Read further to find out how the planet of mysteries, detachments and hardships affects your life. Ketu's energy is sometimes expressed in the behavior of one who does not want to be involved in a material reality. Exaltation and Debilitation: This has been a debatable point in astrology, as per BPHS Ketu is exalted in the sign of Scorpio and debilitated in Taurus, however, many astrologers have disputed this and most modern astrologers now seem to agree that Ketu is exalted in Sagittarius and debilitated in Gemini[citation needed]. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. But he is always concerned and anxious because of his children. And Moon doesn't share a friendly bond with Ketu. 7th house is the house of legal bindings like marriage, business partnership, sexual relationship, laws. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". As per Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu have an orbital cycle of 18 years and are always 180 degrees from each other orbitally (as well as in the birth charts). SATURN. Ketu represents all those who stand up for a cause, a native may become a volunteer for human /animal rights protection; saving someone from atrocities strengthens Ketu. On the other hand, people cannot do so, since Ketu is deeply bound to our spirituality. This also helps promote balance and harmony in our lives and reduces Ketus negative impact on our well-being. Its placement here in the house of pilgrimages, luck, fortune, spirituality and higher learnings accents that nature of Ketu and the native travel more and more in order to amplify his spiritual and philosophical learnings. Cats are also well known for retrieving items and bringing them home. Since Leo represents creative and performing arts, Ketu in Leo takes away that sense of joy from the natives of Leo that was derived through arts. This is the house of secrets, fears, the subconscious mind and isolated places. Therefore, Rahu and Ketu are respectively called the north and the south lunar nodes. Placement of Ketu in the 6th house may make the native prone to accidents and injuries. So, provide help to the most ignored and poor beings and donate Grey coloured clothes to them. . Because 4th house also represents mother and motherly love, Health of native's mother tends to be a matter of concern in native's life. The diseases indicated by Ketu are Cancer, Leprosy, Paralysis, Poor Blood circulation, Anemia, Pain in joints, diseases related to nerves. Therefore, whatever amount Ketu sits in gives the result to the native accordingly. Get the best Horoscope and kundli matching predictions today! Is Rahu your north node? He is known to save the ones afflicted by the Sun God. The second house in Vedic astrology is mainly concerned with the immediate family and possessions with the native. What does the fool tarot card mean as a person? Information about 9 Planets | Future Point Ketu signifies the spiritual process of the refinement of materialisation to the spirit and is considered both malefic and benefic, as it causes sorrow and loss, and yet at the same time turns the individual to God. The planet Ketu is a cruel planet although it has a spiritual aspect to it as well. However, in the case of afflicted Ketu in this position, it might bring about problem in learning things and speech disorders like stammering etc. Ketu is said to be a very powerful planet and can have a profound impact on our lives. According to a theory posted on , The Fool card represents care-free, bohemian spirits. Thus, he stands guard to that eternal door even till date. Your current location was detected automatically. Jupiter is a Large and Incandescent planet of Solar system. Ketu is said to be the planet of detachment and is often associated with enlightenment. The native should keep himself away from the bad company. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Ketu in Astrology feels like he has already experienced the things of the house he sits in. An ascetic is often known to have lost his or her head, the antenna that connects humans to this realm. It is often described as the dragons tail and is traditionally considered a very spiritual planet. Ketu is considered responsible for moksha, sannyasa, self-realization, gnana, a wavering nature, restlessness, the endocrine system and slender physique. If it's incorrect, set it manually. These vibrations are also a sign of Raj-yoga, which is influenced by the permutation and combination of planets in the natives horoscope. The native tends to be a very religious person who is dedicated and likes to take their dedication seriously towards their religious beliefs and values. 3) Ketu represents the most downtrodden and despised. Lack Of Money, Growth and Business Problems? Animals Ketu represents animals like Dog, Vulture, Deer, Dove, animals with thorns, Pig, Donkey, Lizard, Mouse. To find balance in our life, we must learn to find a balance between these two opposing forces. In ancient astrological texts, Ketu is described as having a fierce and frightening aspect. Ketus Mahadasha is for seven years in general. If Ketu is well aspected in this house of natives Kundali, it makes the native a well-informed and knowledgeable person. Its also the house of hidden matters like taxes, occult, mysticism, death and rebirth. The first one of Ketu through Nakshatras, i.e. All Planets in Astrology and Their Significance However, it shows good results regarding the mystical side of life. Rahu is the north node of the Moon and is considered a shadow planet in Vedic astrology. Conversely, those with Ketu in the 5th house can be much more focused on educating their children and enjoy spending time with their little ones. His physical appearance and description are also very fearful. Ketu Relationship with Maternal Grandparents - Bejan Daruwalla Grahas are also Devatas (Deva is the Sanskrit term for male-deity, Devi - the Sanskrit term for "female-deity), which are the sources of energies that structure everything in our world. The Eight of Cups is not , Difference between Vedic and western astrology Vedic astrology is based on the sidereal zodiac a system in which positions of planets are calculated based on where they are actually observed in the sky in , Author Lakeesha Jones tells her lifes story in an uplifting way and offers information that can help readers improve their lives too. For astrology calculations, Ketu is considered neutral or impotent planet. So here we have channelised a few words for you to contemplate on Ketus astrological significance in our lives. READ: - Role of Ketu in Vedic Astrology in Hindi. Nature is formidable but never Evil unlike humankind, thus goes the saying. This card usually carries the meaning of disillusionment and abandonment of things which have not been emotionally fulfilling. Depending on which house ketu is placed in, it can make the native less needy of the qualities of that house, or it can make them seem less desirable. People consider this very materialistic gain as their growth but then this growth is not permanent, it ceases in a lifetime. In a birth chart, Ketu shows where we need to let go to heal and awaken spiritually. Ketu is an interesting shadow planet in astrology. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Rahu and Ketu represent poisons. Check Love Compatibility and Marriage Prediction online at Astrotalk. Ketu is the descendant from the devil clan, belongs to the Dhrum Varna, and is from the Gemini gotra. Ketu in Leo | Ketu Leo in Birth Chart - Vidhya Mitra It is also a half-planet that bestows the native certain psychic abilities and makes them master the creative aspects of life along with bringing wisdom and the knowledge of the self to the native. In Hindu astrology, Rahu represents materialism, mischief, fear, dissatisfaction, obsession and confusion. Now that you know a lot about Ketu, let us find out what and how it influences each Zodiac Sign. It is the Southern node on the Moons axis, and is known as Ketu, one of the shadowy planets according to Vedic Astrology. Talk to Astrologer on call and get answers to all your worries by seeing the future life through Astrology Kundli Predictions from the best Astrologers from India. doctor, witchcraft, a hunter, the Sudra association, a dog, a cock, vulture, deer, knowledge of animals, horned animals, salvation, hunger, stupidity, friendship . Brahma Muhurta is optimal for waking up as well as any activity connected to spiritual practices (such as Hatha Yoga, Dhyana (meditation), etc), creating, planning, projections etc. Both nodes are always in retrograde motion. Article #4: Esoteric Essence of the Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse (an essay of 4 articles). 28 to 30 or of o to 2 degree, you stand a good chance of escaping from malefic effects of transiting Rahu. If benefice is also supportive, you can surely make it big. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. When Ketu is positioned at the favorable position, it bestows the native with good . Ultimately, when working with the effects of Ketu through astrology, understanding where it falls can greatly improve our ability to understand and work with its energies. Health The diseases indicated by them are hiccups, insanity, intestinal problems, ulcer, gastric problems etc. Nakshatras are 27 lunar constellations that in Vedic mythology were considered as 27 wives of Chandra (Moon). If we can only follow Ketus rules and make sure that we are not on the side that we cannot justify it would definitely give way to your understanding the role and importance of Ketu in Vedic astrology. Lets see what are the typical characteristics of Ketu. This, in turn, is not a good characteristic of a professional person. Ketu is the meaning for such things as instability of the mind, paternal grandfather, doctor, witchcraft, hunter, dog association, rooster, vulture, deer, knowledge of animals, horned animals, salvation, hunger, stupidity. Ketu represents separation, rejection and non-attachment. Alchohol, Non-vegetarian food, etc are all considered poisonous. Ketu is also said to represent things like darkness, snakes, and owls. Presence of Ketu in the house of career, wealth and intelligence makes the native have a deep approach towards his family as well as his life. It is believed that the role of Ketu as per Vedic Astrology is exalted in Sagittarius that also has a half animal and half human body, something similar to Ketu, thus the properties. If you want to attain spirituality, you have to undergo Ketu's churns. Hence, it is clear that the ancient conceptions of these celestial bodies saw them as powerful forces that should not be underestimated. Ketu influensive people are of grey complexion with dark red eyes, Tall and thin body. KETU. It also represents birds like eel, sea fish, bats and owls. Ketus characteristics lie in being the planet that covers the hybrid breeds, and the stubborn faced people. Nothing that Nature has made for us can be formidable but not Evil and certainly not destructive. When positioned in the seventh place, Ketu can bring good things to the native. Nevertheless, these people have the ability to rise above all the difficulties and attain success through their hard work and sweat. Finally, wrapping kusha grass and durva grass in water before offering it to the roots of a peepal tree has traditionally been seen as an excellent way to purify and strengthen ones connection with this enigmatic planet. It represents all the things that the native has already accomplished in the past life so he wont obsess over them in this life. Get Janam Kundali report to know ketu's house in your kundli. However, Ketu also indicates sparks of intelligence and brilliance of the mind. As having the power to overcome the Sun, Ketu must be looked at as the most powerful planet in the chart besides the Sun. There are several brothers to Rahu and they are Salya, Nabha, Vaataapi, Ilvala and Namuchi. As per Vedic astrology, Rahu represents strong desires, and Ketu represents materialistic detachments. The people who come under the influence of Ketu can achieve great heights, most of them spiritual. Those with a strong Ketu influence on their rankings are often in search. Sign Up to Connect with an Astrologer now. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. In some cases, the relation with the mother may also not be very pleasant and warm. One of the most influential aspects in astrology is that of Ketu, often referred to as the shadow planet. Rights Reserved by Vidhya Mitra Astrology Foundation. Its presence in the second house might make the native detach from its immediate family. Ketus astrological significance grew when he decided to begin guarding the gate between the world of Maya and the other worldly; several Gods had tried in vain. Those with Ketu in this position may see children as a burdensome responsibility, or they may simply not feel inclined to have children at all. Ketu is the descendant from the devil clan, belongs to the Dhrum Varna, and is from the Gemini gotra. Ketu is also said to represent things like darkness, snakes, and owls. Speech and intake of food are also seen from this house as it represents the throat. In animals, Mouse and Dogs represent Ketu. This knowledge is well crafted in the hidden texts of original Puranas. You can eat saffron, or use saffron for a Tilak when you do not want to be influenced by Ketu. Vishnu stopped opposing, smiled and went back. VedicTime: Ketu
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