The Corporate United States (UNITED STATES, INC.) is composed of 185,000 corporations and roughly 390 million corporate U.S. CITIZENS. Proof that the Colonies are still in Crown possession is the use of the word "State" to signify a "legal estate of possession." Had this been a document of and by the people, both the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution would have been written using the word "states." It is composed of legal fiction entities, including but not limited to C corps, S corps, LLCs, non-profits, foundations, and trusts. All tax payers have an Individual Master File and are held liable for a tax via a treaty between the U.S. and the U.K. and payable to the U.K. The flag with the gold or yellow fringe has no US constitution, no US laws, and no US rules of court. Draco-US Govt.-MKULTRA-Transhumanist-ritual child sacrifice/pedophile complex. Because you are mostly made ofliquid and have been securitized, you are considered liquidated capital. For example, you'll see that this "Government of the United States" has its address at: Its phone number is " (202) 224-3121". Sometimes it is dispersed under Treasury Order #91 (Rev. They expect that these corrupting forces are disunited and in competition with one another, so that they tend to balance one another. So, when politicians tell you that you have the right to vote as a United States citizen, they are already lying to you. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. This in effect made the Customs Administrative Act within the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Internal Revenue in the Philippines, merging the two to be responsible for all taxes and excises imposed by this Act import and export excise taxes. Like the bank holds the title to your car because you are indebted to them. This also applies to the cities and counties. Colorado Has Fun With Biden & Barry: Colorado To Pay $25-$100 Bounty On Shot Down Obama Drones ~ Citizens Receive License To Protect States SovereignAirspace! 41, #180 (1976) states: The terms Director, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division has been replaced by the term Internal Revenue Service.. Citizens rights were taken from them in this process. Proof 'The United States' is a Criminal Corporation . Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. And that persons of any other description shall have free liberty to go to any part or parts of any of the thirteen United States and therein to remain twelve months unmolested in their endeavors to obtain the restitution of such of their estates, rights, and properties as may have been confiscated; and that Congress shall also earnestly recommend to the several states a reconsideration and revision of all acts or laws regarding the premises, so as to render the said laws or acts perfectly consistent not only with justice and equity but with that spirit of conciliation which on the return of the blessings of peace should universally prevail. This explains why USA agencies such as the National Security Agency (NSA) are at the forefront of the effort to torture and robotize humanity, and are intimately involved in, for example, the interface between remote neuro-mind control weapons and Hospitals that can implant victim mothers, and Family Law and Pyschiatric facilities that can plot to take the victims children for the pedophile networks. Bureau of Internal Revenue Becomes Internal Revenue Service. Be aware that the Democracy (the Federal United States) is not the same as the original USA, which is known as the Republic for the United States of America. The 1986 Delegation Order #115 states that only the IRS and BATF can conduct audits, but only audits of themselves for $750 or less. The Federal United States is made up of 50 Federal States plus seven physical states, which are often thought of as federal territories, making a total of 57 Federal States. Proof that the USA is Controlled by Corporations The United States is a foreign corporation pretending to represent the country known as the Continental United States or The United States of America (Major), which is a republic and not a democracy. The Vatican Bank, which has about $8 billion in assets, has often been at the center of scandal and corruption since it was founded in 1942. PROOF Vatican Owns Corporate UNITED STATES The Hidden Vatican Crown Empire. However, because the President has the authority to appoint IRS Chief Counsel, he/she can appoint a delegate to appear in federal court on behalf of the IRS and IRS employees. While people have recognized for more than 150 years that the rich and powerful often corrupt individual officials, or exert undue influence to get legislation passed that favors their interests, most Americans still cling to the naive belief that such corruption is exceptional, and that most of the institutions of society, the courts, the press, and law enforcement agencies, still largely comply with the Constitution and the law in important matters. Click here for the proof. After the American War of (In)Dependence, the Kings corporation changed names from the Virginia Company to the United States Of America, the USA and the US. It may be impossible to accurately determine how much American tax dollars have been funneled to the International Monetary Fund, or given away by the Federal Reserve Bank to foreign banks, or how much money the government has illegally siphoned off for black-ops, false flags, payoffs to lobbyists and Congressmen, and for assassinations of presidents (domestic and foreign), scientists and whistleblowers. The British Crown Runs the U.S. Legal System Fraud and deceit were the hallmarks of this ratification process. The purpose of liquidating you is to turn you into capital money. The word capital comes from the Latin word capitalis, which means of the head, hence capital, chief, first. It also comes from another Latin word caput, which translates to English as head.. We can also thank Pope Gregory for the current Gregorian calendar, which rearranged the previous Julian calendar to match the Pagan holidays that the Roman Catholic Church now claims as Christian holidays. After all, it is now common knowledge that one of the sister corporations, the one that funds the stuff also known as the Vatican has had their coffers all but emptied and so has the Italian government. Laura Eisenhower confirms the existence of such cooperative treaties and entities between the US government and manipulative Extraterrestrials such as the Draco reptilians and Orion greys in her ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre Laura Magdalene Eisenhower: ET invasion has already occurred and governments do not want us to know.. Thus DC acts as a Corporation through the Act. So what is funding our federal government? Nearly all politicians in the USA are TREASONISTS, because they swore an oath to a privately owned foreign corporation known as the UNITED STATES INCORPORATED. States of America, the Republic, into "a corporate entity" entitled UNITED STATES, in capital letters, having "no" jurisdiction outside the District of Columbia. Under the Reorganization Plan #3 of 1940 (US Code 5, Section 903), the Federal Alcohol Administration (created to enforce prohibition of alcohol) was abolished and their functions transferred to the Secretary of Treasury through the BIR. At our inception as a country we freed ourselves from tyranny, and we must do it again monumental change will be achieved by We The People joining together. Vatican Owns America., page 1 - In the book titled You Know Something Is Wrong When.. An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, it uses the uppercase C in the term Continental United States. Prior to 1991, the Business Master File in 6209 was U.S.-U.K. Tax Claims, non-refile DLN. A corporation is a fictitious entity that has no rights. After five years of writing wellness and conscious living articles for, I chose to open another blog for the purpose of sharing my spiritual wisdom to the world. An artificial person is also a corporation, as stated in Blacks Law Dictionary 6th edition. Third Vice President Of The United States Of America Shoots Alexander Hamilton Dead Putting An End To Hamiltons Noble Speeches Of Defending The Constitution While At The Same Time Hamilton Is Injecting Rothschild Poison Into The Veins Of The Newly Formed USA! The American people do not know that there are two Constitutions in the United States. Furthermore, the governments of all federal territories are specifically excluded from the definition of a federal agency by Act of Congress (5 U.S.C. Aside from all that was written, the bull ends with the following statement: Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.". However, both the IRS (Puerto Rico Trust #62) and BATF, are listed as entities to be audited by the Controller General and both are referred to as having office(s) in Puerto Rico. If you know how the legal system works, you should know that when a name is written in all caps, it can change the meaning of that name. A coin, always two faces and nobody ever pays much attention to the side/rim that bind the two as one. To be more specific, the politicians working in Washington D.C. and nearly every politician, judge, attorney, police officer, and government agent working throughout the USA are FOREIGN agents. 26 C.F.R, Sec. The banks in the City of London is headed by the Bank of England, which is controlled by theHouse of Rothschild, an elite Illuminati banking family. The Code of Federal Regulations of the USA, Title 26 Internal Revenue, Chapter I, references for the first time terms such as income, credits, withholding, assessment and collection and failure to file a return. That 4th of July thing? The only laws you (the natural living, breathing person) are bound to are the Laws of Nature. The right to vote in the United States of America is a FRAUD, because your vote does not really matter and the voting system is rigged, just like a casino. International lawyer Alfred Webre proves that by act of congress that can be repealed by another act, the Vatican owns an country it runs in the middle of Washington D.C. . The IRS Code of 1954 was also passed and coordinated Individual Income Tax for the US and Guam. China Gold Super Power Urging Their Citizens To Diversify Into Physical Gold And Silver Since2009, Weinsteins Part Of The Zionist Protocols: Henry Ford The Protocols Of Zion Is What Is Going OnNow, Financial Crisis Being Covered Up: There Will Be No Last Minute Warning 2/2016, ANOTHER BANKER SUICIDE ADDED TO THE LIST OF 72 DEAD BY UN-NATURAL CAUSES 5/2015, California Water Crisis: Farmers Skip Planting ~ Instead Sell Water To Desperate Cities ~ Holodomor 3/19/2015. During the course of his interview Juan Lankamp discusses a number of high-profile individuals from these networks for whom he has reliable eye-witness evidence of their participation in ritual child sacrifice, blood-drinking and flesh-eating. The Congress realized that the country was in dire financial straits, so they made a financial deal with the devil the Crown (a.k.a. In other words, the cross is not really a symbol of Christianity. When they did the broker deal to get the loan from the Vatican, they did so via the Bank of London. Discussion about PROOF Vatican Owns Corporate UNITED STATES [Page 3] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. * Invasion of Dominican Republic 1965-1966, * War in Bolivia (Execution of Che Guevara) 1966-1967, * Operation Ernest Will (Iran-Iraq War) 1977-1978, * Iraq No-Fly Zones (Iraq-Kurdish Conflict) 1991-2003, * Operation Restore Hope (Somali Civil War) 1992-1994, * Operation Uphold Democracy (Haiti) 1994-1995, * Operation Infinite Reach (al-Qaeda) 1998, * War in Afghanistan (War on Terror) 2001-2011 (ongoing), * Operation Enduring Freedom-Philippines (War on Terror) 2002-present, * Operation Enduring Freedom-Horn of Africa (War on Terror) 2002-present, * War in Northwest Pakistan (War on Terror) 2004-present, * War in Somalia (War on Terror and Somali Civil War) 2006-2009, * Operation Enduring Freedom-Trans-Sahara (War on Terror) 2007-present, * Al-Qaeda Insurgency in Yemen (War on Terror) 2010-present, * Lords Resistance Army Insurgency (Africa) 2011-present. It had debt and interest attached. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the constitution of the incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Only a small part of 26 U.S.C. To find evidence that your U.S. state is a corporation, visit this websiteand do a search using these words state of [your state here]. Hamilton Was Shot By Burr Who Served Under General Washington. 1, 1986), which is a service agreement between the IRS and the Agency for International Development (USAID). It is a maxim of the common-law that when an act of parliament is made for the public good, the advancement of religion and Justice, and to prevent injury and wrong, the king shall be bound by such an act, though not named; but when a statute is General, and any prerogative rights, titles or interests would be divested or taken from the king (or Anyone who works for this foreign corporation is a foreign agent and is unknowingly or knowingly committing fraud against the American people. The IRS is not a US agency because there is no US law creating it. Furthermore, when you vote, you are voting for a president of a FOREIGN corporation known as the United States of America, Inc. One thing you need to know about the U.S. voting system is that the presidential candidates are chosen by the International Banksters and they control both of the Republican and Democratic parties. A US Citizen is defined in all law dictionaries as a corporate entity. Lankamp reveals evidence of various components of the power structures behind the world pedophile, child ritual sacrifice and child trafficking networks. Paul W. Kincaid published a comprehensive article, excerpted below, on the constitutional fraud of the 1871 2nd constitution [PRESS Core Corruption, Latest news, World news Thursday, August 21st, 2014]. If you want more specific information, you may need to order a company credit report from a credit report site, such as FUKASHIMA RADIATION THREAT TO US ALL: Roundup of articles add yours. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. When Hamiltons bank charter expired in 1811, the international bankers started the war of 1812. And dont you believe the whitewash investigation by the Administrations wolf in the peoples chicken coop: Over the years, the IRS fraudulent publications, misapplied tax code and deliberate omissions have trained lawyers and judges to continue this fraud by unwittingly paying taxes for which we are clearly not liable. The idea that we have choices when it comes to electing presidential candidates is an illusion. The United States of America is not a country. The American equivalent to the RIIA is the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). With the new insights that the pedophile and child sacrifice networks provide an important foundation infrastructure to the Transhumanist Agenda, the Transhumanist War Crimes Tribunal in Brussels takes on a whole new perspective and role. The good 'ol USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Crown and a full-blown Corporation. The name itself is evocative of mystery, and many theories have naturally arisen about what might be held among the 53 miles of shelves and 12 centuries' worth of documents only available to a select few. The content in block quotation below will explain this process further. VATICAN TOOK OVER THE U.S. WITH CONGRESS-CREATED (& REPEALABLE) CONSTITUTION OF 1871, on VATICAN TOOK OVER THE U.S. WITH CONGRESS-CREATED (& REPEALABLE) CONSTITUTION OF 1871. 4). City of London Corporation est. Proof vatican owns corporate united states. You are a Citizen of the United States of America and subject to the laws of the Constitution of the United States of America. If there is no regulation, there is no implementation of the law. What You Need to Know About the Vatican's US Real Estate Empire - Bisnow Sec. The cross is the main symbol of the Knights Templar and it has been used by certain secret societies long before the existence of Christianity. They have done this by keeping Americans feeling under eternal threat, both at home and worldwide, thereby justifying taxes for what is made to appear as desperately-needed protection. For example, in legal terms the United States of America is not the same as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The three city empire consists of Washington D.C (the D.C. stands for District of Columbia), City of London Corporation, and Vatican City State. TPP: $700 MILLION TO BE CUT FROM MEDICARE, HURTING SENIORS WHO NEED ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE MAY 2015, 21 Governors Have Outlawed Obamacare: Obamacare Will BeRepealed. Article 5 of that treaty gave all British estates, rights and properties back to the Crown Catholic Church. In 1904 another Act was passed that created Trust Fund #2 and was known as The Bureau of Internal Revenue (US Code 31, Sec. Washington DC was Established as a City-State in 1871 with the Act of 1871 The Obelisk's of the Empire The Vatican City State Owns Some of the World's Most Powerful Telescopes The House of Rothschild is a International Dynasty The Washington Obelisk, Standing at 555 Feet Tall The Temple Bar is Located in the City of London PROOF Vatican Owns Corporate UNITED STATES - Page 2 - Godlike Productions The jurisdiction referred to in paragraph 1 comprises also the administrative liability of juridical persons arising from crimes, as regulated by Vatican City State laws. As an American, when you vote you are basically committing TREASON against the country called The United States of America (Major), which is made up of 50 separate nation states operating as a nation on the land jurisdiction. Most money collected from the American taxpayers is sent to the banks in the City of London and then is distributed to other banks affiliated with the NWO. International bankers saw that interest-free scrip would keep America free of their influence, so by 1781 banker-backed Alexander Hamilton succeeded in starting the Bank of America. For example, the STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA is not the same as West Virginia State. In fact, your Social Security card is issued to you with your name in all capital letters which indicates chattel to a Corporation. (LogOut/ Genocide Iraq ~ 17,073 Muslim Sunnis Have Been Murdered By Muslim Brotherhoods ISIS In 2014. The settler and beneficiaries of these trusts are unknown, and, conveniently enough, the Puerto Rican laws governing trusts keeps these entities secret. The Holy See and the United States both are members of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. (a) A person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality. Since the bull declared that the Roman Pontiff has supreme control over the material world, he states that the body (our body) is governed by the soul and the soul is governed by the ruler of the spiritual, therefore - the Roman Pontiff is Governor of both Soul and body. However, what can be documented is that for 240 years, a large portion of our tax dollars and countless American lives have gone to line the pockets of the multi-national military industrial complex. The Who, How and Why of the JFK Assassination and Why It Still Matters, Meditation, Yoga, Grounding & Mindfulness, You Know Something Is Wrong When An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, You Know Something Is Wrong When.. An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, The main hidden agenda of the United Nations, to be a United States citizen means that you are a legal person, also known as a corporation, The Great American Adventure: The Secrets of America, Why the Right to Vote in the United States is a Fraud, The corporations that run every aspect of . Barack Obama, as others before him, is POTUS operating as vassal king taking orders once again from The Crown through the RIIA (Royal Institute of Intl Affairs). These relations lapsed in 1870 with the loss of all papal territories during the unification of Italy. The Syndicate, through the House of Windsor, owns approximately 1/6 of the Earths land surface. The Philippine Customs Administrative Act was passed by the Philippine Commission between 1900 to 1902. It is becoming increasingly apparent to American citizens that government is no longer being conducted in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, or, within states, according to state constitutions. The United States and the Holy See work together on shared priorities, such as promoting religious freedom and combating human trafficking. When the alleged Internal Revenue Service charges you with a crime, you are dealing with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. IRS Forces U.S. Citizens To Pay A Percentage Of Their Taxes To The Queen Of The UK Deep State Political Vel Craft #Anthony Jerdine #dubai #miami #vail, IRS Forces U.S. Citizens To Pay A Percentage Of Their Taxes To The Queen Of The UK Deep State Political Vel Craft Marotta Long Island, The Hidden History Of The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, Rules & Laws To Serve Themselves: A Christmas Carol, I Killed The Bank ~ President Andrew Jackson. The Corporate United States operates similar to any corporation and is one of the largest corporations in the world. The IRS gets away with its brutal enforcement of this scam because the Federal courts have, case after case, refused to hold them accountable. The information in this article is more focused on the USA, because I am more familiar with the so called laws in the USA and the U.S. legal system. What has replaced it is what many call the Shadow Government created with the illegal passing of the Act of 1871. These include Pope John Paul II, who according to an ex-Jesuit Jose Luciano, participated in a ritual child sacrifice in an underground bunker 40 meters from the Vatican. There can be found: no regulation governing failure to file a return; no regulation governing failure to file, and no computer code for failure to file. Oddly enough, there is a requirement stating where to file an income tax return, and 26 C.F.R., Section 1.6091-3 states that Income tax returns are required to be filed with the Director of International Operations. Note the word International. Who is this Director? Washington D.C. or the District of Columbia is also a privately owned foreign corporation. This article contains proof that the United States is a criminal corporation, and exposes the fraud of the court system. Washington D.C. is NOT part of the USA, just like Vatican City is not part of Italy. THE UNITED STATES corporation is generally referred to as the "federal government" and please note, in contract law, it is always significant that all capitals are used when referencing a. My goal is to make a difference in the world by uniting people through the power of thought, love and unity. American citizens have been in financial servitude to the British Monarch since the Treaty of 1783 and the War of Dependence. In accordance with the international agreement that created the International Monetary Fund, the Secretary of Treasury is the U.S. Leading founders considered this new government a literal chartered corporation of the People. Rothschild banking system to enter the U.S. behind George Washingtons back. Most truth seekers know that Republic of the United States was turned into a corporation in 1871, and the U.S.
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