I have completed the program just at the return to duty process. Also the government purposely makes it hard for you to still work if you want to work interstate. Most workers receive on-the-job training for up to one month. I'm looking for local or regional class a wrk in Wisconsin , but if it comes down to it I'll even accept otr. I've pulled tankers with food grade product for 1 month. I have close to 2 years experience otr/dry van. Employers generally dont require anything more than a drivers license and minimal training to learn local traffic laws and street layouts. I had to do the sap program myself last July and it took me until October to find this company that would hire me. Based off of the conversation with your SAP provider will determine what Type of treatment you will have to do, mine was the bare minimum I just had to do a 4hr class online and it gave me a certificate that I had to turn in following That completing a negative drug test. Company's That Hire Driver After The Go Through DOT SAP PROGRAM Most employers cannot hire a driver that has failed or refused a D&A test because they may lose their insurance altogether so it is not because these companies suck, it is because you are now considered High Risk and they will lose their ass if you get in a crash even up to 10 years later. We also consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state and local law. Look I was one of the people who wasn't dirty. Plz call or text if you can help me 3346634437. How Much Does a Propane Truck Driver Make? So although I have completed the SAP program I am unemployed with 30years and 3 million plus milesnever had a chargeable accident and never had a speeding ticket, knock on wood so I'm putting it out there like I see so many of my fellow drivers .570-885-2312 Kevin , any help greatly appreciated, I have never seen this kind of treatment ever after finishing the program thats supposed to get me back on the road I still cant find a job pls guys i need help I will soon be homeless with a CDL class A. I've completed SAP counseling and am currently on step 4. People going through this program reminds me of the people of Egypt. The tech also left the sample on the counter for over 5 minutes before testing it, and he tried to say the sample was not at the correct temp. A month later I called and they had no more positions available Ive been applying a different jobs and no ones seems to be able to hire me if anyone can help heres my number 5094921762 I have about a year of experience, I will be straight up, i used to be a drug dealer getting out of that lifestyle, I don't do no type of drugs whatsoever but when I went to get my cdl they found cocaine in my system from touching it by contact at school the lady asked me do I wanna take it now to start Monday or take it next week I was like I take it now bcuz I know I don't smoke weed,cigarette,cocaine,drink nothing whatsoever then I failed it I have my own dump truck wanna sell it and buy a 18 wheeler but I wanna work for a company first to get the experience so i can buy my own truck thanks i have a cdl class A with no restrictions 9106339428, I recently got my cdl went to western express to get some training ended up leaving and got hit with a refusal I since completed the sap program I wanted a company to give me a chance Im hard worker and not a slacker very dedicated to working and Im willing to prove that if anyone can give me a chance my # is 4045812814 thank you in advance. Water transportation workers work in the deep sea, coastal and great lakes transportation industry, and they made a median annual wage of $57,330, as of May 2019, BLS reports. 2.trucking companies that take sap program jobs - SimplyHired; 3.20 Best sap truck driver jobs (Hiring Now!) Below is a link to the FMCSA website to explain more. I went to their program. I just recently got into UPS doing sleeper runs making 30an Hr 71cent split after 4 years 1$ a mile split making 45$ an hourdon't give up just apply everywhere. So now I am just trying to find a company that will give me a shot and train me to drive and use my CDL. Does anyone know a company that would hire me? Currently looking for non-cmw employment until SAP process is complete. Hello everyone. I have a two year old violation for marijuana. The ones I've heard about elsewhere, were experienced VALUABLE ASSETS, who had an OOOPS and were re-hired by their original employers after completing SAP. The company pays 80% if interested contact me directly at 502-337-4682 by text or call. Under a government program established by the Second Chance Act, training and employment may be an option with certain types of trucking companies. One sent me to a collection site in Wichita KS , where I stopped and completed the process for 180.00 . TransAm - TransAm is is considered a second chance trucking company - No DUI convictions in last 2 years, No more than 1 preventable accident in the last 6-month period, No more than 2 preventable accidents in the last 12-month period, No more than 3 moving violations in 3-year period and No reckless driving violations in the last 5 years I just bought a truck and now I am stuck! Will have SAP process completed on Wednesday 5/5/21 rickburns416@gmail.com, If you have roughly two years of Driving Experience with one year OTR experience and you had to go through the sap program text me at (859)-314-1961 and let's see what we can do about getting you back on the road this is a OTR position run for 2 weeks before going home. If anyone now a company that well help me get my CDL and get back on the road please let me know. Now Im in the system as failed or positive for amphetamines not sure what I can do at this point Im looking for a company that is willing to train me for my CDL and hire me after I complete the SAP program. Have 6 months driving experience. The one time I took a non prescription pain pill, did me in on random drug test. First time I supposedly failed, when I had quit for 48 days before the test.Does anyone know of a trucking company that will give a man a second chance..No points or accidents on record ever..been driving since 1982 any info will be appreciated.text 336-829-0013 or email wheelertombo@gmail.com, i am currently completing a 6 week class with 4 weeks left. Any one hiring out of Tampa, St.Pete Florida, finished Sap program months ago and struggling to find a company that accepts sap drivers. I was already scheduled to go take a pre-employment screening, so he going to say Uncle just drink a lot of water you dont smoke so you should be ok, I did that but it was still in my system and I failed the pre-employment, my clearinghouse updated me and stated that I need to go through the SAP program and I did I tested negative and now I am trying to find a good company that will take me on. Thank you to the companies who are giving us a second chance! The application only takes one minute. I enroll in truck driving school and they took a drug test on the first day I had a permit already just needing the truck training done but anyway I failed the test. Please contact me at 469-258-4232. The federal government has created another mess in its bid to be virtuous and grab more and more power. I received a text and phone call stating that was pulled for a random drug test. Yes I had smoked some bud. I have a preemployment failed test and in the SAP prosses. I completed SAP program in March 2018. Its exhausting. looking for regional or otr Midwest region. Experience running OTR with doubles and 53ft vans also hauling tankers. I am hazmat endorsed, tanker endorsed, combo endorsed. Driver Resource: Trucking Companies That Hire Drivers With - CDLLife Houston area. SimplyHired may be compensated by these employers, helping keep SimplyHired free for job seekers. I failed a drug test back in July 2022, completed SAP steps 1-5 just need to complete RTD drug test. Looking for a company in the Youngstown Ohio area willing to give me a second chance. This may https://atlanta.craigslist.org/atl/trp/d/stockbridge-cdl-over-the-road-company/7081287040.htmlhelp. We can go over the details. Each company we work with has specific experience requirements for their drivers. Great interpersonal skills and a great team player. Then after about 4-5 months i got another refusal due to something stupid long story short i was screwed on changing the sample site and when they said i could do that 2 hours later they called and said i couldnt do itt. I want piece of mind. Job Description: NATIONAL OTR FLATBED OR DRY VAN DRIVERS WANTED 2018 or newer equipment NO BOSTON, NO NEW YORK!!! Best For Sign-on Bonus: Maverick Transportation. Jobs for Truck Drivers Who Failed a Drug Screen | Work - Chron Competitive pay Flexible, Deer ParkHouston, TX.css-epvm6{white-space:nowrap;}4 .css-fy0zar{color:var(--chakra-colors-yellow-500);height:12px;display:inline-block;}. So she drove me to get the test and then back to the yard. I live in fresno California. A list of second chance trucking companies includes Carolina Cargo, Western Express, Maverick Transportation, Prime Inc., Southern Refrigerated Transport and more. I have recently completed Sap return to duty process and i have 11yrs experience with clean mvr. My husband offered to go back first thing in the morning to retest, but they refused. That was over a year ago I have since completed SAP and have not had any luck finding any work if anyone knows anyone hiring please reach out to me I have X endorsement doubles and triples and a clean MVR, Plenty of companies will hire a sap drive as long as you have completed the return to duty. Motorboat operators, who carry a small number of passengers for tours or charters, generally only need experience navigating boats. #3 03-08-2016, 04:39 PM Seadragon. Thanks. I live in San Antonio and I called (832) 906-8947 if this helps anyone but they can help you nationwide along with Nicole! I have completed my SAP classes but on my DAC it says violated company policy will I still get hired, Who is hiring? Driven all 48 states. So I was let go. My name is Maninder. Contact me at chancesr4life@yahoo.com, and I will be glad to forward your contact information and have someone contact you ASAP if you are in hiring areas.It's OTR regional or dedicated. I did the SAP program anyway, got the absolute minimum educational requirements and still can't get a job. You are required to inform all prospective employers of your true history and are not allowed to drive a CMV for anyone(even your own) until a negative Return to Duty Test has been received and you are in a follow up testing program. I'm looking for a sap friendly company. Wikipedia . You will speak with recruiters today. Long story short Im looking for an opportunity for lease purchase if the driver is still here please share information with me via text 225571-5987. Operators of construction equipment control heavy machines that help construct bridges, roads and other structures. I told the truth I put the SAP PROGRAM in my post and I swear they will message you I have no experience and Im starting a job Monday just passed my drug test for them this past Monday. Please let me know, Yes Jerry and all drivers who failed a random drug screen. Just post on Craigslist and watch the magic happen. Got return to duty test done and such. We have a couple different options available! It's easy to do. Do someone no somebody who will hire me . If you have around a year and a half of driving experience and recently graduated the sap program and now need the RTD or have done it and you're in the follow-up drug screen process please text me at 859-314-1961 and let me see if I can help you get back on the road thank you and have a good day, I just completed CDL classes I was hit with a refusal on a pre employment on my first jobim going through the SAP program..ate there any companies or owner operators looking for new drivers out of sap ..willing to work hard. Many taxi drivers and chauffeurs are self-employed, while others work in taxi and limousine services. I completed SAP and have started with a good company. . b>Trucking companies that hire sap graduates. 1-5 Months just looking for a company that Will take me on a train me. . Failed a pre employment drug screen back in 2017. Hi I'm a truck driver that has experience over 10 years plus I made a mistake and had a positive drug test I have finished this app program and is looking to get back to work are there any jobs out there for me that can help me, This is comment back to guy Jarvis who commented on Jan.22nd I'm an owner/op looking for a company to take me ive completed the sap program already. I have about six years of experience. It is your responsibility as a professional truck driver to make sure your employer or 3rd party properly follows the program for you. It suggested that I should post an add on Craigslist being honest about my situation, I did so and the calls came in. It's been almost a year now and I regret decision that I made cuz maybe I wasn't ready to make that move at that time but if there's anything that anybody can do or if you know anybody that can help me please give me a call at 9:04-924-4850.. Im Willing to put in the hard work is given the opportunity, I have three years of experience as a class B driver. Carter Express. GP Transco - A medium size company located in Illinois, GP Transco is the 3rd highest paying carrier in the U.S. Please select the number of verifiable months youve been driving professionally using your Class A CDL within the last 3 years. Recently he grabbed my water that I dissolve my Vyvanse in. Willing to drive OTR across all states. Tha k you and God bless. It is so wrong the after pay all the money, make sacrifice to complete the sap, just after dot ask do,This companies act like we are bad guys, in real life we made a by choice like myself, we are just human, if i own company i would give people a chances, the longer the person are honest, and responsible for they action,but the is my opinion. Note to self any drugs goes back 6 months to 1 year with hair. The worst part is that DOT doesnt want to recognize this point and penalize the drivers. Drug tests depend on the employer and some jobs are known for being less restrictive. I am a sap graduate after a random refusal last year. I have 3 years driving experience with CDL in 2001 to 2004. The next morning I was sent to the clinic to do a hair folicle and get a new physical . My company will give you a 2nd chance. Failed a drug test to get into truck driving school, passed the second one got my cdl then learned I had to complete an sap program to get a job. According to the BLS, workers in the construction trade made a median wage of $48,160 as of May 2019. my email is otrdriver1975@gmail.com. If anyone knows of anyone please call or text 6156750751 please and thank you, I have a company with an open door. I am a sap graduate after a random refusal last year. If you know of any please email me at Aaliyah.beloved83@gmail.com. Quickly Ill say, once I failed my test and starting reading about SAP and Clearinghouse, I thought I was screwed. @ 8452353114 phone or text. Companies or small carriers that hire SAP drivers I failed an alcohol test because of residual from the night before. Just wanted to tell those discouraged to apply everywhere. There are a few independent trucking companies that will hire most anyone within legal parameters. It has been almost 2 years since the last violation. I still have another year of numerous random test to take because I tested positive once in 36 years of randoms. Drivers with years of experience that do SAP , tend to have a better chance of getting back on the road, than newbies who show up at an orientation for training and FAIL. My husband has been a truck driverfor atleast18 years.no he had to do the sap program do to faulse answers.will anybody hire him his record is clean other than the sap class. As of January 6th, 2023, the FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse has collected three years worth of data. 859-595-5382. DOT needs to support the drivers instead of destroying their lives. I just went through C R England and on the day i passed they told me i failed the urine test. I did take the test .. Left the clinic for that went back to terminal waitin on results the company told me i was good to go so they gave me a run to pick up in houston Tx from there to lardeo. I have no experience also so who ever hire me I plan on staying for some yrs and I'm 22 . $1,400 to $2,040 Weekly. jmckenzie68@hotmail.com, Sap drivers text ur name n sap to 678 722 3004 if you have not done return to duty. trucking companies that will hire after sap program BUT, two were promising. I have completed a SAP program and need a list of companies that will hire me. You can reach me at chrisfeneley2018@gmail.com or my cell# (517)260-0410, Is there any drivers in sc look to get back on the road whit attests 2 years experience hmu text me 8039685153. Im LLC ready and I have about 15 months otr exp. I live in Missouri. I even offered to pay the hair follicle and urine the next day and they said we cant do that. Displayed here are Job Ads that match your query. I'm an HR manager for a medium-sized trucking company. If anyone knows of a company, text or call and let me know. I worked for prime inc 2 and half yrs tested positive on random after trying cbd. Just trying to find out what companies will hire me after I take it. took three tests in one week 1st I passed the 3rd I passed the 2nd said I didnt what a scam, more systematic destruction of jobs in America. I had my job 14 years, I got randomly tested and failed a test. Rouse Trucking Las Vegas, NV. Later on I came back to the clinic for an observed test with the employer permission but HR cancelled it and went with the refusal to test. I currently live in Philadelphia, PA. So, within 45 days of "Failing" this Pre-employment test, I am days away from driving again. You understand what SAP Drivers have to go through to get a second chance at trucking. By signing in to your account, you agree to SimplyHired's Terms of Service and consent to our Cookie and Privacy Policy. Otr experience reefer w/tanker endorsement. .70 cents per mile with 3,000-3,700 ( wirh recap )consistent miles . Baldor Specialty Foods. For more information, see the .css-73vru1{transition-property:var(--chakra-transition-property-common);transition-duration:var(--chakra-transition-duration-fast);transition-timing-function:var(--chakra-transition-easing-ease-out);cursor:pointer;outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:2px;color:var(--chakra-colors-neutral-700);line-height:var(--chakra-lineHeights-shorter);size:md;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-73vru1:hover,.css-73vru1[data-hover]{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;color:var(--chakra-colors-neutral-1000);}.css-73vru1:focus-visible,.css-73vru1[data-focus-visible]{box-shadow:var(--chakra-shadows-none);outline-color:var(--chakra-colors-magenta-800);outline-offset:2px;border-radius:var(--chakra-radii-sm);}SimplyHired Privacy Policy. Still going to run you about 450.00. My husband has worked for a major trucking company for 23 years. I also have a dog. Everyone turned him down and finally one job told him that they needed him and his resume was awesome 17 years driving experience etc but his job told them about the SAP PROGRAM. Just now found out about it have been driving since 2016. Tx Trucker,failed screen 11 months ago.Completed SAP.It is what it is.There are zero companies that will hire me,getting ready to go live under a bridge. Put an ad on craigslist. IF YOU KNOW HIW TO DRIVE POTENTIAL Take HOME $1700 TO $2000 WEEKLY. To make a long story short I came back dirty on the ua I finished my sap in November my sap counselor after evaluating me knew what I already knew I'm not a smoker was just one of those things I had my return to duty status given to me I'm ready to go but I don't what's in my dac I mean does it say I failed for marijuana does it say I failed to comply this was a pre employment drug test and I'm worried I blew my 11year career to hell can someone guide me on this I'm lost if I guse it will be hi welcome to McDonald's, Looking for company to hire me . I had just spent 5k on a cdl school, now I found myself spending almost another grand for the sap in order to clear my status just to find out now I can't get a jobs anywhere. 22 years clean driving and have never done drugs. I was working at a local p&d company and on my last day as I was leaving they tried get me with a random but I couldnt stay I had an appointment to take a pre employment drug test for a different job so I left. They check for tickets and accidents just like other companies. what trucking companies will hire me after i have completed a SAP program? 8 months experience otr and 4 months as spotter driver/ Yard dog . We are currently hiring SAP drivers in all 48 states! Looking for a company to take a chance on me. It's easy to do. We are looking for full time CDL A drivers for immediate hire in south Florida, Is there any companies out there hiring recent grad with return to duty stage that hires recent grads or do anyone know of a companies txt me 8039685153, We are currently hiring for SAP CDL drivers. Dropped my CDL in 2005 and just retook the CDL test and have my permit. Can you believe it after me stay out over the road during covid-19 shutdown. Posted 6:15:47 AM. Regret my mistake every second. Hi there, we here at Timbaktoo Trucking hire individuals who have gone through the SAP process. Please contact me at 9288994951, I have completed my sap program and looking to return to driving can anyone help me find my way back.# (704)615-2921, I completed my SAP program I am looking for employment (256)689-6052, hi i finish my SAP program I did 8 hours, I got my own truck i will be honest one time & I got random the nex day to me it whats setup but if someone what's to talk 774-319-3487 thank you, Please if anyone know company who hire after complete SAP program kingrozo@hotmail.com. Ive completed my sap looking for a company in the DFW area willing to give me a chance. As to Arizona I am not in any safety department and also I am basing my answers off of the research required in order for me to complete my job in a manner that is successful - any tips, tricks, anything I will be more than happy to know about as to research and become more knowledgeable on the subject.. thank you, however Im sore of unclear of all the points and or question that you had, with all due respect. PLEASE HELP CALL OR TEXT 4803588275. Will help with that program drivers company requirement 1 year OTR please text your name to 859-314-1961 and I can help you. https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/regulations/title49/section/382.605, I failed my drug test I was gonna do sap program looks like there's no point too to if these companies treat you like garbage. We will help you find parking near your home and pay for it. If you know of any tucking companies that will hire me please txt 267-966-8139. OTR 54CPM. Now, looking into jobs, noone wanted to give nme a break, or couldnt. I want to make more than that. Hello, my name is Ahmil Thompson. Thanks, i have completed my SAP program, and looking to start driving ASAP. The Bureau of Labor Services reports that taxi and limousine drivers and chauffeurs earned an average annual income of $31,490, as of May 2019. If anyone knows a company that will give me a chance please text or call me (334)339-0405, I finish the sap program I just need a job Im looking if anyone can help pls contact me . 704-464-3829 . If theyre legit they will forward the information if not the texts will stop. Recently passed the SAP program I dont do drugs just made a mistake. Because I have not smoked anything, and I wont know how in the hell it got in my system. There is a company named X-Trans Inc that hires SAP drivers be weary however as several drivers have reported the company stealing money from them and not making payments, Do anybody know a company that will hire a sap driver with 2 months experience if you do can you please contact me at 6016657967 or jnacolby2000@yahoo.com thank you, Hello I need a over 2 years of experienced driver who is ready to Return to duty. There's a company that no one should apply for..reason why is( the owner owes his drivers money he don't pay on time he lies about everything..today he still owe me money from working ..he is refusing to pay me or other driver's..it's FLAGS LOGISTICS..I QUIT WORKING FOR HIM BECAUSE OF LACK OF PROMISES, COMMUNICATION, NOT PAYING ON TIME SOMETIMES HE TAKES 3-4 DAYS after pay day to pay..he use cash app to pay his driver's..DONT do it.. Hello is it normal for a trucking company to fire you for a random but you know you didn't use drugs? I dont do drugs I dont even drink, Mind you this is a matter of 15 minutes of finishing taking the test but they wanted me to take another one. Learn more and apply here: Please enter a caption of one sentence or less: Company's that hire driver after the go through DOT SAP PROGRAM, Email Updates When New Articles Are Posted. asked question about companies that hired after SAP program completed can not see results even after clicking on the link. Have 3 years experience driving flat beds and frac pumps/ tractortrailers around TX, Louisiana and New Mexico. They'll approve you and send u a letter to give to your future employer. ASML Hsinchu County, Taiwan, Taiwan 3 hours ago Be among the first 25 applicants See who ASML has hired for this role . Any info will help. 4. State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. I prefer OTR position but will be grateful for any opportunity that's available. Trucking Jobs in 30 seconds. They tell the employees that they are laying off so my husband apply for other jobs. How do I know its even my sample they are testing. The problem is you do NOT have to have taken even a single Tylenol in your LIFE. Is the a chance to put my truck back to work after the sap program?. Driving a year, i just went through an rrp risk reduction program sap due to i failed a drug test due to walking out i went through this program to get back to work but nobody will hire me now. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Life on the Road Recruiting by clicking here: To the guy about 5 lease purchase positions opening..You don't have email or any information to contact you but you can contact me at quinn.mcclain85@gmail.com with lease positions.. To the guy saying DM for lease operating position I dont know how to DM you so could email me at ATI823311@gmail.com Im eager if you are serious and not on here bs, If I told yall ik a company thatll let you drive as much as you want ! How many years of experience do you have PRIOR TO the failure? This was 5 months ago and I've been working landscaping but now that winter time is coming I need to start driving again. Ive got my CDL A and have 5+ years. Why cant someone compose a list of all the companies that will hire drivers with felonies or sap re-entry program grads to help them transition back to the work force more smoothly?? We are a small trucking company out of Tennessee, been in business 15 years and we give drivers a second chance upon review. Y'all out there it will get better. We can do local out of St. Louis, MO or do OTR out of anywhere. So I don't have to do the return to service. Are there any 2nd chance truck jobs for someone who failed - Quora even doe you took the SAP program no one trust you any more it a liability you will be random check any time surprisingly up to its reported on a company balance sheet in 2020 it will be world wide law any body can see your rap sheet have you every taught it for the better life goes on it don't stop here find something else to do my husband need start a Business good luck God Bless all keep your head up!!!. Urgently hiring. Your division and fleet choice depend on your preferences and needs. I'm Pattye from California. The smugness of this guy who self proclaims his expert status concerning Sap grads is nauseating. If theres anyone out there that is willing to give me a chance please contact me @ 415-271-0776. OR WILL it be like trying to get a company job, I have finished sap program and gone threw all I need to go threw. In my ad I was honest about my record, honest about just completing the SAP Program and honest about my history. I failed a pre employment drug screen completed the sap and looking to get back to work. I have the follow up plan to finish and I neex to get with a company that will work with me on this.
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