I want to be loved for who I am not for how I look. An absolute queen of a Venusian Gemini, Fridas love and celebration of bright contrast, color block based patterns, and themes of duality comes through strongly in both her clothing and artwork. Its all about mental stimulation with them. Or perhaps you can say that they are so mentally stimulated that they are more aware than most of all of the possible answers or reasons. They change subjects as quickly as fire and keep the other opponent on their toes. Some star indications may have difficulty negotiating this. She wants her partner to stimulate her constantly, intellectually speaking, and she might like sexting, phone sex, and just because shes a very sociable and communicative woman, falling in love seems to be more an experiment than something serious. I get turned on by substance. Make sure to share it with your friends who enjoy learning astrology! They often have a good sense of humor. It loves flirting. Venus in Gemini needs a lot of freedom. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The Venus in Gemini woman is susceptible to having mood swings from time to time. Venus in Gemini: Key Personality Traits in Venus in Gemini The Venus in Gemini woman is, above all, a perfectionist. Scratch thatyou want somebody who can talk about multiple subjects in a short period of time. . She dances from flower to flower leaving the sense that one, really, did see a fairy. This makes the relationship fun and exciting. She attracts by being so much fun that people follow. Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. Im intrigued. The woman in Venus in Gemini will be attracted to men who talk or friendships with women who talk a lot. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. They may also have sweet feminine voices. The Venus in Gemini woman is well suited for a career as a freelancer due to her fearlessness and ability to pay close attention to the needs of her clients. Their differences might lead to their separation as the woman wants to be with someone that the man respects and cares for more deeply. You are good at persuasion and negotiation. Venus is a planet of extremely feminine energy. They despise being lumped into a single category. He says Im funny, and make him laugh. Their social circle is usually large and they have a lot of friends and acquaintances. She is liable to get angry with people for no reason. The Venus in Gemini female is generally expressive, adaptable, imaginative and versatile. They are smart as a whip and can talk on endlessly on most subjects, with great conviction. Venus in Gemini WebWomen with Venus in Gemini have a light and breezy quality to their personality. They are highly intellectual observers who perceive the world through their rational lens, and they are exceptionally apt at taking out the more artistic endeavors. This Venus sign can sometimes indicate that the man is into younger women. How does the Venus in Gemini woman actually profess her love? Her attentiveness may come from her curiosity. Crazy chemistry! When one meets you, you are friendly and full of adventure and life. but her scorpio ascendant is pretty close to my mars and my venus in libra can be pretty accomodating, sometimes too much so. What is it that he wants. There is always something fascinating on their mind that they want to share with you. I am interested in a girl who has gemini in venus. This perfectionism becomes a downside if she has deadlines, which she often misses. My spirit animal is the mighty barn owl. They can bounce from relationship to relationship without much fuss or drama - so they can be heartbreakers. Gemini is a cheerful, communicative, and verbally unrestrained air sign. Romantically, she wants to experience an intellectual paroxysm, to expand her mind beyond what she originally thought was the limit, to walk the path of the mind. Venus This quality is often misinterpreted as insincerity. A woman with Venus in Gemini on her natal chart is often very fearless. Style should appeal not only to your eyes but also to your mind! Venus is one of the most significant planets in the birth chart. Saturn in Aquarius 1 04 16 Rx She enjoys talking to others, sometimes people mistake her communicative nature for flirting. Dont forget that these are stereotypes only, and to get a more detailed and holistic understanding of how the stars impact you, you need to consult an astrologer who can look at your full natal chart. Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of Venus in Gemini in the natal chart! A Venus in Gemini likes to joke around. Saggi Moon can be flaky but we would need to see how Saturn does cuz Saturn in good aspect is stability and Saggi Moon needs to be studied more in each chart, so i cant really say just on these, my Friend. Venus in Gemini Woman Venus in Gemini in a nutshell: Style: Charming and astute; Top qualities: Seductive, confident and wild; Challenges: Answering to provocations and craving rapid changes; Advice: Not all challenges demand to be actioned upon; Celebrities: Megan Fox, Al Pacino, Russell Crowe, Adele, Nelson Mandela. They can roam about in other words, in their dream planes, which gives them a great energy that spills forth into everything that they do. Bright colours, playful prints, and themes all appeal to Venus in Gemini. I wonder about my personality for a married in the future? Oh, one more thing. Relationships are mostly for mental stimulation and fun for them. Venus Gemini Woman Personality Profile Venus in Gemini Woman Gemini likes nothing more than a good chase. Gemini is one of those signs that polarize people: you either like them or hate them-at least in the world of Sun sign astrology. Dione a few natal charts with different sites and there is no aspect between saturn and my ascendant.. Pluto Scorpio Midheaven Cancer Mercury Leo III Sagittarius Dejanira conjunct the Moon or the Child Asteroid. They love the idea of romance more than romance itself. But he never calls and I always need to make the first move. Its incredibly hard for me to focus on one thing at a time since Im usually multitasking like a mad woman. Air signs are sociable, smart, apply logical thinking, but they dislike deep connection. Venus in Gemini Meaning and Personality Traits As long as there is a twinkle in her eyes, it depends on the personality if he is into a woman. They can have various love affairs with many different people. Id like to take this opportunity to address the reputation Gemini has for being somewhat dishonest. This is a youthful placement. I have never been in a relationship, its like I rather have a good time then some ppl take serious for a commit that I am very scared of loosing my freedom so badly. By modality, Gemini belongs to the group of mutable signs (there are four mutable signs in astrology: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces). She enjoys talking to others, sometimes people mistake her communicative nature for flirting. Thanks. This question would take the 5 days I spend on a natal to really answer well, my Friend. Asc node Taurus XII Virgo. Venus in Gemini tends to be all over the place. They also like to spend on gadgets, books, but also on cars and other vehicles. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. She know that being armed with knowledge is always a good thing. The Love Embrace of the Generally speaking, these people appreciate art and they often have artistic talent themselves too. It is ruled by Mercury, the planet of the conscious brain. His dream girl is communicative, outgoing, smart, fun, vivacious, spontaneous, always ready for a new adventure. Their own personality is basically invisible, so its easy to dress them up in a variety of looks. This Venus sign favours being where the buzz is and often has many acquaintances and a few close friends. When youre in love, you can be a real tease! It is also good for writing, programming, marketing, sales, teaching. Charm her with words. This can be seen in their rapid shifts in mood or thought. What is the Venus in Gemini man attracted to? What seems too ideal or unreal to some may appeal to them, and even more, they might be fascinated by such things. You are not the most sentimental of lovers, although you do have a wonderful way with words. Venus in Gemini Woman One would have to see the inner workings of the chart to really make a helpful comment, my Friend. It is no bother, Sina. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. She is akin to Mars in Scorpioin a male. We can talk for hours about anything. An absolute queen of a Venusian Gemini, Fridas love and celebration of bright contrast, color block based patterns, and themes of duality comes through strongly in both her clothing and artwork. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. All business people need someone who is excellent at managing and maintaining their books. best wishes to all my Venus Gemini sufferers:)*. Venus here wants to be around others, enjoy their company, share information, have a good laugh, and even gossip a bit. Here, Venus expresses her energy in a light-hearted, cheerful, witty, but superficial way. Venus in Gemini womans appearance People in this category are sexy, with long, upturned eyes with fluttering eyelashes. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. In this article, you can learn about Venus in Gemini. Help me about an advice in love because somehow I can not realize myself ! Add in Scorpio moon and Sag Asc. I just think people should handle their own feelings like I do. Well, Gemini gets bored fast unless you have other more constant placements like Cancer. I see that you registered in my Forum. Come and put up your chart, Friend! The Venus in a Gemini woman reveals her natural sense of inner love for the world. A male in the Venus in Gemini might be shy and quiet, but they attract women who are talkative. My moon is Virgo and my rising is Libra . They may also be the type to date more than one person at a time. The sign of Venus in your chart describes how you approach these matters. Venus in Gemini womans appearance People in this category are sexy, with long, upturned eyes with fluttering eyelashes. Venus in Gemini 7 50 44 Rx The Venus in Gemini woman is charismatic, approachable, open. Sun Leo Ascendant Libra Just found this. I also run away from people when they get too intense because I get overwhelmed with those type of feelings. How do you know what your moon and ascendant are??? Witty dialogue is both her idea of seduction and foreplay because even when shes officially in a relationship, shes not going to stop with the intellectual ramblings. They switch topics quickly to keep the other person on their toes. Please help . Keep it light and happy! These Venus in Gemini women will usually avoid becoming too emotionally involved in a relationship, not because their emotions are fake or they are afraid of something, but that they are naturally less emotional and romantic than most. After each breakup I got physically sick for a long time- it hurt in anything but a superficial way. that proves i am not loyal. They are flexible and versatile, but they can lack persistence. In the natal chart, Venus describes how you receive and give love. I am a Libra ASC, Sun Merc and venus in Gemini with a cancer Moon. WebWomen with Venus in Gemini have a light and breezy quality to their personality. What actually happens is that they have a lot of simulations in their head, counting for all the possible answers and potential solutions to a question. This makes the relationship fun and exciting. Venus in Gemini tends to be all over the place. They will be attracted to the latest tech gadgets, so they never miss a message. An afflicted Venus can suggest issues with your self-esteem and self-confidence. Venus in the sign of the Twins has no specific looks it prefers. This can be seen in their rapid shifts in mood or thought. The Venus in Gemini Man: Get to Know Him Better, Venus in Gemini: Key Personality Traits in Love and Life, The Venus in Aries Man: Get to Know Him Better, The Venus in Aries Woman: Get to Know Her Better, The Venus in Taurus Man: Get to Know Him Better, The Venus in Taurus Woman: Get to Know Her Better. Gemini is mostly oriented on gathering information and connecting with others. This person may be restless and find it difficult to decide about a potential partner. Wavy hairstyles fit them well, as they match Geminis edgy personality. Venus in Gemini is the girl men love to hate. It was not too long at all! Introduction:Venus in Gemini woman is the highly intelligent observer who sees the world through a rational lens and is especially suited to more artistic work. They are carefree and often look beautiful in light fabrics that flutter in the wind like chiffon or rayon. I always have a conflict inside my mind , I want to be loved loyal staying with partner but also I have deep desire seeing all the world with different things different ppl in doing anything what I want. As a student, she will pay close attention in class so she gets top grads. WebVenus in Gemini, Mischief and Mayhem! They need to feel heard and understood by their partner, and they will try to give the same in return. My Vernus&Moon both are Germini and Asc is Sagittarius. Commitment, to you, doesnt mean things have to be dull. In astrology, Venus rules Taurus and Libra. She has a very friendly attitude what makes people attracted to her. When you are in love, you make light and witty company, even if your Sun is in a more serious sign like Taurus or Cancer. She loves words, as Venus in Scorpio loves black silk. It represents the part of you that wants to relate to others and be loved. The Love Embrace of the This native is very talkative with everyone around her, and she likes to get swept up in crazy conversations about the most fascinating things in the world. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Are these good placements? Venus in Gemini As long as there is enough intellectual stimulation in a relationship, they are in if they once said yes. You flirt, joke, and cajoleand you turn others on with the promise that love will be fun with you. The Venus in Gemini female is generally expressive, adaptable, imaginative and versatile. You can come and post charts on my Forum. These women love to flirt and are very good at flirting. Her communication style in relationships is critical to understand, and her Venus gives you clues into her friendly and active personality. She is playful, chatty, cheerful. Venus in Gemini Style They are use to it. Soft skin, big eyes, full lips and chubby cheeks are signature to Venus in Cancer. In a relationship, Venus in Gemini needs a lot of space, and their partner shouldnt inhibit them from talking to others or they feel restricted. Boring to her, is the mundane routine of life. However, not all women with Venus in Gemini will necessarily be great with numbers, so of course, youll need to look at other aspects of your personality in order to choose a career for you. Although some Venus in Gemini people go through lovers like Kleenex, just to avoid the frightening thought of having to commit oneself to only one partner, most are very capable of loyalty in the long-term. It is easy for her to form relationships. Venus in Gemini womans appearance People in this category are sexy, with long, upturned eyes with fluttering eyelashes. Venus Gemini IV Capricorn I have no trouble attracting partners but noticed they flee fast or I get bored quickly. Gemini is mutable and likes change. Venus in Libra does not like to chase, in general. They dont get deeply emotionally involved in relationships. Venus in Gemini Woman Neptune in Pisces 20 56 13 Some of the other negative traits of this sign include being two-faced, insensitive, making fun of others. Venus speaks about your sense of self-worth as well. She does not attract with sultriness, as does Venus in Scorpio. The best zodiac signs for Venus in Gemini compatibility: The Venus in Gemini woman is charismatic, approachable, open. Could I stay possible? Some planets become enchanted in certain signs. However, she does not leave lovers planning revenge, as does Venus in Scorpio. I was born when venus was in conjunction with my ascendant in Gemini.lolalso venus was in conjunction with saturn. The Venus Gemini woman tends to move in and out of cliques, but the keyword is move. "I want to welcome you to my website. They will always be the curious, mischievous child they were once. However, they should slow down from time to time to ensure that their partner is equally satisfied. You get along well with anyone. Both are legendary placements to those in the Astrological know. They often have thin, heart-shaped faces, rounded eyebrows, and pointed noses. Jupiter in Capricorn 25 49 56 Rx I think I have an article on Venus in Libra, which talks about this. Sexually, she wants to hear you talk. How many dimensions are there to a person; and when they show up with a very decorative outer appearance void of any inner exploration, well lets just say its a sinking ship before boarding. I have never had a stable relationship. In general though, they are pretty low maintenance when it comes to their appearance. They often have thin, heart-shaped faces, rounded eyebrows, and pointed noses. This can be seen in their rapid shifts in mood or thought. Gemini is one of the air signs. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Mutable likes change. Often, they really enjoy your company, but as soon as the conversation ends, their mind is on the next person. You may like fashion rental services like Runway Rentals, as they allow you to keep your look fresh all the time. This placement suggests that the more people you talk to, the better you feel about yourself. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. She will often feel like she has to know how something works or why someone has made a decision in their life. I have a Sun in Cancer (only planet/luminary in a water sign), Libra Moon and Taurus ascendant. Her complex topics are legendary for blocking those who even think of going forward with such a They may wear lots of scarves and may prefer messy windswept hair. Pluto in Capricorn 24 27 40 Rx I am a strong Gemini but I have a Cancer Moon. I would have to see the charts to tell what is going on. If she has a Fixed sign Ascendant, like Scorpio or Leo, you will be alright. WebVenus in Gemini women are witty, clever, and gravitate towards those who have a similar mind. She will be sure to make sure to dot all the is and cross all the ts so that the books are in perfect order. Venus in Gemini Women is well-grown in the spheres like writing, public speaking, The Venus in Pisces Woman: Get to Know Whether their partner is near or far, Venus in Gemini wants to be in constant contact with their loved ones. language as lubricant comes to mind. Venus in Gemini relishes life and its reflexive nature. Her determination to attain her goals and fearlessness to face any difficulty makes her a formidable woman. There are five possible Sun signs for those with Venus in Gemini, Aries through to Cancer. Venus in Gemini is delightful.She does not attract by force, as does Venus in Aries. Her complex topics are legendary for blocking those who even think of going forward with such a discussion. The Venus in Gemini woman is a very sly and mischievous fellow who uses her wit and deep knowledge of the human nature to put her interlocutors in difficult situations. Venus in Gemini Mars in Aries might like a lot of change and new things, also, Sarah. It also describes your taste in art. Is this a good thing? She enjoys talking to others, sometimes people mistake her communicative nature for flirting. Venus is a good placement. Women with Venus in Gemini are usually very intelligent and interesting. She brands herself a feminist because of her innate conviction that men are no better than women and advocates that what a man can do, a woman can do it better. She is bold when it is comes to making decisions because shes got the courage of her convictions. Her worst quality is, also, her best. He is always holding back hes in and then hes not. Shes socially in motion, a lover of the soiree and themed-party, over the intensely cloistered dinner for two. Wavy hairstyles fit them well, as they match Geminis edgy personality. I have this placement, conjunct my mars in 8th house. I suppose I must cop the guilty plea on this. Soft skin, big eyes, full lips and chubby cheeks are signature to Venus in Cancer. When woman Venus is in Gemini, you look for lively relationships with plenty of activity and communication. A Venus in Gemini man appreciates wit and a good sense of humor. Gemini is led by Mercury, which is associated with communication and transportation. This is a youthful placement. This is thanks to her attentiveness and perfectionism. Im actually sensitive and I withdraw at any direct, forward hint, or when something becomes too obvious or vulgar. Their social circle is usually large and they have a lot of friends and acquaintances. Clever, quick and the sprite of the Zodiac, your Gemini nature is dualistic and lithe, dextrous and free! She brands herself a feminist because of her innate conviction that men are no better than women and advocates that what a man can do, a woman can do it better. She is bold when it is comes to making decisions because shes got the courage of her convictions. Clever, quick and the sprite of the Zodiac, your Gemini nature is dualistic and lithe, dextrous and free! Very few women speak as you have. Aspects from other planets and the condition of Mercury (the ruling planet of Gemini) also influence how your Venus manifests in your life.
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