If the whole deal is to make money, you make more money recruiting not selling the product. They did not respond to my email but hopefully they do not call me further. They said they would need my bank information. Reported to Primerica Legal. But like all of these MLM businesses, its not set up for money to be made through only selling the product. Ive been disabled for four years and i finally got a job release in feb 2014.Since i had to change job careers,its been hard drawing my former job skills to be applied to another field.Im currently in a job program called DVR(from the department of labor)in the state i live in.For the past 2 months,ive applied to many jobs thru them and gone out of my own with little success..lol.Ran into alot of companies like primerica.So now before I have the interview with any marketing/sales company,I do tons of research on the computer.Had a person contact me from bankers life and casualty say that im good to be part of his team and told me to come to his office at 6pm for the interview.Only to find out that its a presentation with 14 others,10 left after an 1 1/2 hour presentation(only surpose to be a 40-mins).i was one of the 4 and he liked me and set up an second interview.Took 2 weeks to get back to(and only got set up due to my ongoing calls to him for it)me and set up the meeting the next day-they did the same thing as primerica only they actually had a call list from the do not call listings they use for their referrals for me.A $99 dollar fee plus $149 for inside training upfront.I said NO and that was it.My DVR supervisor gave me a reference for a job that turned out to be a primerica rep.I had to follow up this time and called her-she contacted me that nite at 9:30pm(odd time)and told me that her supervisor would call me tomorrow-he never did.A week went by and out of blue the primerica rep called me and said that she was sorry about her supervisor didnt get back to me.But this time i was ready(i did my research and found tons of very bad reviews and some good reviews from primerica corp. officers..lol lol.When we talked,her excuse was that her supervisor is better to answer my questions and would do so when he calls.He hasnt called but i already know the truth(on the surface and the deep inside shadly truth)about primerica-what they represent and who benefits from their company.I need a job now and need money soon before im forced to live on the streets with my wife.I cant start a new position on empty promises and payment upfront to pay to go to work to make alittle money in the first month after i work 80 to 100 hours a week..lol.Doesnt make sense and its just a waste to put forth lots of effort,time,gas,sweat and patience to make little money just to barely live onlol. Thanks for the post. So, I googled the companyand here I am. Very few people want to do the hard work thats required to succeed. When I told my boyfriend about it, who is currently taking a bunch of business, marketing and economic courses (Im a FILM MAJOR so the fact that they wanted me at all should have tipped me off), he said it definitely sounded like a pyramid scam and to look it up. The crazy part it that this PYRAMIDS are legal. When I mentioned that it seems like a pyramid scheme the upline had a rebuttal for it immediately as they probably get hit with that comparison all the time. With traditional firms (i.e. They are a scam! I told her I dont have friends, so Im just telling her anything so shell drop it but she was so persistent it was ridiculous. And my husband just hired a newly licensed recruit to help him get his new business started but has negotiated a portion of that agents earnings as compensation for helping him get himself established AND this new agent will also be splitting his fees with the broker. I walked in and saw chairs set up like there was going to be a lecture. Had forgotten the details but Tracy Coenens information on many posts about the 99% failure rate of MLMs, despite Primericas legitimate products have me thinking. I just wanted to voice my opinion. so I started to get dressed for this interview but something in my mind said look it up on the internet . People are recruited into downlines. They know what positions they are trying to fill and what each position entices and dont beat about the bush when asked about that. They talk about these bad reviews during training, saying they are written by people who tried the opportunity and failed. The problem in this country is the mindset and victim mentality nobody makes people stay small and closed minded! Agency Management had a staff of approximately eleven investigators and PFSI Compliance had approximately three investigators working on investigations of complaints. As someone who has worked for sales organizations for many years, I am really annoyed by the recruiting tactics of some of these folks who run MLM outfits. yet he hasnt received a check from them in month. God am I hungover. The guy I did the interview with was bragging about how much money people made and that turned me off even more. No, I have never been a part of Primerica. Primerica doesnt look to good to be true. I got a phone call from someone telling me the company was called PFF. (Thanks to all post-ers). There are bad people in ever field of work, the financial industry is no different, which is why they have strict rules in place. Got a call from someone who said she was expanding her business in my state and is transferring from Texas and if I was interested in a business opportunity there. Sobeys. Luckily, I was sitting next to her so the moment she said it was from Primaerica I told her it was a scam. Id really like to figure out if it is the company that is the problem, or just some of the people in it. I dont know man. He frowns and shakes his head at me. But dude. But It didnt make sense that I was not given the company name but did get a management position for something I know nothing about. I know I have to invest a whopping $99 to start my business, and another $25 a month for news and training. In fact, the only thing I remember from that call was his saying Citi weird. She never called me back or contacted me again. Take time to get out of dodge. i joined primerica, i drank the kool-Aid thank god i did!!!!! There are plenty of traditional types of jobs that do not require college but that pay much more than $10 to $15 per hour if the individual is willing to work hard to learn the job and move up. The company with the highest growth in NYSE last year, where tesla motors had the second highest growth, is a scam to you all, who is having trouble surviving and stuck in a JOB (Just Over Broke). The first level is the office or team level, the second level is the agents who work for the office/team. I left indicating this was not for me, but wasted valuable time for something, from the on-set, which I indicated was not at all of interest, on her pretense it was a support job. 85% of people cannot pass insurance test. The guy recruited me at the mall and all he gave me was the address, no description of the job, not the name of the company. So many of you cancel your interviews which I understand you feel you need to do because of what other people are saying about the company. Dont spread lies when you failed at the business. It all seemed a little odd since they are a financial company and nowhere in my background is there anything pertaining to finance. I was told that there are many positions to be filled and I am qualified for a top one. please dont look me up. Is Primerica A Pyramid Scheme? What You Should Know About Primerica I am a single mother of two kids and I have only been getting one day off from work. My father passed away in May. wth. They want to interview me tomorrow at 1pm. Snowden Dunks on 'The Get-Rich-Quick Real Estate Investing - Vice ..so i asked her if its such a legit company why do I have to pay for my background check and why is there so much secrecy and then sign of primerica is most outside. Shove that $99 fee up your keester. Heres this site. People who work jobs get paid. Posted on . As cool as this possibility sounded, it just seemed way off, I had many red flags that popped up and wanted to inquire on them, one of which I did, but figured Id investigate a bit first. Table of Contents Pros: What I Liked A representative's schedule is flexible. Is Primerica a Pyramid Scheme? - Learn To Grow Wealth Online Come to find out the husband was the one who was really pushing me to join the business after I had TOLD them I wasnt interested in anything besides getting my finances together and I would contact them if I wanted to buy insurance or whatever. Law sued and primeica paid millions of $ to keep it dl . The Top 25 MLMs by Revenue | TitleMax MLM is not a business. He was bringing us all down about our current minimum wage jobs or the ones that were unemployed and started to brag about how much money he made. He gave his spill bout himself first then went on to explain how things work. Agents make outlandish income claims that consumers can make more than $1,000 weekly in the scheme and earn bonuses of tens of thousands of dollars. I got a call at work late last week from a man who said hed overheard my conversation with another customer and was very impressed and wanted to talk with me about a position with his company. Welcome to the Primerica Shareholder Account Manager Ive had group sort of discussions before, but this seemed to be more of them trying to sell me on a position (it almost felt like they were trying to sell me the products themselves) They didnt ask me many questions about myself, so it felt like they were looking for whoever will take their job, not who wants it. The outdated nature of your claims constitutes libel until corrected. One from a news channel and some other random one. I asked her DO I NEED TO PAY ANYTHING TODAY, she said yes $140. Pyramid scheme - Wikipedia They say that you can get a refund if you are no longer interested. Blah blah blah. What a crappy thing to give your life to. She also told me she was just leaving church lol. Wow, thank you to all who posted about this company. He specifically mentioned that he was looking for a qualified office manager and that my resume looked like I was very well qualified. I am saddened to see this website because the information given is totally inaccurate and people will listen to this guy instead of researching on the GOVERNMENT websites to see that Primerica is an amazing company! This may be the part where it comes together to the point where people say they hire anyone. I was contacted by someone from Freedom Financial Services out of Charlotte, NC. does anyone here even know what a actual pyramid scheme is? He knew that I lived in close proximity to his company and asked me if I was still interested in finding a job. Primerica Pyramid Scheme Review (2022): Best MLM Course? I got suckered into almost joining by two very good friends. I am starting to get suspicious. Something like, I really dont understand why you felt you had to lie to me initially. In another spot on their website, they suggest that part-time agents may expect to earn about $500/mo (which is also $6000/yr). He kept repeating that they are teaching people how to use their money, but without really saying anything else. What it seems to be is actually a high interest line of credit. I enter the building with a standard Primerica logo, inside its completely empty with only her and no receptionist. To those who did not get what they expected, please ask yourself if you did what you were told, if you persisted, if you actually did the work. Primerica "pyramid scheme" Reviews | Glassdoor This is a scheme. And if your not going to show up to an appointment just say so, dont be a child and say ill be there and not show. It unfortunate that anyone that has been told that theyre having a job interview and later feel that they got taken. Act really dumb and make them explain things 3 or 4 times. Amway is a well-known brand based in the United States that distributes health, beauty, and home care products through a network of independent business . I was actively looking for a job two years ago for Customer Service position. From that, I just wonder why he wants my wife to get involved on this.. Lol! The man told me he was a head hunter and had seen my resume on Career Builders. Of course it was muffled so I asked who is this and she repeated I told her I received a missed called from this number and was curious who was trying to reach me, so she put me on hold. So with people like this, I report them to LinkedIn and then block them. There are too many of us out there that are unemployed and in search of a real job with steady income. I was wincing to myself at times, man this guy could be a jackass. To the last comment, the most draining 2 months?? Cancelled the appt. You all have it wrong, you all WANT to see that this is a scam because It looks too good to be true, and it IS, if you have zero work ethic, and refuse to give yourself the opportunity to have a better life by actually applying yourself to something that isnt a 9-5. good looking into this before going to my interview today. If they call and set you for an interview, DONT DO IT!!! http://www.sequenceinc.com/fraudfiles/2015/03/multi-level-marketing-is-not-a-business-its-a-pyramid-scheme/. I got referred to Primerica by a fellow friend of mine. I was ready to mangle both of them Im so fed up with these lames at this time. Gather the information and make up your own minds. The business of Primerica Reps is recruiting other reps. Now, I really did enjoy speaking with the woman and we got along great, but the whole thing did sound more like a sales pitch than an interview. The company's main product is Term Life Insurance. He asked if we knew anyone looking for a job part-time or full-time. How BBB Processes Complaints and Reviews. he never gave me the company name just the address and I thought it was a company I applied to on indeed but it wasnt as soon as I got there I seen on the door primerica then I turned around and went home my friend told me about them its like a pyramid scam they want you to put money into their business and promises you will make money. At school when were prepping for interviews, recruiters ALWAYS want a resume. Sucker Me Not At This Time I received a call from Primerica just a few hours ago. I had an interview scheduled for tomorrow, but something was really fishy about the entire thing. My only concern is these two know where I work. He had pulled out a 4-6 page brochure that explained why everyone needs their services. He noticed, and must have read my mind because he said in an argumentative way, hey, I need something to show for my time too right. The big no-no for me was that I asked him for a pamphlet, like an information sheet and he was like what do you mean. Also, back then Term insurance was much more novel than it is now. Wondering if it was even actually possible. Just thought I would share my very recent experience and thank you to the author of this blog for posting this, otherwise I may have been suckered into an interview but then again, I dont typically work or have any experience in the financial industry and tend to stay far away as it is for positions like this or anything to do with insurance etc. needless to say I got undressed put on my gym clothes and went to the gym . This is more of my experiences and not really bashing Primerica. P.S.Also, as to objections from some of the above posters concerning licensure fees charged by Primerica, any financial services company must ensure that its agents are licensed, just like real estate agents (or engineers or accountants) must be licensed. I drove out to the location, got there 15 minutes early, so I sat in my car. We were to ask them for a penny (hoping it would be a new penny because those are weaker/thinner than the old ones), and with the new penny we were to use the best cutting scissors ever to cut easily into the penny. She submitted her story to Pink Truth, a website I run about Mary Kay Cosmetics and other multi-level marketing companies. Not once did they mention anything about a job until an hour into this interview of them talking about prices for my family. Im scared for my friend but I want her to figure it out on her own so she can see what this really is. He signed me upNOW, after reading all these comments Im regretting doing so. Overall sounded ok but things started to not add up. Once reading all these reviews I called back my recruiter and asked for more details about the interview and he was vague. Yes, Orlando, pyramids are illegal and MLMs have very carefully crafted their companies to APPEAR not to be pyramids. Only said that his company was part of the stock exchange and made more money than Yahoo -_-. When I told him I am no longer interested he kept asking me why and then called me arrogant. Just dont give up! I told him I work 3rd shift and that I can try. Young people of united states and canada please pass this pages along to your friends . Any money i earn, or is traveled up to me, is tax free, so that means. He said he wasnt interested and she stopped him by saying that she wouldnt take no for an answer and proceed to schedule to come over to explain the details of her opportunity, we exchanged numbers and walked away since my husband was annoyed with the lady already, we bolted from the store and went home to google the name that i had seen on her sweater and we came across this post, after reading all of the comments my husband txt the lady to tell her that he was not interested in what she was offering and she responded with like three emails back to back insisting that she come over with her husband to explain to us what they do, since she was so vague at the store. I would certainly warn anyone who might be roped into this to DO YOUR RESEARCH!! Tracy is that lonely little girl in high school who no one ever liked, and was never invited to parties, probably why she hates on MLMs so much, no one ever invited her. You need to pay 99.00 for a background check and need my sos and license. In a legitimate insurance agency, there is a general agent with agents under him or her. I wasnt amused. It doesnt state that many on the list never again achieved those sales levels. Just went to one of these sad displays lst night got dragged in by a friend. I ask for the companys name and he said Primamerica. And this made me laugh what he said next. One can only hope they were having a dinner party in the back and not a Donner Party If this company asks you to come in for an interview, bear in mind they are only after your money. I dropped out because most people shop for bargains rather than invest in the business. Yes. I gave him my phone number and when I asked him for a business card he said he did not have one and went on to talk about how he makes 3-4k a weekyeeeaaaah. For the second time since I had gotten here, a warning flag went up. No, better not, or John would be angry that I said something wrong. Not that it matters as essentially every three years the sales force has been completely replaced, except for the 2% who got in early years ago. I decided to research the company ahead of time and it lead me here Might i ask the opinion of those whom have dealt with this company: my experience thus far, sans interview sounds eerily similar to some other accounts Ive read here. Is Primerica a pyramid scheme? - Life Insurance Post The man called the following day (just as he had said he would do). I can see her answering it even in the middle of the night to talk me out of cancelling. Telling people they are lazy and that you are filing complaints, get real and get a grip.To the guy who posted the God, stuff, God also put greed as a deadly sin. Dont confuse this with a real business. Its not a business, its a scam. I was leary of it so I didn`t go to meet her . Oddly enough, the guy who put up the review had the same last name as the woman who called me to interview. Calling me rude, and saying other unprofessional things like LOL. The so called VP is there and questions were asked and at some point, the so called VP (he looks like James Ingram) said that I need to pay $99 for my financial license to be able to get the job. A real boss would have trained me properly in the first place, not have been so blinded by potential dollar signs and a taking care of ME first attitude. Auto & Homeowners Insurance 4. I got an email from Mark that hed like to set up an interview. Georgia Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner, 2 Martin Luther King Drive, S.W., 716 West Tower, BBB Tip: How to shop for financial services, Need to file a complaint? Question: Does anyone feel ripped off in their current situation? The most obvious illustration of this was the outline he drew for me of their organization, a literal pyramid your work will be trying to enlist enough people that you can stop harassing your friends and family, and start luring in random people at department stores to hock insurance for you. Made $100 in a single month. Stupid questions.. After reading this, I will make sure to block the number so I dont get any calls through. Multiple levels = MLM. I took a few deep breaths and began to greet reps I knew as they began to enter for the Opportunity Night. Its a legit company, but its practices are garbage. At first I was very happy considering I was Highly Qualified for something, but now seeing all these comments just makes me sad. * Oh, one other thing, if someone goes in for an interview, and they leave not wanting the job, how are they a victim, exactly? I was speaking with a friend who was an attorney and he agrees Primerica is a pyramid scheme and that the pair even though one was not a member of Primerica were working together in order to make money off of me. I have been in touch with the funeral director that handled the services for my father off and on. You wouldn't want to associate yourself with them, especially when fully aware. Primerica Financial Services: The Fake Job Interview Tony Thanks for your concern. Indeed, I was invited and liked. Wow was not expecting it to be such a rabbit whole. The PSF Representatives testimony at the beginning is full of holes. I really went in to the sales pitch thinking I was going to interview for a position as an IT guy for a small regional set of offices. However the commission is low and their training program sucks. A pyramid scheme is a fraudulent system of making money based on recruiting an ever-increasing number of "investors." The initial promoters recruit investors, who in turn recruit more investors, and so on. Easy. In addition they needed close contacts, many may know as the warm market. Typically I dont answer those and wait for a message. I WONT BE GOING!!!!! They really wanted my husband to come but that still wasnt happening. When he called me I was busy and asked him if i could call him later. I told him I may know a few but what roles does it involve, what type of work, is there anywhere I can view more information? The difference was the leadership at Cutco wasnt as slimy as the women who interviewed me when I got introduced to Primerica. Name, address, social security. Two days later, I find out that he hasnt paid the bill on the employee health insurance, the insurance lapsed, and now people are getting medical bills that were supposed to be covered. They give the job seekers very little information about the job (its not a job at all rather it is a position in the MLM pyramid), con them into showing up for an interview, and telling them if they have the right skills, they may be invited to stay for an information session. Yes, the company offers legitimate products. As I told others about my upcoming interview and was asked things like with who, I felt like an idiot realizing I wasnt given any basic details. Primerica, at the very least, sells a very mediocre policy, that is also over priced for what it does. I also just had the same call and scheduled interview for friday. Came home and typed the company name into the search bar. We talked a little about appliances and after everything was said and done they left. They are legal, but unethical. She really did not go over what the company was about but said we will discuss during the interview and not to worry if I was not experience because they like to teach within the company. Told my interviewer I would call him back this week with a reply. I had come across this blog a few months back after hearing about this scam. I was going to an interview tomorrow and now I know its just some bologna. The interview should have been tomorrow but I wanted to learn more about the company so I extended until Monday. In an MLM, your upline gets a big cut of your commission. So happy I dug deeper. I have never worked in the financial industry before so I did not know what to expect. Since it was scripted, I never got a chance to really speak about what my views are and what I look for in a position as well as my strengths. According to their own reports, only 2.5% of their reps earn more than $36k/yr, tho even that pulls their stated average commissions down from $6k to less than $1k or less. About a week later she calls me. Our two conversations over the phone were all about me my background, who I was, what I was looking to do he barely said anything about what he was offering, just that he was interested in taking me on if I was the right person for a company that was looking to expand.
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