Wonder Woman and Black Adam hide the tyrannical nature of the Regime from Supergirl and train her to use her powers in secret, though Brainiac attacks Earth after being alerted to Kal-El's survival due to his Regime's supporting the Sinestro Corps. All Kryptonians are capable of long range telepathic communication. Superpowered Kryptonians are vulnerable to kryptonite, radioactive remnants of Krypton, magic and solar radiation from red and orange suns. The Phantom Zone also appears in one episode. Copyright 19982023 Simon Ager | Email: | Hosted by Kualo, http://www.supermanhomepage.com/comics/comics.php?topic=comics-kryptonian_alphabet, Constructed scripts for constructed languages. Further deepening the land-language connection are elements of Cree syllabics Schreyer brought to this project remember her undergrad directed study? In Superman's story mode ending, Batman is defeated, though Superman spares him due to not wanting him to become a martyr. Turkish | Her mother Alura rescues her from Brainiac's drones and reveals she and Jor-El have both been working to create two ships, one for Kara and the other for her baby cousin Kal-El. Brainiac destroys Metropolis reminding Superman of his past failure, causing him to attack the ship with all his might, only to be seemingly killed by Brainiac. This is a conundrum that I have seen every depiction of Krypton struggle with. While the alphabet is used to write the majority of the language, the ideograph is largely used to represent its bound morphology (e.g., verb tenses, particles, and adpositions). A previous version of this article included an incorrect version of the Superman commemorative coins which Schreyer was not involved with. In some continuities Kryptonians are difficult to clone because their DNA is so complex that human science is not advanced enough to decipher it. While the other Kryptonians receive great strength and speed from Earth's sun, they require solar-suits to regulate the radiation and avoid being stricken by pain. Is there website that will allow me to send kryptonian text to someone over the internet? After being separated from Earth by a culture that evolved completely outside of them, they speak perfect English but dont speak in a language theyve never heard of. Great simplification! In the season finale, Zod makes his first full bodied appearance on the series, along with a large number of other Kryptonians who are later revealed to be clones created as part of an old experiment. On the Arrowverse television series Supergirl the official Kryptonian transliteration font is used for depictions of the Kryptonian language in various scenes throughout the series. Linguistically speaking I'm guessing they just made it simple since they were English writers. The stories also use "Kryptonian" as an adjective to refer to anything created by or associated with the planet itself or the cultures that existed on it. Pretty cool! Supergirl compares his methods to General Zod's and briefly fights Superman and his allies, though Brainiac's attack forces them to focus on dealing with him first. It's a very interesting coincidence that there is such a correspondence between the Kryptonian alphabet and the English alphabet. Under the guidance of Zeta-Rho's A.I. Presumably they'd have needed to write on Krypton as well, though perhaps as in Star Wars there's no paper Ha- a particular fantasy of mine is to hear a choral Superman theme sung in Kryptonese. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. While it isn't explicitly stated that its prisoners are Kryptonian by birth, one resembles General Zod, and another has powers similar to Superman. The different Houses were also broken up into a loosely-based caste system as well. It's best they learn the 2nd most used language here. In 2000, DC introduced a transliteration alphabet for the written language, dropping the "Kryptonese" moniker in favor of the more commonly assumed "Kryptonian." Fictional race native to the planet Krypton. Certain individuals (including Conner Kent, Chris Kent, and some Phantom Zone criminals) have sometimes been depicted with "tactile telekinesis" which allows Kryptonians to lift and manipulate large objects whose own structural strength might not otherwise survive the process. I love Languages are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. When it comes to subtitles, most fans prefer that to having to understand a foreign language or having to read multiple subtitles. Everything is round on Krypton. In later depictions, their abilities are attributed to the differences between Earth's gravity and that of Krypton and the different radiation of the stars they orbit. [10] It can be demonstrated that one Kryptonian sun-cycle is approximately 1.37 Earth years, as follows: Using this ratio of 1.37 Earth years per Kryptonian year (amzet), and ignoring any potential Kryptonian leap day and any differences in time of day, one can approximate other units of time: Major events in the Kryptonian calendar include:[17]. Superman telling Supergirl that he's shy about his . For the 2013 film, Man of Steel, linguistic anthropologist Christine Schreyer was brought in to develop a new and unique writing system and spoken language for Krypton, unrelated to any previous depictions of Kryptonian. Note: all links on this site to Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.fr are affiliate links. I dont recall seeing a explanation of it. Needless to say, finding all of the relevant material, let alone getting a coherent grasp of it, is a difficult and daunting task. The animated adaptation of All-Star Superman features the inhabitants of Kandor, and a pair of surviving Kryptonian astronauts named Bar-El and Lilo. However, in some continuations humans are not only able to reproduce with Kryptonians, but are able to create fertile offspring with them.[4]. Krypton, birthplace of Superman. Throughout the site you will encounter facts and references to Kryptonian culture and history; Although I try to rely on existing canon as much as possible, much of this material has been created by me for various reasons. In the animated film Superman: Unbound Brainiac abducted and shrunk the people of both Kandor and Argo City from Krypton. The syllabic system used for writing is similar to Japanese hiragana and katakana, two popular Japanese forms. These interactions with fans of the Kryptonian language depict how interested people are in constructed languages, and Schreyer explains in the documentary that this interest can help languages that are endangered in real life. In the world of Superman & Lois (which takes place on an unnamed Earth that is different from Prime-Earth), Superman's older maternal half-brother Tal-Rho (operating with the alias of Morgan Edge) was also sent to Earth by his father Zeta-Rho in an evacuation rocket but became embittered by his negative first contacts with humanity and became a villain. The 2013 film Man of Steel featured Kryptonian writing created by graphic designer Kirsten Franson. Sanskrit | Minionese Spoken by the Minions in the Despicable Me. Kryptonians are a fictional extraterrestrial race within the DC Comics universe that originated on the planet Krypton. var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; For example, Kryptonian includes a voiced glottal fricative, or what a voiced h would sound like to English speakers, which Dr. Schreyer added to a list of existing phonetic rules to make the language more alien sounding. This is a sound English speakers are capable of producing, but is not found in any words in the English language. Supergirl refuses to join him, though Superman reveals he has used Brainiac's technology to turn Batman into a brainwashed slave and threatens to do the same to Kara if she continues to resist. This remark appears to prove untrue in Superman II, as prisoners of the Phantom Zone, such as General Zod, also survive the destruction of Krypton. Dr. Schreyer teamed up with graphic designer Kirsten Franson who designed the look of the writing. As a random squiggle, the language appears in the Superman comics at first. As Superman he forms the Justice League and befriends Batman. UBC-O's Dr. Christine Schreyer an associate professor teaching anthropology and linguistics went to Krypton. No one can answer all of these questions. On the planet Krypton, whose parent star has often been depicted as an ancient red supergiant with a relatively low energy output, their natural abilities were the same as humans. Colour-based scripts | Supergirl is horrified to learn her cousin approves of Wonder Woman's actions, though he believes it would be best to deal with Harley after Brainiac is dealt with. In Superman, teenage Clark discovers who he is in the Fortress of Solitude, where a hologram of Jor-El tells him, "You are the only survivor of the planet Krypton." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kryptonian Created May 16, 2013. I left my 'comfortable' job on Facebook to fulfill my dream - educating people worldwide. As a result, I must be imaginative when referring to the fictional world of Kryptonian. Sometimes it is a method to explain or resolve inconsistencies (or to simply pick a side). Man noun : "adult male person" = Sod noun : "adult male person". A plane would fly Perry White into the sky, just as it would fly Superman into space. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'omniglot_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_0',141,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-omniglot_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Information about the Kryptonian alphabet and fonts Inventor of Kryptonian aims to revitalize endangered languages However in the fourth season Young Justice: Phantoms, after Superboy gets accidentally transported to an unknown dimension after being presumed dead after an explosion on Mars, Superboy meets General Dru-Zod and his followers Ursa Zod, Faora Hu-Ul, Non, Kru-El, Jax-Ur, and Vor-Kil and learns that he is in the Phantom Zone. Kryptonian Writing : r/superman Survivors Virtually all Kryptonians perished when Krypton was destroyed due to the war with Zod. This phrase (assumably) derives from something more formal and grammatical, such as have sweet dreams or sweet dreams to you, so the next few words will have variations. 1 The letters used to represent a pronunciation are referred to as pronounced words. Their ability to send data to multiple locations should have been little more . why can't kryptonians survive on tamaran Initially powerless due to their cells having been treated with blue kryptonite radiation, these clones later gain powers when Clark is forced to provide Zod with a sample of his blood to heal him after he is shot, Zod using this blood to empower his followers. The exact number of days between February 29, and June 16 two years later, is 838 (or 2.294 years). This was untrue the scientist Jor-El managed to send his newborn son, Kal-El, off-planet to Earth right before Krypton's demise. The monster Doomsday is the last of the prehistoric Kryptonians. As Earths resources run out, humans are sent to the planet of Kyanfrost to stay and continue humanity there. Anyway, if you haven't seen it already, I encourage you to check my site: Kryptonian.info. Kara and Kal-El escape Krypton as it is destroyed by Brainiac, though Kara's ship is damaged by the explosion knocking it off course and putting Kara into hyper sleep. Learn from Kal-Ik who valued the truth more than his life. There is no one Kryptonian language, as the planet Krypton had many different cultures and languages. Only when youre telling someone you love them or when youre talking about something with them can you use /:zhaoodh khuhp w rraop/. an artificial language for the Kryptonians in Man of Steel. Kryptonian Spoken in the Superman universe within DC Comics, learning how to speak Kryptonian has 13,200 annual Google searches. 73 fanffo (Kryptonian weeks) per amzet (Kryptonian year). Relatively small crystals can hold vast amounts of information. That was a big one there with the Swamp Thing. Supermans S is an example of an ideogram that means hope. Its also the symbol for his house line, El. Schreyer and her team developed a series of glyphs embedded with deeper meaning that fans could generate for themselves online in a glyph creator.
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