FinnishFrench Computation of time is determined as set forth in Rule 6, Rules of Civil Procedure; Rule 5, Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure; Rules 4 and 43, Rules of Family Law Procedure; Rule 1.3, Rules of Criminal Procedure; and Rule 17, Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court. 2.02 eFiling Online Site Use Policy
NorwegianPersian Superior Court-hosted eFiling System: eFiling Online, the eFiling system developed by the Clerk of the Superior Court in Maricopa County, located at This recognition honors him for going above and beyond the call of duty as a justice court clerk. RomanianRussian Petitions for injunctions against harassment and injunctions against workplace harassment. Notwithstanding any other rules of court, a party who files any document electronically with the Clerk shall not submit a courtesy paper copy of the document to the Court. Information for Prop. There are 26 justice court precincts in Maricopa County. If electronic service by other means is utilized, it shall comply with all applicable state and local court rules. eFiling in the civil case type may occur on cases assigned to any division. The judicial officer assigned to a civil case may choose to order the filing party to electronically refile any document that is not in compliance with the Supreme Court's mandatory eFiling order and filed conventionally. beginning on or about January 2001. @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) { 2.05 File Transmission, Confirmation, Acceptance, and Rejections
Feedback However, the original hard copy should be maintained by the filing party.
If the document is infected, the document will be discarded and a notice will be sent to the filing participant that the document was infected and has not been filed with the Clerk. Admitted to the practice of law in Arizona and a resident of Arizona for the five years immediately before taking office. Any electronically filed document must be printable with the same content and format as if printed from its authoring program. The Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court is not responsible for the content of external sites. CatalanChinese (Simplified) 2.16 Proposed Forms of Order
To learn more about judicial selection in Arizona, click here. Locations. directed by the Court. Arizona Revised Statutes eFiled documents accepted through an automated process used by the Clerk of the Superior Courts office shall have the words COC Auto-Accept in place of the name of the deputy clerk. HindiHungarian for damages of any nature, including any loss of profits, lost savings or other incidental or
Legal Associations padding-right: 10px !important; Pursuant to Supreme Court Administrative Order 2018-81, all attorneys are required to eFile post-initiation civil (CV) and tax court (TX) case documents through
Please refer to sections 2.09 and 7.3 of this document regarding specific documents that are not permitted to be eFiled under any circumstances. All rights reserved. Also, the law may vary from state-to-state or county-to-county, so that some information in this website may not be correct for your situation. Attorneys shall electronically file the documents to request a default judgment, such as the Application for
Court Vacancies Documents requiring the signature of the defendant or other
GermanGreek Arizona statutes require arbitration in most civil cases not exceeding $50,000. However, courtroom exhibits are governed by the Court's eExhibit policy (2004-013) and shall be handled in the conventional manner. RomanianRussian Elections in 2023 | Each document accepted for filing by the Clerk of the Superior Court shall be electronically file stamped with the time and date of filing, the name of the deputy clerk accepting the filing, and the words "Electronically Filed." A taxpayer may choose to use the small claims division of the Tax Court for certain cases. Document Management System: The electronic document storage and imaging system maintained by the Clerk of the Superior Court. an authorized eFiling service provider (EFSP) when filing into the Superior Court in Maricopa County, unless an exception in Section (3) of the order applies. 12-141) authorized the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to appoint judges pro tempore (temporary judges) for six month terms to assist with caseloads. The Clerk shall make available paper copies of any publicly filed electronic or scanned documents at the same rate charged for copies of paper documents. Mon-Fri 8:00am to 5:00pm Judges divisions are closed daily from 12:00pm to 1:30pm. eFiling Information | Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court Case Information; Subpoenas Online (Attorneys) Notwithstanding any other provisions of these guidelines, if the electronic filing is not filed with the Clerk because of an error in the transmission of the document that was unknown to the sending participant or a failure to process an electronic filing after receipt, the Court may enter an order permitting the document to be filed nunc pro tunc to the date it was sent electronically. 2. Maricopa County Superior Court - Northwest Regional Center. 2. A judge pro tempore may be appointed to serve in the county where he or she lives, or another county. Contact. The Clerk of the Superior Court will not reject documents that do not comply with formats not required
They listen to both sides and make decisions based on the law. text-align: center; Electronic service is currently not available through eFiling Online. Any individual, partnership, association or corporation may file a small claims suit for a situation in which the dispute is for $3,500 or less. .partytd.Gray { A participant who files a document electronically shall have the same responsibility as a person filing a document in paper format for ensuring that the document is properly filed, that it is complete and readable, and that a copy has been provided to other parties in the case. Admin. Thank you for visiting the Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court. CORP Website All pleadings, motions, memoranda of law, orders, and other documents electronically filed shall be maintained in electronic format by the Clerk of the Superior Court as the original and official record of the Court. For those filing participants who utilize the services of an authorized EFSP, the Court has authorized that provider to collect payment of filing fees. For the purpose of retrieving electronically maintained documents, access by the public shall be to the Clerk's electronic document management system, where official electronic documents are maintained. Any individual, partnership, association or corporation may file a small claims suit for a situation in which the dispute is for $3,500 or less. Ballot measures Other cases in which the demand or value of property in controversy amounts to one thousand dollars or more, exclusive of interest and costs. Parties involved in family court cases assigned to any division will be allowed to eFile pleadings, or conventionally file their pleadings. Latin ALPHALatvian color: white; Apply today! Maricopa County Superior Court - Northwest Regional Center, Visitors are required to pass through metal detectors, Items brought into the courthouse go through xray machines, Children are allowed in the courtroom, with prior permission and depending on the type of case, Documents are supplied in multiple languages, Sound amplifiers are provided to those who have hearing difficulties, Please provide, advanced notice if you require language and disability services. VietnameseWelsh Audio and video recordings.
Court Interpretation and Translation Services. 13-602" and hyperlink that text to the URL -- Select language -- Ballotpedia features 395,557 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. It shall be the responsibility of the filing party to resubmit any rejected document with appropriate corrections. A participant may electronically transmit a document in .pdf, .doc, or .docx format. It will remain, however, the responsibility of the filing party to confirm that other parties have received a copy of the filing. Many of these services you can find access to at the links below or by visiting one of our many facilities. CzechDanish The judicial officer assigned to a tax court case may choose to order the filing party to electronically refile any document that is not in compliance with the Supreme Court's mandatory eFiling order and filed conventionally. in Ariz. Code Jud. Each hyperlink must contain a text reference to the target of the link. Cases and proceedings in which exclusive jurisdiction is not vested by law in another court. The judicial officer will determine if any filing deadlines will be extended as a result of the rejection of an eFiled document. Please note, this list is meant as a general guide. The superior court acts as an appellate court for justice and municipal courts. Haitian Creole ALPHAHebrew However, courtroom exhibits are governed by the Court's eExhibit policy (2004-013) and shall be handled in the conventional manner. Probation Supervision
[5], Local courts in Arizona .bptable.gray th { background:#4c4c4c;color:#fff; }. } Filing: Documents, either electronic or paper, submitted to the Clerk for filing. Local offices. If the judge orders a change of venue, the case shall be transferred to the proper precinct and the plaintiff shall pay all fees. All electronically filed documents shall be formatted in accordance with the applicable rules governing formatting of paper documents,
Notwithstanding any other rules of court, a party who files any document electronically with the Clerk shall not submit a courtesy paper copy of the document to the Court. State executives | Any case participant with standing to file conventionally with the Superior Court may also file electronically in accordance with these guidelines and all applicable statutes and rules of court. U.S. President | Any electronically filed document must be printable with the same content and format as if printed from its authoring program. Public records that are not available online are available from Clerk of the Superior Court locations throughout Maricopa County. The public may access electronically filed and scanned documents of public record through public access terminals located in the Clerk's Office. 2.12 Printing of Electronically Filed Documents. Electronically filed documents are not complete without the electronic file stamp. They may also conduct the initial appearance of a defendant charged with a crime. 2020 Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Reviews Maricopa County Superior Court, Arizona - Ballotpedia If an eFiling submitted through eFiling Online requires a filing fee, the Clerk of the Superior Court, prior to accepting an eFiled document, will verify the fee and will contact the filing party by phone or email for credit card payment or adjustment of the fee amount. Arizona Superior Court In some counties, the clerk also serves as the jury commissioner. eFiling Online -
Volunteer-AmeriCorps, Helpful Links All proposed forms of order and judgments shall be submitted in .doc or .docx format. UkrainianUrdu ALPHA Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. Human Resources, Volunteer Arizona is one of eight states that use partisan elections to initially select judges and then use retention elections to determine whether judges should remain on the bench. Look up a Justice Courts Case. The Clerk of the Superior Court makes no warranty of any kind with respect to
Employment | Maricopa County, AZ If a proposed form of order is submitted as a main document, it will be lodged with the Court along with any supporting exhibits, but only the proposed order will be filed into the case file, and only after it is signed by the judicial officer. *To view these documents you must have
BelarusianBulgarian GalicianGeorgian ALPHA consequential damages arising out of your use or inability to use this Internet service. The Office was created to be responsive to the public, mindful of the taxpayer, andindependent of the court itself. Rule 5.2, Rules of Civil Procedure; and Rule 1, Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court; and in conformance with such other formats as the Court may require from time to time provided these formats do not
Pursuant to Supreme Court Administrative Order 2018-81, court rules, including Maricopa County Local Rules, that require or allow paper copies to be provided to judicial divisions do not apply to electronically filed documents in the Superior Court in Maricopa County. Some counties offer these services in more than one location. The Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court is not responsible for the content of external sites. in a specific rule of procedure, statute, administrative order, or these guidelines. file the issued document. Self-represented litigants in tax court (TX) cases are strongly encouraged to use an authorized EFSP for all tax court post-initiation filings. If the defendant fails to file a timely request for a change of venue, that right is waived. A participant may electronically transmit a document in .pdf, .doc, or .docx format. ThaiTurkish .partytd.Green { The Clerks Office was established by the State Constitution to serve the citizens, legal community, andthe Superior Court. 602-506-3204. 2.05 File Transmission, Confirmation, Acceptance, and Rejections. 2.09 Documents Not Permitted To Be Electronically File
Exhibits and appendices to pleadings may be filed and served electronically. Volunteer-CASA The user
AfrikaansAlbanian SwahiliSwedish 2.14 Interruption In Service
text-align: center; A proposed form of order or judgment shall be uploaded as a supporting document to a motion, which should be the Main Document, or to a stipulation or notice. background-color: #003388; The public may access electronically filed and scanned documents of public record through public access terminals located in the Clerk's Office. [5], Arizona general elections are held on the first Tuesday in November of every even-numbered year. State Bar of Arizona As an example, the electronically filed document may contain a reference like "A.R.S. (b) Hyperlinks, Bookmarks, and Other Electronic Navigational Aids. If electronic service by other means is utilized, it shall comply with all applicable state and local court rules. SwahiliSwedish The Judicial Branch of Arizona is responsible for the operational oversight of both general and limited jurisdiction courts in Maricopa County. There is no right to appeal the decision of the Tax Courts small claims division. The Judicial Branch of Arizona in Maricopa County is dedicated to providing a safe, fair and impartial forum for resolving disputes, enhancing access to our services, and providing innovative, evidence based programs that improve the safety of our community and ensure the public's trust and confidence in the Judicial Branch. ArabicArmenian ALPHA Clerk of the Superior Court eFile Support: Local Phone: 602-572-5375. When a decision is appealed, the case is heard from the start (trial de novo) in superior court. document will bear the printed name of the filing participant preceded by the symbol "/s/". Website, New Years Day; Martin Luther King Jr. Day; President's Day; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; Veteran's Day; Thanksgiving; Day after Thanksgiving; Christmas Day; New Year's Eve. The Superior Court is divided into Civil, Criminal, Family, and Juvenile courts, with specialty courts including the probate court, tax court, and homeless . Applications and orders for deferral or waiver of court fees and/or costs. 2012 Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Reviews summonses, subpoenas, and warrants). Electronic Service: Electronic transmission of a copy of the document to case participants as required by statute and Court rule and as designated by the filing party. CatalanChinese (Simplified) cause participants to invest significant resources in making changes. Superior Court Judge Qualifications This file stamp shall be applied to the electronic document and shall be visible when the document is printed and viewed on-line. The Superior Court is a court of general jurisdiction over cases relating to criminal felonies, juveniles, families, probate/mental health, tax, and civil. Conventionally File: Filing or service of paper documents. Adobe Acrobat Reader installedon yourcomputer. State legislature | Documents requested or ordered to be filed (lodged) under seal. Created by the Information Technology Group. Email: eFilings file stamped in this manner shall have the same force and effect as documents filed in the conventional manner.
Public Access to Court Information - Arizona Judicial Branch if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; .courts-container { background-color:#fcfcfc; width:100%; border:1px solid black;padding:5px;text-align:center;clear:both; } EstonianFilipino Any plaintiff or petitioner shall file a complaint or petition and serve a summons on each defendant or respondent in the conventional manner. In most cases the arbitrator is an attorney, either alone or as part of a panel. Arizona Revised Statutes Volunteer-CASA SerbianSlovak The Arizona Supreme Court designates a presiding judge for counties with two or more superior court judges. Self-represented litigants are exempt from any mandatory eFiling requirements. Use of this website, its content and its information is subject to Arizona Supreme Court Rule 123.
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