$45.21 shipping. I don't know what to do to find out if the pictures are of value or even what year they are really from. Question: Where can I take an original picture by James Ingwersen to be appraised? Glad to find lots of information here.Good to learn more things from this hub. as they include images which are useful for comparison purposes. It's from "La Tauromaquia" A bull fighting series Goya etched. Whilst the internet has made it much easier to identify artwork, not all painters will be listed on auction price guide websites, and not all second-hand pictures are of any major value. What would be the value of this piece of artwork? Vintage Velvet Jesus Painting from the 1970s Signed Original brooksandthurman (629) $99.99 FREE shipping Pair of Vintage 70s Black Velvet Painting Smoking Elderly Asian Man and Woman Groovy Kitsch pinkvictorianhouse (401) $115.00 FREE shipping Learn about bidding. However, a good quality hand painted oil copy in a nice frame may do somewhat better. Question: I have a signed painting by D.A. Paintings by this artist don't often come to auction, so it may be difficult to get a completely accurate valuation. Is this likely to be valuable? Hello Amanda! Around this time, Elvis Presley had transitioned from a teen idol shaking his pelvis on Ed Sullivan to a Vegas showman, decked out in jewel-encrusted leather capes and over-the-top jewelry. Art and antique dealers can also be helpful, but it's best to ask several for their offers if you are hoping to sell, as they are people with a living to earn, and are unlikely to offer top dollar prices. Answer: Your item may well be of value, but it's impossible to say without seeing it in person. While it could be that no one will ever purchase it, I still value it. During the 60's, my parents used to sell oils down the Bayswater Rd and were also exhibited in one of the London Galleries. Through velvet painting the future shall be foretold! REDUCED. Question: What is an etching by Colnaghi and Company worth? I reccommend that you take the picture to an auction house with an in-house art expert to get their advice. You may have a print, or you may have a painted copy. I just don't know how to find information on it. Question: I have a Rene Charles painting that is titled "Cottage by a River". i would really appreciate ANY sort of lead that you can provide me with because and as i've mentioned, i have no clue where to start. comments powered by Not all good paintings are valuable in monetary terms. To enable personalized advertising (like interest-based ads), we may share your data with our marketing and advertising partners using cookies and other technologies. A highly collectible, hand-coloured political cartoon, "Visiting the Sick" by James Gillray, 1806. Look for one that specialises in works of art for the best advice. What's It Worth: Painting on Velvet - YouTube Answer: It is impossible to give an accurate appraisal without seeing the item in person. It is quite literally impossible to guess which one of the many possible artists might have painted your picture, and for this reason, I recommend that you seek advice from either an auction house or antique/art dealer in your local area. Pastel is a pure powdered pigment mixed with a binding agent. Although some think the painting isn't real, it's estimated to be worth between $114 million and $171 . We also offer tips on how to find valuable art at garage sales, flea markets and thrift shops. If it is a print, it may still be worth something. Find out more in our Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. Original Vintage Style. It just means that they're not yet on a collector's tick list. Snoopy Black Velvet Painting - CollectPeanuts.com Hi Amanda: I have an original oil painting that my mom bought in the 60's in great condition in beautiful wooden original frame. Certain limited edition prints are worth more than normal prints. Hi Amanda. Answer: Photographic collectibles are a specialist field. It's a coastal landscape. Please follow the advice provided to assist you with doing your own research. It says it's an original etching by John Cameron. Selling and valuing online since 1997. The pigments used to produce pastels are exactly the same as those used in any coloured art media, from watercolours to oil paints, and consequently pastels often produce very intense, vibrant colours. Netflix's 'Velvet Buzzsaw' and the sinister world of haunted art. We offer free art appraisals (for original oil paintings) on our website at AmericanArtAdvisor.com. Or museum trips to gaze at classics from a safe distance. If you search this artist on the free listings on findartinfo.com, you will get some idea of the sums achieved. What should I do? The site is free to sign up to and there is no charge for looking at auction results. He did the cleaning on my painting. A metal plate is first given an acid-resistant coating. Plan on rereading this a couple of times to make sure I haven't overlooked anything. Picture research is very time-consuming and does not always yield results. I've just tried searching on Scheermuni without success, but you might want to have a look for yourself to see if any of the names listed are similar. I suspect that your item may be some kind of print or other reproduction, but the only way to be certain is if you show the item to an auction house or art and antiques dealer in your local area. It measures approximately 20" x 28". Black Velvet Paintings: The Art We Hate To Love - WorthPoint No signature. I believe that there is a market for interesting pieces that are not necessarily very valuable but that are unique. $1. i have read your article but unfortunately i still need some professional help in this matter as i don't posses the know how. If you find that the artist is indeed likely to be Greek (or Belarusian, or Bulgarian, etc.) Amanda Severn (author) from UK on March 18, 2019: Sorry Abbi, but this is not a service that I offer. Many years ago, I bought a picture from a junk-sale believing it to be a valuable watercolour. You need to get them professionally appraised. Where Are All the Bob Ross Paintings? We Found Them. Do you know anything about this artist or the value of his paintings? though i dont own any such painting my self it was a wealth of info. I found a large sketch of a man in the attic of a 200 year old church How do I find out who he is. If you are unable to undertake your own research for whatever reasn, I always recommend that you approach an auction house that specialises in art, and ask for their advice. You should include photographs of the painting and the back of it. Please note: I do not offer a valuation service and will not respond to emails asking for online appraisals. Answer: The French artist Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665) painted in the classical Baroque style, and he was a well-known and much admired painter whose works now hang in many museums and galleries across Europe and beyond. I can send pics of it if you wish. I'm glad the article was useful. Nail Artist/ Nail Tech Job in Fort Worth, TX at Velvet Studio Treasures By Brenda from Canada on August 18, 2014: I'm an eBay seller who does not know much about art. Thank you for the reply. 30.48, 38.10 Copyright 2022 PaintingValley.com All Rights Reserved. If you have a limited edition print by a well-known artist, it will often (though by no means always) have a greater value than a genuine painting by an unknown artist. The majority of these are not by listed artists or famous artists. Because they tend to be more durable and less delicate than watercolours, they are not often behind glass. Sometimes people get lucky and find that the well-loved picture on the wall is actually very valuable, but this is a comparatively rare occurrence. The best known of these are based at Dafen in China. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on September 15, 2016: Hi Steve, your picture sounds intriguing, and it is obviously a family treasure that you would not wish to part with. Captcha failed to load. Do remember, however, that auction houses charge commission on sales, so the prices listed won't necessarily be the amount paid to the seller. Artist: Pierre-Auguste Cot (French, Bdarieux 1837-1883 Paris) Date: 1880 Medium: Oil on canvas Dimensions: 92 1/4 x 61 3/4 in. Who was a better subject for a velvet painting than someone dressed in white patent leather and studded bell bottoms? 2023 - WorthPoint Corporation | 5 Concourse Parkway NE, Suite 2900. (40% off), Sale Price 38.10 Ask if the saleroom specializes in paintings. YARN | --that idea ain't worth a velvet painting of a whale and a Velvet is good with some balding spots. Printed signatures rarely look truly authentic. Vintage Paintings 68,200+ for Sale at Chairish Velvet painting is an ancient[when?] I keep thinking that surely something I have around the house has got to be worth a lot. If your favorite velvet painting is not in stock, please contact us to be put on our waiting list. The phrase 'listed artists' is used in reference to those whose works have passed through auction houses and major galleries sufficiently often for them to appear on listings sites such as Blouin's Art Sales Index. The signature is illegible and it looks like it's in Greek/Slavonic alphabet. Pierre-Auguste Cot | The Storm | The Metropolitan Museum of Art Help Save Velvet Paintings OK Whatever There are a number of online resources with artist signatures for comparison. As a first step you could identify a professional picture restorer who might be prepared to take on the work if you were to buy the picture, and get an estimate. 1 Bid. 6 WATCHING. The vast majority of original work available on the second-hand market is either by unknown amateur artists or by artists whose renown has never extended beyond their local area. There are over twenty examples of this artist's work featured on this site, with illustrations and details of prices attained at auction. Srtist name appears to be "Ismothe next few letters are not very legible could be nio, could be rxo not sure. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on March 13, 2015: In general Dante Petrucelli, larger pictures have a greater value when by the same artist. Thanks so much! This service is free to use at present, and provides a useful insight into the possible value of your item. Answer: John Constable painted Dedham Lock and Mill in 1820. Use a magnifying glass to look at the picture in greater detail. Answer: Unfortunately, as I am based in the UK, I'm not familiar with the auction scene in your area. Manuel Gregorio Acosta Artwork for Sale at Online Auction | Manuel Who should I contact? However, auction houses will often offer you advice for free, based on the premise that you will very possibly then allow them to sell your items. For one, satin paint has a bit of a sheen to it, while velvet paint is more matte. Crochet and Velvet Bracelets Duo | EBTH Guerrero is a fairly common Spanish sir-name, and there are a number of listed artists by this name. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on October 11, 2014: Thanks for stopping by AaronBurton. A velvet painting is a type of painting distinguished by the use of velvet (usually black velvet) as the support, in place of canvas, paper, or similar materials. Yes, those are still a thing, and they are no longer only found at swap meets or street-corner sales. After all, isnt the purpose of most art to evoke an emotional response or bring a bright spot to a room? You never know. I can't find out anything about it and the only John Cameron I can find is the one who lived in 1828-1876. Morf Vanderwalt, the acerbic art critic played by Jake Gyllenhaal in Netflix film " Velvet Buzzsaw ," is never short of a bon mot . Simply great information with honestly and directness. Image courtesy of Wiki Commons. They declined to appraise as they replied "We generally confine our sales of art to listed artist.". Velvet - Wikipedia I have been able to find out very little about this artist. It will not be cheap, even lesser condition covers with writing, tape, and or heavy soiling can bring a cool $1,000, high quality copies can fetch upwards of $3,000. Moktar Msi from Djibouti, Djibouti on September 28, 2014: thank you for u telling interesting historic. When not writing or walking her snorty pug Penny, she enjoys yard sales, flea markets, and badminton. Good luck with your research, and thanks for commenting. Atlanta, A black velvet painting of Avis. It's impossible for me to comment on its potential value, or offer any real insight without seeing the picture. I am often asked about providing appraisals, and even were it to be possible via the internet, I would point out that picture research is a time-consuming and painstaking process, and you are unlikely to find someone with the right expertise who is prepared to provide their services free of charge. Its safe to say that young men serving in the South Pacific were not classically trained art aficionados and likely purchased them for the depictions of nude island women. Question: What do you, the writer of this article, know about a framed Linda Schneider oil painting in my possession? If you are looking to sell this item you might try approaching a local auction house or art dealer for further advice, or you could list it online yourself. Ricky Bobby: Mr. Dennit, with all due respect, and remember I'm sayin A well executed oil painting will usually have a feeling of depth and often a softness about it that is the result of the paint being built up in layers known as "glazes." The arts are certainly addictive, and once you develop a love for art, you never lose it. I have a problem with a painting that a friend's family has. Question: I have inherited a painting by Ferris. It may well be that there is a market for this artist's work in his home town that does not exist in the wider marketplace. I cant read the names. Find velvet paintings for sale here that fulfill your inner decorator. Here are links to comparables, in size and subject that have sold in the past: $31 (signed): https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/vintage-framed-signed-oil-painting-405020541 $29.95 (initialed): Arguably the best-known velvet artist, paintings by Edgar Leeteg are much more valuable than the kind seen at flea markets. Oil-style prints have a very uniform finish, even the ones with fake brush-strokes. If your picture has a label on the back giving details of the title and artist, do a search on these details. Question: How do you appraise a painting if it is unsigned? What would an original Whistler etching be worth? If, however you are determined to find the artist of the other paiinting you could try Mearto.com or valuemystuff.com. If your print is signed and is by a well-known artist, it may well be valuable. I skimmed through this page so hope this applies. It looks like an oil, but also looks like a print. There are paintings in the South Australian art gallery by this artist. This version had been lost for decades until it turned up in the attic. You will find a very long list of artists with the name Ferris, but you may be able to narrow it down with the knowledge that you already have about the picture and its history. This is partly because you might post an image that might actually be of a print. Find unreal value with everything starting at $1. If you think your painting is of sufficient quality try seeking advice from an art sales professional in your local area. I have two pieces of my own work as well, the reason being that no one bought Vernons Luck when a gallery owner included it in a (non-juried) show in my hometown. Question: Where can I go to get a canvas painting appraised? One of the painting got the signature of the artist but i couldn't read it (it isn't clear) and it is a colored painting, while the other is Black and White but with no signature. If they keep good records, they may be able to help you learn more about your artwork. The plate can then be inked up and pressed onto damp paper, which will draw the ink out of the indentations left by the acid. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on November 09, 2012: Hi Sharonecali, thank you for posting this. I have looked everywhere online. +12 Are Velvet Paintings Worth Anything - Asian Paint Card I got in the touch with a major local auction house for appraisal with the idea to get the value and maybe put it for auction. I also love seeing surprised people on the Antiques Roadshow, OhMe. I need your email adress.Thanks in adwance. I live in Austin TX. Question: I have an oil painting, but cannot distinguish the signature. Answer: If you refer to the website findartinfo.com, you will find that the artist Marcos Hernandez Garcia (also known as Socram) has only one auction listing. But in the mid-1980s Keane. The Pop artist was known for his bold paintings with comic book-style themes. Paintings & Drawings Episode: Hotel del Coronado, Hour 2 (#2308) Appraisal 1922 John Frost Landscape Oil Painting Value: $25,000Auction- $35,000Auction Thank you . Learn about bidding. The 60's were a more liberated time on Hawaii. Answer: If you look at the auction listings for this artist on findartinfo.com, you'll get an idea of the spread of prices achieved for works by this artist. I think you should mention engravings. Its an abstract painting in greens and oranges, with decoupaged actual shamrocks embedded on the canvas. The dimensions are: 20 inches by 24 inches (in the frame). You may be in the next edition of The Art Hunters Handbook! I'm even considering sending it to his museum in Europe but of course that entails so many would-be disasters. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on September 20, 2017: Thank you for your comment. Both have original written on them. It is usually best to email your inquiry in the first instance. Experts in this field justifiably charge a fee for their services, and you should expect to pay a reasonable sum if you engage the assistance of a researcher.
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