Antique Pistols. Unfortunately for every 1 of us with a working brain there are 10000 that believe every thing that is written. This article relating to revolvers is a stub. Many of the weapons have a trigger that folds into the body of the weapon when not in use. Galand stoked his revolver with six of these cartridges. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Bird head Style grips. As the name dog suggests, these were marketed to cyclists to fend off wild dogs. A lovely example of an early classic 1900 Velo Mini Revolver. The revolvers were extremely popular throughout Europe and were produced by Galand between roughly 1894 and 1940 with many other European and American gunmakers producing clones and copies. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. Some models were double action and had concealed hammers while others were single action and required cocking before firing. The 3-3-3 Drill and Individual Self-Defense, Not the Sensitive Type, But Recoil is a Thing. If your gun is on the list you do not need a licence to own it as a 'curio' or 'ornament'. JavaScript is disabled. The theory was that with the increasing popularity of cycling (especially among women) and with cyclists venturing into the countryside they would need a small pistol which was not too heavy but was capable of protecting them against wild animals and rabid dogs. The Velo-Dog was a pocket revolver originally created in France by Charles-Franois Galand in the late 19th century as a defense for cyclists against dog attacks. We take all the hassle out of selling your gun. ONE IS JESUS CHRIST, FOR YOUR SOUL, AND THE OTHER IS THE AMERICAN SOLDIER, FOR YOUR FREEDOM. Retaining 85% + original finish with much peacock bluing. This is a beautiful gun with 95% of the original blue finish. For comparison todays NAA mini-revolvers are 4-inches overall with a 1.12-inch barrel. Misc. Looks like something somebody made with a drill press and a 2 axis vise. The name is a portmanteau of "velocipede" and "dog". (7mm & 9mm). The Smith & Wesson .38 Safety Hammerless "Bicycle Gun" with a 1.5-inch barrel offered in the May 2019 Premier Gun Auction is one of those rare bonafide revolvers. For this reason, my website includes both calibers as legitimate velo dog charges, though the 6,35 might be considered 'second generation'. Back to Main Index Surviving examples vary considerably in appearance. Nice little gun. Made in Belgium. [1], The original revolver uses the Galand company's proprietary 5.75mm Velo-dog cartridge, a centrefire 5.5mm (nominally 5.75) cartridge slightly less powerful than the 22 Long Rifle, using a jacketed bullet. Poor $ 0000. Priced in Auctions : Belgian Revolvers - with Must function properly and shoot. Pre-Owned - Velo Dog 6.35 Cal 1.7" Revolver 11 - The Sporting Shoppe at 5.5mm Velo-Dog - | Nature - Outdoor - Adventure Given the library of excess trivial gun data I have accumulated I decided to do something about a post on Wikipedia. The ejector pin would be drawn forward, then pivoted to the side to allow empty cases to be pushed out when the loading gate was opened. AROSTEGUI, EULOGIO Velo-Dog :: Gun Values by Gun Digest It was the age of steam engines, the first practical lighter-than-air balloons, machine guns, repeating rifles, landmines, and armored warships but one of the most popular inventions of the age was the human powered bicycle. Long derided as a footnote in firearms development, countless examples have been lost, destroyed or simply scrapped, leaving those that remain highly collectable. This proved sufficient given the almost non-existent recoil of this load. The cartridge is, or was until very recently, still made by Fiocchi. However, it wasn't until the 1880s and 1890s that the pedal-chain rear-wheel drive safety bicycle velocipede found favor as an efficient form of personal transportation for the general public, with the advantage that you didn't have to feed it hay and oats. Kingston, NY 12401 Phone: 866.686.7424 Fax: 877.486.7278 [5], Despite the low energy of the round, a suicide case was recorded where a woman shot herself twice in the temple with a .25 (6.35mm) Velo-dog revolver before succumbing.[6]. In 2022 a new or used Galand Velo-Dog Revolver value varies depending on supply and demand. You mean a "11" stamped where, at the rear of the cylinder next to one of the chambers? This is an original closed frame 6 shot, Velo-Dog type revolver has a fluted cylinder and 1 " octagonal barrel (5 . Velo Dog Revolver: Snubby Snoopy Sniper :: What is this? | Trapshooters Forum As Mr. Hall has noted, you have a Belgian Velo-Dog revolver. The grips are very nice as well. The velo-dog pistol might be the most valuable of the bunch. Michel Ledent (Ml) Liege Velo-Dog 5.5mm Velo Dog Obsolete Calibre 6 Editor's Note: This article is from Gun Digest 2022, 76th Edition, available at (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Overall, this Velo-Dog is in fair vintage condition with normal age-related finish wear on the barrel, cylinder, and frame. SOLD - $485.00. But second generation velo dogs were fitted for larger size cartridges. For those with soft hearts, there were also loads that replaced the lead bullet with wax, olive wood, or cork. These small revolvers were made in such numbers and by so many makers that if a gun is unmarked (as many were) we must rely on features and fine details to identify the maker. Here's what it's like to shoot this classic scattergun. Made circa 1890s. It was well traveled. Every cowboy needs a revolver. As a result the name stems from a portmanteau of two words; dog and Velocipede - from latin meaning fast foot which led to the French name for bicycle -vlo. Antique Pistols and Handguns for Sale | Collectors Firearms These vehicles scared horses, children, and dogs. Description: 20th Century Europe VELODOG Style Pocket Revolver C&R Eligible, with Folding Trigger, in 5.5mm Here we present a Velodog-style Revolver, made circa 1910 in Liege, Belgium. I guess flat-faced triggers were not in then. SMALL CONCEALED HAMMER VELO DOG REVOLVER | 23 | 98 | Lc | 62.5185ms. Snipers Hide is a community of Snipers of all kinds, focusing on long range shooting, accuracy, and ballistics. The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). Because of their high value, many fakes have been made over . Antique Pistols, Handguns, & Revolvers - Antique Gun Shop | Down East These were similar in size to Galands guns, but very different in some details. The top strap is marked "Randf: Cal: 22-230, Syst: Hammerless". The name is a compound word composed of "velocipede" and "dog".The hammer is shrouded to avoid its snagging on clothing, so the weapon is double action only.All have short barrels and originally fired the 5.75 mm (.22 calibre) Velo . Similarly, the very popularity of the velo dog design led later manufacturers to introduce velo dog look-alikes in .320, 8mm lebel, etc. Would you know what it would be worth? Model Velo-Dog 5.5mm Velo Dog Obsolete Calibre 6 Shot Revolver With Folding Trigger & Manufactured Year Victorian Era Antique yes Certificate No Licence Barrel length 1 1/2 inches Overall length 5 inches Your reference 17072 Gun Status Activated Recommended Usage Collection item Description However, Im unsure on caliber, it could also be chambered in something else, however the majority of Velo-Dog revolvers Ive encountered were 25 ACP. The front sight is pretty decent, but the shallow notch of the rear sight is not particularly useful. Chambered for the 6.35 Velo Dog cartridge. The name combined the words Velocipede (bicycle) and Dog; his thought was that cyclists could use the revolver to discourage dogs that plagued them. The 5.5mm Velo-Dog originated in France in 1894. Blued, with walnut grips. They all have one or more of three specific features concealed hammer, folding spur-trigger, and manual safety. Need Help Identifying this revolver- It's a VeloDog, but what? It shows contempt for the subject and does not require critical thinking. copper-jacketed round-nose bullet, which when fired from a short-barreled revolver made about 650-700 fps., pretty much replicating the performance of standard .22 LR of the early 20thC. Producing just 650fps, it was not even as powerful as todays basic 22LR. Bullets would then be loaded one at a time as the cylinder was rotated. Belgian Velo Dog revolver (mainspring) Hand Guns Forum | Numrich Forum > Hand Guns > Hand Guns > Belgian Velo Dog revolver (mainspring) Belgian Velo Dog revolver (mainspring) Numrich Gun Parts Corporation 226 Williams Ln. This is a small 6.35 cal. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. There was no shortage of small revolvers available at the time; most countries produced them, particularly Belgium, where they never met a patent they didnt want to violate. velo-dog revolver - The Firing Line Forums There is very minor pitting on the barrel. This is a neat piece. The concept took off in Europe and became known as Velo-Dog revolvers. All have short barrels and originally fired the 5.75mm (.22 calibre) Velo-dog cartridge, although many of the Velo-Dogs produced after 1900 accepted .22 LR or .25 ACP rounds. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The Manufrance models, marked Manufacture Francaise DArmes & Cycles de St-Etienne are by far the most common and tend to go for about $200 in complete condition. See Sold Price. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks. It is 4-1/2" overall with a 1-3/4" barrel. A Chilliwack man who accidentally shot himself with a French palm pistol known as a "Velo Dog" because of its use by cyclists to fend off attacks from animals has lost his appeal of a. The Velo-Dog (also known as a Revolver de Poche) was a pocket revolver originally created in France by Ren Galand, son of Charles-Franois Galand in the late 19th century as a defense for cyclists against dog attacks. Pistols of the World, I.Hogg & J. This was not as inhumane as it sounded; loads of Cayenne Pepper, lead dust, and wax, wood or cork bullets bullets were available. Because they don't know any better. Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Learn More{{/message}}. The name is a compound word composed of 'velocipede ' and 'dog'. A .32 or .38 lead pill struck the marketers as the perfect prescription for persistent petulant pups. Single diamond checkered wood grips. Galand Velo-Dog Revolver For Sale $0.00, Review, Price - In Stock Excellent - 95%+ condition with or without box. Rarities that will generally bring a premium include large-frame hammerless revolvers and engraved specimens. Semi-smokeless proof for all guns in use since 1904. Interesting traditional double action revolver designed for self-defense against dogs while riding bicycles. Belgian Mini-Revolver (Video) - Forgotten Weapons Get 12 Issues a year of the country's best firearms writing. Estimated New and Used Values for a Galand Velo-Dog Revolver Values are based on a basic model with no options or colors. International shipping - items may be subject to customs processing depending on the item's customs value. June 12, 2022. how old is tova borgnine son . A string of five shots yielded an average velocity of 430fps. While there WAS a centerfire 5.5 mm cartridge called the Velo-dog, these tiny revolvers do not have a cylinder long enuff for that . The revolver is, as one would expect, quite petite. The Velo Dog | An Official Journal Of The NRA Explore The NRA Universe Of Websites Quick Links NRA.ORG Manage Your Membership NRA Near You Friends of NRA State and Federal Gun Laws NRA Online. When I get the reloading dies Ill see about working up some loads that mimic the performance of the original cartridge. This should be a force-fit. Likewise, the hammer was hidden inside the frame and completely shrouded. Blade front sight. Is a rose by any other name still a rose? I only wanted a few cartridges for test purpose for the moment, so I made seven cases this way. Velo-Dog pistols were initially chambered a proprietary 5.5mm Velo-Dog cartridge but later they appeared in a number of small calibres including .22 rimfire and .25ACP calibres. They were an instant hit with the public and by the 1920s near clones were being made by a dozen firms in almost every Western European country. The French version of Sears, Manufrance, sold their Dog-chambered models via mail order until the late 1930s for 45 francs (payable in 3 francs a month via layaway.) The latter proved especially dangerous to these 19th century Lance Armstrongs and led to one of the strangest arms races in human memory. Item Overview Description SERIAL NUMBER 14 BARREL 1-1/4" CALIBER 6.35 VELO DOG CF. Priced in Auctions, A. Francotte Belgian Engraved Double Action Pinfire Revolver, Belgian 7mm Pin-Fire Revolver + Cartridge Purse and Pouch c.1870, Belgian Brevette Colt Model 1851 Navy Percussion Revolver, Belgian Cased Folding Trigger Pocket Double Action Revolver, Belgian Center-Fire Double-Action Revolver with High-Grade Engraving c.1890, Belgian Double Action and Double Barrel 18-Shot Pinfire Revolver, Belgian Lefaucheux type Pinfire Revolver with decorated grips, Belgian made British Bulldog Pocket Revolver, Belgian Open Frame Percussion Revolver 12mm, Belgian Pinfire Double and Single Action 10-Shot Revolver, Belgian Pinfire Folding Trigger Pocket Revolver Cigar-Cased, Belgian Pinfire Pocket Revolver with Floral Engravings, Belgian Pinfire Pocket Revolver with folding trigger, Belgian Pocket Hammerless Revolver with Folding Trigger 5.5mm caliber, Belgian Pocket Revolver Attributed to Prostitute Rose Murphy, Belgian Pocket Revolver with Folding Trigger 7.65mm caliber, Belgian ''Texas Ranger'' Double Action Revolver .38 L, Belgian Two-Barrel 20-shot 7mm Pinfire Revolver c.1870, Dessard Belgian Folding-Trigger Tip-Up Revolver in Pipe Casing, Francotte Hammerless Pocket Double Action Revolver Gold Inlaid, Janssen Sons & Co. Belgian Vest Pocket Revolver + Traveling Case, Pirlot Freres Belgian Military Double Action Revolver. on Sep 21, 2019 The 'Velo-dog revolver'. - Sniper's Hide Forum Poor - under 30% condition. velo dog pistol value The name is a portmanteau of "velocipede" and "dog". Belgian Velo-Dog Double Action Revolver - In 2023 a new or used Galand Velo-Dog Revolver value varies depending on supply and demand. Velo-dog - Wikipedia The most prolific production was from the turn of the 20th century to World War I. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Stephanie: You are perhaps thinking of the .221 Askins Centerfire. Briefly, the Velo-Dog was a fairly powerful .22 caliber center fire cartridge made to allow people riding bicycles ("velocipedes") to protect themselves from attacks by dogs, hence the "velo-dog" name. Now I have a hang on the naming schema of these types of pistol I want a BABY Browning <g> A 6.35mm double-action revolver with 1.5" barrel, folding trigger and concealed hammer. 7.65 Borchardt caliber with a 7" barrel. As the name suggests, a velo-dog revolver was designed to protect velocipedists against dogs when out for a ride. They were christened Velo-Dog revolvers, sometimes also called Revolver de Poche (Poche apparently meaning pocket, not pooch.) Some argue that the dog part of Velo-Dog references bulldog-style revolvers, but the similarity escapes me. Velo-dog "little revolver" - The Firing Line Forums Cal. It may even be a smoothbore "shotgun." Looking at the hammer and firing pin, one might tell whether it's a center-fire or a rimfire cartridge. The name "Velo-dog" comes from the portmanteau of the words "Velocipede" (an early type of bicycle) and "dog" which alludes to the fact that the Velo-dog was designed to protect cyclists from wild dog attacks. velo dog pistol value. Collectible Firearms for Serious Gun Collectors | Rock Island Auction Therefore the hammer is concealed within the frame, preventing it from snagging on the user's pocket when they drew it, ergo the Velo-Dog fires using a double action only mechanism. This Velo Dog Model is equipped with a 1.7" barrel, fixed sights, wood grip, and a steel frame. To the adventurous collector exploring this field, it can sometimes seem more challenging to find two alike than to find a new variation. Like the cops who lump a vast veriety of different types of handguns into the catagory of "saturday night special." Unusual Velo Dog - Very Nice hand engravings down the spine and on both sides of the frame. Smith & Wesson's version was a 2-inch iteration of its hammerless model. It appears to be a 25 ACP Velo-Dog Revolver. Ill revisit this later when I have more proper ammo. Common grips were hard rubber, but silver, wood, antler, mother-of-pearl and ivory were also used. Antique Pistols | Circa: Using The Marks Of Proof On This Gun, Crown,Crown,U, Proof Hose, E. German, Suhl, Type Of Proof And Gun, Inspection Mark, Circa, Since 1950. There is even a safety lever on the left side of the gun. Galand designed a centerfire round about the length of a .38 Special but with a 45-grain .22-caliber bullet and a light, often black powder, charge. Leash laws have a real purpose. The number 6851 is stamped on the top flat of the barrel. FA: Original box of 5.5 Velo Dog Ammunition - Google Groups Very Good - 90% - 95% condition (all parts/finish should be original). The caliber is .22. Like the French guns they were all double-action revolvers, and initially were hammerless, though later guns with exposed hammers were made. Ignoring the complaint about wiki, let's look at Velo Dogs. They all are pocket size. The overall condition is good with rust on the frame & barrel and cracked on the right grip. Pre-Owned - Velo Dog 6.35 Cal 1.7 Revolver 11. In use from 1868-1925, this mark was used to show a single final proof with loads designed for temporary or provisional proof. This is a sale of a Rare Mother-of-Pearl handled French Velo-Dog Revolver, made by Manufacture Francaise d'Armes & Cycles de St. Etienne, chambered for the 6mm French Velo-Dog cartridge round which is unobtainable. In 1893, Charles designed an 8mm hammerless pocket revolver he marketed as the Tue Tue. Double action with internal hammer and manual safety. revolver with a concealed hammer and folding trigger. VELO-DOG REVOLVER 5.5mm Gun Firearms PHOTO CARD Cyclists Defense - eBay In the last 12 months there is great demand for a Galand Velo-Dog Revolver and most handguns. and 12 ft/lbs of energy, with an extreme spread of 21 fps., just about right for close-range indoor target shooting. Velo-Dog Revolvers | The Firearms Forum That revolver cylinder is much too short to take the Velo-Dog round."</I></blockquote> MK S Savage99Stan Registered Joined Dec 27, 2007 2,262 Posts Checkered hard rubber grips are Need Help?service@guns.comCall (866)582-4867, PO Box 1131 13800 Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 French manufacturer Galand introduced the first in the mid-1890s. Cut a 3/16 long section of silver-bearing plumbing solder into the tube and push it to the bottom rimmed section with a rod, then heat the area with a torch until the solder flows and then allow to cool.
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