We do not accept and will not approve Two people from Newark were arrested and charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance (CDS) Thursday, Feb. 16, police said. All of that led up to July 19, when Keith Youse visited the police station to retrieve his belongings and pick up his retired police officer ID.. Lindsey was charged with shoplifting, conspiracy to commit, obstruction, resisting and employing a juvenile to commit a crime. Keith Youse decided against going inside to confront the person who put the egg roll atop the boxes. New Hanover Township He also vouched for the existence of the book filled with racist and otherwise offensive lines uttered by officers. 2023 WWB Holdings, LLC. Miele responded to Lowes for a shoplifting that occurred in the past and was captured on video, police said. We take great pride in improving the quality of life for our community. (The department) got an attorney and (officers) were told any correspondence with Keith has to be reported. racist or sexually-oriented language. They could have destroyed it, but I dont think theyd do that. Change of Polling Locations For All Future Elections, Cut-Through Traffic Evaluation Cedar Knolls (Trailwood Section), Open Public Records Act (OPRA) Request Form (PDF). WebHanover Township Police Department are committed to serving all of the people within our jurisdiction. The driver refused to stop for Delgauers lights and sirens and continued on Hanover Avenue until the driver lost control and crashed on Burnham Road in Morris Township, police said. Back in 1991, Keith Youse was ready to drop out of college and become a ski bum. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. He will serve a one-year probationary period during which he will be considered an at will employee without the substantive and procedural rights under the police tenure act, according to the Dec. 1 letter sent to Ciarlello from Township Manager Jamie Gwynn, who provided a copy upon a MediaNews Group request. Hanover Township Police Department are committed to serving all of the people There, in that quiet corner of Montgomery County, he built a life and family with his wife, Sandy, who he married two years before that career move. Friday: 4:00 - 5:30 After processing they were released pending their court dates, police said. I was so angry. WebHARRISBURG PA Police officers from Lower, Upper and West Pottsgrove, Pottstown, Douglass, North and East Coventry, Limerick, New Hanover, and Upper Providence worked overnight hours at sobriety checks several times during 2022 to stop drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs. I always liked being a cop, he said. Psota subsequently brought an FOP witness to a meeting with the chief, who would wildly scream at him. The other two suspects were eventually captured walking on Hanover Avenue covered in mud. HANOVER TWP. The Hanover Township Police Department is scheduled for an assessment as part of its program to achieve accreditation by verifying that it meets recognized professional best practices. Hanover Township, PA (February 9, 2023) The Hanover Township Police Department and Police Chief David Lewis announced the launch of a new website that gives people who use social networks and mobile devices an easier, more effective way to help fight crime and stay informed. Montgomery County, PA Lieutenant Hatfield Township Police Department Jan 2019 - Present 4 years 3 The New Hanover Township Police Department is dedicated to serving with integrity. Keep it Clean. 48-year-old Youse exhausted by his treatment since the accident. Don't Threaten. police said. A Bronx man and a Queens man were arrested and charged with shoplifting and conspiracy to commit shoplifting of more than $9,900 worth of merchandise from Lowes Wednesday, Feb. 15, police said. New Hanover Those medical setbacks would ostensibly mark the end of his law enforcement career. The site is now the Gilbertsville Golf Course. WebDomestic Violence Volunteer. Jan 14, 2023 Updated Jan 17, 2023. He resigned. WebAddress and Phone Number for New Hanover Township Police Department, a Police Department, at North Charlotte Street, Gilbertsville PA. Name New Hanover Township And, I want the badge and gun off their bodies so theyre not in a position to do this to anyone else., Follow Brian & PhillyVoice on Twitter: @brianphickey | @thePhillyVoice, Brian Hickey Taddeo was charged with shoplifting and provided a court date, police said. Officer Daniel Acquaro arrested the man, 26-year-old Emmanuelle Sedita, whom he originally stopped for a motor vehicle violation. He loved the job enough to deal with the lingering pain plus several surgeries, nearly a dozen MRIs and countless hours of physical therapy while performing the duties he was sworn to uphold as a New Hanover officer. Our officers maintain a high level of visibility within the community and work to identify and eliminate those conditions or situations that may be attractive to the criminal element. People should feel scared about that., As things stand today, the township after stalling in its responses to Sandy Youse in the weeks after the August 1 meeting has hired outside counsel John P. Gonzales of the Marshall Dennehey law firmin Center City Philadelphia to investigate the claims. Apprehending criminals and enforcing laws are not the only duties of the Department. ", McKeon, they said, regularly referred to African-Americans as junes, short for the racial slur June bug.. (He did not respond to a request for comment from PhillyVoice.). 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Welcome to the New Hanover Township Police Tip Line. peers because, in the words of one former officer, we all know that hes a problem child., , who returned to work a couple of weeks later. Choose wisely! Share this page on your favorite Social network. Officer Keith Youse received a commendation for administering Narcan to an overdose victim in July 2016. The inquiry stems from a complaint filed last year by a former New Hanover Township police officer who described a racist and toxic work environment in the department. I would ultimately be declared unfit for duty because of that shoulder., Forced to go on leave numerous times, Youse said he was faced with a decision to continue physical therapy or get surgery for an injury the department claimed was not job-related, even though "the doctors were saying it was a result of the accident. He underwent a bilateral rhizotomy surgical procedure to sever nerve roots in his spinal cord in an attempt to ease his chronic back pain and spasms.Though he aspirated on the table, he was sent home the same day, and told to monitor his condition. Your e-mail address will be used to confirm your account. WebNew Hanover Police corporate office is located in 2943 N Charlotte St, Gilbertsville, Pa, 19525, Brazil and has 6 employees. Ironically, the same man who inspired him to pursue a career in law enforcement , New Hanover Police Chief Kevin McKeon has left the. Administrative Assistant for Planning and Zoning. New Hanover Township hires new police chief Listen mother****er, watch your mouth was how Keith would respond to those comments, but it never seemed to slow them. I just wanted to get out of there, he said. I can only account to what Ive heard (directly): On calls, or even in the station, Bill would say, its time to take the n-words out of the woodpile, said the officer, though Moyer actually used the slur. The township demanded that he start physical therapy the day after that surgery as the workers compensation battle continued. Keep in Touch. Jay Ciarlello - Chief of Police - New Hanover Township Police They are responsible for handling a wide variety of duties including handle any situation, while seeking solutions to nurture the public's trust. "What boggles my mind now is the fact that the township also appears complicit. A litany of racist comments would be found inside should it ever be publicly exposed, they said, but they dont expect that to happen because its possessor now fears retribution from above. "Census data from 2010lists the township's population was 95.3 percent white, but residents claim, anecdotally, that more minority residents have moved here in recent years.). No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism What makes matters even worse is that Youse knows hes not alone. WebNew Hanover Township Police DepartmentK9 Unit. Chance of rain 30%.. A few clouds from time to time. I was devastated.. Officer Carlos Najera arrested the people, 31-year-old Javier Galeanocuesta and 35-year-old Stephany Ramirez-Gomez, after responding to the store for a report of two suspects being detained by loss prevention due to shoplifting, police said. However, the ability to contact you may help significantly. We called the surgeon, who didnt know why he wasn't sent tothe hospital afterwards.. Hanover Twp Public Transportation Guide for Seniors and Persons With Disabilities Now Available! Officer Dan Acquaro arrested the woman, 32-year-old Danayah Allen, after he tried to make the stop on South Jefferson Road; Allen stopped briefly and made a u-turn before continuing north, not stopping for Acquaros lights and sirens, police said. Anyone wishing to submit written comments about the Hanover Township Police Departments ability to comply with the standards for accreditation may send them by email to Harry J Delgado, Ed.S Accreditation Program Director, hdelgado@njsacop.org, or write to the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police, Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission at 751 Route 73 North, Suite 12, Marlton, N.J. 08053. The Hanover Township Police Department is scheduled for an assessment as part of its program to achieve accreditation by verifying that it meets recognized Helping the public to understand the roles and responsibilities of the Police Department is an important function of the Chief. WebPlease note that the New Hanover Police Department is now at 2373 Hoffmansville Rd. new hanover police hanover township Even after hours of interviews, Keith Youse was clearly pained to talk about fellow police officers in such context. Our first K9 was donated by Jgermeister Shepherds in March of 2014. It wouldn't be a comfortable place to work anymore, he thought. Hanover Township New Jersey - Public Notice Hanover Police Theyre pretty much untouchable. News Flash Hanover Township, NJ CivicEngage He agreed with the doctor who said I couldnt do my job as a police officer. Gwynn said Ciarlello earned his undergraduate degree in sociology from Cabrini College with a criminal justice concentration and obtained a graduate degree in public safety management from St. Josephs University. Should I dare speculate that it is because the township council also holds the same bigoted ideology as some in the police department?. Montgomery County, PA Lieutenant Hatfield Township Police Department Jan 2019 - Present 4 years 3 months. With the hard work, dedication and support of the Mayor and They say its a police force where officers fear speaking out against McKeon and Sgt. HANOVER TOWNSHIP POLICE BLOTTER. He was released pending his court date, police said. They are responsible for handling a wide variety of duties including responding to emergencies, investigating crimes, checking suspicious persons and vehicles, conducting traffic accident investigations and enforcing all traffic laws. Everything they could do to screw with me, theyd do. Former officers claim that New Hanover Township (Montgomery County) Police Chief Kevin McKeon (right) and Sgt. The tip line is provided so you can report criminal activity within the Township of that is degrading to another person. The K9 unit concept was considered in November of 2013. About | New Hanover Townhip Be Nice. Keith Youse's claims will surprise few people in law enforcement who are familiar with Chief Kevin McKeon's career, according to a ranking officer in another Montgomery County jurisdiction. The chief said I could have the suspenders but not the vest because the vest looks like s***. The sergeant said that (my physician of Asian descent) was a witch doctor.'". WebStaff Directory Hanover Township, NJ CivicEngage Home Staff Directory Michael Loock Police Department Title: Police Chief Phone: 973-428-2512 Hanover Township Police Website Responsibilities The Chief of Police is the executive officer of the Police Department responsible for the supervision and administration of the Department. (Per the department's website, "the township has undergone significant growth over the past 10 years and has experienced a 48 percent increase in population. Dennis Psota another township officer picking up his retired ID that same day would point out the egg roll atop the heavy boxes. If you forget it, you'll be able to recover it using your email address. Its a camaraderie. How could they do that to Keith? An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address listed on your account. The source of this information WILL NOT be revealed without your permission. Through respect, fairness and sensitivity, we aim to safeguard the constitutional rights of all those that we come into contact with. His wifewould help him get in and out of uniform before and after each shift. He also serves as a Deputy Coordinator for the Township's Office of Emergency Management. It was a hard decision to come forward, but we felt we had to publicly tell the story in order for it to stop and for change to occur, said Sandy Youse,during one of two recent interviews conducted just outside of the department's jurisdiction. Its so high school its not even funny. (It was Psota's wife that McKeon complained about for failing to say hello at a bank in town.). Officer Megan Pritchard arrested the people, 36-year-old Clarence Coe and 51-year-old Sheila Gilmer, who were both passengers in a vehicle that was stopped for a motor vehicle violation, police said. WebNew Hanover Township Police DepartmentK9 Unit. WebNew Hanover Township hires new police chief. Former officers claim that New Hanover Township (Montgomery County) Police Chief Kevin McKeon (right) and Sgt. POLICE DEPARTMENT | New Hanover Townhip "He didnt like being told what to do by a doctor who said one of your guys is injured. Accident Reports: 973-428-2517. The driver backed into a parking spot close to the store and left the car running with its headlights on. The official end wouldnt be formalized until February 13, when the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously for an honorable discharge, effective immediately, with the note that "the Board of Supervisors thanks you for your years of service and wishes you the best in your future endeavors.". The Hanover Township Police Department is scheduled for an assessment as part of its program to achieve accreditation by verifying that it meets recognized professional best practices. Township Directory - newhanover-pa.org In the event the Township is presented with any allegations of wrongdoing as referenced in the article, then the Township will take appropriate action pursuant to Township policy and practice.". I went back to work that weekend, but it felt worse. Communications and community relations are key elements in the job performed by the Chief. Some of the accusations including a complaint filed because an officers wife didnt say hello to McKeon at the bank branch where she works sound like petty Mean Girls vindictiveness. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. The Hanover Township Police Department is scheduled for an assessment as part of its program to achieve accreditation by verifying that it meets recognized professional best practices . WebPolice. Looney behind his back bypeers because, in the words of one former officer, we all know that hes a problem child., Over 22 years (as a police officer), Ive never seen anything like him," Youse said. My only problem was that I crossed the chiefs line when I asked for help after the March 2016 crash. WebNew Hanover Township Police Department provides a full range of policing services to our community. "Everybody just kind of walked away from him. Psota served on the force for 23 years before retiring in February. His pledge to protect and serve the community was evident both at work and as a volunteer at schools, churches and various public events over the years. He gets home and around 5 p.m. said he had to lay down," Sandy recalled. Now, Youse would have to tell Sandy about the racist comments hed endured over the years. Another time, I remember it clearly, he was talking to a kid on Fagleysville Road in Gilbertsville, in uniform, and said I can get you work at (a local garage). The information provided on this form will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. HOME | New Hanover Townhip I almost died, and nobody cared.. We want the court of public opinion to know whats going on with these a**holes, and see whether the township will allow it to continue, he said. Officers - newhanover-pa.org WebNew Hanover Township Police Department. Hanover Township Ciarlello began his police career in 1997 when he was hired as a full-time officer by the Hatfield Township Police department. The Hanover Township Police Department is scheduled for an assessment as part of its program to achieve accreditation by verifying that it meets recognized
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