I have been a resident in Maroondah for over 35 years and live in Heathmont with my wife Cheryl and our two daughters. The following candidate is declared elected. Crow Kid: Lemony S Puppet theatre performances and puppet-making workshops. Mandatory notification of and communication with all residents in the area of proposed new developments (not just immediate neighbours)? 13 Nov Results Declared Results in the 2020 Maroondah Council Elections will be declared on Friday 13th November 2020. January 16, 2024. My husband and I are raising our 2 kids in Croydon North. A fresh voice for Maroondah. Your ongoing support will enable me to keep making the improvements our community deserves. Maroondah City Council election results 2020 | Victorian Electoral The information you provide on this form is being collected by Maroondah City Council for the strict purpose of conducting Council business. However, the golf course makes a profit now, so why change it now, or is the council looking to sell the surplus land to a developer for a housing estate? Vote 1 Peter Salloum and vote 2 Les Willmott, then other candidates in your order of choice. My first priority is to freeze 2021 rate increases and offer 12-month deferral of rate payments for proven hardship. Tell us your email address and we'll email you when this page is updated in any way. It would be an honour to represent you on the Maroondah City Council. This e-tendering website provides a web-based tool that enables Maroondah City Council to procure goods and services over the internet. I will represent your voice honestly on council. I will continue to be a voice for lower rates, because I know how tough things are for families right now. Moreover, I pledge to balance the needs of our families and single members households, students and workers, young people and older residents. 23 Oct Voting Closes Follow the instructions on the ballot pack and make sure your completed vote is in the mail or hand-. Registrations now open! I want that changed! Our buildings are taller and freeways wider. As a 39 year-long resident of Wonga ward, a parent and a teacher, I understand this community inside and out. My focus will be: To liaise with other councillors and council and see how we can support local small business back on track and create more jobs, Better elder and disability services. beside the land swap there is another $23m in this years budget for what? Labor doubles Coalition funding promise for Maroondah Hospital, to be Maroondah City Council - Open Opportunities - eProcure Oklahoma City Council Elections 2023: who's running, where to vote This is why I supported Maroondahs Climate Change Risk and Adaptation Strategy, Vegetation Strategy 2020- 2030, and Children and Families Strategy during my time on Council. 20891, Notice of Tender - Road Reconstruction - Contract No. Lets not just buy local, lets employ local. I love living in Maroondah with my family. Mental health will become more of an issue, more people have had their income slashed, home schooling has had a stressfuleffect on students & parents, isolation & social distancing has been hard on all of us, even my own business is closed until December, we need people who really understand the situation, who know the struggles of making every dollar count. Maroondah Access, Inclusion and Equity Advisory Committee, Maroondah Community Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee, Maroondah Liveability, Safety and Amenity Advisory Committee, Maroondah City Council Electoral Representation Review, Indoor cricket training centre at Jubilee Park taking shape, Reusable Nappy Program set to help families, Help shape our new Play and Gathering Places Strategy, Council endorses the Melbourne East Regional Sport and Recreation Strategy, Council adopts Maroondah Housing Strategy: 2022 Refresh, Do the right thing and pick up after your dog, Support for the 16 Days of Activism campaign, Share your thoughts on the Norwood Reserve draft enhancement plan, Have your say on the Woodland Park draft enhancement plan, New Mayor Cr Rob Steane to lead Council for 2022/23, Council wins Tennis Victoria award for Local Government, Maroondah part of collaborative feasibility study into uptake of reusable nappies, Make mental health a priority this October, Caring for our carers during National Carers Week, Giving thanks to our incredible seniors this October, Council adopts Maroondah Extreme Sports Strategy, FOGO kits to support households divert food waste from landfill, Seventy-three recipients share in over $208,000 in community grants, Council adopts the Sustainability Strategy 2022-2031, Geoffrey Moss honoured with 2022 Bill Wilkins Volunteer Award, A big thank you to our wonderful volunteers, 2022-23 Arts and Cultural Grant recipients announced, 2022 Community Satisfaction Survey: see how you rated your Council, Tips for maintaining your wood heater this winter, Council adopts Maroondah Disability Action Plan 2022-2026, Celebrating our artistic Indigenous community at Maroondah Federation Estate, Maroondah unveils new Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy as a Child Safe Organisation. I would like to see more available independent living for our capable elderly. New residential developments need to blend into the existing neighbourhood character. I am offering myself to be your Councillor for the Barngeong Ward. You can find out more about voting from the Victorian Electoral Commission. We need better access to public transport and parking at Railway stations and I will work with the community to find the best solutions to provide more spaces. Why or why not?Yes! Following are the nine Councillors declared for each of the new nine wards. We will need to consider how we can link our local parks, gardens and reserves as available recess and lunchtime breakout areas, and how old industrial sites might be converted to school sites in the future. Vote 1 for Andrew Schafer for Yarrunga Ward. Consultation is something that Council already does (mostly) very well, however, many people just arent interested or dont have the time to engage. This quote best sums up my values: How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Ringwood VIC 3134 Therefore, council is looking to develop Eastfield park into a professional sporting area rather than a park for the people to enjoy. If it benefits the community, Ill support it. I look forward to hearing from you. After 12 challenging months we need committed Councillors who listen to the community and consistently advocate for the needs of all residents. Im seeking for your vote to represent you as your Ward councillor on Maroondah City Council. Mob: 0433 447 818As yet this candidate has not responded to the Transition Towns Maroondah Questionnaire. Please contact me 0409003048 or jo-annetaylor4@bigpond.com or look at my fb page https://www. My family and I love walking around the golf course, unfortunately, I have heard that the council is looking to change the courses from 18-hole to a 9-hole course. D. D. R. Following the 2020 presidential election, 62.2% of Utahns lived in one of the state's 26 Solid Republican counties, which voted for the Republican presidential candidate in every election from 2012 to 2020, and 37.5% lived in one of two Trending Democratic counties: Salt Lake and Summit. I have lived in the Maroondah area all my life and I am a manager of local business. The Hon Michael Sukkar MP Member for Deakin Shadow Minister for Homelessness Shadow Minister for Housing Shadow Minister for Social Services Liberal Party 5/602 Whitehorse Road Im asking you to please Vote 1 for Melinda Canavan for McAlpin Ward. where does our green waste & recycling really end up? TheVictorian Electoral Commission (VEC)conducts Council Elections and manages all aspects of the election process. I agree that globally and locally we are in the midst of a Climate Emergency and with so many prominent leaders (from Greta Thunberg to Al Gore) advocating for change in the way were looking after our planet. Our local Transition Town (TTM) has sent sent a questionnaire to each candidate across Maroondah's three council wards. Thank you to all the local community groups and volunteers supporting those residents in need, providing essential services and care, you are the backbone of our community. And, its an old and ongoing issue, but residents always bring up the issue of safer roads, intersections, pedestrian crossings, and traffic signalling. Please vote 1 for Nadine Beecher. Enlighten set to delight viewers in Ringwood Town Square, Notice of Intention to Sell Land - The Age & Maroondah Leader - 6 February 2018, Notice of Intention to Sell Land - The Age - 9 February 2018, Security & CCTV Services - Contract No. I am committed to leading with passion and integrity. Many residents in the Ruskin Park Neighbourhood believe the current rate and nature of residential development in this area, has been detrimental to the character of the neighbourhood in respect to the canopy and the objectives of the SLO4 overlay. Remember to read the voting instructions to make sure you vote correctly. Im sure weve all come to know one another much better than before. Council adopts Maroondah Housing Strategy: 2022 Refresh Council endorses the Melbourne East Regional Sport and Recreation Strategy Local events See all events 14 Feb In/Visible: Persephone Thacker 14 Feb OMISSION: Ciaran Frame and Amber Cronin 24 Feb LGBTI+ Peer Social Support Group (aged 50+) I am approachable, responsive and dedicated to achieving the best outcomes for Wombolano ratepayers. Over the years I have served on numerous government committees and on the committees of the Ringwood and Croydon Chambers of Commerce, Maroondah HomeBiz, National Council of National Seniors Australia, the board of Life Activities Clubs Victoria and the Maroondah Photographic Society. One of my main priorities is to improve council services for a safer integrated transport system, better roads, safer walking and bicycle paths, and for an improved community infrastructure. I am here to listen, and work with you to make things better where we can. The new-look council will also be divided up into nine. If you live in Bungalook ward you do not need to vote. This includes working with the community and developing solutions around terrestrial ecosystems and thematic issues covering climate change, biodiversity loss and land degradation. Maroondah Council Elections - HEATHMONT BUSHCARE I have a history of community involvement having previously served on local business committees, two school councils, including Croydon Hills Primary School, and Im currently on a local Bendigo Community Bank board. 20945, Gym equipment - strength - Contract no. With our economy in recession, local families are doing it tough. Endorsed by the Ratepayers Maroondah Group. Your enquiries about candidates should be directed to the relevant candidate. Those advocacy skills ensured that at the last federal election, as Mayor, I was able to secure over $140m in funding for Maroondah. We must continue to have community consultation meetings, to ensure that the residents concerns are heard and acted upon. Improved protections for residents against inappropriate developmentb. Maroondah City Council election results | Mirage News Council needs to do its part in reducing Greenhouse emissions. Its an established fact, I think we should persevere despite those who deny the science and not let them stand in our way. I know when I was last on council they were more bitumen than green, not sure where they are nowWhat would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?Invite groups & individuals in on discussions of topics e.g. It is why I am also supporting ideas like greening greyfields, community gardens, green street projects, food organics and garden organics waste services, and gardens for wildlife, which neighbourhoods and residents can lead themselves, with the support of Council. Meet The Candidates For Nury Martinez's LA City Council Seat Why or why not?I would need more information from council as to where it currently sits. That means a return to basic values and basic rights! Lets start fresh and get back to basics! .I agree with A to E, In addition to item E, neighbors should be alerted when there is a permit application for a Heritage building. Amend aspects of the Municipal Planning Scheme to better support existing neighbourhood character and well-being.d. We have to ensure that no one is excluded from the discussion due to ability, language, access to technology or care/ work commitments. I initiated the 9-instalment option for the paying of rates and I will continue to ensure that with the current Covid-19 issues, residents are given every assistance for the paying of rates, without financial penalty. And through the policy team on Council. BH: (03) 9725 2503AH: (03) 9725 2503Mob: 0419 525 538pmac54841@gmail.comfacebook: https://www.facebook.com/pmac54841. Would you support an enforceable Maroondah Residents Charter (or Bill of Rights), which includes the following items (Y/N is fine):a. My promise is to be accessible, to listen and consult with you. The Reformed Residential Zones (State Planning Scheme) were enacted in 2014. Protecting our unique biodiversity. How do you think the outcomes can be improved within your capacity as a Councillor?a. It is important that councillors have a comprehensive understanding of council economics to ensure comprehensive business practices are applied to your dollar. (2) UNLEASH Alumni UNLEASH is a non-profit founded in 2016 with the aim of developing solutions to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and building capacity for young people from around the world. Maroondah City Council elections were conducted by the Victorian Electoral Commission on 24 October 2020. More recently I have been a home tutor for VCE students. 20942, Depot waste collection services - contract no. Thank you to everyone who has shopped small and supported local business, because every dollar spent in our community goes back into our community and supports local employment. If you give me the privilege of representing you on Council, rest assured that I will listen to you and work for you. As a resident of Maroondah, with a young family, I know the importance of council services. There are elections in England on 4 May 2023. I live in Croydon North. Hit your fitness goals in time for Run Maroondah. I come from among us, as a Croydon small business owner and resident, parent of school and kinder aged children, active member of local soccer, baseball and tennis clubs, and Scouts group. I have excellent working relationships with all levels of government, which is important for our advocacy platform. Mullum Ward (3 vacancies) Shortlisting takes place after the closing date for applications. Thats something we need to talk about. 252 views, 11 likes, 2 loves, 0 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Cr Kylie Spears, Wombolano Ward Maroondah City Council 2020: As a candidate for the Arrabri ward in the upcoming. At the close of nominations for this election, the number of candidates was equal to the number of vacancies. Last election councillors promised to save the former South Croydon school site for public open space, yet four years on we still have no answer whether the site will be saved for open space or sold to a developer to turn into a large housing estate. I understand the challenges businesses are facing right now because I grew up in a family business. I believe in fairness and equity and will always put our community first. The announcement comes just one day after a similar funding announcement by the Coalition The government announced it will spend between $850 million and $1.05 billion on redeveloping and expanding the Maroondah Hospital in Ringwood should it be returned to government in November's state election. I will continue advocating for the Croydon level crossing removal. Please click on your ward, to jump to your local candidate information. Why or why not? Maintain our green and leafy environment, What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?Stop the loss of mature trees. For a fresh face on council who will represent this community with rigour and will not be afraid to support what matters most, I seek your vote. Its these small everyday interactions which have shaped the place we call home. I have the energy and enthusiasm to make a positive contribution to our local council. The declaration of the poll was conducted by the Victorian Election Commission and took place at 10am on Thursday 5 November, 2020. Now, Its the time to get Croydon moving again. Im passionate about protecting the local environment, avoiding over-development and keeping council finances in good shape. Remember to fill in all the boxes on your ballot paper to make sure your vote counts. Ballot papers for the 2020 Maroondah Council Elections begin being mailed out on Tuesday 6th October.
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