2 Answers. Considering that firearms were inaccurate but incredibly lethal, commanders began massing their men close together and firing volleys in the general direction of the enemy. This is especially important due to the specific nature of operations on-base or within high-security facilities. register One of its last successful uses was by a small U.S. cavalry detachment of 87 men, who wereambushed by 400 Cheyanne cavalry. This creates gaps in coverage. The 13-20 ft long sarissa spears were terribly unwieldy for one-on-one combat, but when the average soldier charged at a Macedonian phalanx they had to fight through 5-10 thrusting spears before even reaching the front lines. In the lead-up to the attack on the U.S. Capitol, Bennie Parker allegedly communicated extensively with Watkins about potentially joining her militia and combining forces for the events of January 6, the U.S. District Attorney said. Now add three open doors coming off that intersection. Narrator: This video provided by Fort Benning shows a different exercise where future soldiers train with less lethal weapons in order to avoid civilian causalities, so they're ready to protect their fellow soldiers and innocent civilians they may encounter in combat. The hollow square became redundant with the adoption of more rapid firing weapons. Meaning that a fast clearing pace, with overpowering use of flash bangs, explosive breaching, and domination of rooms; along with accurate and lethal fire, is going to keep the enemy off balance and effect his capability to effectively engage the assaulters. Meaning that a fast clearing pace, with overpowering use of flash bangs, explosive breaching, and domination of rooms; along with accurate and lethal fire, is going to keep the enemy off balance and effect his capability to effectively engage the assaulters. The U.S. Department of Justice announced Friday, Jessica Watkins, Oath Keepers Member Charged in Capitol Riot. Military Stack Planning: A Top View of Space Allocation 1- gang stalkers have an unusually high number of women in their contingents/cells 2- most gang stalking ring leaders (or cult leaders depending on how you view them)are military/police/intelligence agency trained, working with others 3-occulted intelligence numerology will be a feature of these gangs Spotter Up will assume no responsibility for any use or misuse of information from this article. Each stretched one arm forward to clasp the shoulder of the person in front of them. He was reportedly the first group of Oath Keepers that pushed into the building in a military-style stack formation. Squad Formations - Column (Ranger File) When moving as a squad moving in a formation is a good way to ensure that all squad/ team members are positioned in such as way as to provide both optimum protection and the ability to retaliate if the squad comes under fire. What are Formations in the military or tactical sense? Credit: Pinellas County Jail. Oath Keepers president Rhodes indicted for seditious conspiracy - WVEC How many times have you seen a 4-man stack prepping to blow a door where the cover man in order to cover the breacher steps forward to face the door? Kelly Meggs of Dunnellon, Florida is the self-described leader of the Oath Keepers group who the FBI alleges helped plot the siege on the U.S. Capitol in December on Facebook. Your email address will not be published. Unless someone covers the other open door. Stack formations, privacy breaches and catching spies online: online activity mirrors offline tactical operations in every way. The technique is the utilization of a "wedge" formation on approach. The members were discussing the disadvantages of the "stack" formation on an approach. We becomelimited by means of the formation being in a singlefile and operators only being able to cover theapproach from alternating sides. Agents identified Connie Meggs in photos taken at the U.S. Capitol. This may be called Tools or use an icon like the cog. When charging thinner lines, the wedge could completely separate aline into two groups, dividing a force and making them easier to defeat. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Select the option or tab named Internet Options (Internet Explorer), Options (Firefox), Preferences (Safari) or Settings (Chrome). When the Capitol Riot happened, Adams said she assumed Rhodes was there but didn't know for sure until a few days later, when she saw a video on Reddit of protesters in a military-style "stack" formation breaching the Capitol. Not only does this tactic provide more targets for the sniper as enemy personnel come to help the wounded, but it also causes the snipers enemy to expend more resources in recovering, evacuating, and treating the wounded combatant than would be expended if the sniper simply killed the enemy combatant. A plan is like a map. Narrator: Or military operations in urban terrain. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. The Acting United States Attorney's Office said Grods "agreed to plan and participate in an operation to interfere with the certification of the electoral college vote on Jan. 6." He allegedly used websites and social media to recruit other participants. Basics Tactics Modified Close Quarters Battle Entry, Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant. Some Germanic armies and Vikings used a modified wedge formation to house skirmishers in the center and deployed spearmen onthe flanks at the base of the wedge. Hopefully the Battalion Commander saw the need to train his officers to think on their feet and be . The caption said, A member of the right-wing group Oath Keepers stands guard during a rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court Building on January 5, 2021.. Key Background. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of Spotter Up Magazine, the administrative staff, and/or any/all contributors to this site. According to one former Army soldier who spoke to Business Insider, avoiding civilian casualties is one of the biggest takeaways during MOUT training. Corners were reinforced and occasionally stuck out to provide enfilading fire, though this was not common. Jan. 6 rioters face years in jail for ransacking Capitol. Harsher You don't want some guy to just dip around the corner with a knife. Copyright 2023 The phrase "15 minutes prior to 15 minutes prior" comes from the expectation that you . Jury Trials and the DVIC: Johnny Depp was defamed by path-narc Amber Heard. Waugh: The purpose for having a high man and low man when we maneuver around a corner is so that we have maximum firepower to secure the unknown threat on that side. This is how you fight gang stalkers, but also, as we saw in the case study of the eBay gang of stalkers, collecting other evidence is useful to gain convictions of gang stalkers. The file formation is easiest to control, and provides fire to the ranks should an ambush from the side occur. The hollow square formation had its heyday during the firearm line formation period described above, but it originated in ancient times. They use skepticism and rational arguments to argue for or against many causes and belief systems, but inevitably their entire argument is to claim that all evidence is not evidence, regardless of facts. Unfortunately, because of the length of time that has past since those hard CQB days in Iraq and as more and more of those guys who learned the hard way that 4-man stacks dont work have retired and left service. The problems open up once those stacks start to spread out in a structure. If one is not set up to cover the angles, you are not set up to really handle CQB. Watkins texted Parker on January 9, "I've been following FBI wanted list, seems they're only interested in people who destroyed things. Around the time of Meggs Facebook post, the FBI says Young arranged for firearms and combat training for himself and others in Florida. Islamic Center of Cleveland is a non-profit organization. []. X Formation A breach formation that is commonly used when you have people stacked on both sides. Adding two to a 4-man stack making it six is even better, now giving you a long security man and one extra to cover rear, or two to cover long. Amusket man would have to hope for a lot of luck to hit a single charging cavalryman. This must be considered when calculating the quantities of explosives, overpressure and MSDs. Then next time you are conducting CQB training, I encourage you to try this: open all the doors in the building, have someone stand a few rooms deep in the house. Drill sergeant: And you keep rolling down the hallway. Do it again. The only downside was that a broken square was often a disaster, leaving the infantry vulnerable from all sides and likely to lower the morale of nearby squares. Meggs was pictured on a public profile on MeWe wearing his Oath Keepers uniform, according to the FBI. Breaking News In Yuba County Watch, Narrator: Once the team leader deems that the hallway is secure, another solider swings out to the far-left position, and the rolling T begins to take shape. She has worn clothing with an Oath Keepers insignia in public, a witness told agents. as well as other partner offers and accept our, Visit Insider's homepage for more stories, Senior video correspondent Graham Flanagan spent four days at the Army's. Add one, you now have a long security man. Brian Long: It's not so much about killing the bad guys, but it's more about protecting the civilian. And they coordinate so that they both simultaneously appear from that corner so that they can secure the threat as quickly as possible. Identify the number of troops entering the room. This article alone will not make the reader an expert in tactics or in firearms nor can it be used as a substitute for PROFESSIONAL TACTICAL TRAINING or WEAPONS TRAINING. The angles offire become wide and the stack becomes easypickings for any trained and ready adversary. We also see another key ROGS Analysis talking point too: many of these people are related to each other, as we see in this glad handing news story too. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Basics Tactics: Modified Close Quarters Battle Entry. Military people learn to show up to everything (especially an official formation) at least 15 minutes early. The Flying Wedgewas alsoused to great effect during the era of the Napoleonic wars. The squad members execute stack arms from their positions in line formation at normal interval from order arms. | RSS, Pro Guns, Gear, Tactics, Training, & Discussion. Riot police will often employ a wedge to divide small groups or to separate thin lines in two manageable groups. Cavalry during the Napoleonic wars could be especially deadly, being armed with handguns, but also with lances and sabres and hadthe speed to close on a formation quickly. 9 Oath Keepers indicted for conspiracy, including 7 members of the tactical "stack" seen entering Capitol in combat gear "As always, while conducting security operations, we will have some of our men out in 'grey man' mode, without identifiable Oath Keepers gear on. Waugh: It's important for the future soldiers' muscle memory, because they are working as a team. Waugh: It allows them to have 360-degree security so that they can deal with any threats inside of that building. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 'Ranger file': How ex-military, cops among mob used training to storm It was very rare for a square to reform after one or more sides collapsed. Not a good thing. Russia has been able to keep its most effective drone flying over After the Napoleonic wars the square was still used occasionally, but more in the way the ancients utilized it, for overall protection. Boom! The room was booked under the name of another Oath Keepers member. Historically used with cavalry, the formation involvesa mass of troops in a triangular wedge with the tip charging at the enemy. Recording: This is a restricted area. Infantry and cavalry can attack from the frontline while artillery can fire from either the frontline or the backline. WASHINGTON (Reuters) -A member of the right-wing Oath Keepers militia pleaded guilty on Wednesday to conspiracy and obstruction charges for taking part in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. On your approachonly half of the operators may be facing that sideof the threat. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It goes onto say the group focuses on recruiting current and former military, law enforcement and first responders, and that the name refers to the oath sworn by military and and police to defend the U.S. Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.. Ambushed- unless team members stop to look beyond the room right in front of them (Looking two or three rooms deep through open doorways). Federal prosecutors intend to prove that the plan included a reconnaissance trip to Washington, DC, staging an armed "quick reaction force" at a hotel across the Potomac River, using a military. Allows you to cover more space in a less amount of time. Not only that, but they dressed up and play-acted their parts as veterans. Planning is thinking about a goal and then organizing the activities to achieve the goal. Prosecutors say Watkins and the Oath Keepers formed a military-style "stack" formation and marched up the U.S. Capitol steps, "breached the door at the top and then stormed . A file formation is used for close terrain, often in dense vegetation or when there is low visibility. They wore helmets and olive-green combat gear, vests and backpacks. 1 man is a rifleman. Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes' Wife Speaks Out After - Insider Gentlemen we are heading to DC pack your s***! Even if you just add one doorway to the T-intersection- that will already create more angles than the team can handle. Lucidchart is a collaborative workspace that brings remote teams together in real time. Drill sergeant: Check over your shoulder. This configuration is the one true constant of ALL gang stalking. Traveling Solo: You must provide yourself 360 degree security when stopped or while on the move. WASHINGTON Oath Keepers president Elmer Stewart Rhodes III and 10 other members of the militia group have been indicted on charges of seditious conspiracy, according to the Justice Department -. pic.twitter.com/VZ1fsnrEv2. This even allows a man that can pick up extra angles as the team approaches them. Replay: The Moment, Circumstances are an attribute, detail, or conditionwith respect to time, place, manner, agent, etc., that accompanies, determines, or modifies a fact or event; it is a modifying or influencing factor. An FBI investigator recognized the. Upon stacking to one side of the entry-point, the first operator (1) enters the portal and takes postion within the room and faces opposite the position he originally faced. Lexipol. Zakat ul Fitr. Police charged in Capitol riot reignite concerns of racism, extremism This event on Jan. 5 wasn't the first time Connie Meggs was apparently providing security at a rally where Roger Stone spoke. Wait for him to say it. So, in totality, there is evidence of the number 13 used in these operations to signal across the internet, and I have documented that, and turned my research over to responsible authorities, while also allowing others to view my web presence in raw form. Change). Then, when we analyze these stories further, we also see the following ROGS points: 1- gang stalkers have an unusually high number of women in their contingents/cells, 2- most gang stalking ring leaders (or cult leaders depending on how you view them)are military/police/intelligence agency trained, working with others, 3-occulted intelligence numerology will be a feature of these gangs, 4- you can track and trace these gangs of stalkers using simple online OSINT and SOCMINT,, but especially that police and military jargon is a key feature of identifying them, 5- there will be references to higher powers, named secret societies, and other religion toned jargon, as we see in this example here. It's crucial each man communicates and understands what their exact role in the "stack," or the lineup, will be. Meggs volunteers at a thrift shop, federal officials said. It isused when an entry-pointmust be entered from the same side by the *operators. Learn how your comment data is processed. And remember: nearly 100% of ALL gang stalking complaints involves current and former military, police. NOTE: When the squad is part of a larger unit, stack arms may be executed in a column formation when the formation consists of three or more files, and the squads are at normal interval. The No. Because of this, numbers were bumped up in the stacks allowing for extra men to cover angles while 4-man teams cleared rooms. No big deal, have assaulters scan multiple areas. Because thats what they do), 6- many of these stalkers will use terms like silent holocaust and/or false equivocations that somehow, todays religion charged fanaticism is somehow not as bad as the Holocaust, or Holodmor (periods of history where we saw similar equivocating dialectics), 7- many gang stalkers use counterterrorism terminology mixed with psychobabble to mask their presence online, 8-many/most are trained in counter-terrorism tactical assaults on civilian populations as we see in US police training in Gaza, and elsewhere in the world, 9- both Hegelian materialism AND Horseshoe Theory create false and distracting dialectic divergences in those who themselves are gang stalking denialists and pseudo-rationalists*, as we see evident in the pseudo Rationalist RationalWiki discussion of Horseshoe Theory, I meanI could go on, but prolly, just read through http://researchorganizedgangstalking.org, using keywords Thirteen, 13, training in Israel, SWAT, womens empowerment, pseudo-feminism, etc.. Oath Keepers trial: Prosecutors say Stewart Rhodes acted as 'general' under heavy attack and constant missile fire the Greeks formed a massive moving hollow square to protect their noncombatants and baggage. A small number at the Capitol formed what law enforcement called "a stack" - a military formation used to move through crowds. After forming a hollow infantry square and placing their horses in the center, the men marched on a fighting retreat for eight miles until the Cheyenne gave up and withdrew. Weekend Knowledge Dump- November 9, 2018 | Active Response Training, A Missing Terminal Ballistic Frame of Reference, Maintaining Consistent Shells in the Tube. The meaning of the phrase is context sensitive, and has varied over time, like the difference between "strategy" and "tactics".[1]. WASHINGTON - Prosecutors described members of the right-wing extremist militia group the Oath Keepers as leaders of a long-planned and carefully coordinated scheme to prevent the peaceful transfer. It's the most comprehensive and trusted online destination for law enforcement agencies and police departments worldwide. With a plan, you can see how much you have progressed towards your goal and how far on your map to the next destination. Your army's width is dictated by your current Military Technology level. All gang stalking is current and former police, military and intelligence agents in the community policing scheme, turning democracies into police states, all across the western world. Thats more angles and so on. Meggs was photographed by several journalists and his image was published in multiple news articles, the FBI said. Grods worked with others to stand in a military "stack" formation with hands on the shoulders of those in front of them to move . *pseudo-rationalists are a deep state type of religious/corporate propaganda operation, conceived at the Standford Research Institute, Harvard University and other institutions in the Tavistock Institutes hydra of think tanks (and RAND corporation, et al.) PolitiFact | 'Everything we trained for': How the far-right Oath STACK. Reasons for attempting this kind of entry-point technique are numerous: If breaching is required, if an obstruction at one side of the portal doesnt allow a team to stack at opposite, facing ends, and so on. It assumes the enemy is not going to be better at CQB than you and your team. Tactical teams all have their own uniquenessabout them, but all tend to utilize similar tactics. If You Want to Understand Why 5000 National Guardsmen Are - RedState We want to again restate this article is not a be-all end-all article that will solve every tactical problem. For every open door that gives view of another space in the structure, that is a new angle one must cover. Retrieved 2022-12-08. The ensuing charge would penetrate intothe ranksof the enemy, usually infantry, andscatter the opposingforce. Related Story: NEVER FORGET! The indictment details evidence of the groups plot and text messages between its members. Capitol riot: Prosecutors say Champaign County woman's training For safety, the soldiers' rifles are plugged during training. As crowds swarmed the Capitol, the Oath Keepers were seen in what's referred to as a military "stack" formation, waded through the masses on their way inside, according to court records. The OPFOR mainly served to reveal that our military (as do other militaries) tend to train utilizing battle doctrine formed in the last war. Prosecutors allege that the Oath Keepers' presence . This footage shows the MAGA hat officer asking the Oath Keepers to help him get up the stairs to help other officers get out of the Capitol. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. By organizing a dense line, the soldiers needed only to thrust their spears forward, and the line formation did the rest. Doing the math with a T-intersection and no doorways thats 3 angles with 4 men its covered. It seems likely that the three tactics and formations discussed above will remain part of warfare in the future. The square allowed a unit to be almost completely enveloped by an enemy, but still able to keep composure anduse its firepower to themaximum. If the number one man of a 4-man team, is also the one pulling long security, he is going to have to drop long security to maintain a 4-man entry team. All rights reserved. Oath Keepers Member Arrested on Conspiracy Charges Related to Jan. 6 and manufacturers. Best Jailbreak Apps Ios 14, About: Evidence Based Gang StalkingResearch. Punta Gorda Oath Keeper facing federal sedition charges for US Capitol Narrator: These environments have added complications, like multiple floors and sharp turns. Your position matters and etc. The technique is the utilization of a wedgeformation on approach. An Associated Press review of public records, social media posts and videos shows at least 22 current or former members of the U.S. military or law enforcement have been identified as being at or near the Capitol riot, with more than a dozen others under investigation but not yet named.In many cases, those who stormed the Capitol appeared to employ tactics, body armor and technology such as . Narrator: The formation requires a four-person team working as a unit to safely navigate through narrow corridors and around turns. All right, now back on you, team leader. https://spotterup.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Video-by-project_gecko-4.mp4, Meoptas New RDS: The Ultra-Low Profile MeoSight IV, Slings and Swivels, Mounts and Hardware: GrovTec is Built in America for Americans, SIG SAUER Announces the Commercial Introduction of the MCX-SPEAR Rifle The Next Generation Has Arrived, Basics Tactics: Close Quarters Battle Entry, SIG SAUER is Named the Most Innovative Brand of the Year at the 2023 Gundie Awards. His credit card was used to book a room at a hotel in the area on January 5, 2021. If you read part 1: Control the Hall, Control the Floor things can be made even worse by not having a permanent long security man, to cover uncleared areas the team has not reached yet. I was threat centric before- meaning I always thought of How best to get to the threats as quickly as possible so my team could eliminate them. What I did not know for the longest time though was the flaw in this thinking. Most tactics rest on the popular principle of Speed, Surprise, and Violence of Action. Hollow squares can still be used in certain situations, such as the protection of the wounded during riots or in the case of ambushed units.
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