"With . It has radio and film adaptations. They need to convince him to help locate the Triad vampire, but Ryan doesn't want to be involved with the Supernatural life anymore. She may have seen a second of weakness, but she chose to ignore it. She didn't plan on having MG, Kaleb and Landon join her, "'Cause she might need back-up." #Posie One-Shot # 1 Legacies - Posie by lycador 59.7K 1.5K 16 This story takes place after 1x06 We won't have Posie for 7 weeks so I decided to create a little universe for them until they return to us fanfiction werewolf lizziesaltzman +13 more # 2 A high school Posie au by Pining for Posie 58.2K 1.8K 25 This is just my take on what could've happened and what could happen. Never mind the hidden marks but at least they both know each other until now. So what if it's nice? She paused, "Why did you kiss me?". Disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter franchise, nor do I own the Percy Jackson franchise. Last night I mean. What was so special about me that you decided to break me? She thought she was going to be late. Completed grover hazel percyjackson +16 more # 13 Jason the Jealous by pinkpopsara 23.7K 178 11 Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie Saltzman have never gotten along, but when Malivore begins spitting out creatures, the two find themselves growing closer and closer as they fight monsters and uncover their classmates' secrets. Part 3 of Thrill 'N Chills. Book three of different fandom one shots for GirlXGirl couples. MG grinned from where he stood next to Lizzie and it was seconds before he was dragging the girl alongside him and into the water. Redo everything correctly, the second time around? But, what happens when Josie finds a way to undo all of this mess? In a decision that changed history, Rose Quartz reveals herself as Pink Diamond to the Crystal Gems, and is convinced to do the same to all of Homeworld, swelling their ranks and giving them the boost they needed to win the war. This starts after legacies season 1 episode 13, but a twist Landon didn't come back from the dead. "And here is one more thing I don't get, why me? She didn't have any issue with sharing Penelope, she already shared her with Hope, Lizzie, and Maya. Damian is lost in an Enchanted forest in Moscow, and while his werewolf family look for the yet to be turned, Damian is turned forcefully by the wolves that inhabit the Jason is jealous of Percy. But first, she feelscompelled to help Josie find hers. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Josie sitting at the edge of the pool, hands gripping the edge and jaw slightly askew. Chapters: I live with Lizzie. Can Josie save herself from making the same mistakes? It was supposed to be a one-time-thing until they meet again at a bar. At least it seemed like his crush wasnt exactly unrequited. She was sure it was anger but there was a hint of adoration in her smile. This is a Legacies fanfiction that starts off at the end of Season 1's episode 6 (1X06). Penelope laughed at the shocked expression on Lizzies face when she resurfaced. "So I was right then," Josie said, breaking the silence, "I am just a game to you.". Please consider turning it on! "Draught of Lilving Death is a sleeping potion so very powerful and The Wiggenweld Potion is capable of reversing the effects of the Draught. The Guardby Laura Spudzmom . ' . Well I only wanted to sugar coat it for you is all, She squeezed her hand. the Ravenclaw junior informed coldly with a frown on his face while he stared with unconcerned apathy. With Sirius Black on the loose and the Defense Against the Dark Arts position being filled by Remus Lupin, starting her new post at Hogwarts is anything but simple. "How did your essay go?" A bjitalmester vratlan szvetsgesre lel a legelviselhetetlenebb, ds haj mindentudban. Back at Hogwarts, when their animosity proves insurmountable, Sirius and Severus are relegated to a small, Eighth Year dormitory. "What was that about? A month and a half; that's how long - how short - it takes Rafael Waithe to sleep with another girl after killing the love of his life Cassie. What Happened To Blue Sphere Corporation, It all starts with a bottle whiskey and a dare. There it wasthe connection that Guy had spoken of earlier. If you like Jason better than Percy first of all why? His eyes found a witch, clearly naked and wrapped in the duvet, her back turned to him, her mass of dark hair was strewn over the pillow. A story where one heir only wants a complete acceptance whilst the other refuses to accept their premade future as they want to be truly free living their life even if it means watching the whole world burn. Hey y'all, I went ahead and posted all of the Slave here as requested in a private email from a friend. Her relationship with her mother became strained to the point where they're barely on speaking terms after an accident that scarred Penelope in more ways than one. Severus Snape didn't want any help. All Penelope could do was nod dumbly. Please consider turning it on! It was a relief when Josie kept up the playful banter they had but still reassured her in the end. The next day, she refuses to talk about it until she breaks down in Lizzie's arms. Her encounter with Nimue changes everything. Should you let out the unpleasant parts or tell all the pages. Posie said as she ran and hugged Haileys leg. Im sorry about her. This was going to just be a collection of my fav one shots of Jason getting embarresed. His head snapped up and he whirled around, a vicious snarl tearing its way out of him at the interruption. When a Curse hits the Salvatore Boarding School. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". "Tell me why you remain a bachelor, Potter.". The Three Investigators Age Range, ofcorse I love Ricks one, but this is just my one, thats all. You scare me. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (674), The Vampire Diaries & Related Fandoms (19), Endgame Penelope Park/Josie Saltzman (52), Hope Mikaelson & Penelope Park Friendship (44), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Minor Sterling Wesley/Josie's birthing ball , Kimberly and Trini would do anything for their daughter, Hope and Lizzie are too dumb to realize their feelings, Everyone is protective of their loved ones, The Legacies/TBH crossover that I had to do after Kaylee and Maddie's interactions, The Holy Trinity is coming later in the story, but they're going to be there don't worry, Non-Endgame Milton "MG" Greasley/Lizzie Saltzman, Non-Endgame Lizzie Saltzman/Rafael Waithe, Non-Endgame Hope Mikaelson/Josie Saltzman, By that I mean she's not ableist or manipulative here, Because Elijah took the hollow into himself and died - Freeform, Aurora De Martel/Original Male Characters, Season 4 Rewrite with Ryan as a Main Character, Maya and Penelope and Jade come back bc I need more background character I like, Episode: s01 ep10 There's a World Where Your Dreams Came True, Unrequited Milton "MG" Greasley/Lizzie Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson/Penelope Park/Josie Saltzman, Past Penelope Park/Josie Saltzman - Relationship, Hope Mikaelson & Penelope Park Friendship, Background Sister Camila/Sister Lilith (Warrior Nun), got your heart in my hand (and your dick in the other), Maya Machado/Josie Saltzman/Hope Mikaelson, Bonnie gets the happy ending that she deserved, the poc and lgbt characters will be happy, I'd Rather Go Blind (Than On Another Blind Date). But when they suddenly have a class together and Penelope is living with Josie's best friend Hope, how will their actions freshman year come back, and will they be able to move on? Penelope gave her a tight-lipped smile and nodded her head awkwardly. Banana, Banana, Meatball. These are NOT my views on Jason (and some other characters, but no spoilers!!). The one person on the planet who has a chance of stopping Malivore? Seeing as you came all the way to my house to see me again, She laughed quietly when Josie rolled her eyes. She tugged Josie to the side as they neared her next class and turned to look at her. Cute, short-haired, girly. The storyline is condensed because I wanted to let it play out, but I may add dialogue in future chapters. So you try to get his attention and force him to stop this madness after people around you start to notice. She somehow shared her magical core with him allowing him to fully heal from the effects of Nagini; but healing wasn't the only effect of their connected magic. She still didn't know what the feeling was and she still did not like it. "Hmm, I wonder sometimes as well," Usui replied, turning to her and puckering one eyebrow. Josie knows she can't risk her heart again but for some reason, Hope Mikaelson is making her believe that she might actually deserve love and happiness in her life. Jealousy burned once again. But when Hope Mikaelson comes back into her life, Josie realizes that it might finally be time to start processing all of her old feelings. Penelope is a fashion designer. Let me know what you think, please. You can't do this!" Fans had become conflicted after the end of the first book. Thats it, a mere ten minutes every Saturday. Stamford Voters Guide, Caroline is the headmistress and it's peaceful at the Salvatore school. "You're adorable when you're nervous" He said slowly as he pushed me up against my locker. Posie watched as her cousin carefully looked through Branch's hair once the troll lad had taken a seat. In an unexpected way, she finds herself getting close to Hope Mikaelson, the queen of the school and Penelope Park's best friend, and while . You never know what is lurking in the dark. So why should she care if it burns down? It wasn't like she was jealous or anything. But when they suddenly have a class together and Penelope is living with Josie's best friend Hope, how will their actions freshman year come back, and will they be able to move on? There was so much more that couldve been done. What do you want from me? Rakuten Soccer Team Roster, Good!Read it to found out how that unravels. So she stayed quiet, using her eyes to plead with Josie, asking her to let it go. Or would Josie see right through her? Would it be an end to all the misery? Originally posted by sugafairy This is my fanfic on wattpad on @/ xTodorcki, there are currently 11 chapters posted on there and I'm slowly posting them here A/N: just a warning, you know how high school parties go a lil bit of alcohol intake, prob more dirty talk than usual, prob some drug intake most likely only marijuana. One of these stories are mine credits to the owners, " , ' . Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (24), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (1), Severus Snape/Original Female Character(s) (11), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Severus Snape/Original Female Character(s), Severus Snape & Original Female Character(s), Harry Potter is the Heir to the House of Black, Severus thinks he has everything under control, He does not have everything under control, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Just alcohol and smoking cigars but tagging just in case, If they'll ever actually MAKE it that far that is, That could be the title of the fic honestly, Don't read this if you're trying to quit smoking, The heart of a Slytherin// Severus x Lucius, Minor Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think. Oh you will One day, you will understand.. Why I did, everything I did. So what if Snape *is* lonely? Everybody has a different story to tell. My OC, Lyra Reed, has received a piece of jewelry from Sirius Black on her birthday and Severus seethes with jealousy.. but hes gotten her something too. Second of Thisis kind of late, but this is my own idea for the percabeth reunion! The vision of two strangers have always haunted both Johan and Lucy, two people who have never met. There is a little jealous Jason in here and Percabeth. "Hey everyone if you don't already know my name is Rose. I figured I could walk you to your next class. He went to reach for her bag but she stopped him. Josie. Or is it somewhere in between? Jealousy; Post-Break Up; Break Up; Angst with a Happy Ending; Heavy Angst; Sex; posie - Freeform; . Completed legacies sizzie lizziesaltzman +10 more # 6 Alone In the Dark by Tellingtouch 4.6K 158 7 You really should know better than to walk alone in the dark. And trust me sweetheart, A hand came up to brush a strand of hair from Josies eyes. Complete. Jealous Saltzman Twins; Triad Battle; Blood and Violence; Murder; Season 4 Rewrite with Ryan as a Main Character; Maya and Penelope and Jade come back bc I need more background character I like; Fluff; Smut; Angst; Summary. It was a respect thing. That was fair. Language: English. Hizzie all the way. Traditions - Dramione is already a thing in this fic, but there are flashbacks to navigate how the relationship came to be. This is the story about the tribrid Hope Mikaelson, and how she fell in love with a witch named Josie Saltzman. Regular story about Jason being Jealous of Percy. She feels like she lost everything, and the world just stood there watching. She can't really tell Josie why she kissed her. The shrug of slim, bony shoulders is barely there. She might have gotten to watch Penelope's plan fall apart in front of both their eyes. 32. Last I Love You. It wasn't supposed to be like this. And of course that one epic love to complicate everything. -s . posie fanfic jealous Josie's smile is sweet and she looks at Penelope with a look in her eye that she has never seen before. I actually have someone to meet up with before second period starts. Penelope had been packing her things into her bag, trying not to seem too obvious that she was doing her best to eavesdrop. Josie never leaves. i love you with all of my obnoxious, selfish, evil heart. She was a girl born of rage and fire, but not at all what her parents wanted. She had never felt jealous of her folks before, but suddenly, she thought about the tiny house she and Almanzo lived in. The salvatore boarding school has never been a safe place, but with Hope mikaelson it has never been more vulnerable, not be fear but by love. Im sure it wont be long before I get tackled by some Penelope Park fangirl.. Long time no see Penelope. 17-year-old Josie's life is already complicated enough. There was neither anger nor contempt behind the words. Let there be lights, for the lost to find home.Let there be gold, for the cracks no tapes and glues can hold. What the title says ;) Characters: Josie Lizzie Hope Penelope Jade Maya (if asked) Kaylee Jenny Danielle Lulu Ships: Posie Hosie Hizzie Pizzie Jasie Mizzie Jed/Lizzie Kaylee/Jenny They will be G!P. Josie squeezed her hand in reassurance and simply followed Penelopes direction to her class. This lack of a witty comeback, the smirk missing from Penelope's face. So Poppy was queen, taking over Posie's position of ruler over her band, and she got a handsome troll lad like Branch too? She couldn't tell Josie how much she missed her and just wanted to cry in her arms and how much she just wants Josie to hold her and tell her it's going to be okay. She trusted someone she loved dearly to make it happen for her, thinking she'll finally get her happy ever after with the man she loved. Because god help me Penelope, the last thing you need is another boost to your ego. Diagnostyka, naprawy, doradztwo, serwis i materiay eksploatacyjne do przewiertw horyzontalnych. Youve never cuddled before? Its a simple, quiet question. Severus is starting his first year at Hogwarts, everything seems to be going well on the way there, when suddenly silver hair catches his eye. lufench. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23197009/chapters/55530127. To say Phosie's date night got out of hand would be the understatment of the centuryor; Alyssa casts some spells without thinking and creates a spontaneous orgy. It's not Harry's problem - at least not until he realises he's accidentally befriended the man, and just how much he cares for Snape. It was hard to think of one without thinking of the other, and that's why Josie hadn't played the piano at all in the last three years. Option B) stay home, lock the doors and feed the screaming infant before he goes insane. Breaking up with Landon seems to be the easiest way out of their messy situation, but Josie is in the picture as well What do you do when youve given everything you have and yet they still ask for more? chaelice ; promise. A Jealous Jason and Great Percy Severus Snape, her partner, has left Spinners End and is also residing there - they have difficulty getting along. She loves him and he loves her but will their love survive drugs, fame and jealousy? Ironic, how the selfless has to be selfish, and the selfish has to be selfless, to make this work. You may also like. Includes many different fandoms and parings. and they fuck to their hearts content. At first, Lizzie thought she had run off to someones house, as it has happened before, what with her being at Mystic Falls High, she was bound to have some friends other than those at the Salvatore School to sleep over with So she covered for her sister, but as the days lingered, and she wasnt picking up or answering her texts, Lizzie knew something was wrong. Is it because I'm the headmaster's daughter? And a whole new life ahead of him. " , One Month Later. no matter the story nor what universe, one thing for definite is penelope and josie have chemistry. She tried to flash her a smirk when the girl resurfaced but instead she was greeted with a splash of water and a mischievous smile. Oh? A mischievous smirk tugged at her lips and she leaned in just a bit to whisper in her ear. Josie has long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a classically beautiful face. Everything should be okay now, right?Penelope never wanted to care about anything. We ask that you be respectful when engaging with these posts. Then came her birth. After spending two years in Paris with her mother, Josie and her sister return to Mystic Falls, forcing Josie to face her ex-girlfriend, Penelope Park. In an attempt to win back the heart of her first love, Josie Saltzman travels to Penelope Park's all-witch school in Belgium. Name: Posie (Mariposa) Darling Gender:She Age:16 Description: Skinny, Tall girl with long chestnut brown hair, freckles and blue-yellow eyes. including a jealous Jason, stupid p Jason has prepared to meet the almighty Percy Jackson.
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