Spaldings contributions to modern golf are considerable. Whats more, KKR continued adding to its golf empire, buying Etonic in 1996 and Ben Hogan a year later. My dad has played a set if vicunas for about 40 years! OK. Ive got some irons sets you have up (Fila, Cleveland, Slotline, and the Tiger Shark). In the 1920s, Spalding started making irons and innovated an assembly line style forging process that was much cheaper, faster, and more precise than the ole hammer and anvil. The Top-Flite acquisition made it a player. Executives were my first set as wellI thought they were a great starter set. * Note: These irons were designed by Karsten Solheimsure most of you knew that though. They also made a set made entirely of woods. Spalding sold off its majority ownership in Evenflo in August of 1998. I wonder what Jack thought of them. I bought them new. Kind of reminds one of the Hogan radial but not near as wide on the soul. But the funky look kept me from ever thinking about buying a whole set. So, while Spalding is nowhere near as prevalent as it once was in the world of golf, you can still pick up a set of Molitor clubs for a very reasonable price online. Case in point: The article makes the statement that The (Cleveland) VAS irons have finally been dethroned from their previous top spot as Worst Iron Ever Made! I dont think Cory Pavin would have won PGA tour events and endorsed them if this had been true. If so, are they any good? Weve done a mini-history on the Hogan Company, with input from a couple of longtime Hogan employees. Brings back great memories! I collect odd golf items. . Their president at the time said this about the newly released irons, Titanic irons are the first long irons even God and you can hit. Now that is a bold statement that should of had you guys flocking to purchase these beauties. { I love it but was told it is no a legal putter. The Spalding Top-Flite first came out in 1970. I tried to hit it oncenot a good idea! "url": "" Therefore, the Top Flite clubs produced in the nineties and early naughts are technically Spalding golf clubs. I love them so much I have four sets, just a case a club breaks. Buyers can still find Spalding clubs on some secondary sites. They had fantastic fairway woods that I still take out for a spin every once in a while. But as you can see could cause some serious digging issues. Wright was the driving force behind Bostons Franklin Park golf course, the first municipal course in the U.S. Bostons other muni is named after Wright, who donated the land for the Donald Ross design. Shortly thereafter, Spalding signed him as spokesperson, vice president and director of research. Tom Farrell. Long irons with shallow faces, little offset and perhaps slightly softer shafts can be quite playable. In the 1960s, Spalding introduced the Spalding Executive line of clubs and balls and the Top-Flite Elite Professional irons with the Bird on Ball logo. But since the early 2000s, Spalding has practically disappeared from the golf landscape. At the 2003 PGA Show, Hogan introduced the Apex 50 blade commemorating its 50th anniversary, the game improvement CFT irons, and the Carnoustie and Riviera wedges. It kept some of those out of my bag Im sure. It became the most consistent and durable golf ball ever made. I also had a set of Ping Zings too.. My partner had that set of Cleveland VAS and believe it or not we had a partner that bought a used set of Slingers I look forward to your future deeper dive into the history of the Hogan company. I shoot mid-80s like OP. I have had many pros in proams hit them and fascinated by how the ball comes off the club face so fast,,good distance. If you have a vintage set of Bobby Jones Spalding irons that are in great shape, you might be able to sell them at a slightly higher price, but theyre not worth a great deal of money in the current market. Turns out it was just 20 years ago. That means providing you with equipment reviews you can trust, 1983 Any Spalding clubs that are still in circulation can be regarded as vintage, thats for sure! In 1993 Payne Stewart signed a multi-million-dollar deal to go full Top-Flite, a move that sidetracked Stewarts career. Leather Golf Grips Review: Should I Use Them? Jones immediately put his Georgia Tech engineering degree to good use. All of the irons were labeled as a 7 iron, with the real number of the club micro stamped on the faces upper toe. MyGolfSpy is usually a place you guys come to see the latest and greatest equipment the golf industry has to offer. They kept slashing the pricing. Ive got other odd clubs, a clear/see thru 5W, 68 & 73 degree wedge (of course, they may not be considered crazy. I still have them and as a matter of fact I still use a copper Zing2 sand wedge 54. Started Yesterday at 04:29 AM, By I learned the game on a set of used Spalding Execs-still have them today. Not to belittle them because KKR is incredibly successful, but they didnt know the golf business the way we did, says White. The History of Spalding Golf Clubs - Hickory Golfers The greatest golfer at the time plays Spalding? Known for launching the ball from a nice crisp fairway lie but it jumped the shark when it came to hitting it from any kind of fluff. PING was still PING, and Tiger was becoming Tiger. Thanks for the history lesson and walk down memory lane. Goldwin was a San Diego company, years ahead of its time. I recently tried an old Jack Nicklaus 7 iron made by MacGregor many years ago. Finally, I think a distinction needs to be made between the wackiest looking and worst irons made. Great collection I remember many of them in the past 30 years often thought of buying some of them, but luckily, I didnt, Ive purchased dozens of iron sets in the last few years (Big Bertha,FTI, Taylor Made, Cobra, Nike V series) NOne of these work as well as my Ping Zings, Hey, what about Shakespeare and fiberglass. Met a friend in Costa Mesa at Mile Square Golf Club back in the early 1970s and he was with Duke Duclos., a friend from their McDonald-Douglas days. BarbaJo, you da man! They produced more premium balls, but we used to make 25-, 26-million dozen a year.. * Note: These irons were designed by Don Wood remember the Plop putterswell they are back at it againyou can check them out here. Our friends[], Amazing Ryder Cup Contest! Pat Simmons of Tiger Shark fame (and others) is the most underrated club designer of all time! 1977 Spalding Executive Irons - The Vintage Golfers - YouTube When I was first introduced to golf in the mid 70s, spoiling was still a player in the recreational market. It was a close race but in the end we felt like it was finally time for the super-rare and hard to find Lil David Slingers get the recognition they were due. Promoting both sports and sports equipment, the lineup featured titles such as How To Play Second Base by Hall of Famer Johnny Evers, Boxing: A Guide to the Manly Art of Self Defense, and How to Play Golf by Harry Vardon and James Braid. money, time and performance. The company also announced an alliance with Bob Bettinardi to create a line of high-end Hogan putters. In the mid-80s, Spalding introduced the solid core Tour Edition, and in 1996 it came out with Strata, a true game-changer for Spalding and the first multi-layer solid core ball used on Tour. Spalding, like its old school brethren Wilson and MacGregor, simply wasnt sexy to a new generation of golfers. Irons made during that time are distinguished by an anvil cleek mark. Callaway Rogue ST Triple Diamond LS Driver Review, Best Womens Golf Clubs for Intermediate Players, Ned Howard Retired PGA Teaching Professional. I play with several timesa year. What you like is what you like. Well these irons which were designed out in LA by Stan Thompson were made to capitalize on that same concept. I still think there were others that deserved some consideration. Some crazy lookin clubs, Why didnt you include the 1st set of Ping Irons? Not the first or the last business to be destroyed by KKR. Fascinating how these once great brands essentially disappeared altogether. Are Spaulding good golf clubs? - Wise-Answer Played dots a bit but later played a lot of Top Flites because I was a teenager, and the balls did not cut (this was back in the days of balata balls that cut if you looked at them hard). There are so many different sets of irons available nowadays, Im happy with my Execs. when were spalding executive golf clubs made and I firmly believe the demise of Spalding was because a number of CEOs with little or no knowledge of the golf industry were appointed i was pretty impressed with the club. but fairly forgiving. The VAS are ugly, but they work. I cant believe to Ping Zing 2s are on the list. Perception-wise that made Spalding a second-tier, big-box company compared to Titleist. Various . They definitely arent the prettiest of clubs but I did enjoy playing them. I am the person that brought the first Metalwoods to the market. Just saw a full set of them again today. Spalding Executive Golf Clubs for sale | eBay Today, Spalding Executive clubs arent worth a great deal of money. Throughout the 90s and into the early 2000s, Spalding and Titleist were running neck and neck in golf ball production. Ive owned a set of VAS, Zings, Slingshots and the Spaulding Execs (for vintage golf days). The Cobra set left handed golf club set is made of premium products. Theres even premium urethane cover options (Pro V1 and X styles) for ~$15 a dozen. GolfWRX_Official 2023 Genesis Invitational - Monday #3. Is it worth getting a new set of clubs, or should I focus on getting spikes and a gloves, ( I currently golf in thing sandles). So I sent it in and got the iron. He loves telling stories, writing about golf and golf travel, and enjoys classic golf equipment. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.You can also visit my Am. White says KKR management was hyper-focused on Callaway and TaylorMade, which may explain one of Spaldings biggest gaffes ever. Not quite Bryson-like, but innovative for the day. Perhaps they were a little ahead of their time (3-PW). What about the Porsche irons? I had a friend who worked for Gary Player and he sent me his brand called iGNITORS Those were fairly strange and not particular long! Spalding used to own Top Flite before selling the subsidiary to Callaway. Smooth tempo swingers Ventus Velo isn't working for me other brands/models suggestions? Under Chapter 363, it bid $125 million for Top-Flite. Was a fan of the TopFlite XL. when were spalding executive golf clubs made You can still buy Top-Flite and Strata branded balls at DICKS and Golf Galaxy. They are also said to be legendary Canadian player Moe Normans favorite clubs of all time. marrano patio homes lancaster, ny 9, Juin, 2022. horse property for sale pocatello, idaho; He also had some copycat Browning irons in the trunk, but I refused I couldnt even look at them with a straight face. Spalding lost $27 million in 2000 and another $20 million in 2001. #15 - Stan Thompson Ginty Irons You might remember the popular Stan Thompson woods with the unique sole design. The market was changing rapidly, as well. Image: Central Press/Hulton Archive via Getty Images. Havent been able to give them up since my Dad died in 99, Does anyone remember a set of irons made in the 80s (I think) that were actually a bunch of small woods, even the PW was made from wood. I still have a set of samurai woods and irons,,and still use them,,had a pro hit my 7 iron once,,it flew his 7iron,,he was amazed,they hit great,,but graphite wears down over years and breaks,and when that happens,,its hard to find a replacement,,,. I have a left handed set that I got from a guy on the senior tour, Bob Carson, who also owned a golf course in Titusville FLA. Great research John with some very interesting history facts about the company and its equipment. Maybe it is a good idea or maybe it is not. With the help of computers, we designed a unique shape we call the `Bull Nose which extends the toe weight out far enough to balance the head without creating an elongated appearance. Welcome back to the latest installment of Historys Mysteries. You cannot do that with any other club. Over two million Bobby Jones sets were sold in America. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. These were actually a pretty good iron for the time and I think Trevino had something to do with this designbut not sure. I was interested in golf until around 2001 and soon discovered spoiling was on anachronism at that point. Today we are going to be spotlighting the crazy, the absurd, and some of the wackiest irons the golf world has ever seen. Terrific article as usual Mr. Barra. Can you help me find the history of the club? Money put a few of these clubs on touralthough that does not mean they were worth a penny. I see that a few from my list made it. TaylorMade, now owned by adidas, was rising, and Callaway was a major force. Dreadful golf balls! By 1910, the company was selling aluminum fairway clubs and its Gold Medal series (1910 to 1919) featured aluminum bronze. I became a +2 handicap using those irons, and a lot of people scoffed at them early ontill they saw me hit them. I just love them! Purespin (diamond face)? Even tho I play with graphic shafts I really like the way those play. Zevo was a great brand and I played a Zevo Zv2 hybrid for almost 6 years because it was so easy to hit and had incredible feel. Dont be ashamed thoughsome of these designs have actually been pioneering for the industry. It was the mold makers attempt to make at a hollow head, wooden shape club. Their original design was a smaller headed Tony Penna model Innovator, they became the n1 and then the Bears came out when oversize irons hit the market. It is the Super Stick. With KKR, it was a 180-degree turnaround. I STILL play with my Spalding Executive set 2 SW. More on the tr600!!!! The early Top-Flites were juast the opposite; you couldnt cut one of them with an axe. In fact, one of Spaldings most popular models was the Bobby Jones collection, selling two million sets between 1932 and 1973. "publisher": { Still, if youre looking for more information about Spalding golf clubs, youve come to the right place. Eventually banned because it was too straight. We stand behind our clubs and want you to be satisfied with them. Im not talking a couple of degrees, but for one shot you could make it a 5 iron and the next (with a quick adjustment) itd be a PW. $77.83. Men's Right Handed. I can't imagine them being worth a shit. Upload or insert images from URL. Man, some of my favorites on this list. Spalding spent over 125 years as a sporting goods giant. Can anyone tell me about Spalding executives : r/golf - reddit I don't mind the executives though, don't really know much about them either. Thanks, John. During his time with Spalding, Stewart dropped from 6th to 123rd on the money list, with his only win coming at the 1995 Houston Open. "@context": "", I actually like the looks of those babies! Can you come up with any info on these? Extra weight added to the toe keeps the center of gravity where needed and also keeps the club head square at impact, resulting in straighter shots.. What about the old Bullet Driver that was hollow in the center (like an inverted U shape)? I gave the set to my nephew, and he loves them. Keep up the great work. Seemed like big headed design with half the head chopped off to produce a bigger face!!! Look at many of todays hybrids. We want your input before testing begins. Sold millions of those over the years. Duclos, a former flight engineer worked on the Skylab and S-IVB (third stage of the Saturn V rocket, responsible for getting the Apollo module from the Earth to the moon). General Albums. Bought a used set of 3-SW with a sticker decal some 35 years ago and added a 2-iron with stamped lettering later on a trip to Chicago. Today, collectors prize the narrow-faced Cran Cleek. Today, Spalding golf clubs still exist, but theyre nowhere near as popular as they once were. They also said this, Because titanium is 40% lighter than steel, yet incredibly strong, the Ray Cook design team was able to create club heads substantially larger than standard oversize irons and add significantly more mass in the heel and toe. "@type": "ImageObject", Your previous content has been restored. Callaway had long wanted Top-Flites ball factory and patents but didnt want to assume any debt. It felt like a rock but flew like a rocket and weekend warriors bought them by the bushel. They looked like a full set of hybrids but only lasted a short period of time. Who Makes Dunlop Golf Clubs? What is it for weight transfer? document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Do you remember what golf websites you were shopping on back in 1995? And if the Nicklaus Bear irons were used to win the US Amateur, they shouldnt be on a worst irons list either. What a lovely trip down memory lane, nostalgia is a wonderful thing. He changed from forged blades and balata balls to cavity back, investment cast irons and sold core balls, White tells MyGolfSpy. During their time together, Vardon and Spalding agreed the best way to grow the game in the U.S. and grow the market for Spalding golf products was to build more golf courses. Im not sure how rare they are, but youd think there would be a trace of them somewhere. Spalding led the way with such deep-grooved designs as the "waterfall" and waffle-face irons. Spalding developed the first liquid center golf ball, the Kros-Flite. Of course, it is the Indian not the arrow to some extent, but he does well. Wanted them when I was in college but couldnt afford them then. The Browning 440s took my game from the 150s (Wilson clubs) to the low 70s. Peter lived in Ridgefield,Ct. The Top-Flite, Strata, and Hogan brands stayed alive for a while, but Callaway eventually mothballed them all. But just because it was wacky did not mean it was not a hellova seller. My first set of irons were the Tiger Sharks.The ball seemed to jump off the face.I still have them.My second set,still in play,are the Vas+.I love them.I hit them a mile high and they feel great.When I hear them calledthe worst irons ever it makes me wonder what the heck Im missing out on. Top Flite is now synonymous with bargain or cheap instead of being the club of choice for the greatest golfers on tour. I just found a set of Slingers at the thrift store for $10. Golfers may also like: PGX Offset Golf Driver Review: is it any Good? The shaft collapses to 18 inches so it is great for travelsure beats the cost of checking a golf bag these days. He traded a set of classic Burke PunchIrons to get the Lynx. I love these old clubs. Sponsored by:, Maxfli Tour, Tour X and Tour S Golf Balls, Penfold Ace Golf Balls: Whats Old Is New Again, Topgolf Callaway 2022 Financials: $4 Billion? "width": "645", I demand a re-count!, He went on to say, and as owner of MyGolfSpy you should feel ashamed since you were given a set as a gift 15 years ago and I remember you putting me in play for a few rounds, how could you do this to me?, Slotline had a hit on their hands with their Slotline Inertial puttersthey sold over 2 Million of those flatsticks. GolfWRX_Spotted posted a topic in Tour and Pre-Release Equipment, Tuesday at 04:47 PM, GolfWRX_Spotted posted a topic in Tour and Pre-Release Equipment, February 20, GolfWRX_Spotted posted a topic in Tour and Pre-Release Equipment, February 13, GolfWRX_Spotted posted a topic in Tour and Pre-Release Equipment, February 6, GolfWRX_Spotted posted a topic in Tour and Pre-Release Equipment, January 31, By I love them but Im mystified with the hex screw in the bottom of every shaft! Really enjoyed them. About half of our sales are with personal names or corporate logos in the back and given as gifts. A very easy to hit blade. Its factory could only make about six million dozen a year, and it was paying patent royalties. Why are Spalding golf balls called Top Flite? "" Fugly yes looks kinda like a pancake spatula at address but effective. History of Spalding Golf Clubs | Learn how your comment data is processed. It was a popular cavity back iron and Spalding decided to sell it through general sporting goods stores, eschewing the golf pro. Albert Spalding was a superstar. I agree, though it does deserve a deep dive. Reach and the Wright and Ditson sporting goods companies. does ohma have a child [email protected] buy all 6 get free shipping) Let me know by ebay . jazzbone, September 4, 2006 in Equipment. He has provided some keen insights from his time with Mr. Hogan in other articles and podcasts. They preceded hybrid irons by 20 years or so. I will admit to having a hankering for those slick lookin Zevo Lobs tho. Starting in 1900, Spalding opened clubmaking factories in London and in Fife, Scotland, producing forged iron heads for Spalding clubs sold both in the UK and U.S. Heres a set of Slotline irons currently for sale on EBay,, some years ago-I bought a trial 7 iron thru golg digest-some years later a friend of mine bought a used set at a second hand storeany way I think it was made by simmons or slotline?? The old Spaulding Executive set I had back in the early 1980s. when were spalding executive golf clubs made I still think I deserve to be recognized as the leader in this category and will be appealing your decision. By then the Cisneros brothers had taken the money and ran. Sign In. Decent? Way ahead of their time in the perimeter weighted genre. Here Im going to date myself a bitBack in the late 70s there was a company called Unique..The iron set design was oversized head with a deep cavity that was covered with a hard plastic. Whats troubling to us is the extent to which a reputable company that has its own trademarks and has invested a lot of money and time feels it needs to become a predator on somebody elses goodwill to sell its products, said Callaway chief Don Dye at the time. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, (your email address will not be published), Acushnet 2022 Financials: $2.27 Billion and Counting, Penfold Ace Golf Balls: Whats Old Is New Again, Four Testers Wanted Inesis Spikeless Shoe. Spalding club-makers paid as much scrutiny to shafts as heads. The strangest set I play with at the moment is a matching set of 3 through 15 fairway woods made by Protactic Golf in Chicago (part of the remains of Northwestern Golf, I think). In April, KKR sold the Spalding name and all of Spaldings non-golf businesses to Russell Athletic for just $65 million. But under Section 363 of Chapter 11, a seller can sell assets without having to negotiate with its creditors. HellI know I dont and I have been involved in some type of internet golf business since[], THE WINNER OF THE CONTEST: Farve The Looper (CONGRATS!) My golf team partner talked me into getting new technology Ping G-20s a couple years ago, & I can not hit them nearly as well. 2023 Genesis Invitational - Monday #2. The top of the club head is horisontal and is easy to set up perpendical to the target. Got them for $200.00 which was a really great price other pro shops were asking $450.00 for a set. when I got my samurais,they were expensive,,but you can get them ocassionally on ebay,,picked up a 6iron for 15$. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. Swing Yard is a participant in the Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,, and any other websites that may be affiliated with Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Spalding Top-Flite In 1995 Spalding Sporting Goods reorganized its golf club division by forming the Top-Flight golf company as its premium club brand. Spalding Executive x EZ Oversize Irons - Ironfinder Please put any questions or comments here. More than 50 percent of that total came from golf ball sales. We have a new #1 For Craziest Iron Ever Made! For years the #1 spot for craziest iron ever made was held by the infamous Cleveland VAS irons (now #2). Whats fun is to find one of those old sets, regrip them and beat your friends with them! lots of memories here. The brand was popular until the late 1990s, but Spalding opted for a new direction at the turn of the century and focused on other sports instead of golf. }. The 1968 arrival of the Executive MV2 Bird Over Ball clubs are among some of Spalding's most easily recognizable clubs. Spalding was the leading manufacturer of golf clubs in America throughout the mid-twentieth century, highlighting just how popular the brand was. I had released it into the foreign market through a network of distributors mid in 1978, where it was well received. They dropped the Tour Edition moniker and focused on the expansion of their touring staff on the PGA, Senior PGA and LPGA tours. when were spalding executive golf clubs madeoregon dpsst training calendar. Great set. John is an aging, yet avid golfer, writer, 9-point-something handicapper living back home in New England after a 22-year exile in Minnesota. He also worked at Zevo when the LoB Irons were developed. Colgate-Palmolive bought RAM and Penfold in the mid-70s to sell more toothpaste but gave up after only five years. I also have a set of Browning TR600s. Get10% offat Global Golf with Code:SwingYard. There are worse things. Almost , You cannot paste images directly. As a golfer of a certain age, these history articles are fascinating! Spalding Executive Registered 3 4 5 Driver Wedge P Golf Clubs Set Made In USA $26.21 Local Pickup or Best Offer SPONSORED Vintage lot of 3 Woods Top Flite Spalding Model 133 Professional 1 3 4 golf Club $29.95 $17.95 shipping or Best Offer SPONSORED PERSIMMON Spalding Robert Jones Jr Percussion Woods Set Golf Clubs Driver & 3 $60.00 $15.00 shipping Perhaps you are thinking of the Browning 440 Plus which had more of a standard face depth. I have two sets of Browning 440 Gold clubs (including the driver, 3 and 5 woods), and a set of Browning 500s.
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