The other sisters were in the living room watching TV. Lynn Sr.: Nah, it's not really my type of game son. No Such Luck Extended - The Loud House Encyclopedia Nsl Stories - Wattpad The siblings, minus Lily and Luna, and Parents gasp. Y'know, I remember when I used to just play a cowbell. Just, please stop comparing me to my sisters. After the events of Sound of Silence, Lincoln was angry at his sisters for pranking him and havent talked to them after the visit of the hospital. Lincoln took a sip out of a glass of red fruit punch, and Lori turned to the audience. When Clyde, Lincoln's only remaining friend betrayed the boy eventually, he decided to run away and leave everyt Y/N is a very kind and caring teenager to those he meets. He chooses to leave. Lynn Sr.: I sure am Luna! Here is my 19th fanfic, almost up to my 20th. Luna was shocked of how mad her brother was. marcy polly adventure +8 more # 10 the loud house:error lincoln by Charles Jacobo 21.4K 264 20 Luna froze and small tears came down her cheeks. bajo esos trminos usar mallitas no suena tan mal. Loan es la hija incestuosa de Lori y Lincoln ella aun no lo sabe y cree que Bobby Jr. Es su padre, que pasara cuando descubra sus origenes?, me gusta mucho el personaje asi que quiz escribir mi headcannon. (Later, when Luan and Lynn Sr. left for the comedy show, Lincoln sat down on the couch in depression). Now he has a somewhat Unorthodox family. Our bro propablly hates now! You done goofed up now. (stands up). Lynn Sr.: Great job son. When Reina's date doesn't go as planned, Bobby's dragged from his quiet night of model building and rushes to her aid. Syngenesophobia Chapter 1: An Angry House, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Syngenesophobia By: That Engineer A general term for the fear of relatives, which can include siblings. Lori quickly ran towards her room and was screaming fear. She has no one left, her brother left her when he turned 20 and her Nene refused to look after her, Sage is shifted to a foster home Serena has a abusive father, her mother died and since then she has nightmares. Also if anyone has seen Liv and Maddie or Modern Family, Im gonna be adding those little interview/chat things where th Das antes de que el mundo cambiara para siempre al enterarse de la existencia de seres con caractersticas nicas, la mejor amiga de Lincoln, Ronnie Anne, se ve forzada a encontrarle un origen a la misteriosa maldicin que la persigue, as como descubrir los motivos que tiene una malvada organizaci (* ) (Lincoln heard what his father said, and finally had enough. Anyway, Here is my new fanfic: Loud Redemption. What do you say? (Suddenly, Lincoln hears Lynn Sr. screaming, as he runs to him). Lori and Luna were growling at each other with fury and they looked like they were about to kill each other. Credit goes to AnimationFan15 for suggesting the title. Maria wasn't in her usual nurse clothes on because she was gonna take the rest of the day off, but when she heard about the school fire and saw her daughter being taken into the hospital, she stayed for a bit longer . (The two chased after the Weasel, but the Weasel was faster than them, and they eventually found themselves lost in the woods). My name is Blaze Summers, and this is the story of how I fell in love without really knowing I was in love. "Honestly, I can't think of a punishment for you ten", Rita said. Because of being labeled bad luck, Lincoln was horribly mistreated by his own family. Luna then walked upstairs, while other sisters slowly follow. I went camping with him last week, and we had an awesome time. "That was fun", Lola said, "let's do it every year.". Later that night, the girls were eating dinner, when Lana noticed something. Well.. take a wild guess. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Lana struggled with getting Lily's diaper on. "Mom, dad", Lori said, "we weren't expecting you until tomorrow.". The noise stopped and they heard Luna coming out of the room. Am I going to die?! Sonic, a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog, goes to Royal Woods to escape the roboticist tyrant Dr. Eggman, who destroyed the island where he lived. Lynn Sr.: You see, when I was your age, my Dad was just like me. A review of this fanfiction by Thomperfan. Lori was now starting to get mad at her sisters and stormed towards her, grabbing the bad, but Luna didnt let go. Join Rudy Loud the Bastard Son of Lincoln as he and his Siblings (Loan, Leina, Lyra, Liby, Lyle, Lacy, Lupa, Lizy, Leia and Lulu) take you all across their Crazy Lives along with their parents. You and your stupid tattle tale bogus. "Now remember", Rita said, "we'll pick you up Thursday morning. On the way back, the girls talked about their camping trip. "Well", Lori said, "Scratchy Bottom Campgrounds here we come.". Go to your room. Loudhouse Stories - Wattpad Y'know, I used to play a bunch of soccer when I was a kid. (points at Lola) You are also grounded, until you learn your mistake and apologise to your brother. ", "I don't believe I've had this s'more you speak of", Lisa said, "what's it like? Mr. McBride: I agree with you. Clyde: Man, I'm really excited for our holiday! My tenth fanfiction, a sequel to my least favorite season 1 episode In Tents Debate. READ TO FIND OUT! Will he help her escape this nightmare called life? For most, the fear alone would kill. Lynn 'Victory' Loud III wrestled with these thoughts in her head. Thats his stalker, friend and obsessed admirer, all in one package! Losing Him (Fanfic) - TV Tropes Lori got up and was now furious. Two short vignettes from Lincoln and Lucy's married life, When young Lucy Loud tampered with forces beyond her understanding, she never imagined that her curiosity would cost her her very existence. She was shaking in anger and looked at Lola with gritted teeth. Lincoln: (angry) Why Dad?! and since then she has nightmares. ", "Now come on", Rita said, "let's get you girls home.". Well, how about some comics? Luan: So Dad, I saw this show about beavers, and it was a "dam" good show! Just a normal afternoon in the Loud House as Leia tries to ask her older brother Logan for help. Or will they deny you? Credit goes to AnimationFan15 for suggesting the title. Or will it all be A failing student? Lynn Sr.: (shocked) Lincoln! The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. (kneels down to him) I'm proud of you. Lola walked away, and stepped in something nasty. I really like the character so maybe I'll write my headcannon. Lori (mad): WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY ROOM? When he walked inside, he saw Lynn Sr. on the sofa watching football on the TV). "Okay", Lori said, "you take a graham cracker, put a piece of chocolate on it, then the marshmallow, and squish it all between another graham cracker.". Lynn Sr. (mad): Lola, thats enough. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. User blog:Austria-Man/Truth or Fanfiction? The Sin Kids (The Loud House) - Works - Archive of Our Own Kyle Jones is king of a worldwide gang and the ghetto that Ruby lives in. I shouldn't have favored one child over the other, and I should love you guys equally. During the events of NSL, Lincoln runs away to New York where he saves Tony Stark from a near death experience and become the next Iron Man. Having nobody but each other. They got in Vanzilla and Lynn Sr. took notice of Lily's fur diaper. I mean, he has a lot of fun with you, Luna, and Luan. The girls smiled, knowing that Lincoln was happy. Lincoln: You think that could work between me and Dad? Be glad, it wasnt permenant. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. User blog:TMarioD/Fanfiction- Loud Redemption | The Loud House It was quiet. Rita (mad): Well I dont blame Luna for being this angry at you. of Lincoln trying to keep his ten adult sisters happy. How to Prevent People from seeing your true face. Well, that makes me feel better. Luan used the hide to dry off Lola's shoe. You shouldnt be scared to be against someone, especially when that someone is doing something wrong. Haven lives in an abusive home and is an outcast who hates her life. Luna (mad): Save it missy! [Lincoln walks out of Lori and Leni's room knowing for absolute certain, that the former would be mad at him.] Trapped within a realm of pure darkness, the Louds find that there is more to fear than what lurks in the shadows. ", "First roast your marshmallows", Lori said, "then I'll tell you.". Hope things get better sooner. Originally, the focus was going to be Lincoln staying in Vanzilla until his sisters apologized, but I abandoned that concept in favor of the girls going to Scratchy Bottom Campgrounds and coming to enjoy it. You just moved into a new town, meaning a whole new school, also meaning a whole new life. The Loud House Fanfiction Stories | Quotev He "LOVE: A dirty trick played on us to achieve continuation of the species." Her was down and she walked towards the house slowly. Lori knocked on the window and Lynn Sr. rolled it down. Lincoln: Ahh, there's nothing better than reading comic books on a beautiful day like this. In a town of Michigan lives a 11 year old boy named Lincoln Loud. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lynn Sr.: (speaks to himself) Y'know, if he was more athletic like Lynn, he'd have no problem with this. Lincoln: (trying to set up the tent) Y-Yeah! Lincoln: Ahh, there's nothing better than reading comic books on a beautiful day like this. A New Father by admiralDT8 on DeviantArt This was the second story requested by a user (Veenster7), the first was "Cheer-Loud-ers" (FirstDrellSpectre). Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (8), Alternate Universe - The Sin Kids (The Loud House) (32), Alternate Universe - The Sin Kids (The Loud House), Lincoln Loud/Original Female Character(s), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Original Loud Character(s) (The Loud House). How about a round? We had lots of fun, didn't we Lincoln? Luna: So he was a good ottoman to you? The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale, User blog:0640carlos/Back To The Saxxys (The Loud House edition), User blog:0640carlos/The Death of Lincoln Loud, User blog:282838383jdjdidid/Loud house Lincoln baby years, User blog:321SPONGEBOLT/The Loud House Fan-Comic: Good Idea/Bad Idea, User blog:321SPONGEBOLT/The Loud House: The Best of Nolan, User blog:761954/Fanfiction - Rowboat Reminiscence, User blog:8AnimeChampMaster/Fanfic: New Mortician Member, User blog:ActionMan218FDUser/Fanfiction/The Chang of the Whistle, User blog:ADragonNamedKingGhidorah/Luna Fanbase in a Nutshell, User blog:ADragonNamedKingGhidorah/Luna's Revenge, User blog:AdrianaCartoonFangirl/Hush Little Genius: A Loud House Fanfiction, User blog:AdrianMier50/Loud House Project: Spider-Linc, User blog:AndrewBrauer/Fan Fiction - Ballin' Around, User blog:AndrewBrauer/Fanfiction - Classic Loud, User blog:AndrewBrauer/Fanfiction - Full House, User blog:AndrewBrauer/Fanfiction - Go Your Own Loud, User blog:AndrewBrauer/Fanfiction - In The Name of Loud, User blog:AndrewBrauer/Fanfiction - It's All Loud and Clear Now Part 1, User blog:AndrewBrauer/Fanfiction - Luna Lost in the World, User blog:AndrewBrauer/Fanfiction - Mutual Encounters, User blog:AndrewBrauer/Fanfiction - Rock With You (Loud Baby), User blog:AndrewBrauer/Fanfiction - Switch Wish, User blog:AndrewBrauer/Fanfiction - The Return of Ace Savvy, User blog:AndrewBrauer/Fanfiction - Twisted Night, User blog:AndrewBrauer/Fanfiction - Whipped, User blog:AndrewBrauer/Loud Days of Summer, User blog:AndrewBrauer/Re-Written Episode: Making the Case, User blog:AndrewBrauer/Whipped - Alternate Version, User blog:AngryBirdsaao1/AngryBirdsaao1's Fanfiction - Larry-Boy and the Ghost of the Bumblyburg Autumn Funfair, User blog:AngryBirdsaao1/AngryBirdsaao1's Fanfiction - One Cousin, Eleven Siblings, User blog:AnimationFan15/Certificate of Excellence, User blog:AnimationFan15/Fanfiction - Bun-Bun Bonanza, User blog:AnimationFan15/Fanfiction - Dance Trance, User blog:AnimationFan15/Fanfiction - Eternal Madness of the Loud Mind, User blog:AnimationFan15/Fanfiction - Hearts of Gold, User blog:AnimationFan15/Fanfiction - Loudcasts, User blog:AnimationFan15/Fanfiction - On a Roll, User blog:AnimationFan15/Fanfiction - Pony Up, User blog:AnimationFan15/Fanfiction - Pranking Pariah, User blog:AnimationFan15/Fanfiction - Shut the Duck Up, User blog:AnimationFan15/Fanfiction - Stop and Smell the Roses, User blog:AnimationFan15/Fanfiction - Whitewashed, User blog:Asdfgrew/Freaky Loud Day/Hypnosis Hijinks, User blog:Asdfgrew/Lived up the Wrong tree Episode 1: Hang-Gliding up the Wrong tree, User blog:Asdfgrew/Treehouse of Horror IV, User blog:AustinDR/Character Retrospect: Lola, User blog:AustinDR/Fanfiction - Lola Browses deviantART, User blog:AustinDR/Fanfiction: Hellfire (Parody), User blog:AustinDR/Fanfiction: Lincoln's Farewell, User blog:AustinDR/Fanfiction: Loud House: The King in Yellow, User blog:AustinDR/Fanfiction: Remembering Lincoln, User blog:AustinDR/Fanfiction: Surfin' Bird. (Lori gave Leni a cold stare, she then sits down next to Lucy and Lisa, Lynn Sr. serves them a special breakfast) Lynn Sr.: Hey kids, I got you something special, Heart shaped pancakes, just to show my love for all of you, just a special Valentines day breakfast to honor the holiday of love. User blog:BatSam247/Vengeance on the Fool, User blog:Bearquarter2008/Bearquarter's Toy Story 2, User blog:Bernfrischcartoons/My Loud House Character, User blog:Blackace27/Loudtale: do it yourself, User blog:Blackace27/Nolan and Lenis spider dance, User blog:Blackace27/The Nightmares of The Louds, Chapter 1: Lori, User blog:Blaiirrr/Band Geeks (TLH Version), User blog:Blaiirrr/Chocolate with Nuts (TLH Version), User blog:Blaiirrr/I had an Accident (TLH Version), User blog:BlueKraid/Fanfiction - Tiny Lily, User blog:Bobbybooboobear/Fanfiction - Cartoon Chaos, User blog:Bobbybooboobear/Fanfiction - LOL: Lori Out Loud, User blog:Bobbybooboobear/Fanfiction - The Boy Who Cried Idiot: The Sequel, User blog:Bobbybooboobear/Fool's Paradise - Epilogue. But you fear to show her and your family your werewolf side. ", "I'll admit, that was selfish of you using them", Rita said, "but you did make up for it. A continuation of the first part. She then was walking towards where her and Luans room is, but she was holding a baseball bat in her hand. Eventually, the puma runs past them to find some prey, as Lincoln and Lynn Sr. take their masks off). "But what about the forest people", Lori asked. Do you think Lincoln would even want to talk to any of us of what we did to him these past few days? ", "I'm actually glad to be going home", Leni said, "I'm ready to apologize to Lincoln.". Thanks to you! User blog:Dinoco95/The Loudra Lair stories, User blog:Discofurby/Anger Unmanagement, Part 1, User blog:Discofurby/Anger Unmanagement, Part 3, User blog:Discofurby/Anger Unmanagement, Part 4, User blog:Discofurby/Anger Unmanagement, Part 5, User blog:Discofurby/Cliff's Christmas Chaos, This category contains articles about Fanfictions from users based on. As they went in the house, Lynn Sr. and Rita noticed that Lincoln was still in Vanzilla. This is a story I had to write for school. Meanwhile, a small-town boy with a large family 3 stories go 3 different ways, but somehow these three stories are all connected. User blog:Bobbybooboobear/Joke Fanfiction - Buenos Dias, Lori! Lincoln: Uh, 10 times.. Lori: NO! Luna: I didn't want to be kicked out too. Enjoy! Rape is a, very heavy word. Father-Son Camp. *The Loud Sisters minus Lynn leave the house, as it cuts to the McBride house, with Lincoln eating dinner, which is pierogis and rice and beans* Howard: That's rough, buddy. Luna had some small blood coming from her nose, and also bruises everhwere. Lincoln just rolled the window up and sat down. The Loud House Fanfic #13-Love Surgery - DeviantArt Then, he saw a Weasel taking their food). Luna decided to invite Lucy to come to her and Sam concert as a way for the two of them to bond with eachother and there dad. Sure son! Ruby Hathaway has been on the streets ever since she was twelve. Lynn Sr.: Hey, I'm no better than you Luan. User blog:AustinDR/Latest Story in the React Series, User blog:AustinDR/Lincoln Reacts to Puppy Monkey Baby, User blog:AustinDR/Lisa Browses deviantART, User blog:AustinDR/Luan Reacts to I Love My Brother, User blog:AustinDR/Luan's Problem (Part 2), User blog:AustinDR/Luan's Problem (Part 3), User blog:AustinDR/Lucy and Lynn React to the It Trailer, User blog:AustinDR/Lynn Browses deviantART (And Additional), User blog:AustinDR/Shattered Innocence (Part 2), User blog:AustinDR/The Kids React to Mr. Krabs' Unquenchable Bloodlust, User blog:AustinDR/The Loud Kids React to "In a Heartbeat", User blog:AustinDR/The Loud Kids React to: Racist Mario, User blog:AustinDR/The Puppets Meet the Louds, User blog:AustinDR/There's a Man in the Woods, User blog:AustinDR/This is the Story of Lily, User blog:Austria-Man/A Loud House Fanfic: Heroine or not Heroine. You never want to spend time with me! I don't own The Loud House or it's characters, Th when Lincoln got kick out something appeard it is error Lincoln but something is wrong he is hurt when Lincoln got closer error told Lincoln something and Lincoln agreed. You just gotta get into the camping lifestyle! A tutor? Lynn Sr: LINCOLN, WHERE IS YOUR SUIT, GET BACK OUTSIDE! Boys. We're still going to that comedy show. "Come on Lincoln", Lynn Sr. said, "we're going out for some ice cream.". Is that so wrong? g g . ", "Hey guys", Lana said, "let's go swimming!". Don't make any sudden movements! What happens when the worst things possible tr Danna is twelve and absolutely adores sports. Lincoln: Because pumas tend to attack from behind. The next morning, Lori woke to a disgusting smell. Pranking him and making him scared is one thing, but making him your ottoman? This story is about a girl named Sarah, and her flashbacks about her past suicides. "Eww", Lola said, "I stepped in Lana poo!". The Radiation emitted that night ex During the events of nsl Lincoln is raped by his family as this causes his mind to shatter into 9 other parts each with their own personality and some with powers. Broken Chapter 1, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction They jumped in and began playing around in the water. Will Alex be able to save her? Dont think of following me. The Loud parents and Sisters gain powers from one of Lisa's experiments blowing up, Lincoln was away on a trip with Clyde, so while his family became heroes like many ot omfggggg ok so ive seen so fucking many of wack ass fanfics abt the loud house like gurl- ", "No it wasn't", Lori said, "we just did some things for you so you'd pick our place, and then we tried to show you the bad parts of the other choice, and". Everyone was startled by Lucys sudden appearance. This is another NSL fanfic that shows a different take from the first NSL fanfic that I've made which is still ongoing. I didn't work on this story by myself I got help fro Lincoln's life changes when a woman comes to adopt him when he was left to die in a squirrel suit. The parents quickly ran upstairs were shocked by the outcome. I looked at myself in horror of the new me. Trending pages Careful or Careless The Loud House Grown Ups Luck The Last Linc It's Still a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House Casted Away Loud Lost Memory The Diary of a Loud All items (666) However, it got the attention of the Loud family one afternoon. Category:Fanfiction | The Loud House Encyclopedia | Fandom Lincoln: (Shows them on his laptop) I could go to the police and get you arrested for this. User blog:Dinoco95/The Loudra Lair - Who Smelled and Dealt It? Its Lincolns fault in the 1st place. ", "Tell me about it", Lincoln said, "I got attacked by some maniac forest people. Luna (furious): Lincoln isnt in the mood right now and so am I. "That was the best vacation ever", they said. Luna: What was that sis? Lori had a black eye on left, messed up hairs and bruises on her arms, legs and even her right cheek. "What's with the roadkill", Lynn Sr. asked. Lynn Sr.: Sorry son, racing games have never been my type. "That's actually pretty good", Lisa said. Lincoln looks down in sorrow). After years of abuse from his family Lincoln finally snapped and goes on a crime spree. User blog:BatSam247/The Loud House- JUST EXPLAIN! Lincoln: Gee Dad, I had no idea. ", "Yes", Rita said, "and you ten are going to suffer the same thing he went through.". But Ruby is not like most. After the Bad luck fiasco, he is still kicked o Lincoln loud a 11 year old boy and the only male child of the loud family, Join him on his night out What does she think she is? They then saw Vanzilla parked in front of their camp. However, Lincoln in this story is the dubbed "Quiet Kid". Even a torn shirt. ", "Ha", Lynn Sr. said, "I told you they existed!". The story takes place after the Loud family kick Lincoln out of the house after believing he is bad luck; this leaves Lincoln to question if his own family even loved him at all. Luan: (walks into the room) Hey Dad, did you remember about today? (Sometime later, Lincoln was in the living room, when he could hear music playing from the garage. leniloud theloudhouse lisaloud +14 more # 2 Lincoln: Loud Ace Of Crime by Alex Debi 28.6K 358 53 Loan is the incestuous daughter of Lori and Lincoln, she doesn't know it yet and believes that Bobby Jr. is her father, what will happen when she discovers her origins? (voice breaks) I bet you love them more than me! Lori: LINCOLN!!!!!!!! Lemy tem se sentido cada vez mais estranho desde que completou 13 anos, as mudanas no seu corpo e sua libido desenfreada era um claro sinal de sua puberdade, ele s no esperava oque essa puberdade significava para um Loud. I do not own Loud House or any images that might be used, I just own my Oc. ", "Flint and steel", Lori said, "it's what you use to make a fire.". Who is Annabelle you ask? Haha! After accidentally causing a massive power outage while hiding in the small town, Sonic is found by Eggman. Lincoln and the other sisters, aside from Lisa got their heaing back from Lisas explosion and were going back home from the hospital. Lynn Sr.: Of course I am Lincoln. Lincoln: (to reader) Uh oh, when Dad's voice is that loud, NO ONE is safe. Lincoln: (notices their footprints) No we're not! He was locked outside forced to eat and sleep there. You know how Lola is when she is mad. Lola (mad): But you all agreed to this. Join Rudy Loud the Bastard Son of Lincoln as he and his Siblings (Loan, Leina, Lyra, Liby, Lyle, Lacy, Lupa, Lizy, Leia and Lulu) take you all across their Crazy Lives along with their parents. YOU CARE NOTHING, BUT YOURSELF! Everyone was shocked and gasped. Lincoln runs down the stairs, but trips on the first stair and has a horrific fall and lands all the way on the bottom stair, Mrs. Johnson and Clyde rushes to him while Mrs. Johnson calls 911. My tenth fanfiction, a sequel to my least favorite season 1 episode In Tents Debate. Lincoln looked lonely seeing his Dad spending time with his daughter. Lincoln: [in Lori and Leni's room] Lori? Language: English. (Lincoln looks away from Chandler, and spots Clyde and his Dads walking outside their house). I understand how he feels, when he wants some alone time, but because of your childish and mean behaviour, we were too scared to go against your plan. Lincoln (mad): Luna. Rita: He just needs to blow off some steam, that's all. What started as an ordinary night leads to something more as the two rekindle their bond and face their true feelings. Not All Parents Deserve Children I stared blankly at the single mirror in the room. Thanks for the idea, Lynn. (Lincoln watches Lynn and Lynn Sr. playing some soccer, and he begins to feel a little bit lonely). As que tome asiento y disfrute su trago [Alguno de estos pueden ser bastante fuertes, as como no tener sentido]. Michael, knowing a thing or two about these struggles goes to him to try and break him out of them. Luna just looked at Lori. Some parts will be based off of episodes some will not. "Look", Rita said, "you can't spend your life in a van.".
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