What words do you think make the description colorful? physical and character traits of both major and minor characters. There were a lot of things down there. Then the twins, and their grandfather A-Gong, nurse Dragon and lead the travelers to Never-Ending Mountain. date the date you are citing the material. He spoke to the Old Man of the Moon, who changed the Book of Fortune to give him ninety-nine years of life instead of nineteen. Ma and Ba camp in the forest, and Ba tells the story of a greedy magistrate who tried to steal the secret of happiness from a poor but otherwise perfect family. Minli's restlessness is her central conflicted character trait. She realizes that she cannot ask Dragons questionunless she chooses not to ask her own. One year later, the goldfish man returns to the town at the base of Fruitless Mountain, and he cannot believe how much it has changed. Written by people who wish to remain anonymous Minli Minli (her name means "quick thinking") is the main character. Collect the second worksheets for assessment purposes when they have finished. size). Minli is a strong-willed, young Chinese girl who lives in the Village of Fruitless Mountain. Grace Lin introduces Minli, the main character well, as a girl who wants to change their fortune when her mom repeatedly talks about how poor they are. This first activity introduces the book and requires students to read it and keep a journal. StoryboardThat is a trademark of Clever Prototypes, LLC, and Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
WHERE THE MOUNTAIN MEETS THE MOON - Charissa's Kid Lit. Chronicles Minli realizes what is truly important in life and is thankful for her family. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2009. . Both Minli and Dragon have unique character traits and well-thought character development. She spent all her time wondering why she did not have more money and better food and prettier clothes.
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon - Character Map After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.). Click here for a PDF outlining an optional second activity. "Where the Mountain Meets the Moon" Grace Lin CHARACTER TRAITS WORKSHEET by Northeast Education $1.50 PDF CHOOSE A CHARACTER1. Without even asking the Old Man of the Moon, Minli has come to understand why people like the buffalo boy and A-Fu and Da-Fu seemed so happy: they are thankful for what they have rather than bitter about what they do not. They identify the friends and mentors who helped her, and the character traits that led to her success. Minlis parents desperately hope she can change the familys fortune. Characters included in the character map are: (These instructions are completely customizable.
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon - Grace Lin It is a mystical dragon, born from a painting that was supposedly owned by the evil Magistrate Tiger (who serves as the villain of the book). Grace Lins website includes a number of essays that could meet nonfiction reading requirements while giving students more insight into her motivation, inspiration, and writing process. It must have at least one character, a setting, and a plot or series of events that occur. Because of Minli's sacrifice to help a friend, she and her family receive everything they could ever have hoped for.
When her parents find out, Ma is angry. Explain to students that they have been working mostly with the story of Minli and her quest, and that now they are going to look at the other stories that are woven into the main story. The cellar was dark and kind of creepy. This is the god character who knows the future and permits the heroine to ask him a single question. When Dragon and Minli reunite, each is surprised to learn that the other has found a borrowed line. I really think you should read it! It is late at night when Minli tiptoes into her familys hut and crawls into bed. 2023
. (Teacher Resource: Plot Outline can serve as suggested answers. After some collaboration, they realize they can use their lines (the line of text and the line of destiny) to form a kite and fly up to the moon. On the journey, Dragon tries to protect Minli from a poisonous Green Tiger but gets injured in the process and would have died had Minli not sought help from a nearby village of Moon Rain. The meaning of that gift can only be revealed by reading the book. Sift (A) into a mixing bowl. Together, the two fly back to Minlis village, so she can return to her parents. As an optional activity, they may make a bulletin board or wall display that shows the embedded stories within the frame of the main narrative. The rock that Minli removed from Dragons head turns out to be the coveted Dragon Pearl. It was a boring day, and I tried to figure out what to do. The principal told me that was not a good idea. If there are two dates, the date of publication and appearance Suddenly understanding what she needs to do, Minli asks the Old Man why Dragon cannot fly. Think About Your Own Answers (with a reading guide) With nothing else to occupy them in the evenings, Minlis father spins tales of the Old Man in the Moon and the Jade Dragon. [11], Renee Greenfield and Jennifer Rabold. The Question and Answer section for Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a great Consider the traits of that particular character. WHERE THE MOUNTAIN MEETS THE MOON is a fantasy-fiction story where Chinese Folklore is engraved throughout the story. Ma and Ba. The goldfish man says that Minli, too, may be able to change her fortune. She obeys and almost immediately, Dragon can fly. Anonymous "Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Characters". The new book was published on October 4, 2016. While her mother worries and complains about their lot, her father brightens their evenings with storytelling. Did they show the same qualities that she did in her quest, or did they use different qualities to meet the challenge? The performance starred Caroline Workman as Minli, Michael Tow as Storyteller/ Minli's Ba, and was directed by Jane Staab. eNotes.com, Inc. Magistrate Tiger/Green Tiger. I enjoyed every moment if this book and could not put it down!! Activity 2. Many children are gathered there, and Ba is about to tell the story of Minlis adventures. Identify (4) Traits for this character and supply evidence2. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. All of the villagers, along with Minli's family, are also very poor, as farming is difficult in the hard and dry land due to Fruitless Mountain being the broken and lonely heart of the immortal Jade Dragon, a dragon that once brought rain to the Earth. [4] When he arrives, he is amazed to be greeted as an old friend. After each assignment, review the journal questions in a class discussion or individual reading group discussions. The single line of text upon it is usually unreadable, but sometimes during historically important moments, the words are intelligibleand they always say something different. Personification is a literary device that give human traits to nonhuman objects. Minli befriends a dragon along the way. "[6], Andrew Medlar from Booklist said: "Lin creates a strong, memorable heroine & mystical land [] children will embrace this [] story"[6], A companion, titled Starry River of the Sky, was published on February 11, 2014. Still, real life faces everyone with difficult challenges that require courage and ingenuity. "Where The Mountain Meets The Moon,", Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Children's Literature, Newbery Medal and Honor Books, 1922-Present, Mythopoeic Awards: Acceptance Remarks 2010, "Wheelocks Mountain a vivid adaptation", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Where_the_Mountain_Meets_the_Moon&oldid=1135777303, This page was last edited on 26 January 2023, at 20:10. If you read Where The Mountain Meets The Moon, you wouldn't be disappointed because it is an incredible book. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin | Goodreads Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a juvenile fiction novel by Grace Lin, author of The Year of the Dog. It is at this point she asks the Old Man in the Moon Dragons question. I brought my pet into school. However, when a few people complained that they preferred sunshine, Jade Dragon grew angry. Be sure to use evidence from the story to support your ideas. The following day, Minli then sets out, freeing the goldfish so as not to burden her parents further, and leaves the village to find "the old man of the moon". Meanwhile, Minli sleeps for the night in the forest, only to wake up to find a trapped dragon, which she saves. Less than half of the information of the notes is correct and relevant. Order our Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Lesson Plans, teaching or studying Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. While Lin tells the tale of the courageous Minli, she also imbeds other story vignettes that weave together and connect in complicated ways. I was glad to see a few things from when I was younger and I started to play with them. The second is the date of After students have completed the first draft of their story, conduct a peer-editing session in your usual manner (or a self-editing session if you think any of the stories cover sensitive material that the students would be uncomfortable sharing). (If the class has already studied the concept, teachers may want to point out that this is an excellent example of a. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a fantasy-adventure children's novel inspired by Chinese folklore. Traits - where the mountain meets the moon Why did Minli also learn to be content? https://www.storyboardthat.com/lesson-plans/where-the-mountain-meets-the-moon-by-grace-lin/characters, This Storyboard That activity is part of the lesson plans for. He remembers a story he has recently heard about a family from the area giving a dragons pearl to the king of the City of Bright Moonlightwho responded by bestowing the familys whole town with generous gifts of seeds and equipment for farmers. The people and the houses look happy and prosperous. Give them copies of Worksheet 1 or assign questions from the worksheet as the class progresses. Have you described the characters in the story with enough vivid detail so that the reader can picture them and understand their actions? She meets an orphan boy who lives alone with only a water buffalo for company, and she tells him that she needs to see the king. Neither is sure which line is the one they need, so they decide this is another question for the Old Man of the Moon. They travel onward, and after an encounter with a vicious tiger, they meet the family that used to be famous for its perfect happiness. She is supposed to find the citys Guardian and ask for something called the borrowed line. She assumes that the Guardian is the king, so she leaves Dragon in the forest outside the city and goes in alone. In the book, what were many suggestions about the word that was written on the paper the Magistrate wantedthe secret of happiness. Those eye-opening visits made the folk tales and fairy tales her mother had shared with her as a child seem more alive. Back in their hut by Fruitless Mountain, Ma tells Ba a story. How can students use Where the Mountain Meets the Moon as a mentor text to write a personal narrative with vivid language? She grows up on tales of magical people and places from Ba, her father. My father came down the stairs and asked what I was doing down there. Which gives the reader a better understanding of the village? But her ingenuity helps her to survive as she meets and befriends a dragon, sees through the tricks of the King of the City of Bright Moonlight, finds a cure for Dragon's poison, and figures out how to communicate with the Old Man of the Moon. The next day, Minli sneaks away from her village, leaving a note for her parents saying where she is going. Distribute Worksheet 3 and go over the directions with the students. I think it is good for many different ages, from 7-year-olds to 12-year-olds. Define a frame story and explain the complex way that subsidiary stories are embedded within the novel, Identify different types of challenges in the story. As they search, they come upon the goldfish man, who listens to their troubles and tells them his story. The author of where the Mountain Meets the moon is Grace Lin. 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. A-Fu and Da-Fu, twins who are a bit younger than Minli, explain that a vicious magistrate once planned to kill the whole family out of jealousy over their happiness. The text of Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is interspersed with many short legends. Ask students: Suppose Grace Lin had just written Their village was dirty and their work was hard. How is this paragraph different? Rewrite one of the following passages to make it more vivid, using specific language and concrete details. The twins befriend Minli and want to help her. Along the way, she finds excitement, danger, humor, magic, and wisdom, and she befriends a flightless dragon, a talking fish, and other companions and helpmates in her quest. She walks deep into the forest and travels all through the night, stopping to sleep at first light. where the mountain meets the moon Flashcards | Quizlet Ed. Minli wishes to change her family's fortune but realizes over time that her discontent is the major factor causing her to lament her family's fortune. No one else can view anything. Ask students to think of and share other types of challenges they have seen or experienced. However, at the last moment, the Old Man of the Moon transported the family magically to a new home, where they continue to livepoor but contenttoday. Imagine how much more those books would have meant to me, she wrote later, if they had been books of substance, if they had reflected my life with more accuracy and heart, addressed concerns and struggles and triumphs that really affected me. She also loved the books of Chinese folktales that her mother gave her, in spite of their being too simply told. I loved Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. Numerous collections of Chinese folktales can also be accessed through the library. Knead the dough a few times so that the vanilla extract can distribute evenly. After learning about the concept of the frame story, pairs of students take one of the folktales to analyze and then illustrate a key scene from it. Students plan and then write a personal narrative about a challenge they have overcome using vivid descriptions of persons and places. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a fantasy - adventure children's novel inspired by Chinese folklore. This character visits the Village of the Fruitless Mountain early in the book and at the very end. Grades 3-6. Common Sense Media. They stop at the City of the Bright Moonlight to meet the King. She says they make Minli dream instead of focusing on the reality of the familys poor fortune. However, that is far from the end of this intricate tale. More books than SparkNotes. Have you explained how you felt when you had met the challenge? Unlisted storyboards can be shared via a link, but otherwise will remain hidden. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.5.5: Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes. These characters are the parents of the heroine. Written by people who wish to remain anonymous Where the Mountain Meets the Moon tells of a classic journey with a young duo, Minli and Dragon, working to find their way to the mountain that leads to the moon. Word Count: 2124. As a pre-activity, ask students to list the challenges Minli had to face (for example: living in poverty; being threatened by the monkeys; overcoming her fear to climb the bridge of string). Note: When citing an online source, it is important to include all necessary dates. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin is a middle grade fantasy fiction novel that takes inspiration from Chinese folklore and details the journey of a young girl, Minli, as she embarks on a hero's quest to improve her family's circumstances. Have you added vivid details about how you met the challenge? by Grace Lin Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Character List These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. In moments, he disappeared from view into the shadow of Fruitless Mountain, and if it wasn't for the goldfish Minli had in Where the Mountain Meets the Moon study guide contains a biography of Grace Lin, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon | NEH-Edsitement Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Summary - eNotes.com Meanwhile, at the Village of Fruitless Mountain, Ba and Ma have decided to return home and wait for Minli, and during this time, Ma feels remorse for having been so discontent when she already had her own precious treasure: her daughter. In moments, he disappeared from view into the shadow of Fruitless Mountain, and if it wasn't for the goldfish Minli had in Where the Mountain Meets the Moon study guide contains a biography of Grace Lin, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. It says the word thankfulness over and overand nothing else. Have them write three sentences about this challenge in answer to these questions: What qualities did you have to show to meet this challenge? Choose a scene or background that makes sense for the character. He allows Minli to eat with him in his castle, and she tells him her story. I would recommend this book for children from age 9 to 99.
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