Fixed an issue where farmhands could trigger SVE quests, bugging progression for the host and other farmhands. (Reading the 1.6 patch notes fills you with determination). Players playing multiple save files had IF2R configurations take effect on their other farms. You've found yet another strange note within the Mayor's fridge. Added more spouse room marriage dialogues for Sophia, Olivia, Claire, Victor, and Lance. Added a new included framework developed by Esca (Farm Type Manager developer) to SVE called "Custom NPC Exclusions". Some produce unique items. 1.5 adds an entire new region of the world, Ginger Island (part of the Fern Islands): Added new locations, dialogue, events, minigames, puzzles, and a quest line involving multiple NPCs. #2. xAlphaStarOmegax Jan 23, 2021 @ 9:05am. Added the "Mother Starfruit Tree" and "Starfruit Friends" to Junimo Woods if players took over Aurora Vineyard in the CC route. Added movie theater dialogue for Morgan and ???. Rebalanced prices and many items now have functional stock limits. FIX FOR SEASON_DUSTY CRASHES: Throw out [CP] Karmyllas Immersive Maps and [TMX] Stardew Valley Expanded Locations from the mod directory, then reinstall the files. Green serpents have been recolored to orange/yellow and corrupted serpents now use Apophis' old design. 09-29-2020: Fixed an issue where special SVE items (such as the Junimo scroll and manifests) were mentioned as likes/dislikes in casual conversation with NPCs. Fixed a typo with the days required for the Joja berry machine to mature (24 > 25). 's 10 heart event. Debug printing has been removed from the Lua warps, preventing log spamming in multiplayer and fixes other technicalities. - Some bushes in town were removed. Fixed the greenhouse lighting (IF2R). Quests are set objectives that provide rewards when completed. Fixed a bug where Victor and Olivia's dialogue box would sometimes cut out during marriage. Added a new questline for Grandpa's farm, triggered in year 2 after players have completed ???. Added 6 new seasonal decorations, sold at respective decoration vendors. Items must be collected while quest is active.Tip: Insects who drop bug meat are common on floors 15-29 of the Mines. Changed the IF2R hardwood area entrance from a ladder to an incline. Fixed artifact spawn rates at Blue Moon Vineyard. Andy and Susan are now neutral towards being gifted crop seeds instead of disliking them. He will now stand in front of Dusty, instead of standing on the other side of the fenced off pet area. Fixed an issue where the Wizard's spouse area was shifted up one tile. Added a configuration to IF2R called 'RemoveCentralCherryBlossomTreeAndWaterTrough'. Added Miscellaneous dialogues and schedules to vanilla NPCs. Fixed cliff shadows on IF2R near the farm cave. Reduced crafting requirements for the worm bin for the balanced crafting configuration. Investigate the Community Center, Enter the Community Center and examine the Golden Scroll in the. The following SVE events have been disabled by default: Haley's 7 heart, Penny's 7 heart, Shane's 7 heart, Jas' 8 heart, Jodi's 10 heart, Kent's 10 heart, and Krobus' 8 heart events. Changed "Lost Woods" namespace to "Junimo Woods" and added a new shop. Fixed an issue where players couldn't get new drops from monsters if the 'stronger monster' configuration was set to true. Fixed an issue where farmhands would crash during community center warp events. Fixed an issue where players with max zoom enabled got black bars during Claire's and Sophia's 12 heart events. Added buff effects to Sprite Spring, similar to Grandpa's Grove. Claire, Martin, Morris, and Marlon have been removed from the introductions quest. Fixed an issue where players weren't correctly warped after Lewis's year 2 town east event. Fixed an issue where SMAPI reported parsing errors for Scarlett's fall schedules. Once the required number of items have been gathered (as indicated by the counter in the journal), simply talking to the villager who requested the items is sufficient to complete the quest. Krobus events can no longer be triggered on Fridays. Fixed an issue where farmhands couldn't complete all Nexus warp points. Added an event for Claire and Martin at the movie theater where they acknowledge their new jobs. IF2R Farm Type manager no longer affects SVE locations, only the farm map itself. ??? Removed the 'Grampleton Fields' sign from shearwater bridge to avoid player confusion. 10-16-2020: Players must now see Krobus' intro event for him to appear at the spirits eve festival. Added 20 new lines of dialogue for Gil, which are dependent on monster eradication goals and mine progress. Fixed an issue where out of season forage would hang around the beginning of the new season. Fixed the ambient sound effects in Morris' event when it was raining., Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Added two new configurations to Grandpa's Farm titled "Larger Greenhouse" and "Remove Greenhouse Objects". Fixed an issue where Kent and Susan overlapped at the summit. Adjusted The following characters summit schedules: Leah, Susan, Marlon, Linus, Lewis, and Kent. Fixed typos in locational messages and dialogue. The player will no longer be warped into the Oasis lake. Fixed an issue where Joja workers clipped into Clint's fence during the mine cart repair cutscene. Due to the delay of the 1.5 release of Stardew Valley for mobile users, the most recent working version for mobile is 1.11.6. Added a fishing spot at the Crimson Badlands. Players can now sleep in the bed of whoever they're dating, engaged, or married to. Dirt field, cherry blossom, and fence removal configs no longer need to be false for the sandbox layout to take effect. !MAJOR CHANGES IN FILE STRUCTURE!!! (This large and substantial content update fills you with determination). Fixed an issue where Clint's railroad boulder removal and Lewis' farm expansion quests appeared on the special orders board. Fixed an issue where there was a glitched tile near a spouse room in the player's farmhouse. Buffed a certain "hidden" forage location. Fixed a small glitch where Marlon's heart emote, upon being gifted at the adventurer guild, clipped into a sword on the wall. Fixed Harvey's event (it will not freeze now). Fixed an issue where players couldn't trigger Abigail's 14 heart event. He's ashamed of his low education level, but he makes up for it by putting maximum effort into each task he takes up, and being a truly kindhearted and genuine person. Fixed a bug where players couldn't purchase the ??? 09-17-2020: Fixed a bug where Grandpa's Shed wouldn't get repaired upon quest completion. Rasmodius has received another new event, taking place at Forest West, when the player has six hearts with him. It has been added to the desktop wallpaper downloads. Stardew Valley ExpandedSVE FlashShifter NPC SVE ModDrop Nexus Mods Grandpa's Farm 2 Immersive Farm 2 the Nexus ModsSVEModDropSVE 1.5SVE1.11.6 This has no effect if players already have it installed. Added 'advanced moves' to many NPCs in all festivals. This was due to the original greenhouse overlapping the "front" layer. 10-18-2020: Fixed an issue where adding a false dependency for ATDSV caused a circular dependency issue, preventing SVE from loading (sorry about that). Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home? Fixed an issue where players couldn't access ??? Community Center and Joja Warehouse completion events are now skippable. Added the "Wind Effects" mod, developed by CatCattyCat, to the SVE recommended mods section. Added the vanilla railroad boulder that blocks access to the summit and a new quest to remove it. Fixed many miscellaneous map glitches in several maps. (Put a. Fixed an issue where waterfall effects wouldn't render if players didn't have Grandpa's Farm installed. Can be collected before accepting the special order IF2R is no longer required to use the new world map. Fixed various glitched tiles in Cindersap Forest and Pelican Town. Added two new characters: Morgan and ???. Stardew Valley Wiki You found a note that reads, "Someone is waiting for you on level 100 in the, Mr. Qi awards the player with "iridium snake milk", which permanently increases. Fixed a water shader bug on at the stairs at ???. Added compatibility patches for the East Scarpe mod. 09-16-2020: Fixed a bug where many tiles in the dirt configurations for IF2R weren't tillable. Added load commands to the SVE Content Json to load events on custom maps through CP, rather than placing them into the SDV folder. Fixed a small tiling error with the mountain minecart configuration that clashed with some recolor mods. Removed the Harvest Goddess compatibility patch. Added ??? Added map patching. Vanilla characters now act according to their personalities, including but not limited to behavior and how they talk. Nerfed the quarry on IF2R due to requests. Adjusted Gunther's gift to players after donating at least 60 artifacts to the museum. Fixed an issue where several NPCs got stuck in their house on Community Day if the island resort was built. Fixed an issue where Emily's fall 15th schedule wasn't correctly parsed. Added a new farm map called "Grandpa's Farm", which replaces the standard layout. 09-16-2020: Fixed a bug where snow and leaves wouldn't display on outdoor objects. Redesigned the doghouse on Immersive Farm 2 Remastered - matching the farmhouse. Changed how players enter and leave the lost woods (not the secret forest with the stump farming). Wizard's name is now changed to 'Magnus' when the player has reached 4 hearts with him. Added hilltop access above the IF2R cave. Added mist effects for Immersive Farm 2 Remastered. Fixed a bug where players didn't receive the rusty key when they skipped Krobus' introductory event. Expanded Storage at Stardew Valley Nexus - Mods and community All games Stardew Valley Mods Items Expanded Storage Expanded Storage Endorsements 3,204 Unique DLs 77,206 Total DLs 223,120 Total views 450,956 Version 2.0.3 Download: Manual 2 items Last updated 22 September 2022 6:30AM Original upload 31 December 2020 10:48PM Created by furyx639 Adjusted Marlon's sewer key part 1 event conditions. Players must type "world_bushreset" in the SMAPI console in their existing save file for this to take effect. Fixed a bug where there were two Marlon's in the Adventurer Guild. Fixed an issue where a bush clipped into the pet house on Grandpa's Farm during the intro cutscene. If you haven't played Stardew Valley before, you are encouraged to play it in its original form as intended by the developer. Fixed an issue where trees couldn't be planted on specific tiles on IF2R. Fixed a scheduling issue where the Wizard and Morgan walked around Fable Reef instead of leaving the Wizard's Basement like normal people. The Wizard is creating a staff of phenomenal power. Added schedule dialogue for SVE and vanilla NPCs. Changed the Adventure Guild open time from 2:00pm-10:00pm to 3:00pm-12:00am. Fixed a crash during Sophia's 7 heart event that'd occur if players enabled the NPC Map Locations mini map. Completing all house upgrades has been removed as a requirement to start the Grandpa's Shed quest line. Quests will repeat over time, regardless of whether they have been successfully fulfilled in the past. Fixed an issue where SVE hardcoded Scarlett's and Lance's appearances which overwrote other mods editing their sprites and portraits. Added a new festival called "Joja Day". Redesigned the Jenkins' Residence exterior. He is somewhat of a playboy and really likes to watch fashion and modelling shows. He needs an iridium bar to finish it. Farm computers will now detect crops planted at the old community garden and grandpa's shed. Added due to requests. Added the Custom NPC Fixes framework to SVE (no longer a required download). Moved the Immersive Farm 2 Remastered download to the "optional" section. Added 4 new original soundtracks: 'Enchanted Waltz', 'Ominous Cavern', 'Lament', and 'HaruhiViolinSolo'. Removed the question fork in Victor's 10 heart event. Fixed several invisible building layers on IF2R that were preventing players from moving and placing objects on many tiles. Adjusted a part of the railroad fence by one tile. Hot fixed an issue where Lance's 10 heart event froze the game. Fixed several glitched tiles on the Forest West map. Added "StrongerMonsters" as a configurable option (default = false). Fixed an issue where items in the IF2R shed disappeared. Removed Victor's static dialogue in the graveyard, allowing players to converse with him. Replacing the town.xnb is still a requirement when watching the intro cut scene (or else bushes in town do not spawn correctly). Caroline's schedule has been changed. Jas's and Vincent's intro sewer event in the forest has been changed to mention Marlon instead of Gunther possessing said key. Unlike other quests, The Player does not have to earn them while the quest is active. Adjusted a cherry blossom tree at Blue Moon Vineyard which slightly obscured the dirt path. Stardew Valley 1.5.5 compatibility update. Players can join the fight on the desert battlefield against hordes of monsters, some corrupted by dark magic Defend Castle Village! I made 31 of 45 characters so far, including beach and regular versions for them. Lewis' schedule on Thursdays has been changed. Fixed an issue with the Oasis Greenhouse where players could no longer access their shed. She is a marriage candidate! Added "Mist Effect" configurations (default = "true") for Stardew Valley Expanded (SVE), Grandpa's Farm (GF), and Immersive Farm 2 Remastered (IF2R). Collect, then dump in the bin next to the fish shop: Players may remove the TMX folder from Grandpa's Farm, Grampleton Fields, and IF2R directories (but not SVE). Apples no longer loves "Golden Ocean Flower". Fixed an issue where Susan's Thursday schedule wasn't spaced out correctly. Fixed glitched tiles and corrected the patching logic in the Adventurer Guild. I haven't had the chance to play recently so I haven't tried Lance with the new update, but I have multiple SV spouses. I guess, but it barely takes any more time to get the statue after you get the rarecrow, and considering that the other rarecrows are pretty trivial to get, I'd say its worth it for that alone, and might as well get the statue on the way. Olivia now shows more affection to the player in her 10 heart event. Completing the volcano dungeon is now a requirement to unlock the badlands instead of Qi's Skull Cavern challenge. The number of [Monster] in the local caves have made mining dangerous for other people, not me! Players can now refill their watering can from the town fountain. Olivia now attends her acrobatics class on Tuesday if married to the player. Fixed a bug where players couldn't eat Gus' burgers at the Stardew Valley Fair. Fixed an issue where there were invisible building tiles on Grandpa's Farm. Fixed an issue where windows in the upper level of Grandpa's Shed had incorrect tilesheet indexes during nighttime. Stardew Valley Expanded remains true to the lore. (I'm still working on SVE 1.4!!! Added a new configuration called "Remove Southern Cactuses From Desert" (default = false). Added two new configurations for Grandpa's Farm (GF) titled "RemoveFences" and "GrassCropField". - Removed the "RemoveShed" configuration from IF2R. Sophia and the Wizard have received many new elaborate schedules. (Did a ninja hot fix to fix a bus stop map load issue). Made several changes to SVE fish pond data. Increased forage spawns at Junimo Woods (10 > 20). Fixed an issue where some players couldn't add SVE fish to their aquariums. She's still my favorite spouse so far, but she does get a bit aggravating after awhile. Secret notes #18, #19, and #20 now show correct images, allowing players to solve the riddles. Fixed an issue where Susan's four heart event witch cave fork froze and had to be skipped. (I made a Twitter account! It is not necessary to enter the Mutant Bug Lair, nor to get the talisman itself to complete the quest. Two optional farms are also available, Grandpa's Farm and Immersive Farm 2, a new version of the Immersive Farm 2 mod. A Radioactive Bar can be shipped or sold to Clint at the Blacksmith Shop for 3,000g ( 4,500g with the Blacksmith profession ). Fixed the remastered Calico Desert compatibility for several mods. They now reflect accurate colors to static fences. Wizard, Sandy, and Gunther portraits + sprites and fence redesigns are now edited instead of loaded to provide better compatibility with other mods. Most of these messages are present in the Jenkins' Residence. Removed iridium sprinklers from Sophia's ledger. Fixed a couple typos in some event dialogue. Fixed an issue where players glitched into a wall in the Jenkin's Residence when jumping off a chair. Fixed an issue where trees could grow in front of the mushroom/bat cave on Grandpa's Farm. Fixed an issue where crops in the old community garden, grandpa's shed, and Grampleton fields didn't get watered on rainy days. Shadows from the roof are now properly displayed. As of now, this map is broken. !! The special orders board was glitched in the year 2+ egg festival. Allows more compatibility for other mods. This is a massive overhaul to the dialogue! Nerfed Radioactive Bass fish pond produce. Fixed an issue where players could place objects on Robin's spot where she works on farmhouse upgrades (IF2R and GF). Fixed an issue where furniture could be placed in front of Aurora Vineyard's door (refurbished). Fixed an issue where players couldn't get secret notes #17, #18 and #20. 09-12-2020: Changed the adventurer guild closed time from 8:00pm to 10:00pm. New music added by SVE no longer replaces vanilla soundtracks. Edited Jas' 8 heart event dialogue. Fixed an issue where Alex's 4 heart event could trigger twice in a row. Added Morris to the Winter Star festival. With a little dedication, you might just be the one to restore Stardew Valley to greatness! This translates to summer 17th year 3. Swapped the Wizard's "angry" and "surprised" expression indexes for better compatibility with other Wizard mods. Linus now visits the summit on Monday and Tuesday during fall, and on Monday during winter. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Changed a schedule of Sam where he stood behind a bush in town. 10-20-2020: Fixed an issue where players triggers Martin's 2 heart event upon entering Joja Mart for the first time (Sorry again). Decreased corrupt serpent health (1500 > 1250) and damage damage (65 > 60). Required( ) Stardew Valley Expanded Korean Translation(SVE ). The location of these maps are east of Pelican Town. -Joja Mart sold multiple corn seeds at different prices. Void recipes now require 5 hearts of friendship from Krobus. During a cutscene that is available starting on Fall 2, Year 1, regardless of the weather, a special orders board is installed in front of the Mayor's Manor. The community center, once the towns most vibrant hub of activity, now lies in shambles. Once the player has accepted a Help Wanted quest they will have 2 days to complete it, the current day and the next. Fixed an issue where Andy's day 15 schedule glitched out and had him hiking hills in the western forest. Harvey's "afraid" 10 heart event fork froze the game. Shiny Lunaloos can now be caught during any weather. Redesigned the surrounding area of the IF2R greenhouse. 09-13-2020: Fixed a sound bug where the ladders leading to the IF2R hilltop made a grassy noise. Fixed the flounder, midnight carp, and rice icons. Added spouse patios on Grandpa's Farm and Immersive Farm 2 Remastered for Sophia, Victor, Olivia, and Claire. Added sandstorms to the Crimson Badlands. Changed 'Backwoods_Joja', 'Forest_Joja', 'Mountain_Joja', and 'Railroad_Joja' to map patches instead of full map replacements. Slightly buffed forage spawns in Forest West. Added more detail and fixed many inconsistencies on the world map. Created a new wallpaper "Ceremonial Flower Dance" to commemorate Stardew Valley Expanded hitting 1,000,000 players! Changed the "New Fish" section graphic on the descriptions page. The JsonAssets based content pack which adds new items by SDV Expanded. Anyone who ships 100 [Crop] by the end of the season will earn a substantial reward from the Pelican Town Agricultural Fund. Added Scarlett as a fully fledged NPC. Balanced all forage locations. Fixed an issue where the traveling cart merchant appeared open on GF past 8pm. 10-18-2020: Added a custom prop to Leah's vanilla 8 heart event and adjusted pathing. Fixed an issue where Claire permanently stayed at home when married if players had the "Looking For Love" mod installed. Fixed an issue where Penny would stalk outside Marnie's Ranch late at night after dropping Jas off from school. Fixed an issue where players with Immersive Farm 2 installed (the original) got stuck behind a pillar when entering the secret woods from their farm. But the valley seems full of opportunity. Lowered dulse seaweed appearance chance from 30% > 10%. Players may remove it from their mods folder if they wish. 10-01-2020: Players must now friend Morris to 8 hearts and see his 8 heart event before they are able to build the Joja movie theater, progressing the Joja story line. Players must set mature events to "true" in the config to enable the content of these events. The "town.xnb" file no longer needs to be replaced. Fixed many glitches tiles on several maps. Fixed an issue where Lance wasn't tracked on the world map if NPC Map Locations was installed. no longer sells mixed seeds, fiber, spring onion, salmonberry, blackberry, spice berry, wild horseradish, leek, hazelnut, and crystal fruit. The Wizard had incorrect frame data at the ice festival. -Stardew Valley Expanded- Date uploaded 16 Dec 2022, 10:28PM File size 359.7MB Unique DLs 267.6k Total DLs 379.1k Version 1.14.18 PC Install Guide Mobile is currently incompatible until SMAPI and frameworks are updated for Stardew Valley 1.5 Mod manager download Manual download Preview file contents Grandpa's Farm Date uploaded 24 Sep 2022, 9:12PM Fixed a question fork bug in a Morris event. Added six new characters: Claire, Alesia, Isaac, Camilla, Dusty and ???. Fixed an issue where locational dialogue prevented players from placing crab pots on the dock near Willy's house. Fixed an issue where the Grandpa's Farm "Heavy Debris" configuration when used with the "Remove Fences" configuration glitched trees in the south west corner. Fixed an issue where Sophia's special schedule additions (after seeing her 8 heart) didn't work correctly. Fixed a bug where players couldn't dance with SVE characters. Adjusted community day schedules. Remodeled Susan's house and Emerald Farm. Players must install this optional file if they wish to continue playing with this map. Added better SVE spouse room compatibility for the Free Love mod. Victor has received a new event, taking place at Shearwater Bridge during spring, summer, and fall. 09-29-2020: Changed 'Joja Cola' from trash to and artisan good once players have completed the Joja storyline. There's no effect if players have already completed them. Added a new configuration called "OlderSophiaPortraits". Fixed a 502 gateway error with Nexus Mods many users were experiencing. Category: Disambiguation Pages. 's Room. Increased corrupt serpent spawns at the Crimson Badlands (5 > 10). Fixed an issue where uninvited SVE characters visited the island. #1. nodehappy Jan 23, 2021 @ 8:33am. Wizard's Tower will now properly display the update interior. Fixed an issue where NPCs warped to the desert via the bus line. Grampleton Fields is the largest map to date and is farmable (optional). Willy's corresponding event conditions has changed (level 8 fishing > level 5 fishing). Fixed an issue where Lance sometimes didn't return home to the farmhouse when married to the player. Fixed compatibility issues with several mods. Changed the description of the ??? Fixed an issue where the Aerobics music cue in Olivia's 12 heart event didn't loop. New "things" are now available in place of the old "things". Made it easier to trigger Olivia's 6 heart event. Fixed an issue where two Morris' appeared in Joja Mart. Added a new cooking recipe sold by Krobus. It smells heavenly. Fixed an issue where Olivia's 6 heart event caused crashes. Stardew Valley was initially published by London game studio Chucklefish, best known for developing the space sandbox-adventure game Starbound. Added new portraits and sprites for the Wizard. Karmylla now has the SVE Pelican Town map and town festival maps in her "SVE" download on her mod page. Added compatibility patches for several other mods. Fixed an issue where Susan's Friday schedule bugged out. Added several additions to the Spirits Eve Festival and Stardew Valley Fair. Fixed an issue where players got stuck during the ??? Thought you might like to see how it is going! Simply having the item in inventory when talking to them will not complete the quest. Stardew Valley Expanded ConcernedApe . You must now manually replace the IF2R tilesheets when the Greenhouse is fixed and for IF2R map recolors. Doesn't reflect if already obtained. Players most throw out their old IF2R folder and reinstall. Redesigned the adventurer guild boat and made it useable once conditions are met. This page was last modified on 16 February 2021, at 17:02. Increased the sewer key year 1 prerequisites (Marlon heart level 2 > 5) and it must now be raining. Fixed an issue where players could dance with Apples at the fower festival.
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