuality of the airlines in Asia. d. Eliminating the trade embargo with Cuba would increase the number of Cuban cigars available in the United States To the extent the data permit, comment on the significant relationships revealed by the vertical analysis prepared in (1). The term "market" in economics refers to ______________. D) technology. ECON303exam3chp8 Flashcards by Mengna Chen | Brainscape D) the Western Trade Union. What are the differences and similarities between behaviorism, psychodynamic, and humanistic perspectives? TEST 1 6 March 2019, answers - MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS - StuDocu From an initial long-run equilibrium, if aggregate demand grows faster than long-run and short-run aggregate supply, then Congress and the president would most likely ________ A) The federal government passes tax cuts to encourage firms to reduce air pollution. A) a retired railroad engineer who receives a fixed income payment every month A) the cost of additional education is always higher during recession. A) personal income minus personal taxes. D) lower taxes by $200 billion. C. All points inside the curve. 300+ TOP Macroeconomics MCQs and Answers Quiz Exam A) The federal government buys a Humvee. PDF Questions and Answers - Damanhour C) The demand curve will shift to the right. A) gross domestic product of Canada. A) the free market. B. c. Focuses on how a business should function D. Competition, Consider the following economic agents: C) a change in the amounts of one good desired. B) Japan has abundant supplies of labor. [Solved] The following table contains nominal and - SolutionInn A) a reduction in unemployment. A) he tax cut would increase consumption spending less than would a permanent tax cut. Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that deals with: (A) the prices of individual goods. B. D. All of the choices are correct. D. the choices people make to attain their goals, given their scarce resources. A. consumers dictating to firms what they need most. A) The supply curve will shift to the left. A) the money supply and a decrease in interest rates. b. A. C) decrease the number of persons in the labor force. B. the government A) cyclical A) the willingness of consumers to purchase a product at different prices. How were consumption and investment affected . CONCEPT Equilibrium The government will probably implement expansionary macroeconomic policies. D. what will be produced; how something will be produced; ________ is a situation in which a good or service is produced at the lowest possible cost. D. Government failure. A) a law making it illegal to work more than 35 hours per week D. Allocative efficiency. D) $200. B) real GDP per person Question 20. A. Which of the following is an example of a "how much" decision? . Question: Question 21 Which of the following exemplifies a macroeconomic question? Deadweight loss refers to B) a cut in unemployment compensation However, with increased productivity, the economy has more available resources which can be used for non-necessary goods, such as leisure and education. \text{Grooming}&\text{\underline{\hspace{15pt}80,000}}\hspace{10pt}&\text{Grooming direct labor hours}&\text{\hspace{10pt}4,000}\\ A pair of shoes that costs $80 last month costs $100 this month. More teenagers enter the labor force. D) decreasing the money supply and increasing interest rates. A) Governments interfere with the market mechanism to influence the allocation of goods and services. A) above; surplus B) discretionary fiscal policy. See Answer 14 15 Show transcribed image text Expert Answer Answer no (14). b. Caveat emptor E) the cost of tuition and fees only. B) Trade Without Borders. c. What were some of the reasons that the Egyptian government built the Aswan High Dam? B) structural unemployment Assume that a hypothetical economy is at long-run macroeconomic equilibrium with full employment and stable prices. a. C. Technology is lost. C) Producer efficiency D) The federal government cuts taxes to stimulate the economy. C) do not change; overestimates Mike has been unemployed for over a year. C. Can a tax cut lead to a government budget surplus? C) the value of the addition to the capital stock. MACROECON CH 1 Flashcards | Quizlet Dear Friends, We are posting prelims marathon MCQs for today. When every good or service is produced up to the point where the last unit provides a marginal benefit to society equal to the marginal cost of producing it, ________ occurs Which of the following is a macroeconomic question? that negatively affect an individuals health and safety, If the economy is slipping into a recession, which of the following would be an appropriate fiscal policy? PDF AP Macroeconomics 2018 Free-Response Questions - College Board b. A) the money supply and interest rates that automatically increase or decrease along with the business cycle. This problem has been solved! Household income A. do not have an economic problem. B. Multiple Choice Quiz - Oxford University Press Macroeconomics focuses on the performance of D) ceteris paribus. Then compare your responses with the key at the end of the book. B. You will then have 50 minutes to answer all three of the following questions. (b) 81,54,36,81,54,36, \ldots81,54,36,. A) There was deflation between 2007 and 2016. Depreciation is _________ Inefficient bureaucracy. A. B) The demand for video game consoles would decrease and the equilibrium price of video game consoles would decrease. D) simplify some aspect of economic life. Microeconomics questions and answers Refer to the following graphs to answer the question below. D. the choices people make to attain their goals, given their scarce resources. a. the government Which of the following is a term used by economists to describe the money received from the sale of an additional bag of potatoes? c. Industrial organization D) Unlike positive economic analysis, normative economic analysis can be tested. &\textbf{Estimated}\hspace{10pt}&&\textbf{Estimated Quantity}\\ If the ________ cost of production for two goods is different between two countries then mutually beneficial trade is possible. Nonetheless, you continue along your career path looking for a new job because _____________ C. Relies on the use of central planning by private firms rather than the government. Micro Economic 100% (2) 176. C. Macroeconomic failure. D) both U.S. GNP and German GDP. A) the value of worn-out equipment, machinery, and buildings. C) How does Fiat decide on the price of the 500 Pop model? D) risen and declined with different generations, Fiscal policy is defined as changes in federal ________ and ________ to achieve macroeconomic objectives such as price stability, high rates of economic growth, and high employment It converts normative analysis into positive B) falls; Marla's work becomes less valuable once she's married A) Japanese firms excelled in process technology. C) Corporate income taxes; excise and other taxes For 20Y2, Tri-Comic Company initiated a sales promotion campaign that included the expenditure of an additional $50,000 for advertising. If the United States lifts the embargo on Cuban products, what will happen in the U.S. market for Cuban cigars? Economists reason that the optimal decision is to continue any activity up to the point where the. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. D. Price regulation by government. bi tp eco question points): given the following annual information about hypothetical country, answer the following questions (expenditure approach to gdp) Skip to document. Would a projects NPV for a typical firm be higher or lower if the firm used accelerated rather than straight-line depreciation? d. Comparative economic systems, Determine whether the following is covered by microeconomics or macroeconomics C. Inefficient incentives. Ford C) continually declined. Scarcity refers to the situation in which. A shift outward of the production possibilities curve. Investment, as defined by economists, would not include which of the following? This change will______________ If the nominal rate of interest is 6.5% and the inflation rate is 3.0%, what is the real rate of interest? C) make economic ideas explicit and concrete for use by decision makers. a. B) increasing taxes or decreasing government purchases. A production possibilities frontier with a bowed-outward shape indicates A. increasing opportunity costs as more and more of one good is produced. Que10. Three Economic Questions: What, How, For Whom? | Macroeconomics is a branch of economics that deals with the structure, performance and behaviour of the overall economy. A) Anytime you have to decide which action to take you are facing an economic trade-off. Answered: Which of the following macroeconomic | bartleby B) far less difficult than with monetary policy. Assume that the price for lawn care has fallen and sales of lawn care services have also fallen. The nominal GDP of the U.S. in 2015 was approximately $17.3 trillion. D. a country's population is larger than its resource base. Determine the following. B) unemployed The police were surprised the bank did not take their advice. The size of the underground economy would tend to increase if the government of a country ________________ C) increasing the money supply and decreasing interest rates. Question: Which of the following is an example of a macroeconomic question? B) fallen; risen Option a: This option is incorrect because unit of measure is a function of money as money can be used to measure the value of goods and services. How many airlines will be late in one month? Need the goods and services the most. C) The market system allocates goods and services to those who are able to pay for those products and therefore income is a limiting factor. ___________ (movement of disabled individuals out C) frictional A) increase the measured unemployment rate. C) ensure safe imports. Despite the Obama administration's support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the AFL-CIO labor union has argued that the TPP will not C) equal to the highest value of an alternative use of the time and money spent on the class. Answered: Which of the following questions are | bartleby \hline\\ B) updates the market basket every 10 years, rather than every two years. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. the person is unable to care for himself or herself, also D) Excise and other taxes; individual income taxes. A) the opportunity cost to firms from producing the equilibrium quantity in a competitive market. Expert Answer Option b deals with a microeconomi View the full answer Transcribed image text: Which of the following is NOT a macroeconomic question? C) Toby buys a new lawn mower to use in his lawn care business. a. What kind of unemployment is Sarah experiencing? C) decrease the number of persons in the labor force. B) increase in demand; increase in quantity demanded A) at prices that violate government price regulations. B) an increase in government spending A. public economics. Determine whether the following question is related to microeconomics or macroeconomics: "Should I go to grad school or take a job?" What are some important facts regarding macroeconomics? Solved Which of the following is an illustration of a | B. Automatic stabilizers refer to B. a nation's poverty level increases faster than its population. D. There is no conflict between the two goals. b. c. Will a new type of electronic reader or tablet increase the number of buyers? B. If the economy is falling below potential real GDP, which of the following would be an appropriate fiscal policy to bring the economy back to long-run aggregate supply? a. A) decreased government regulations on businesses. D) zero because there is no classroom time involved if you are enrolled in the course. d. Is concerned with proving that capitalism is better than socialism, An efficient market is a market which D) decrease the number of persons in the working-age population. The correct answer is C. Explanation: Macroeconomics tries to know and measure an economy goes, how well it is performing. A. B) movement along the demand curve due to a change in relative prices. D) the value of the services of the real estate agent, Which of the following goods is directly counted in GDP? B) the value of all cars produced by Ford in Mexico The study of regional economy as whole. Capital, as economists use the term, refers to. D) Deadweight efficiency, When ________ in a market, the total net benefit to society is maximized. iii. The three fundamental questions that any economy must address are d. On May 30, Elegant Lawns receives $1,000 cash in advance of providing landscaping services to a customer. B) The demand curve for inkjet printers shifts to the left. If Congress passed a one-time tax cut in order to stimulate the economy in 2014, and tax rate levels returned to their pre-2014 level in 2015, how should this tax cut affect the economy? The income you could have earned D) rises; Marla becomes more productive once she's married. Combinations of goods and services an economy is actually producing. They've told our detectives they have no interest in ever putting in the barriers.". Adam Smith's invisible hand is now called Annes Newton - G00378073- ECON QUIZ 2. Should the government put a tax on alcohol in an attempt to reduce highway fatalities? B) discretionary fiscal policy; automatic stabilizers _____a. Find the following limits: (a) limnn\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty} \alpha_nlimnn, (b) limnn\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty} \beta_nlimnn, (c) limn(3n+4n)\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty}\left(3 \alpha_n+4 \beta_n\right)limn(3n+4n), (d) limnnn\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty} \alpha_n \beta_nlimnnn, (e) limnn/n\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty} \alpha_n / \beta_nlimnn/n, (f) limnnn\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty} \sqrt{\beta_n-\alpha_n}limnnn. Question 12. A shortage of maths teachers. D) increase all of the monetary flows. B) the nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate. C. Decreasing opportunity costs will occur with greater automobile production. A. B) Persons who collect unemployment benefits report themselves to be searching for a job. c. Labor economics D) a decrease in oil prices, The aggregate demand curve will shift to the left ________ the initial decrease in government purchases. A. C) there is a decline in the price level. Macroeconomics Multiple Choice Questions 1. A. D) taxes. A) horizontal. Bureaucratic delays They always call for opposite outcomes. D) The government imposes taxes on those who earn beyond a certain amount of income. A) greater on the buyer when the tax is collected from the buyer. C. consumers What determines the salaries of Wall Street executives? A) Positive analysis uses an economic model to estimate the costs and benefits of different course of actions. A) an increase in demand. B. Keynesian economics says that: (a) workers are paid for their ability to work, not for the value of what their labor creates. The key factors of microeconomics are as follows: Demand, supply, and equilibrium Production theory Costs of production Labour economics Examples: Individual demand, and price of a product. B) The quantity of traditional camera film demanded decreases. The market mechanism at work. C) Brazil's GDP. C) gross domestic product of the United States. D) sometimes by more than and other times by less than, A change in consumption spending caused by income changes is ________ change in spending, and a change in government spending that occurs to improve roads and bridges is ________ change in spending b. B) European countries offer higher unemployment benefits than the United States. 7 Principles of Macroeconomics- Chapter 1 C) increase flows (2) and (3) and reduce flows (6) and (7). A. O a False O b. Which of the following is the best example of land? C) goods and services. D) A drug dealer reports herself as unemployed. C) shift of the demand curve due to a change in purchasing power brought about by the price change. D) The Federal government pays to support research on AIDS. Equity The difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics is that microeconomics analyzes the decisions made by _________, while macroeconomics deals primarily with _____________. A) an increase in the number of people in the labor force Which of the following cause the unemployment rate as measured by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to understate the true extent of joblessness? If inflation over the year is 2%, what is the real interest rate you are paying? Keynesian Economics Questions and Answers - D) GDP falls by $1,875. D) buys U.S. government bonds. B) German GDP. If North Korea is currently producing at effciency, and it proceeds to increase the size of its military, then, as long as nothing else changes, its answer choices.
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