Grabbing Durok, Silver Surfer used his cosmic abilities to travel far into the future. If even Thanos can grant immortality to this degree then what RK Thor did was actually nothing of notice. Join our Discord! Instead of going to his intended destination however, Thor accidentally ends up in limbo, loses his hammer, and comes face to face with the Space Phantom. When Old King Thor merged with the Phoenix Force, becoming Old Phoenix King Thor, his powers greatly multiplied. So when RK Thor does this. The two gods arm-wrestle with everything they have until the plateau they are on crumbles under the force of the pressure theyre applying. The Silver Surfer has come quite a way since his time spent as the herald of Galactus. Character Also referred by as the World Tree, it maintains the appearance of an actual gigantic tree, but is in fact the cosmic pillar that guides time, destiny, and nature for not only Asgard, but all the Nine Realms. They would've simply obliterated RK Thor out of existence. Then as He looked into the great void he said Let there be light and there was light. He has certain feats people try to wank to multiversal (using lightning to damage Amatsu Mikaboshi, briefly knocking out the Phoenix Force, etc.) Mangog is the physical embodiment of an entire race that was killed by Odin and channels the strength of a billion billion being. The impact from his strike sends shockwaves miles around, reducing mountains and buildings to dust. but he's always been firmly planetary. Then, just by flexing, Thor breaks free of the adamantium cables. For more information, please see our He was again proving that the map I showed is still valid. And God saw that the light was good. Yet still, neither Thor nor Hercules relinquishes their grasp and continues to arm-wrestle as they plummet to the ground. Jane would then assume the mantle of Thor and join the Avengers, saving people throughout the galaxy. As Tyrs forces battle Odin and the rest of Asgard, its up to Thor to content with one of the largest creatures in the entire universe. As this was their first encounter, Silver Surfer only had Lokis word that Thor was evil and Thor only knew that the chrome surfer was attacking him. Even now with the universal threat of the Black Winter, we see that Yggdrasil is dying. He also has resisted Mephisto tier sound destruction,or Mephisto tier magic. Fans know the vast multiverse that is the Marvel Universe. He did nothing universal, less alone multiversal. And from that Chaos came to be a single spark of light and Order. Instead of killing Galactus, Norrin Radd chose to use his cosmic abilities to satiate the being's hunger, then traveled with him again, all the while sustaining Galactus with his power. Knocked-Out the Hulk. The Mongoose is one of Thors more lackluster villains. Before they part ways, Thor and Hercules, realizing they need to close the gateway, each deliver a punch to the portal, their blows impacting upon part of the universe itself, closing the rift. Seda Tripkolic Yazklar Olsun Sz Mzik Ne Ay Geceden mran Var feat. Thor quickly jumps under the massive building, summoning his might to hold up the millions of tons worth of steel and glass, while everyone heads to safety. At the time, the Red Shift was the herald Galactus, imbued with the same Power Cosmic that Silver Surfer has. The universe didn't crumble or was shattered or destroyed. Thor, the God of Thunder, is unquestionably not only one of Earths mightiest heroes, but one of the most powerful forces for good throughout the whole universe. The sheer weight of the Serpent is uncertain, but at the very least, its not in the billions of tons, rather its weight is in the trillions of tons. Although it took all of the energy he had, Silver Surfer was able to resist the telepath's attacks and then defeated her in combat. One of these combinations was Iron Man and Thor. I guess shaking dimensions and busting universes are unimpressive cuz of people like Hulk and IronClad trading blows along the crossroads and Dark Cho's 123.2 richter scale achievement. This. Yeah the Ydrassil is odd, there's conflicting evidence as to what it actually isbut what we do know is that when Strange absorbed it's powers, he was supposed to be the most powerful he's ever been, including classic Strange, no? He has base Superman at Multiversal and thinks New 52 is relative to Pre-Crisis as well. Galactus is a massive cosmic being that consumed planets to sustain his powers. For you see, the Phoenix Force is headed to Earth and Hope is the cosmic entitys intended target. After capturing Silver Surfer's former lover from his home planet, Mephisto lures the cosmic hero to his realm. I never really saw him being wanked alot. But then again, mental gymnastics is the entire OP, so like Good job ignoring everything Loki said outside his self-admitted bluff, where he postulates them being Beyonders. Constantly trying to find ways to defeat Thor, the God of Evil resorted to all manner of tricks. You must log in or register to reply here. Jason Derulo - Swalla (feat. Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla $ign) [Official I always thought it was just Galan being reborn from the big bang. This would be neither the first nor the last time Thor would accomplish send Galactus tumbling. They are mistaking really that with DC's Ares and Darkseid. On a few separate occasions, Silver Surfer has shown the ability to survive within the impossible harsh conditions of a black hole. Thor is immediately bombarded with the force of a neutron star, the gravity of which is 200 billion times that of Earth! 10 Times Silver Surfer Proved He Was The Most Powerful Character - CBR Though usually Bills strength is on par with Thors, the horse-headed cyborg is no match for Thor and his fury. In The Mighty Thor #327, the god Tyr, displeased with the way Odin has been running Asgard, decides its time for someone else to rule. They knew that one day they would have to battle the Fourth Host of Celestials, so they forged forge the ultimate weapon. Regardless From what we know that seed links to ten specific worlds in the universe. He doesn't have any multiversal outliers, no. The attack is so phenomenal that Exitr, the most power Celestial, is staggered. I'm sorry am I missing something here?. In a surprising turn of events, Jane was able to lift the magical hammer, gaining the powers of a god. Old King Thor is the new All-Father and ruler of Asgard. The son of Zeus, Hercules is a demigod and practically the equal to the God of Thunder. Despite this, Silver Surfer still managed to defeat the demon quite handily. Regardless From what we know that seed links to ten specific worlds in the universe. What past are you talking about? While Marvels versions of the old Nordic gods arent exactly accurate, they still bring joy to fans across the globe, keeping the stories of old going. Then, he left the beast there and traveled back, stranding Durok in a time where humanity no longer existed. Only out of context statements or implications that they don't understand themselves and wank the characters anyway, Pretty good debunk but werent the realms simply just retconed to being universes(atleast the space they inhabit). Going through wave after wave of assailants, and after creating a makeshift hammer by literally molding an alien tank with his bare hands, Thors enemies unleash a series of graviton bombs. Composite Thor vs. Eternity - Battles - Comic Vine If Thor is going to be surviving the gravitational pressure of a neutron star, then you can bet hes also going to withstand the combined weight of20 planets. As their battle reaches its climax, Thor has Bill pinned beneath him and strikes his fallen friend with enough force to complete destroy the planet they are both standing on. Odin himself made such a claim that Asgard was a universe in itself, in the past. As the battle intensifies, Thor orders Asgard itself to fall on the Skrull, while he and Bill are underneath. Celestials wouldn't plee and they wouldn't simply sit and let Thor ruin their plans. In Journey Into Mystery #118, a big game hunter comes across the Destroyer armor in the Temple of Darkness and inadvertently sets it free, his mind waking the weapon. So if he wanted to free himself and Asgard from the cycle, he needed to destroy the Loom. Outside of Collider, Zachary also writes comic books, novels, screenplays, and more. Kratos is the protagonist of the God of War series. In "Blood and Thunder," Thor comes down with a bad case of Warriors Madness. And it's dying because the Black Winter has already entered Universe 616. In a fight where Thor uses every ounce of power, he performs such feats as beating Mangog by ramming Mjolnir down the monsters throat and unleashing a massive energy blast, withstanding a blast from Thanos capable of destroying a planet, and then going on to defeat the Mad Titan himself. Even with all of that power, he still pales in comparison to the power of the Surfer. However, the mechanism ended up breaking and started tapping into Yggdrasils power, directing it to actual fulfill Ragnarok. And from that light he created the firmament, the stars, the Earth, and everything from highest to lowest. Thus we arrive at a simple but factual conclusion RK Thor never had universal power less alone multiversal. Where you can see in the map shown above that the map in the previous scan was still valid. Let me say this right off the bat, No. Much like now during the Black Winter event we see that the Silver Surfer kept five special planets/worlds from Galactus. Moments later, Thor explains he just ripped apart and sealed Loki under millions of tons of debris. The Incredible Hulk is one of the strongest beings in the Marvel universe. During the Marvel event "AvX", the Avengers are locked in battle with the X-Men over the fate of Hope Summers. Do they have any source/evidence for this? Like Thortards can't prove me directly that Thor "merged" with cosmos. It cannot be hurt or stopped by conventional means and his mere movements are enough to cause tidal waves and earthquakes -- he can cast illusions, is incredibly intelligent, and is immortal. If even Thanos can grant immortality to this degree then what RK Thor did was actually nothing of notice. He also injured Galactus even he defeated serpent who is a Odin tier enemy. @princesscadenza: Did Galactus and Franklin straight up tank the birth and death of the multiverse or was there something else that allowed them to see that? Thor, for his part, can see a scheme from his brother a mile away and was actually holding back the entire time because of it. Odin banished the creature to the bottom of the ocean, but of course the Midgard Serpent came back, hungry for some sweet revenge. Which is like multiversal+++++++ I'd hand it to thor over Jobbercter WorldsStrongest Man of Miracles Jan 12, 2021 #7 Never pays to bet against Chad Jordan Im told Mickey Mouse Disney Overlord And for a time there was only Chaos and Gaia. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Note the Forgotten One has lifted the Earth and he says Thor is at least as powerful as him. Throughout this multiverse, there have been many versions of the mighty Thor, some more powerful than others. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. He instead helps Surtur and his forces lay waste to his land and people. One is the God of Thunder and son of Odin, the other is a gamma-irradiated rage monster that gets stronger the madder he gets. For whatever reason, Thor is the only one to oppose both of them. In his many journeys, Norrin Radd has proven to be an extremely powerful hero. Thor didn't break down any dimension. 9 9. He did nothing universal, less alone multiversal. [/QUOTE. Thor immediately goes to rescue his brother, while all of Asgard, including Odin, realizes Thor is bewitched but cant do anything about it. - Quora Answer (1 of 5): All right!! Shortly thereafter, the aliens attack and chaos ensues as Asgards finest battle the Super-Skrulls. Thor keeping Loki alive even after he rips out his head would've been somewhat impressive hadn't Thanos done what he did to Deadpool, where he all but makes him immortal. A Multiverse is a hypothetical set of infinite or finite possible universes that together can comprise anything from a comparatively simple collection of parallel 4-dimensional universal space-time continuums, to the 11-dimensional multiversal structure our reality is assumed to be in some theories, or sometimes even higher levels of reality. And thus we see Yggdrasil imploding into itself. True. While Old King Thor is technically from Earth-14412, his life force is tied to the main universe Thor of Eath-616. That he couldn't simply end Surtur and end the madness of Ragnarok. The two heroes quickly overpower the villain. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, 10 Times Silver Surfer Proved He Was The Most Powerful Character In The Marvel Universe, 5. Galactus usually comes with a Herald, a being he imbues with power to scout and ready planets for his consumption. Thor can't save his own people and land. The God of Thunder refuses to see a world full of innocents be ripped apart and takes the fight to Exitar. Almost every being in the galaxy would die in such an environment, but the Silver Surfer thrives just as he would anywhere else. Pretty much, yeah. However he does realizes that the tapestry of the Fates was rigged to move in an endless cycle. Now these are not multiversal but a non holding back Thor is definitely way way beyond planet busting. And from his own light He created all the angels. But going back to RK Thor. Thor and Volstagg fought side by side in the battle that initially made Thor worthy of Mjolnir when they fought the hordes of Hel. The World Serpent, or Jormungand, is the son of Loki and the sorceress Angerboda. See how her comic version ranks amongst Thor's strongest variants. Mangog likes the plan and teams up with Thanos. These many adventureshave helped establish Silver Surferas one of the most popular cosmic characters in comics today. When it landed on Earth, the entity was just a formless mass of energy. Despite this, Silver Surfer still managed to defeat the demon quite handily. No. When our heroes realized anyone could be a Skrull, trust ran in short supply. The Eye explains to Thor that the Axis Mundi (Celestial Axis) is a multi-layered system, and that it appears symbolically for every plane, and its the might world tree, Yggdrasil. If the latter would ever have any chance of defeating his master, he would have to use much cunning in addition to the full extent of his cosmic abilities. Instead he destroys that which apparently fed their power. Born from Odin and Gaea, the Goddess of he Earth, Thor was actually conceived to be the strongest Asgardian of all time. While the exploits of Thor and the Hulk have become more extraordinary over the years, their rivalry isnt as pronounced as it used to be. Towards the end of the battle, it appeared as though Cable was going to win. During the fight, Namor tackles the thunder god and Thor hits Namor harder than he intended, accidentally knocking him out. He has used his raw power to dispatch some of the most powerful enemies in the multiverse. This energy was so powerful that, once it reached a nearby planet, it starting accelerating that planet's evolutionary processes. A feat few Marvel heroes could hope to accomplish., More so the Silver Surfer himself points out that Asgard is simply part of Universe 616. Thor doesn't faces Those Who Sit Above In Shadow directly. Except your still wrong Cause RKT is easily Low multiversal scaling off from Odin own feats. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. He's traveled the universe, defeated powerful cosmic beings, and defended Earth as best he could. I mean depending on how you powerscale anyone* in marvel does. The embodiment of the Sky was named Ouranos (people know it better as Uranus). Odin made that claim for all the ten realms in a 2015 comic, that was written by the current head of marvel cosmic stuff, Al Ewing Rkt he destroyed all of the Marvel omniverse.,, His job undone, Thor enters Exitar's head and performs another of his all-time greatest feats: Tying his Belt of Power around Mjolnir to focus his energies, Thor unleashes his God Blast, hitting Exitar's brain with the all of his lifeforce. Thor has many universal feats. When Gamora messed with the souls of the Marvel Universe, she accidentally created a new world called Warp World. So here Thor admits that not even he could change what had already been written by the Fates, and thus by Those Who Sit Above In Shadow. So here are RK Thor feats: Feat #1. It also exists on every plane of reality. Strange and is as powerful as Loki. And he isn't multiversal because Yggdrasil unlike what some claims have been made. When forced to battle Durok the Destroyer, Thor found himself at a severe disadvantage. When the Asgardians (and other races) already existed, His father Bor, Odin, Vili and Ve found a crack in the ground, In that crack they found a seed that clearly held great power within it, And Bor planted the seed and from the seed a tree grew, RKT said that Mangog's "magic fails him" because he was drained by Loki, implying that Mangog would have been a trouble for RKT if he was at full power, The Yggdrasil isn't very durable from what I have seen: it could be penetrated by the human machinery and its roots were eaten by some dragon which got beaten by Thor, I've seen some people argue that Yggdrasil is multiverse or even high outerversal, but Thor cut it open with a Mjolnir strike, apparently Mjolnir must also have high outerversal or multiversal durability gg. Whenever this happens, Thor is forced to battle the armor, and each time he barely survives. Only this time without the Loom. Still that tree is back. Still, Thor managed to crack the Celestials skull, something no mortal has accomplished. Norrin Radd was pure of heart, and there is nothing Mephisto wants more than a pure soul. The group splits into tow, with one group staying on Earth to combat Ares invaders, and the other goes to Olympus to free Hercules. it would be difficult to actually draw 9 to 10 entire universes on a tree especially since we have no real word perspective of what the whole universe looks like from outside of it, its not meant to be exact similar to the dragonball macrocosm map so dont take everything literal, Asgard is a pocket universe, your confusing the Floating Land of Asgard with the entire dimension, theres visible stars and other celestials bodies throughout the Asgard dimension and again its been stated to be a pocket universe. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. They were Celestials. Made out of a mystery metal stronger than uru, the metal that makes up Mjolinir, Odin and company fueled the armor with their magic. Then, with the cosmic behemoth at his weakest, the Surfer defeated him with a powerful concentrated blast of cosmic power. Essentially, its linked to all the realms, past and present, and shares the weight of every planet its connected to. And wow, did someone really say that? He simply brought down the walls that kept Asgard safe. The two characters are constantly paired by fans in the classic who would win debates. RK Thor essentially discovered their Kryptonite and used it to end their hold on the fate not just of Asgard but apparently the nine realms as well. No, it wasnt any kind of mind-control that convinced the God of Thunder to fight for the Nazis, but it was Hitler manipulating the thunder god. And he isn't multiversal because Yggdrasil unlike what some claims have been made. Why? Still we can see the several lands that make up Asgard. Thor was totally okay with this plan, and Hitler took it up a notch, saying the only forces who could oppose them is the Invaders. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. In one instance, Thor pushes over the Leaning Tower of Pisa with just one finger. Though The Prime Movers are able to get along, their alliance is temporary and it doesnt take long for their group to fall apart and for its members to turn on one another. At this point, Hulk is nearly stronger than ever in his savage mode. TL;DR: RKT is not multiversal regardless of wank. The Black Winter is a cosmic entity that fulfils a similar purpose to Galactus on a far larger scale - rather than simply devouring planets, it consumes entire universes. Though barely sentient, the armor was created by Odin and the other pantheons of Earth. No. The light and power that has burst forth is acting like a beacon of extraordinary power. Realizing hes about to lose, Mongoose flees and destroys a couple of the skyscrapers support pillars while he escapes. [5] Eternity succeeded the Sentience of the Sixth Cosmos as the embodiment of the Seventh Cosmos alongside his sister-self Infinity. Using his telepathic abilities, Silver Surfer was once able to alter Galactus' perception and deceived his former master with an illusion. For reference, Namor has fought the Sentry and the Hulk on occasion, and even beaten the latter. And God saw that the light was good. He ends up attacking Thor at his workplace, which happened to be at the construction site of a skyscraper. The Incredible Hulk is one of the strongest beings in the Marvel universe. When it looks like the Asgardians might be winning, the shapeshifters unleash their ultimate Super-Skrull, one bred to destroy Thor and who carries Stormbreaker, Bills famous weapon. Everyone has bad days, but not quite like Thor. To put things into perspective, she was able to put theworld-class mutant telepath Charles Xavier in a coma using a very basic psi-bolt attack. The plan is actually pretty solid and in the hands of anyone outside of villains, it would work. Poem/methaphorical speech is cool, but it needs direct explanations in comic. Because after a while Loki realized he couldnt defeat Thor on his own, he would occasionally enlist or trick other to do his bidding. They just love use lyrics/poem speech to misinterprete facts and feats to wank those characters while plot says different ( spoken in normal/novel language ). Uur Killi Bir nemi Kalmaz lgn Serkan Tansan Sen De Seversin (llegal Hayatlar Film Mzii) aatay Akman Unuttum Yalnzl Arman322 Fenasn Mustafa Ceceli & Beng Zaman Ece Mumay Yeniden Kavuacaz #genshinimpact Its about time RKT getting a debunking thread. First appearing in The Mighty Thor #387, Exitar the Exterminator is prone to destroying worlds completely. Now Destroying the Loom is not the same as actually directly defeating Those Who Sit Above In Shadow. You can see that Asgard is even given a scale of size. The Ultimate Universe was Marvels attempt at transforming their characters to be more realistic and relatable to the times. 10 Most Powerful Thor Variants From The Movies & Comics, Valkyrie's New Costume In Thor Love And Thunder, Thor And Jane Romance In Thor Love And Thunder. And so he does. Beta leads his people in search of a new home, landing in the Milky Way. Rune King Thor is not multiversal. 15 Best Alternative Versions Of Thor (Including Throg) - ScreenRant ''He survived the death of a multiverse'' This has so many broad explanations that is laughable, or I am missing context here? On one occasion, Silver Surfer knocked the Hulk off balance by launching his board at the green beast. Later in their respective superhero careers, Thor and Silver Surfer would meet many more times. Composite Hal Jordan (DC) vs Composite Thor (Marvel) The MCU may have many believing Thanos to be the most powerful Marvel character, but here are 10 reasons why Silver Surfer deserves that title. Thor (Marvel Comics) | Character Profile Wikia | Fandom Back in 1973, it was another matter entirely. At one point in the comics, Thor was chosen as the next Herald of Galactus. Thor's most powerful 'Strike Feat' to date : Multiversal lvl He did nothing universal, less alone multiversal. Pushing an engine, even one with a fancy name, might not sound terribly impressive, but just hold on for a moment while we review whats going on. One of those such beings is none other than Silver Surfer's former master, Galactus. Thor does retrieve it, but it doesnt take long for Odin and Asgard to realize that another wants it: Galactus. Thor, TWSAIS and Yggdrasil Page Explanation - Top-Strongest Wikia We see that by the huge crack of apparent empty darkness that hid within. The nine realms to which Yggdrasil is linked to refers to nine special worlds/planets. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. RELATED:Michael Giacchino To Compose Thor Love And Thunder. A character so abstract, and awe inspiring, that you cannot possibly determine his limits. Meaning the so called World Tree wasn't what people thought it was. The Avengers cross over, but Hercules stays on Olympus. However, the thunder god can see that unless drastic steps are taken, Galactus and his father will be locked in a stalemate. You can see that Asgard is even given a scale of size. And from the union of Ouranos and Gaia came the Titans. That spark was Gaia, Mother Earth, Mother of all Life. That was the original story of how Galactus survived and became who he is which was told in Thor #161 I believe it was. And I say lavish because Odin way of telling the story was in no way different from all the other stories. Lies force-fed, comics read, Thor wank dead! Necro King Thor, before Aaron started the Jobber Thor saga, made Galactus crumble, so RKT could do the same, and . While Captain America and the Avengers end up battling the X-Men on Earth, Cap has sent a team of heroes, including Thor, Beast, War Machine, Ms. Marvel, and a couple others, to try and fight the Phoenix off in space. Yggdrasil is simply a structure. Follow 17364. . With Thor victorious, he goes off to cause chaos elsewhere.
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