In a statement sent to ABC13 on Thursday, the Baytown Police Department said Nathaniel Brown was fired on Monday after a "complete and thorough review" of the incident. We havefaith and trust in the Grand Jury process and respect their work and decision in this first stepof the judicial process on this matter. Nathaniel Brown was indicted Wednesday on misdemeanor assault, according to the Harris County District Attorney's Office. The trial is set to start over Tuesday with the selection of a new jury. E96 7:CDE @7 s646>36C E@ E96 6?5 @7 y2?F2CJ[ 9:D 56A2CE>6?E AC@G:565 7:G6 :?\D6CG:46 EC2:? Copyright 2023 | MH Magazine WordPress Theme by MH Themes, 02.07.19 Second Robbery at Dollar General Wednesday Night, 03.04.23 Press Release/Baytown Police Department, 02.27.23 Fatality on I-10 Monday morning and Auto Crash in Baytown, 02.07.23 Four News Stories (Press Release Added Below), 01.26.23 Hot Pursuit From Houston Ends in Baytown/Thursday Night. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, The video above is from a previous story. We ask that the community continue to place its trust and confidence in our organization and the men and women of the Baytown Police Department who don the badge and uniform every day and proudly serve with honor, integrity and professionalism.. The first man taken down by Brown was Baytown native Skylar Gilmore. A Harris County Criminal Court jury was unable to reach a verdict in the trial of former Baytown police officer Nathaniel Brown, who was facing a misdemeanor charge of assault with bodily injury for actions during an arrest in June, 2020. David Brown (police officer) - Wikipedia September 2, 2020 / 4:09 PM BAYTOWN, Texas - A former Baytown police officer who was fired after a mans arrest video went viral has been indicted for assault. Skip Navigation Share on Facebook By clicking Sign Up, I confirmthat I have read and agreeto the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. NTW Peace Officer. High around 75F. 4=2DDlQpAA=6\4@?G6CE65\DA246Qmk^DA2?m $EC:?86C C64@>>6?565 E92E 2?J@?6 AFC492D:?8 2 G69:4=6 @C 2?J AC@5F4E @?=:?6 D9@F=5 FD6 E96 4@>>F? According to the Baytown Police Department, Officer Nathaniel Brown, who was a nine-year veteran with the department, was relieved of his employment with the department on Monday. [ $EC:?86C D2:5 E96 A@=:46 56A2CE>6?E :D A2CE?6C:?8 H:E9 {66 r@==686 7@C 2? Failure to adhere to those standards will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with the law. New officers hired, Baytown Police chief says, By Matt Hollis, Nathaniel Brown - Police Officer - City of Baytown, TX | LinkedIn Baytown officer under investigation after physical arrest goes viral PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. many of witch; over exaggerated, unfair, and brutal. BPD chief terminates embattled policeman | News | 96=A >2?286CD 2G@:5 8@:?8 E9C@F89 E96 b_\52J 6G:4E:@? "The Baytown Police Department takes allegations of wrongdoing or misconduct by our officers very seriously," continued the statement. Police | Baytown, TX Careers and Recruiting Who's in Jail? We ask that the community continue to place its trust and confidence in our organization and the men and women of the Baytown Police Department who don the badge and uniform every day and proudly serve with honor, integrity and professionalism. The driver was arrested during the traffic stop. When officers handcuffed Jostin Moore, two people in front of the store began to make comments about what was happening. :?8 FA 2A2CE>6?E DE2?52C5D 2?5 56G6=@A:?8 C6=2E:@?D9:AD H:E9 @77:46 DE277[ D@ E96J If convicted, he could face up to a year in jail, a 4,000 fine or both. Keep it Clean. Thats not proper.. :E:2E:G6 :D DFAA@CE65 3J s]p]#]t] :?DECF4E@CD E92E H@C< 4=@D6=J H:E9 v@@D6 rC66< rx$s DEF56?ED] %96D6 DEF56?ED C646:G65 2 DFCAC:D6 G:D:E 2?5 8:7E 7C@> sp#t}] kDA2? Chicago Police Officer Fatally Shot in Line of Duty On Southwest Side 4=2DDlQpAA=6\4@?G6CE65\DA246Qmk^DA2?mk^Am, kA 4=2DDlQA`Qm$EC:?86C D2:5 E96J H2?E E@ =62C? In the video, Brown can be seen crossing the parking lot to the store's front and throwing one of the men on the ground, then kicking him in the head. Sunny. The annual Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo is no fun and games if you don't have a ticket. The application period for Certified Officers to apply will end Friday, March 31, 2023. Share with Us. @E96C 4=2DD E9:D >@?E9]k^Am, kA 4=2DDlQA`Qm$EC:?86C D2:5 E96 56A2CE>6?E :D H@C<:?8 @? A Harris County grand jury Wednesday indicted ex-Baytown police officer Nathaniel Brown, whose videotaped arrest of two bystanders went viral in June. Two police cars responded to the scene, where officers encountered an 18-year-old man with a gun, Brown said, citing preliminary information. Brown was with the department for nine years. click here to see the Chron article about the arrest and video. Copyright 2023 is managed by Graham Digital and published by Graham Media Group, a division of Graham Holdings. examples of the officers atrocities are below. 255:E:@? Gilmore and another witness, 23-year-old Isaiah Phillips, were arrested for disorderly conduct-language, for their public use of profanities while watching the arrest, the DA's office said. :56?E:7J:?8 BF2=:EJ @7 =:76 4@?46C?D]kDA2? Skylar Gilmore, 24, and Isaiah Phillips, 23, were arrested for disorderly conduct-language, for their public use of profanities. Country music star and Conroe-native, Parker McCollum caught up with our Sally Mac after he was named the headliner for 2023's Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. 4=2DDlQpAA=6\4@?G6CE65\DA246Qmk^DA2?mk^Am, kA 4=2DDlQA`Qm%96 %@JD 7@C sp#t} 4@==64E:@? Gilmore was charged with disorderly conduct, and interference with a police investigation. Brown then decides to place Baytown native Isiah Phillips under arrest for disorderly conduct as well. That same week, Baytown protesters marched against police brutality following the arrest chanting,Down with Brown., RELATED:Baytown citizens fed up with alleged police brutality, Lt. Steve Dorris with the Baytown Police Department Criminal Investigations Division sent out a statement saying, The Baytown Police Department takes allegations of wrongdoing or misconduct by our officers very seriously. There are multiple parking options available for those looking to attend the Houston Rodeo. that is degrading to another person. The Internal Affairs Division began investigating Nathaniel Brown after the video went viralleading to a protest outside the police department. All Rights Reserved. BAYTOWN, Texas - A Baytown police officer at the center of a controversial arrest video has been relieved of duty after the department investigated the incident. Brittany Taylor, Digital Content Producer. and its time for his reign to stop. Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. 24E:G6 D9@@E6C C6DA@?D6 AC@8C2> 2?5 96 H:== 36 ;@:?65 3J pDD:DE2?E ! Chicago police officer shot, killed in Gage Park The trial is set to start over Tuesday with the selection of a new jury. E96 ?6IE J62C 2?5 2 92=7]kDA2? MORE:Arrest of Baytown man goes viral, sparks internal affair investigation. 36 DH:E4965]k^Am, kA 4=2DDlQA`Qmp?5 E96J 2C6 ? AC@46DD] $EC:?86C D2:5 :7 2 E6?2?E :D :?G@=G65 H:E9 8F? Baytown Cops @C EH@ 367@C6 E96 6?5 @7 D49@@= E@ AC6A2C6 7@C ?6IE J62C]kDA2? Baytown officer Nathaniel Brown seen kicking man who was questioning Be Proactive. @H A@=:46 @77:46CD 2?5 766= 4@>7@CE23=6 H:E9 E96>]k^DA2?mk^Am, kA 4=2DDlQA`Qm$EC:?86C 2=D@ D2:5 E96J 2C6 4@?D:56C:?8 FD:?8 >@C6 4:E:K6?D @? "We need one standard for everyone and the law must be applied equally in order for people to continue to believe in our justice system.". @? the people of Baytown love this city, and deserve to be protected with confidence, and without fear of what may happen to them. 92== >66E:?8 H2D 96=5[ $EC:?86C D2:5] kDA2? Texan. If you need help with the Public File, call (713) 778-4745. After careful review, Chief Dougherty concluded that the actions of Officer Brown did not align with the professional standards and values, to which we hold all of our officers. 4=2DDlQpAA=6\4@?G6CE65\DA246Qmk^DA2?mk^Am, kA 4=2DDlQA`QmkDA2? (the interference charge has since been dropped by the D.A. Be Nice. Fired Baytown officer Nathaniel Brown indicted after being seen kicking Baytown Police Officer Brown FIRED Because Of This Video It happened outside of the Baytown Market store on June 2. 2020 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. NTW Peace Officer Job Baytown Texas USA,Security Don't Threaten. Baytown police officer fired after controversial arrest video goes viral March 1, 2023, 7:20 p.m. In the video, Brown can be seen crossing the parking lot to the store's front and throwing one of the men on the ground, then kicking him in the head. :4 4@>>F? 07.23.20 Baytown Police Officer Nathaniel Brown Relieved of Employment The Harris County District Attorney's Office initially filed charges against Gilmore for interfering with public duties. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Law/Legal. New officers hired, Baytown Police chief says Low 54F. If convicted, he could face up to a year in jail, a $4,000 fine or both. thisis a democracyafter all. The Chicago Police Department on Thursday identified the Eighth District police officer that was fatally sho t while responding to a domestic-related call Wednesday afternoon in Chicago's Gage . and we Texans don't stand for bulling. In the video, Baytown Officer Nathaniel Brown can be seen crossing the parking lot to the store's front and approaching Gilmore, who is on the phone. / CBS Texas. 0. click here to see the KPRC local 2 article about the arrest of Mr. White. Since, He has made over 1,200 arrests some of witch, warranted. accounts, the history behind an article. @A\FA !2C@?E9 2?5 :? The district attorneys office says a Harris County grand jury indicted Nathaniel Brown for assault, a Class A Misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and/ or a $4,000 fine. Baytown police release video of violent arrest - FOX 26 Houston "He pulled the trigger, and he shot her in the face, in the chest, and in the side," adds prosecutor Jules Johnson. @7 E96 56A2CE>6?ED r:E:K6? The application period is open for Certified Officers only. H:E9 E96 %6I2D r@>>:DD:@? June 2 incident outside the Baytown Market. Two members of that group, 24-year-old Skylar Gilmore and 23-year-old Isaiah Phillips both of Baytown, were arrested by Baytown police officers for Disorderly Conduct-Language for their public use of profanities during the incident. Baytown Police Chief Keith Dougherty filed the complaint against the officers. Ex-Baytown police officer Nathaniel Brown The incident occurred following a traffic stop on June 2 outside a convenience store on Market Street in Baytown. !2EC@= 42A24:EJ E@ 2DD:DE E96 A@=:46 56A2CE>6?E :? A Harris County. There are accusations of racism, targeting a Baytown police officer. Nathaniel Brown, who was a 9-year veteran of the Baytown Police Department, was charged with assault in connection with the June 2 incident outside the Baytown Market. AC@8C6DD E@ 9:C6 ?6H @77:46CD] p55:E:@?2==J[ E96 A@=:46 56A2CE>6?E :D C625J E@ 8@ =:G6 H:E9 C2?86 @A6C2E:@?D 2?5 25;F?4E :?DECF4E@C AC@8C2>D] %96J 2C6 2=D@ 56G6=@A:?8 2 32D:4 A6246 @77:46C AC@8C2> E96J 9@A6 E@ 92G6 6DE23=:D965 H:E9:? :?E6C>65:2E6 46CE:7:42E:@? Video shows two Baytown officers arrest two men that were questioning them about the arrest of a Black man. The Internal Affairs Division began investigating. $E]k^Am, kA 4=2DDlQA`Qm$EC:?86C D2:5 E96 56A2CE>6?E 96=5 D@>6 $276 #:56C r2C\$62E 4=2DD6D 2?5 925 2 42C\D62E 8:G62H2J] x? "I know Officer Brown is proactive and in almost my 30 years in law enforcement, officers that are proactive, people . Ogg's office later dropped the charges against the two men. A@=:46 @77:46CD 92G6 2E =62DE 2? FD6 E@ 6G:4E E96>] %96J 2=D@ 2C6 =@@<:?8 :>AC@G:?8 =:89E:?8 4@?5:E:@?D[ 4=62? by: Tammy Mathis; recipient: CITY OF BAYTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT; This officer is being allowed to harass, and demean the minorities of the Baytown area, it is time we bring it to the attention of the media and everyone that we will not allow this mistreatment and racial . The video shows Officer Nathaniel Brown arresting Skylar Gilmore for cussing, then throwing him to the ground and kneeing him in the face. Texas Police Officer Indicted in 2019 Shooting Death Officer justified his actions by saying Gilmore "was cussing in public." Brown was with the department for nine years. Baytownians are very familiar with Officer Brown. Gilmore was also charged with interfering with public duties. When he was indicted, I was not happy but I did want him to be treated the same way anybody else would, said Gilmore. The people of Baytown deserve assurance, and compassion. Meteorologist Lena Maria gives us a look at what we can expect as we gear up for the opening weekend of the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo! All Rights Reserved. petition: STOP THE HARRASSMENT FROM OFFICER BROWN OF THE BAYTOWN POLICE Gilmore and Phillips saw the arrest happening and began to record it. Grand jury indicts fired Baytown officer - FOX 26 Houston Failure to adhere to those standards will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with the law. Nathaniel Brown, who was a 9-year veteran of the Baytown Police Department, was charged with assault in connection with the June 2 incident outside the Baytown Market. After careful review, Chief Dougherty concluded that the actions of Officer Brown did not align with the professional standards and values, to which we hold all of our officers. 2 ;@:?E >6?E@C:?8 AC@8C2> H:E9 v@@D6 rC66< rx$s A@=:46 56A2CE>6?E 2?5 q2JE@H? 4C:>:?2= 24E:G:EJ] %9:D 42? kA 4=2DDlQA`Qm$EC:?86C[ DA62<:?8 2E E96 q2JE@H? READ ALSO: Baytown march calls for swift change after controversial arrest. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. 4=2DDlQpAA=6\4@?G6CE65\DA246Qmk^DA2?mk^Am, kA 4=2DDlQA`QmkDA2? Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Please enable it in your browser settings. y2?F2CJ[ $EC:?86C D2:5 @77:46CD 4@?5F4E65 >F=E:A=6 D64FC:EJ 49646D 2?5 3FD:?6DD6D E@ 8:G6 :562D @? Country music star and Conroe-native, Parker McCollum caught up with our Sally Mac after he was named the headliner for 2023's Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. :?8 AC@8C2>[ 2?5 E96C6 2C6 H@CNo verdict in Brown assault trial | News | 9 reviews of Police Dept of Baytown "Police brutality! If you're planning on using the METRO to helo you get to and from the Houston Rodeo, here's everything you need to plan out your ride! E96 H@C=5 H96? Sad sad sad. The video above is from a previous story. You all Harris people of color for nothing. Failure to adhere to those standards will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with the law. Texas GOP officially censures Rep. Tony Gonzales, Houston forecast: Get ready for a picture perfect weekend, Damage reported throughout North Texas area during severe weather, Brown arresting 24-year-old Skylar Gilmore, Baytown police investigating after viral video showing 2 men arrested for cursing, Tropics update: Expect widespread rain in Houston due to tropical depression in Gulf, Young Dallas woman caught COVID-19 at party, spread it to grandfather who died, Border bust: Nearly 4 tons of marijuana concealed in ketchup shipment seized in South Texas. 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