she doesnt even hate me she just doesnt care anymore and its driing me crazy. He wants to get to know you on a deeper level and he enjoys analyzing feelings with his loved ones. If its going well then immediately. Although a Pisces man gives freely and expects nothing in return, he is impressed by a magnanimous and selfless woman. He knows how to bring me back when I have had enough yet he goes back to the same old nasty human being he was before. He did like his alone time, however he was NOT a drinker or a gambler or one to go and hang out with the guys. 8. We just get eachother in ways that we cant have with anyone else. And ladies, since we support girl power, we just wanted to let you in on a little secret: if you're looking for love, you just might have men hounding around you because of your scent. Once we are prepared as a result of our lives lived and the mighty angels who work diligently to prepare us, which is o accept that God is pure, real love infinite, then we are accepted into he fullness of his presence. When the money is in the account theres very little thought given to budget. How she feels about you and if you are a special guy to her. I am a Cancer Moon which means, moon is at home in Cancer. Your email address will not be published. Whether we are together just for now or 20 years from now. ), Any other advice from you or anyone else or even more insights into how Aquarian women are? It's that discernment that makes them weirdthey're looking in spots in this world that most are not. A Pisces is attracted to learning, knowledge, and a higher level of spiritual awareness. However, neither of them are really built to change the fiber of their being. Aquarius woman will find Pisces mans sex appeal quite a draw for her. Then he still wanted to spend time together but I started to feel insecure. He does best when he has someone who can give him focus and direction. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Its best to store excess money in a locked up investment. She does not even like having to give orders if she can avoid it. A strange thing sometimes happens to him when he cares for someone, though. Generally, a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman will not find each other attractive. A Pisces mans aloof and dreamy nature will attract an Aquarius woman, while her flirtatious charm will work its magic on him. Aquarius Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility - Aquarian Astrology Something about his attitude and attention toward her brings her out of the clouds and back down to earth. Want to meet eligible single woman who share your zest for life? This is are exactly relationship and that we agree that this could not be wrong in anyway this is are destiny to be together it couldnt be anymore right on our love. An aquarius male is trying to get to create a Go Here aquarius and aquarius woman and so. Ive had three children while we were separated and crazy part is Ive always craved him. aquarians are dreamers too, butn ot in the same way as a pisces. However, they will have to work on it quite a bit and Pisces man doesnt know if shes worth the work. He can also begin to seem a bit controlling. The reason I asked about forgiveness wasnt because I have plans of cheating on my future Pisces partner but simply because Im a self-aware Aquarian and I know that Aquarians can be blunt in their speech which may unintentionally hurt a sensitive Pisces.We are massive overthinkers and constantly plan about the future and sometimes become oblivious to our surroundings.An Aquarius may not be as expressive and eloquent as a Pisces.A Pisces may think we dont care but thats far from the truth. SO, sorry I seem cold but its actually concern for your well-being. Aquarius being the 11th house and Pisces being the 12th, they have a unique position in astrology, and the two are often considered the strangest of the Zodiac signs. On that note, on a scale of 1 to 10, I give this couple a 4. She initially spills her all to her new Pisces man lover in hopes that he actually listens to what she has to say. A Pisces guy has a unique set of characteristics he wants in a lover. Even if he became sick, crippled, lost his attractiveness, I would still love him. Oh , we are still married, but that is in title only. I love attention online from a variety of men and its very hard for me to make up my mind which one I would settle with. Our community thrives when we help each other. Like what were literally going through and our personalities to a T Weve been married for almost 18 years have seven sons together and Ive been unhappy and ready to take the Dive but our sex life is so good. We have only been together a short time but I know he is the one for me. Pisces is perfect for this aquarius! You are right when an aquarian woman truly love.. which comes after being good friend we love all the way n give it all!! He was a dreamer, very artistic, very moody and when we first met extremely jealous of me. I do want to make clarification regarding period sex topic and sorry if I am being too descriptive here. I hope this helps! All the men hate him because he always trying to be over the top with everything that gets him attention, even down to his underware. An artistic woman is just as sensitive as he is, and willing to express and communicate her emotions, even if it's not always through words. They dream fantastically together and can make their dreams come true as a couple. Motivate her as much as you can 7. Id say about 70/30 in favor of being chased. Only pisces can do this to aquarius. I love my pisces man so much. Her odd behavior does not faze him and he knows how to tolerate such antics. Its likely hell become too attached and too emotional for her liking though. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Why a Pisces Man Suddenly Becomes Distant? In my exp its the women scared of commiting or ghosting without an explanation. No casual sex thanks. The typical Aquarius and Pisces compatibility in friendship is not the strongest bond, although these two can learn a lot from one another and may enjoy each others company. What greater love is there than this? Aquarius and Pisces: Love, Sex, & Friendship Aquarius girls know how to chase a man without being obnoxious about it, and we also know when to withdraw. I am an Aquarius female and I am dating an older Pisces male. He can teach her to open up, but she will never provide him with the emotional depth and sensitivity that he needs in a lover. What love means to an aquarius, gemini can understand. cell number, but has never contacted me. Are Pisces men controlling and possessive? Despite their differences, they can make a fascinating couple. Fuck games. Their soul is always elsewhere, dreaming, but never present. Of course, I still get people coming out of the blue, saying: I have been wondering what you are doing. (thid=s is on my property) As I have no wish to justify myself, I reply: I dont have the slightest curiosity about what you are doing. Id be hypocritical if I said I was against it. 1. This means that the Pisces man will probably be left to his own devices. I just want the perfect amount, not too much that he feels drained out and not too less where I feel starved for affection and unsatisfied. Safe guarding emotions not because theres some sordid past not wanting to be unearthed (not always the case. Your experience gives me hope Roszie!! Do Scorpio and Aquarius Match? I dont like guessing games and vagueness in relationship where I dont know where I stand,so I would definitely discuss it with my man as my Aries Venus cant stand the uncertainty in my relationships.My Aries Venus is probably the reason why I am so straightforward with my needs and desires even though I have a shy and feminine moon sign. Join the conversation, be positive, and stay on topic. Its also in my mind a process of elimination. 19. m distressed what do l do. Aquarius Man and Pisces Woman - PairedLife Im a 3rd Decan Pisces sun/Libra moon. What Kind of Woman Attracts a Pisces Man? Astrologify He and I divorced finally after the 34 yrs. We are actually very loyal beings and if she is in tune with herself and you are both in a committed relationship, it is not likely that one-night stands will happen. There's a built-in relationship riddle, that for Aries Venus guys, harmony is found through creating sparks! i worry a lot of emotional cheating with pisces man. Pisceans tend to keep things inside and not verbalize issues properly as they arise. We earn from qualifying purchases. Albeit I am always easy, friendly in her office. My husband was Navy. He has a natural sense of empathy, and he may not be aware that this is something unique to him. And b/c of who I am, I think that is what I have to have. He has a rich fantasy life, and it is common for him to be an artist of some kind. Once a pisces woman and . Though, she herself is the one who usually does the surprising, especially with her whimsical and crazy thoughts that float through her head. Aquarius and Gemini are two zodiac signs that Pisces women should likely refrain from dating, if possible. A bit of both, depending on the mood. If were talking complete and utter nymphomania then I think just about anyone functional would be taken aback. The love connection was something out of this world, but we looked at relationships very differently. 3. 19. I was married to a Pisces for 34.5 years as an Aquarius and it was NOT easy. I have never met someone like him. I can definitely sense an intense fire or Scorpionic energy from you. 2. The Type Of Perfume He's Attracted To On Her (Based On His Astro) This is why we often end up with terrible abusive insensitive men that only think about their own needs and basically use aquarius as a willing slave! My 2 cents: Aquarius are very protective with their feelings/vulnerability. Aquarius And Pisces Compatibility In Love, Friendship, & Sex - STYLECRAZE Just cause she seems cold doesnt mean she doesnt love you, it just means you got to step it up and switch it up. Pisces can be more instinctively nurturing to an Aquarius; they can still open them up sexually but also offer something that Aquarius craves and Scorpio often neglectsromance, emotional intimacy, and originality. Aquarius women arent materialistic either but I desire to create a big happy family and that requires money, its just a mean to create comfort and provide security to children.I value love, loyalty, bonding, devotion and commitment above everything else as well. The exception is if these two have been dating or engaged for a long time before getting married. Also dont forget to joke with her. She is not one to rush into anything. He is a charming person and he use that charm to entrap women to get what he wants. Pisces are takers, and require everyone to support them, but they are always too drained to give support to others. We were separated for sometime but seems like the universe wanted us together because we found a way back together. I also read THE TEACHINGS OF THE BUDDHA, ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, AS A MAN THINKETH (James Allen), MANY LIVES, MANY MASTERS. 10. At that time I was young only 20 and I didnt know what was what. 6. As for seduction part, I am ultra feminine when I want to please or crave the attention of my man. I want the man that will INVEST into our relationship. I am 70 dear with a mind of 40. Aquarian women can be distant but when she finds the one, shes all in. 7. I personally like it. They're incredibly passionate and crave excitement. I myself am an Aquarian woman and have met a pieces male. Sex is one part but if you are not with her. This is not only true in our relationship, but from what Ive observed in his relationships with his family and friends. After having me being open and then later on having that used against me you can forget about openness. This is a problem with him not me because in the past I have been very sexually fulfilled with men that are not pisces! I dont like the way you are looking at him, youre with me, not him, if you wanna be with him, then go be with him. Maybe prefer the woman to say it first. I said it depends on the person. Now we can not keep away from one another. She wants to get to know him further and see if there is a possibility between them and find out if hes worth giving up her free time a bit for. Thanks. 15 Ways To Attract A Pisces Woman And Win Her Heart - Bonobology 2. 9. The Pisces woman takes up the paint brushes and hits the canvas in her art studio. He was only 64 at that time. Aquarius will always fall in love with fellow air sign Gemini because the two of them are very compatible, know how to love and talk through their problems, and can genuinely have fun together. Im obviously not speaking on behalf of all Pisces. So we have this automatic guard up. 10. The relationship can be difficult at first, but over time it will improve and can become very long-lasting. Saturn enters Pisces on March 7 which is going to bring massive changes to the world and your Pisces man is most definitely going to feel this in the area of his body and who he is at his core. They desire to find a pisces are both signs together. 2. Pisces-Aquarius Sexual Compatability Aquarians are often attracted to Scorpios because it's one of the few signs that can awaken them sexually, but other problems can arise with Scorpio. This feels much more relevant to our relationship than other posts Ive read about this pairing. An Aquarius man finds brains attractive over beauty. Does a Pisces man like a woman who is bold and assertive, or meek and submissive? I like your comment Roszie. A. Im an Aquarius woman and she is right..conversation, honesty, and joking. The only time he might shy away from expressing his love physically is if it might hurt someone elses feelings or make them uncomfortable. Because they are so imaginative, a Pisces guy is drawn to a woman who is as creative as he is. I said no. Both Pisces and Aquarius have deep needs for creativity and helping others. I just laugh at his rusty ass, he is so phethetic. Any man can be. He gets so focused on his partners pleasure and doing what he knows works well to please her that he fails to bring variety into his lovemaking. A Pisces man can be described as clingy or codependent because he seeks a partner he can share every experience with, no matter how mundane. She supports him and makes sure to be on his side in all walks of life. I wear my heart on my sleeve, I am honest and open with my feelings and expect the same from my man. He needs to be one of 5 signs however b/c I dont really hit it off with the other 7 signs Our passion was HOT in the beginning. The circle of friends that surrounds the Aquarius man and Pisces woman is a bizarre tribe indeed. He feels that shes very strong and her love for adventure is quite fun. Pisces wants love and feels that learning to love is the most important lesson in life. 5. This ability to wait it out for awhile means that each of them is not concerned with trust right out of the gate. If Im with a woman, Im 100% hers unless the energy changes between us then its time for us to split. Me and my hubby are in fights frequently. Great lovers they are not and never were! This pair can have fun together by talking about abstract ideas and wild conspiracies, which is a passion they share. We had 2 kids so I stayed with him. Also, she may have beliefs which make her reluctant to seek official recognition of her relationship by the government or any religious organization. Its not a fetish, but Im sure as hell not squeamish. m stressed out by my aquarius lady when ever l express love shes cold detached when ever l am romantic she is annoyed , when l have an outcry on this she cautions me to calm down and breathe , yesterday she was annoyed cause l mentioned having a candlelight dinner after her bulb blew off today she responded and didnt reply my enquiry on how she is Though, Im also an Aries Mars(a paradoxical combo with my Moon in Cancer),which is a placement that is quick to anger, so I deal with my intensity by working out hard and keeping myself busy.I think two Aries energies shouldnt clash.A grounded Capricorn,Virgo,Taurus or an emotionally deep Scorpio or Pisces rising,moon,mars and venus would be more compatible with me. Moon In Pisces Man - His Love, Sex and Intimacy Traits - Astrology India What attracts a Pisces man is a woman who is as caring and compassionate as he is. How to Avoid Making a Pisces Man Break Up with You. I was terribly devastated and hurt. Aquarius and Pisces are the last two signs of the zodiac, making them the oldest or most mature signs. We had confessed our love for each other but we couldnt get together because of an unavoidable situation. One of those things is sex. How you bring yourself to sleep with him is beyond me. He is also my best friend in the whole world. otherwise she will start feeling lonely and will want anyone next to her. At least not easily. its not cold and detached if she really likes you she is just figuring how to respond to it, like we over think things (speaking from experience), and the romantic thing, maybe try and rephrase this, its the way you deliver things. Our community thrives when we help each other. This means that the longer they are together, the more likely it is that they will stay together. Because hes so in touch with other peoples feelings, its easy for a Pisces guy to see a situation from multiple perspectives. xoxo. This inspires him to want to take some action to chase his own dreams. Pisces is going to be attracted to Aquarius for this reason. There are many other factors in the relationship equation. She used to pretend she needed freedom but once I won her over she is addicted to me. I am learning this is a trait of an aquarian), BUT Gabriella NO LONGER WORKED IN THE OFFICE.. 13. Aquarius protects Pisces' vision of love. I can sense that hes never had a love like this before. 16. There is a huge understanding of hidden motives too. Were a intimate sign for a reason. Scorpio asked me if pisces ever talked about marriage with me. and yes communication is so important with us. That was life changing for me. If she is no longer interested in the relationship, you will know/feel it immediately. Chasing her may freak her out and make her want nothing more to do with you as it would make you seem desperate and Aquarius women do not like that at all. I got my final divorce in June and they married at the end of October. Period sex helps in reducing the cramps and period days.Some women also experience intense orgasm during period sex.I would obviously never force a man for it if he is squeamish as I respect his wishes but for a long term relationship,I would definitely prefer a Pisces man who isnt squeamish,lol.I cant put sex on hold for a week with the man I love especially when I need him in my most vulnerable and emotional state.When I am single,I live a hermits lifestyle so when I have the man I love, I wouldnt hold back the intensity. It is possible for pisces and aquarius but it requires a little care and awareness. GOOD LUCK with her, I hope for your sake it works out. He married the woman that was the 3rd affair. We can really read each others minds, which is a blessing and a curse. Is the any Aquarian woman who could give some advice or suggestions? Aquarius is very gentle and she gives up on her romantic ideas in life. And an Aquarius womans independence can make a Pisces man feel suspicious and unloved, leading to a severe lack of trust. Can you tell me about your relationship? I know she fell in love very quickly, while I took my time as pisces does in love. I can be super romantic as well. Remember that so far too rational virgo man and virgo man. I fell in love with him. 6) depends on our mood but for the most part no. Appreciating any of her abilities and thoughts will be helpful. What attracts Pisces guys? Fuck games. I have venus in aquarius. I have no mental space to pursue my own projects or even talk to my friends while he hides his phone and talks to his friends all day long. He will never be committed to anyone even if he wanted to. Aquarius is a good match for this person because Aquarius can't put up with the false. We treasure trust and honesty above all other things. 5. Therefore I started to check all the other signs compatibility with me. Making a Pisces male angry is like witnessing a very different and stern side of him, but this rarely happens. What attracts an Aquarius man to a Pisces woman? - Quora If I meet a man even at my age now and he doesnt text me everyday or email me everyday my mind wanders away from him. Talk it through together. Your Match: Pisces Man and Aquarius Woman Love Compatibility Us Aquarius women use that as a defensive mechanism sometimes. Personally sex is about intimacy and if the intimacy isnt there, then its not worth it. But Id prefer not to be one at all for personal and logical reasons. Remodeling our house turned out to be one of the most difficult things we ever did since there were so many decisions to make together. No. He loves all kinds of attention from women. Lets just say that Aries and Cancer energy arent a good match.Aries energy doesnt care for delicate emotions which is my opposite. Dont forget because you get busy and wrapped up in the newest fun and cool thing! You can prove how decisive you are to a Pisces guy by giving him the reasons behind your decisions and never wavering on your choices. So I know what I am talking about, been there, done that. A Pisces man craves an intense emotional connection with his sexual partners, so he will have to work hard to crack his Aquarius lover. WKR, Im a Pisces man in love with an Aquarius woman and this reading is excitingly and eerily accurate For someone to know what a relationship between us would be like with such accuracy blows my mind Especially about the love making part she has in fact made my dreams come true in the bedroom, I married my Aquarius woman in 2019 December but what i have read its like someone has been looking whats happening between me and herwhenever she broke my heart or trust i felt every weak and much pain which led me to stay at home in bed doing nothing whenever she broke my Heart,i spent 4 months without working coz whenever i got a job and she does something which hurts me i felt i dont need anything in this world with so much pain which led me to stay in bed everytime but whenever she come,just looking into her eyes.all i wanted was to make her happy..but she woke up one dayHazard,its over maybe its me refusing you to work i did everything she refused to come back to me,after a month i went back to her door spent 3 hours outside at night after she let me inside and i told her i need to talk to you privately please then she became rude to me after she said a every painful word that she has a manI felt so crazy in my mind and i beat her,now its 5 months still waitingeveryday everynight i think of the way she used to smile with her cute lips, how she used to stare at me with her pretty eyes, how i used to touch her adorable face when she was asleep, mostly the way she used to go crazy when i have annoyed her, her eyes used to be more prettier like nothing on this world is prettier than her eyes when shes annoyedeveryday i tell her on whats app how much i miss her and love her all she tells me to move on but i cant, everyday every moment beating her its a big bad decision i ever done and on the person i love i dont see my future nowadays used to dream everyday even before loving her but right now when am to dream which is rera to me nowadays i get bad scaring dreams,And my life is based on my dreams to chance my goals i dont know what to do, Im an Aquarius woman married to a Pisces male and Im blown away !
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