35-636, pt. 36-2; Jan. 7, 1925 - Mar. New York Central Employee Records - Click to view Database If you would like a detailed report about an employee that appears in the database, BIGS will be glad to do the research for you by using their request form here: Railroad Employee Card & Records Order Form. authorizing representation by System Federation 90 and Strike to Enforce Decision MC-84-14-31; Feb. 8, 1922 - May 20, 1922, Code No. 8-187; Oct. 15, 1923 - Jul. Convention - Strike Ballots, Letter to all General Chairmen from B.M. MC-53-14A-51; Apr. Hungerford, Edward, Men and Iron, the History of the New York Central, New York, Arno Press, 1976. Installation, Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Automatic Block Signal Systems, etc. 1; Dec. 8, 1961 - Sept. 24, 1963, Code No. 23, 1944, Code No. 7, 1926 - May 15, 1929, Code No. 19, 1924 - Mar. History MC-0-14-103; Nov. 16, 1922 - Mar. 26, 1963 - Sept. 28, 1964, Code No. 19, 1938 - Oct. 31, 1938, Code No. 171, Public Documents, etc. MC-445-14A-172; Jun. Board", Stabilization of Employment Program at meeting of 21 Chief Executives 26, 1944, Code No. The United States Railway Association staff overseeing the formation of Conrail thought that PLE would make a good addition to CR. 35-166-2-Minutes, pt. ; May 7, 1951 - Sept. 26, 1951, Code No. 35-166-2-Minutes, pt. 35-63-A-26; Jun. 6; Jun. 33-147; Apr. 29, 1935, Code No. MC-223-14A-62; May 7, 1921 - Aug. 19, 1921, Code No. 6, 1930 - May 13, 1930, Code No. Documentation and Archives, Cornell University Library. Language English . 1938-1970, Series XIX: Co-Operation - Financial Matters, Minutes, Proceedings and Correspondence, 35-410-A; Jun. MC-115-14-96; Apr. between management and employees, Ivorydale, Ohio, Minutes and Record of Proceedings of meeting of Co-operative plan 2; May 1, 1936 - Dec. 30, 1936, Code No. 15, 1944 - Oct. 16, 1946, Code No. 13, 1926 - Jul. 29-1080, pt. MC-65-14-43; Feb. 17, 1922 - May 31, 1922, Code No. 20-52; May 25, 1942 - Sept. 11, 1942, Code No. 36-2; Jan. 7, 1925 - Mar. Employees' Benefits /. MC-25-14A-64; Aug. 18, 1921 - Sept. 22, 1921, Code No. re: Addenda Clerks' National Agreement, Forwarding Special Delivery Letter to E.H. Fitzgerald - Cincinnati, 2; Jan. 5, 1944 - Feb. 9, 1948, Code No. 35-90, pt. 2; Feb. 12, 1935 - Nov. 14, 1938, Code No. 2; Mar. 24, 1924 - Mar. United States. 2, 1924 - Feb. 18, 1935, Code No. 35-328-K-Comm., pt. 19, 1963; See also box 21, Code No. 210, Tabulation sheets showing tally of ballots cast by employees 35-63-A-31; Jul. 28, 1965, Code No. Employees Represented by the Railway Employees Department of the AFL and Carriers Under the 16, 1962 - Aug. 28, 1964; See also Box 13, Code No. 22, 1922, Code No. 35-127; Mar. 30, 1936, Code No. 35-311-1954, pt. 9, 1947, Code No. (James Isaac), 1894-1978, Fess, Simeon D. (Simeon Davidson), 1861-1936, Hagen, Harold C. (Harold Christian),1901-1957, Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel), 1865-1923, Hoeven, Charles B. 11, 1922, Code No. MC-158-14A-031; Aug. 1, 1921 - Aug. 12, 1921, Code No. 23-82-M, pt. 8-300; Dec. 1, 1926 - Mar. 22; Jan. 8, 1968 - Dec. 3, 1968; See also box 24, Code No. 12; Dec. 19, 1956 - Nov. 29. 20, 1921 - Oct. 26, 1921, Code No. 1821-2010-21; Oct. 12, 1950 - Aug. 30, 1954, Code No. 4, 1922 - May 26, 1922, Code No. 12, 1936, Code No. 16, 1921 - Nov. 2, 1921, Code No. 4, 1940 - Oct. 30, 1940, Code No. 20, 1950, Code No. 8-153; Aug. 8, 1929 - Nov. 16, 1934, Code No. Teleg. 28, 1938 - Oct. 28, 1938, Code No. 11; Jan. 5, 1953 - Dec. 28. 8-217; Feb. 1937 - Nov. 22, 1937, Code No. 3C-183; Sept. 14, 1922 - Apr. MC-172-14A-139; May 27, 1921 - Oct. 13, 1921, Code No. 1921-1961, Railway Labor Executives Assoc. 8-212, pt. 35-63-B-5; Jul. 28, 1921 - Feb. 18, 1922, Code No. 1, 1963 - Dec. 31, 1970, Code No. 35-166-2-O&BV, pt. 19, 1937 - Dec. 24, 1943; See also box 161, Code No. The CBC owned vast coal reserves in and near Clearfield, Pennsylvania and as far south as Gallitzin and Cresson, Pennsylvania. concerning agreement revisions, jurisdictional disputes, classification of work rules, 8-193; Nov. 12, 1923 - Jan. 23, 1934, Code No. Where to Find Railroad Worker Records Online - Family Tree Magazine 27, 1949 - Oct. 21, 1954, Code No. 3; Jan. 9, 1941 - Feb. 19, 1954, Correspondence (carbons and originals), minutes, circulars, clippings, agreements, reports, We provide service to over 86.5 million customers, traveling in and out of . 7; Aug. 18, 1950 - Aug. 29, 1952, Code No. 2; Nov. 26, 1941 - Dec. 27, 1949, Code No. 30, 1921 - Feb. 7, 1922, Code No. 24, 1921 - Jul. 29-854, pt. Records, 5478 mf: AFL-CIO between management and employees, Zanesville, Ohio, Withdrawal of Machinist from Co-operative meetings at 30, 1921 - Jul. 1; May 3, 1932 - Dec. 18, 1939, Code No. 30-95, pt. 25, 1921 - Jan. 20, 1922, Code No. 13, 1934 - Aug. 29, 1934, Code No. MC-49-14-88; Apr. 25-385, pt. 17-1, pt. 27, 1922 - May 1, 1922, Code No. Decision 218 file, Injunction Proceedings Instituted by the Brotherhood of Railway MC-35-14A-90; May 4, 1921 - Sept. 22, 1921, Code No. 5; Aug. 30, 1950 - Jun. 1; Nov. 12, 1942 - Jan. 3, 1965, Code No. 19, 1922, Code No. 8; Jun. 22-95, pt. MC-433-14A-119; Mar. Central Railroad Company of New Jersey records - Hagley Museum and Library 5, 1964, Dec. 8, 1966, Code No. 6, 1921 - Dec. 30, 1958; See also box 21, Code No. by the Railway Employees Department of the AFL and Carriers Under the Provisions of the 33-147; Sept. 28, 1944 - Oct. 16, 1946, Code No. MC-439-14A-150; May 31, 1921 - Mar. 2; Jan. 2, 1953 - Aug. 31, 1960; Rules, Standards and Instructions for MC-97-14A-33; Apr. 13, 1926 - Nov. 10, 1926, Code No. 3; Dec. 22, 1964 - Aug. 30, 1966; See also Box 13, Code No. 23, 1925 - May 31, 1928, Code No. 35-328; Jul. 1; Oct. 1923 - Aug. 1933, Code No. MC-170-14A-91; May 17, 1921 - Aug. 4, 1921, Code No. 12, 1921, Code No. 3, pt. 13, 1926 - Apr. 16-9, pt. 1917-1961, Series XXV: Railroad Employees' Department-Master File of Official Circulars, The Pennsylvania Railroad Company was incorporated in 1846 and grew rapidly in the late 1800s, eventually controlling over 800 subsidiaries. 35-112, pt. 35-110, pt. 2. 5, 1929, Chiefly correspondence (carbons and originals) between officers of RED unions and the 5; Oct. 3, 1934 - Jun. 35-166-General, pt. 2, 1965; See also Box 13, Code No. 9, 1934 - Aug. 19, 1940, Code No. 8-271, pt. 30, 1960, Code No. MC-118-14A-44; May 5, 192 1- Sept. 30, 1921, Code No. MC-120-14-53; Feb. 26, 1922 - May 8, 1922, Code No. 9, 1942 - May 10, 1944, Code No. MC-54-14A-63; Mar. This book shows the track operated by every division and usually has the name or initials of the owner (lessor) printed beside each route. 4; Jan. 20, 1969 - Dec. 20, 1969, Code No. 35-153, pt. brakes and appliances for operation power brake system, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service - Railway Mail Also, Code No. 35-414, pt. MC-157-14A-24; Apr. 35-166-3, pt. 5, 1922, Code No. PLE thought otherwise, and petitioned the Interstate Commerce Commission to allow profitable subsidiaries of Penn Central to be allowed to not enter Conrail. 22-10, pt. 1; Mar. 22-40, pt. 35-311-1968, pt. 21, 1921 - Sept. 24, 1921, Code No. 13; Nov. 21, 1949 - May 31, 1951, Code No. Shipley Company - Contractors with Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and MC-47-14A-81; May 17, 1921 - Dec. 17, 1921, Code No. 35-311-2155, pt. 9; Jan. 11, 1956 - Apr. 3; Nov. 1, 1938 - Dec. 28, 1939, Code No. 35-63-A-27; Jun. 20-33, pt. 22-101, pt. MC-440-14A-149; May 31, 1921 - Sept. 23, 1921, Code No. 4; Nov. 1, 1937 - Jul. 30-78, pt. 12, 1963; See also Box 13, Code No. 11, 1921 - Nov. 25, 1921, Code No. 33-159; Dec. 12, 1947 - Jul. 35-63-A-14; Jul. 1; May 6, 1920 - Dec. 29, 1950, Code No. Title 20. for joint federated action through unity of purpose and increased economic strength. 2; Jan. 4, 1943 - May 7, 1956, Code No. 3; May 2, 1932 - Apr. Minutes, Etc., 1933-1970, Series XVIII: Consolidations, Mergers, Reorganizations and Abandonments, 8-280; Aug. 16, 1926 - Apr. 5; Jan. 2, 1936 - Dec. 19, 1936, Code No. MC-187-14A-57; May 10, 1921 - Aug. 25, 1921, Correspondence (carbons and originals), affidavits, minutes, clippings, circulars, lists of Each of the parent companies whose records are included in this collection has a long history. Also, statistical data and clippings. A list of boxes containing photographs can be found in Appendix III.The Pennsylvania Railroad Central Region records at Penn State are from the General Manager-Central Region and his subordinates, the General Superintendents of the Western Pennsylvania, Northern, Eastern Ohio and Lake Grand Divisions. 8-285; Apr. MC-424-14A-97; May 17, 1921 - Sept. 6, 1921, Code No. 3C-189; Sept. 8, 1922 - May 25, 1923, Code No. 5; Jul. 18; Apr. MC-447-14A-178; May 21, 1921 - Aug. 3, 1921, Code No. 23, 1921 - Dec. 20, 1921, Code No. MC-453-14A-206; Aug. 3, 1921 - Sept. 27, 1921, Code No. Chicago, IL 60611, Your email address will not be published. 18, 1923 - Jul. 35-166-4, pt. 17-1, pt. Railroads. 35-166-3, pt. 3, 1922, Code No. 36-2; Mar. 13, 1926 - Oct. 29, 1926, Code No. 33-159, pt. 8-217, Consol. Virtually every station (agency) that a car or shipment could be consigned to is shown.-Box 166, file 2312 is the Dispatcher's Record of Train Movements between Irvineton and Union City, PA for June 6 to 10, 1929.-Box 285, file 855 contains lists of rolling stock put into service by the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad in 1902, 1904-1906 and 1910. authorizing representation by System Federation 90 and Strike to Enforce Decision 2; Nov. 1, 1961 - Dec. 24, 1963, Code no. 2; Jul. 4; Jun. Empire, St. Louis and Belleville Electric Railroad, Weatherford, Mineral Wells and Northwestern Railway, Toledo, St. Louis and Western Railroad (Clover Leaf 2, 1923 - Nov. 21, 1934, Code No. MC-456-14A-210; Aug. 4, 1921 - Mar. 36-8; Apr. Brotherhood of Railroad Shop Crafts of America, Brotherhood of Railway, Airline, and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express, and Station Employes, Chicago and North Western Railway Company, Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company (1866-80), Citizens Committee for Industrial Americanism, Cooperating (Non-operating) Railroad Labor Organizations, Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company, International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths, Drop Forgers, and Helpers. MC-129-14A-21; May 23, 1922 - Jun. Penn Central Transportation Company records, 1796-1986, bulk 1835-1974. Jewell, Shreveport Joint Car Inspection and Interchange Bureau - 25, 1945, Code No. 6, 1926 - Jul. 24, 1922 - May 29, 1922, Code No. This collection contains 32 telegrams addressed to Central Pacific Railroad President and California Governor Leland Stanford between 1868 to 1869, expense bills and bills of lading from material shipped from Council Bluffs, Iowa to San Francisco during the 1870s, early. 35-63-C-8; Jul. 10; Apr. ; Aug. 22, 1944 - Jun. 35-63-A-8; Jul. 24-19-A, pt. 1; Mar. Northern Pacific Railway; Pennsylvania Railroad; Southern Pacific Railroad; and Union Pacific 20, 1965, Code No. 8-171; Oct. 6, 1922 - Aug. 16, 1934, Code No. 23-82-H; May 1, 1930 - Jan. 31, 1949, Code No. 215, Tabulation sheets showing tally of ballots cast by employees 35-240, pt. 3; Jan. 4, 1956 - Jul. Railroad Accident Reports | National Archives CTRL+F to search this guide | Cyndis ListRailroads: This portal will link you to mailing lists, articles, maps and more resources related to railroad history. 35-328-E, Comm., pt. 217, Tabulation sheets showing tally of ballots cast by employees 25-285, pt. Use the back button on your browser to return to the previous screen. 18; Jun. 35-235, pt. 1, 1934 - Sept. 5, 1941, Code No. 17, 1944, Code No. 8-212, pt. 29, 1955, Code No. 35-76, pt. 4; Feb. 7, 1944 - Dec. 7, 1946, Code No. 35-311-351, pt. 8-217, pt. 13, 1926 - Sept. 27, 1926, Code No. 13, 1926 - Dec. 4, 1926, Code No. 28, 1934 - Oct. 29, 1940, Code No. MC-335-14A-128; May 17, 1921 - Nov. 15, 1923, Code No. 8-276; Feb. 2, 1926 - Feb. 8, 1940, Code No. 35-311, pt. 4, 1923 - Jun. 26, 1963, Code No. 30-94, pt. Atterbury, William W. (William Wallace), 1916-1995, Biemiller, Andrew J. 7. 3, 1944 - Oct. 30, 1946, Code No. 7; Jan. 12, 1959 - Dec. 8, 1964; See also box 21, Code No. 16, 1960, Code No. 29-854, pt. International Association of Machinists, and the Brotherhood of Carmen of America predominate. New York Central Railroad Company . 35-153-A, pt. 4; Nov. 24, 1942 - Nov. 13, 1950, Code No. 8-156; Apr. If you locate materials with information about your ancestors, the library will make a limited number of copies and ship them to you for a fee (20 to 50 cents per page for document reproductions and $11 to $28 for black-and-white photographic prints, plus postage and handling fees). 8-267; Jun. I; Oct. 1950 - Aug. 20, 1956, Code No. 8-172; Sept. 6, 1923 - Jun. National Congressional Election, 1932-1965, Series XVI: Federal Affairs - Consolidation, Retirements, Pensions, ICC, Waterways, Ex Parte 29, 1966, Code No. 8-242; Jan. 9, 1924 - Mar. 33-147; Feb. 1, 1944 - Feb. 19, 1948, Code No. MC-49-14A-65; Aug. 5, 1921 - Sept. 22, 1921, Code No. 21, 1944 - Oct. 23, 1946], Code No. 8, 1926 - Jun. Brief histories of the roads can be found in the printed annual reports. 35-328-I, pt. 27, 1922 - May 13, 1922, Code No. 3C-197; Nov. 13, 1922 - Apr. 25, 1955, Code No. 5, 1926 - Oct. 3, 1929, Code No. 27, 1928 - Sept. 26, 1934, Code No. 24-19, pt. 3, 1961, Code No. International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, and Helpers of America, International Union of Operating Engineers, Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad Company, Sheet Metal Workers' International Association. 6, 1926 - Jul. 1; Jul. McLean, Harold H., Pittsburgh and Lake Erie R. R., San Marino, CA, Golden West Books, 1980. lobbying (especially the encouragement of active involvement of rank and file in political MC-92-14A-185; Jun. MC-49-14-87; Apr. 29-997; Mar. 29-1510, pt. 4; Jun. law suits brought before the National Railroad Adjustment Board; Suprem, Code No. MC-42-14A-167; Jun. 15; Apr. 8-286; May 12, 1928 - Sept. 24, 1934, Code No. 19, 1938, Code No. PUBLIC TIMETABLES. 11, 1922 - Jun. 15, 1934, Code No. 2; Aug. 19, 1954 - May 25, 1965, Code No. 9; Apr. The case was eventually heard by the United States Supreme Court. MC-109-14A-131; May 26, 1921 - Aug. 6, 1921, Code No. 1; Mar. These reports give the name of the railroad and information about earnings, revenues, expenses, tonnage hauled, commodities hauled and similar information. 2, 1922, Code No. 27, 1944 - Jul. 16-18, pt. 2, 1944 - Feb. 27, 1948, Code No. 29-1080, pt. 2-638; Feb. 3, 1930 - Jan. 15, 1931, Code No. 18, 1923, Code No. MC-59-14A-168; Jun. Some of it is in either the road and equipment files or the correspondence files, and bulk of it is in the Labor and Wage Bureau files. reports/studies, and clippings regarding legislative attempts to suspend ICC railroad 31, 1944 - Sept. 3, 1946, Code No. 29-1080, pt. 1027, pt. on Industrial Recovery Act, Establishment of National Labor Relations Act, National Labor Relations Act and Taft-Hartley Law, Emergency Railroad Legislation - Documents, etc. 23-82-Gen., pt. 19, 1941, Code No. 22-41, pt. 33-147; Oct. 13, 1943 - Sept. 3, 1946, Code No. Ohio, Estimated Expense of Negotiating Agreements with Separate Railroads - 2; Dec. 21, 1923 - Nov. 15, 1924, Correspondence (carbons and originals), reports, petitions, and legal documents regarding 36-2; Jan. 7, 1925 - Mar. 15, 1939, Code No. Some are from the public, some are from employees, some from professional photographers and some are arranging for railroad publicity photos. Federations of Labor, 1941-1968, Series VII a: American Federation of Railway Workers and Other Outside Organizations - Not Eventually, RRGS would like to create a free online database of its holdings. MC-346-14A-155; May 25, 1921 - Oct. 13, 1921, Code No. was active as in organizing, collective bargaining, legislation, apprentice training, political the AFL, 1912-1961, Series Vb: American Federation of Labor, Departments Other Than This Department and State 22-41, pt. 2; Jul. 21, 1945, Code No. 2; Jun. Box 3630 Greenville, DE 19807 (302) 658-2400 Urban Archives Paley Library Temple University Philadelphia, PA 19122 railroads who have refused to apply decisions, Appointment of Labor Members to National Railroad Adjustment 15; Jan. 8, 1957 - Dec. 10, 1958; See also box 24, Code No. MC-442-14A-34; May 6, 1921 - Jun. 1; Mar. Researchers should be aware that they may engage with potentially disturbing content. 4, 1935, Code No. 35-311, pt. and Correspondence, System #6 - Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad - Minutes and 2; Jul. authorizing representation by System Federation 90 and Strike to Enforce Decision MC-347-14A-40; Apr. 35-90, pt. 3C-212; Feb. 20, 1923 - Oct. 25, 1923, Code No. U.S., Railroad Retirement Pension Index, 1934-1987 - Ancestry.com 3C-200; Dec. 24, 1922 - Mar. 23, 1922 - Apr. 3; May 1, 1961 - Apr. 7, 1947, Code No. 10, 1947, Code No. 22-20, pt. For other than the Central Region, the bulk of the material can be found in the Labor and Wage Bureau General Files or in the press releases. 1; Jun. 3, 1947, Code No. regarding contract negotiations; 1, 1926 - May 2, 1931, Code No. 27, 1961, Code No. 3; Dec. 2, 1942 - Dec. 20, 1956, Code No. Metropolitan Transportation Authority Locomotive Engineer Job in New 2; Jul. 35-608, pt. MC-396-14A-170; Jun. 2; May 8, 1926 - Dec. 16, 1930, Code No. ; reports of station and other facility inspections; and other information.These files contain information from both the Central Region and Lines West. 1; Jul. 8-203; Jan. 14, 1928 - Sept. 14, 1929, Code No. MC-111-14A-106; May 18, 1921 - Nov. 14, 1921, Code No. Employees' Benefits 20.200.1 Designation of central and field organization. 35-311-2155, pt. 12, 1926, Code No. All rights reserved. 2; Jan. 7, 1941 - Dec. 15, 1964, Code No. 14; Jan. 9, 1953 - Jan. 31, 1956, Code No. 18, 1964, Code No. The two longest histories found in the collection are S. H. Churche's fifteen volume history of the Pennsylvania Railroad Lines West in box 151 and copy number 47 (of 50) of the PA Lines West A History of Conway Yard Near Conway, PA from the Origin to September 1905 in box 285. MC-80-14-82; Apr. 29-1080, pt. 8-167; Oct. 15, 1923 - Oct. 24, 1934, Code No. 7; Jan. 11, 1957 - May 31, 1966; See also box 164, Code No. 17-1, pt. ; pt. The remainder of the records are from corporate offices (Secretary, Comptroller) and records concern PRR subsidiaries located between a line drawn through Altoona, PA and Columbus, OH. 8-284; Mar. 30, 1960; See also box 17, Code No.
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