You can recycle our mailers along with your plastic grocery bags and not worry about them ending up in a landfill! Search in this department. The only time I don't order from them is if I want the book in a short amount of time. Free shipping. Once you have earned 500 points, those points are removed from your point balance and converted into a Free Book Reward. Where can I view the gift card I ordered? Items that are not eligible for free shipping will be noted on their product page. Backordering is currently not available for international orders. Reviews on Thrift Books in Los Angeles, CA - L.A. ROAD Thrift Store, Dark Delicacies, RARE by Goodwill, OK, Goodwill Southern California Retail Store, Planet Books, Son Of A Vet Thrift Shop, Espacio 1839, Los Feliz Flea, Love The City Thrift Store Absolutely! The ThriftBooks app lets book lovers quickly and easily search, browse, get book details, and buy millions of books, textbooks, and graphic novels. Once your order has been shipped, the "Request Cancellation" link will switch to a link that will allow you to track your order. Do I earn ReadingRewards points with my backorder purchase? Shipping and delivery times can be viewed here. Reviews on Thrift Books in Los Angeles, CA 90004 - Bridge Thrift, Goodwill Southern California Retail Store & Donation Center, Espacio 1839, Love The City Thrift Store, The Salvation Army Thrift Store & Donation Center Yes, contact us here to cancel your pre-order. Our 130 stores can help get the best bang for your buck on the best books of the week. All of the information submitted is encrypted using a secure server for maximum security. . ThriftBooks now offers over 13 million titles but you'll get the results quickly.If you don't see what you want in the results, you can use the filters to look for specific items by Genre, Format (this is where you can search for Large Print), condition, language, and price.From a desktop computer, filters can be found along the left side of your search results. Acceptable/Fair: A readable copy. The thriftbooks warehouse locations can help with all your needs. For help on placing an order, click here. In some cases delivery time can be as long as 45 days for Standard shipping. Ever wanted to buy a book but could not because it was too expensive? ThriftBooks started in 2003 with a pick-up truck of used books stashed in a storage unit, listing books solely on We do not offer a catalog. If the item is not restocked within 90 days, it will be automatically canceled and refunded. The spine may show signs of wear. Choose our Express shipping option for faster service. If you are unsure of which items are considered acceptable, please contact the facility first before placing an order. Loading and Stocking Warehouse Associate $15.31 per hour Warehouse Lead $18.24 per hour Forklift Operator $16.08 per hour Explore more salaries Thriftbooks ratings in Phoenix, AZ If you already have a Partnerize account: Submit a request to join our program through Brand Discovery, If you have trouble remembering your PH username, please email the PZ support team at and they will be happy to help, Follow this link to access the ThriftBooks sign up page and fill in your details, Once you have successfully signed up, you will receive an automated email confirming your credentials and a link to log into the platform, which can also be accessed here, Once you have joined the program, please email, ThriftBooks Team: Thrift Store Search. SheerID does not store documents or images uploaded to its system. Thrift Books in Reno, NV with Reviews - Yellow Pages ThriftBooks is a fully independent seller of used books, having sold more than 160 million used and new books since we started in 2003. Your Wish List page is accessible from the heart icon at the top right of our website header, or from within My Account from our mobile navigation. Scan bar codes to compare prices and check availability to make sure you get the best book prices. How is my ReadingRewards status determined? Google Maps is a web mapping service developed by Google. Librarians/Archivists: Professional license. Unfortunately, we do not control the transportation of the package or the route chosen by the delivery company. Scan bar codes to compare prices and check availability to make sure you get the best book prices. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can still use PayPal to checkout as a guest. To delete an old shipping address on a desktop, follow these steps: Click "Delete" to remove an unwanted address, Tap "Delete" to remove an unwanted address. Seller ThriftBooks (US) Seller's Inventory # 1035453836 Title Dune- Chilton Book . You can email a gift card instantly, or you can print out a copy to give to the lucky recipient in person. The ThriftBooks app lets book lovers quickly and easily search, browse, get book details, and buy millions of books, textbooks, and graphic novels. Unfortunately, there is no way to add more items to an order that has been submitted and paid for.However, you can always start a new order. When unsubscribing, you will continue to receive order confirmation emails. What do you do with my personal information? There are currently three ways to earn points: Make a purchase! Start of main content. Shared: Anyone with access to the list (via a link or URL) can view it and purchase items from it. Please allow up to 5 minutes for the email to be delivered. Can I use multiple cards to pay for an order? ~ ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less.Dust jacket missing. Meet Sabrina "Books have been my escape throughout my whole life. At this time we do not accept donations or buy books back. Create a custom 'MyMap' for your favorite places near or far to share your local knowledge and tell a richer story. Terms of Sale We guarantee the condition of every book as it's described on the Abebooks website. *For a description of all returns/refund qualifications, please see section 18 of our Terms of Use. When will my card be charged for my pre-order? When a gift giver has purchased from your list, well update the Needs/Has numbers for everyone with a link to your list. Software Engineer Career. ThriftBooks verifies educator status through our trusted partner SheerID. 6. To add an item to your ThriftBooks Wish List (you'll need to be logged into your ThriftBooks account), simply locate the item that you would like to receive updates on and click the teal "Add to Wish List" option, located under the yellow "Add to Cart" button. Instructions or liner notes may not be included. Other formats: Audible Audiobook , Paperback. All of your credit card information is encrypted using a secure server for maximum security. Use your promo code at checkout to get a free used book (valued at $7 or less) every time you buy four or more used books. If the item on your Wish List is available but the price has increased, this may mean that another customer purchased the available item already and the only available copies of the item are only available as a new item, rather than used. Better World Books Powell's will, like Half Price, let you bring books into their stores for appraisal, but if you're not close to a physical location, you can sell to them online. Starting June 17, book and textbook drop-offs will be accepted Monday through Friday at ThriftBooks processing centers in Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago, Phoenix, Reno, and Portland. Do you like our store experience? We do not accept personal checks, money orders, Bitcoin or Purchase Orders. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Thrift Books locations in Reno, NV. Like New: An apparently unread copy in perfect condition. Or give us a call. While we strive to combine packages as much as possible, we cannot guarantee product availability by location so your order may ship from multiple locations. When ordering multiple items, you may receive separate packages shipped from our different processing centers across the US. Your Pre-Ordered Items are listed below your list of Orders. All items returned to us are subject to a restocking fee. Once we have your sales tax form saved to your account, you will not be charged sales tax on your future orders. If you are outside of the US, your credit card statement may show a different total amount based on the exchange rate. Once we receive another copy in stock, we will notify you via email! 1-16 of over 9,000 results for "thrift books store" RESULTS. The gift credit in the e-gift card does not expire. Within two months, a new business called the Berwyn Bookshop rose from the ashes. Bargain Book Stores | eBay Stores - make a difference Please note, you will need to be logged into your ThriftBooks account. However, you will still receive email updates about your order. Please check with your local recycling company for further information. We do not accept checks or money orders. Each book is individually rated by a ThriftBooks staff member. Once the title is restocked, it will ship to you via U.S. Standard shipping (transit time: 8-12 business days). We invite you to participate in our affiliate program on Partnerize (PZ) where you can earn a commission for every sale you refer to Our availability changes frequently (as new items come in and other items sell) so we would never be able to have an up-to-date catalog. Can I use my Free Book credit towards a more expensive item? Scale confidently, backed by our infrastructure. After you have added all the items you wish to purchase to your shopping cart, tap on the Shopping Cart icon in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. Please allow 2-5 business days for your refund to post back to your original payment method. You will find your pre-order listed at the top of your screen. For example, the 2-letter state code for Palau is PW. The item I want is out of stock. Wob | World of Books | Buy cheap used books online Can I share the teacher promo code with my co-workers? You do not need to remove your mobile number to unsubscribe). Original packaging may show significant wear and have holes or tears. 915 Ridgewalk Pkwy Woodstock, GA 30188 4. Thriftbooks currently has eight warehouses across the U.S. Half Price Books - HPB Tacoma - Tacoma, WA Missing or stalled tracking information can indicate that something has gone wrong with the shipment, or it can simply be the result of a missed scan along the way. Acceptable: A readable copy. Shop ThriftBooks Deals to get 10% off on more than 150,000 items every day. To place an order on a desktop, follow these steps: Locate the books or items you wish to purchase by using the search bar located at the top of every page of our website. We respect your privacy and store your information in order to communicate with you regarding your order status and occasional upcoming ThriftBooks specials. Dust cover is intact, and pages are clean and are not marred by notes or folds of any kind. We offer Free Standard Shipping on all U.S. orders that meet our low minimum order amount of $15 or more (excluding taxes). We'll indicate if an item is an ex-library copy in the item details, in your cart, and also in your order confirmation. $4.13 10% off 4+ ThriftBooks, one of the world's largest online sellers of used books, plans to add at least 100 employees in a tripling of its Dallas fulfillment center. Each quality used book is sorted, graded, shelved and shipped by hand by our team of dedicated employees in our seven warehouses across the US. 2867 95th St, Naperville, IL 60564. ThriftBooks | eBay Stores ThriftBooks 99.3% Positive feedback 15.3M Items sold 131K Followers Share Save Seller Shop About Feedback Feedback Extra 10% off 4 or more items + FREE SHIPPING on millions of items Shop now All items Sort: Everything You Need to Ace Math in One Big Fat Notebook: The Complete Middle. Little Women by Alcott, Louisa May / McKowen, Scott See all from $5.99. Bring the real world to your users with customized maps and street view imagery. Unfortunately, packages going to Guam, Puerto Rico, Alaska, and Hawaii can take longer than normal to arrive. For further information on Wish Lists, click here. Orders shipped with U.S. standard shipping expected to arrive within 12 business days. Click here to view your ThriftBooks orders. To add a new address to your ThriftBooks account on a desktop, follow these steps: Over to the left of the page, select "Addresses", Click "Add New Address" over to the right and follow the prompts. ThriftBooks-Chicago - AbeBooks - AURORA, IL, U.S.A. Privacy is something ThriftBooks and SheerID take extremely seriously. You can find the ISBN on the back of a book near the barcode or on the copyright page. Electronics. If, for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us and we will do our best to ensure your satisfaction. What can I do? We partner with many different establishments; libraries included, and purchase unwanted or non-selling items from them in bulk. How to find thriftbooks warehouse near me Open Google Maps on your computer or APP, just type an address or name of a place . Positive 42,355 - positive feedback in last 12 months. If you still need assistance, please click here to contact GiftNow customer support. We strive to offer the best prices on the Internet regardless of the total number of items purchased. But, after the Dallas location is transformed into a 178,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art fulfillment center, Thriftbooks says it will be the company's biggest in the country. Thriftbooks Warehouse Near Me - The USPS will transfer the package to the military mail system for overseas delivery. You may also want to contact your local post office to see if they have your order at their facility.If you're still unable to locate your package after the estimated delivery time, please contact us here so we can assist you. See insights on ThriftBooks including office locations, competitors, revenue, financials, executives, subsidiaries and more at Craft. Items in high demand can sell quickly. . We'll send you an email with a link to reset your password. Begin by typing an author, a title, or an ISBN into the search bar at the top of any page. Once you have decided on the copy you want, click on the yellow "Add to Cart" button over to the right. The program is simple: You will earn 3% of the total sale for every new customer you refer who purchases from within 7 days of the referral. Our shipping and delivery times can be viewed here. *Below are the reasons why a package would be Returned to Sender., * No Such Address restocking fee charged, * Address Incomplete restocking fee charged, * No Such Post Office full refund (how is that your fault?). ABOUT US. For some out-of-print or otherwise hard to find or desirable books, this can result in the current listing price being higher than the original retail price of the book when it was first released. If the Request Cancelation option does not appear, your order may have already begun the shipping process. Pages are intact and are not marred by notes or highlighting, but may contain a previous owners name. Most facilities will NOT accept Hardcover books or Audio Tapes. We do not rent books, all books are for you to purchase and keep! Prices were current when the email was created and are subject to change based on availability. If you have further questions regarding ReadingRewards, please feel free to contact us at All collectible books are shipped in secure boxes to ensure they are not damaged in the shipping process. Over the years, we've added regional processing centers across the country and hundreds of employees. Scroll down and edit your saved email address. Is there a way to use my ThriftBooks gift card without that email? 2307 NE Flanders St Portland, OR 97232 CLOSED NOW 7. What if I have a remaining credit after using my e-gift card? The example below shows an order shipping from multiple locations. Pre-orders allow you to purchase any eligible title from ThriftBooks before the title has been released by the publisher. How do I add more items to an order I've already submitted? Enter a location to find a nearby thriftbooks warehouse. Can I pre-order a title if I live outside of the U.S.? Book club edition. Purchasing books on our website is fast, easy, and secure! Tap on an order number to open the details. In mid-2018, the US law governing whether a state could collect sales tax on purchases made from internet retailers, such as ThriftBooks, changed. Yes! 15 Best Online Bookstores for Cheap New and Used Books Tap Orders. Household Consignment & Thrift Thrift Shops Used & Rare Books Clothing Stores (678) 809-4276 6474 Highway 85 Riverdale, GA 30274 OPEN NOW 6. If your number is incompatible with SMS, you will need to use another number. . How can I receive items without exposing my address? Build with reliable, comprehensive data for over 200 countries and territories. If you choose to send your gift by text message, messenger link or print and hand-deliver, your recipient receives their gift after you deliver it to them. ThriftBooks Company Profile - Office Locations, Competitors, Revenue If you submit multiple password reset requests, only the newest reset link will work. (630) 428-2877. We suggest placing the order again with a different credit card or updated billing information. What happens when my status has been verified? Postal Code: Enter the appropriate 5-digit ZIP code (or ZIP+4). Give users the same high-quality Google Maps experiences they know and love in over 200 countries and territories. This is a tool that allows customers to cancel their own orders within their account.Your order has not been cancelled. Bing - Shopping CLOSED NOW. Why was the e-gift card order not processed? Or Contact Us if you'd like an email response. Each book has its own unique ISBN. You will need your Order Number and the email address associated with your ThriftBooks account. Why did I receive a different cover than I ordered? Find unique items that you can't find anywhere else. Dallas, TX 44 reviews; Aurora, IL 37 reviews; Austell, GA 28 reviews; Reno, NV 26 reviews; St. Louis, MO 24 reviews; Contact a location near you for products or services. ThriftBooks is a warehouse that's growing in a positive and more productive way our future is very bright. A brand-new, unused, unread copy in perfect condition. Click here to be brought directly to our available large print books. In addition, we will also send you a shipment confirmation email with your available tracking information once the order has shipped. Original packaging is included. If the item is not restocked at the end of 90 days, we will cancel your backorder and issue a refund. Please note, if you switch between formats or editions, the book may no longer be in large print. E-Gift cards cannot be used to purchase other gift cards. Please try your search with another AbeBooks Bookseller. A title is considered eligible when it is 8 weeks or less from its publication release date. The length of time it takes is dependent on the time it takes the publisher to make titles available to our distributors. Enter ZIP code or city, state as well. To re-name your ThriftBooks Wish List on a desktop, follow these steps: Click the gray heart icon on the top right of the page, Click "List Settings" next to the title of your Wish List, Tap the 3 vertical dots at the top right of the list. Can I use a discount or coupon code when purchasing an e-gift card? GiftNow is the new way to send gifts!
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