During that time, Project Veritas has been divided between a group of OKeefe loyalists and a large group of dissenters on the staff and board who chafed at the founders erratic management style, spending, and penchant for costly confrontation with ideological adversaries and his own employees. James OKeefe Leaves His Post as the Leader of Project Veritas KROSSTECH is proud to partner with DURABOX to bring you an enormous range of storage solutions in more than 150 sizes and combinations to suit all of your storage needs. 2023 Vox Media, LLC. Samuel Corum/Getty Images. Look at schoolboards, Austin, Nashville, Dallas. Guerrilla journalist. "I don't have answers. Ms. Lerner may be out, but Im sure she taught her replacements well. I expect him to be out with something new in short order. OKeefeisProject Veritas, after all and hes been the same person for over a decade. For all other types of cookies we need your permission. To learn more about the accusations against OKeefe and what the legal consequences might be for the tax-exempt organization, the Conversation asked nonprofit law scholar Samuel Brunson five questions to explain the situation and the issues it raises. James O'Keefe Resigns From Project Veritas in Stunning Move By Bonchie | 1:15 PM on February 20, 2023 (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File) Things at Project Veritas have come to a head. Please STEVE BANNON add James to warroom.. Natalie and James working together, would be EPIC!!!!!!!!!! Board minutes pasted in a video of James OKeefes final staff From the ACORN expos to being raided and arrested, to Planned Parenthood and most recently Pfizer, O'Keefe recalled the organization's storied past before responding to some of what's been said by the board of Project Veritas both in private and in public. They have no supporters left, anyway. Board minutes pasted in a video of James OKeefes final staff She explains the press to the president, preaches Twitter-is-not-real-life, and keeps the West Wing from leaking. To learn more about the accusations against OKeefe and what the legal consequences might be for the tax-exempt organization, the Conversation asked nonprofit law scholar Samuel Brunson. At more than 45 minutes long, O'Keefe's remarks provide more information from his point of view about what's been going on, though he admits "none of this makes any sense, and why is it all happening right now? James OKeefe The website cannot function properly without these cookies. These included, and you cant make this up, that Project Veritas paid for James OKeefes down payment of his wedding, OKeefe said. The Internal Revenue Service could investigate the allegations if it wanted to do so. Some are beyond relieved to see OKeefe finally booted. Claim: In 2021, conservative activist and Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe starred in a stage production of the musical "Oklahoma." "All through the years, things fundamentally continued on an upward trajectory for this place," O'Keefe said of the organization he founded and led for more than a dozen years. Is that the same IRS that was systematically preventing conservative organizations from using the 501(c)(3) Not For Profit status? Nowhere is the lab-leak debate more personal than among the experts investigating the origins of COVID. @OANN So, essentially, Project Veritas is no more. Project Veritas is hemorrhaging followers on social media and several high-profile donors have said publicly that they will no longer give money to the organization. Concerned he would lose the $12,557.06 deposit on the venue, OKeefe suggested instead using the country club for Project Veritass annual Christmas party. OKeefe is not now, nor has he ever been married. OKeefe supposedly did not appreciate being asked to dial back his rather brash approach to asking donors for money and lashed out at the rest of PVs leadership. Anthony DEsposito has a bill to keep Santos, a fellow Republican, from profiting off his lies. Im not done, he said. The rout ultimately escalated to OKeefe firing Project Veritass chief strategy officer Barry Hinckley and chief financial officer Tom OHara. Topics included several cases Project Veritas covered of This is after they publicly humiliated him. You listed a Christmas party as a personal wedding expense, when Okeefe has never been married. News of the action and rumors that OKeefe was about to be fired sparked a viral backlash among OKeefes large number of fans on social media, many of whom posted that there was no Project Veritas without James OKeefe. An attorney representing Project Veritas donors reportedly wrote a letter to the board threatening legal action if OKeefe were to be removed. In a forty-five-minute farewell speech from the companys headquarters that, in true PV style, was covertly filmed and leaked to the media, OKeefe described the inception of the organization, thanked his supporters, questioned the motives of the board and denied any wrongdoing. For that reason alone, I can no longer trust their judgment. James OKeefe OKeefes departure leaves the future of Project Veritas in serious doubt. Once javascript and access to those URLs are allowed, please refresh this page. Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make a user's experience more efficient. James OKeefe Project Veritas is dead. I have not responded privately or publicly because there is no rational appropriate response to the emotional circus that has been created by your actions.. James O'Keefe While OKeefe may have misused the groups funds, it looks like he did it without the boards knowledge or approval. Award-winner Beverley, who grew up in Penn Fields, met the 36-year-old electrician on the set of one of her videos. They have discredited and shamed themselves. On Wednesday, Project Veritas released a video showing that its founder, James OKeefe, as well as fellow Project Veritas journalists were threatened with arrest as they went to confront a Connecticut elementary school assistant principal over his discriminatory hiring practices. All Rights Reserved. You have created an embarrassing public display by leaking Project Veritas confidential information. Its part of campaign to smoke out and then attack unpopular Republican cuts. James O'Keefe, as leader of the group and famous for posing as a pimp in ACORN office videos, received three years of probation, a fine of $1,500 and 100 hours of community service. if they wish it, pfizer will flush veritas will dwarf the largest figures PV ever saw. Overall, staff at the company seem split in their attitudes toward OKeefes departure. My favorite, that James used PV money for his wedding. Preference cookies enable a website to remember information that changes the way the website behaves or looks, like your preferred language or the region that you are in. OKeefe was apparently warned about his spending on travel on numerous occasions over the years, including the use of black cars, private planes and top-dollar hotel suites. A tax-exempt organization cannot use its money to benefit certain individuals, especially insiders such as its leaders and major donors. Meanwhile, OKeefe was apparently hiking in Santa Monica with the anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who posted a scenic tweet as proof of life. Ha. Someone with a corporate background then coached PV in how to dig up a scandal where none existed. This shows that the action was likely a hit on OKeefe by Pfizer. However, the wedding was called off. April Moss CBS Insider Many of us were inspired by other whistleblowers who went public, and we forged strong relationships with one another after being fired and dealing with media blowback, hit pieces and harassment. But, in fact, tax exemption does not represent any type of government approval. When they declined, he resigned from Project Veritas. PV IS NOTHING without James OKeefe. james okeefe wedding is a great example of how to be present and connected in the moment. In remarks that appeared to have been made at a Project Veritas' office, O'Keefe said the board had stripped him of all decision-making. Without OKeefe, Project Veritas will likely struggle to raise money, placing the ongoing existence of the organization in peril. This devastated us and the audience we exist for, the video continued. Time to place flowers on the grave and move on. In Tennessee, Even Abortion to Save a Womans Life May Be Illegal. ", Calling the Project Veritas board's actions an "emotional circus," O'Keefe questioned again "why there was a concerted effort to remove me the week of the biggest story we've ever had" and called the situation "extremely difficult. The third benefit: Tax exemption can provide a veneer of legitimacy to an organization by signaling to some potential donors that the federal government has approved of its activities. They didnt say anything publicly, they didnt even fire him, they forced him to quit. JUST IN James O'Keefe has resigned from Project Veritas. However, the wedding was called off. We have all worked directly with Project Veritas journalists and in many cases spent months working with them and also interacting with Mr. OKeefe both before going public and afterwards during various events. My Mom was one of James first supporters, and he sent her several personal emails in the early days, as well as hand signed letters. The president surprised and angered some Democrats by declining to veto a GOP effort to block a D.C. bill. In early February, OKeefe was placed on leave for reasons not entirely understood, though it has been reasonably ascertained that the board of the organization had serious problems with his leadership. James Privacy Policy and ADVERTISEMENT Libby Emmons Brooklyn NY Feb 20, 2023 7 minute read She wrote on her Twitter page today: "Luvs, today I marry the man of my dreams. On Wednesday night, James OKeefe, author and founder of non-profit organization Project Veritas, visited campus for a talk hosted by the Dartmouth College Republicans. February 24, 2023 4 The Project Veritas staff sent out a new message to the public saying they will never replace James OKeefe and will always hold open the door for him. "I'm not done. Project Veritas Board Commits Organizational Suicide | Counter In recent months, the organization has been showing signs of financial stress, laying off rank-and-file employees. Project Veritass founder and CEO James OKeefe resigned from his post a little over a week ago after the non-profits board of directors placed him on unpaid leave pending an investigation for alleged financial malfeasance and abuse of staff. Separately, three former Project Veritas employees describeda similar workplace as outlined in the internal memo to The Spectator. A former employee told The Spectator that while they personally couldnt work for OKeefe, with the benefit of hindsight they felt the allegations of abuse were overblown. "Leadership has a price and results often come at a human cost," O'Keefe noted. Im with james okeefe only. For Americas wage laborers, a 32-hour workweek is less of a beautiful dream than an oppressive reality. "And then suddenly, an unusual emergency happened just a few days after that," O'Keefe said before outlining his timeline of how things unfolded. Rather than wait out the investigation, which was dismissed as a fishing expedition, OKeefe demanded the full resignation of the board. We are still questioning the facts and hope that more information will come to light and that both parties can come to an understanding. This board used convenient ethics claims to disrupt the operation, and try a coup on the boss. James O'Keefe says that a Project Veritas officer lied to the board about him using corporate funds for a "wedding" despite the fact that he's never been married and Why has James OKeefe not filed in a civil court petition for slander and defamation of character as to those who alleged he acted in violation of the corporate charter and internal rules of governance, accounting standards, etc ? Didnt take you long to judge, did it, troll? James OKeefe Any idea how many great conservatives he has destroyed? James OKeefe and Ben Wetmore Get Married - Washington Personally, I suspect the Bidet Administration threatened them, and they caved.. What is left of Project Veritas will never be able to do what has been done before because there is now in the organization a person (or persons) who will either squelch a plan before it can get started or tip off the target if the target individual or organization is one of the untouchables. That video was watched tens of millions of times, representing a boon for Project Veritas. James O'Keefe However, the wedding was called off. Best hope that the I.R.S. Even if only a small percentage of them are monetary donors, that can still be a financial hit that will be felt by the organization. A federal criminal investigation related to Project Veritas purchase of a diary stolen from Ashley Biden, the presidents daughter, is looming over OKeefe and others who worked on the investigation. Dedicated as he has been to the mission, this guy doesnt have TIME for dating much less a relationship. Project Veritas follower count dropped by over 130,000 people in the hours following the news that OKeefe had been removed from the company. Whatever their actual motivation for their dismissal of OKeefe, even if it was threats of violence or legal devastation, they will likely regret their choice. Never have anything to do with it now that he is gone. "James is the hardest working person I have ever met. A comprehensive new government study concludes that the illness probably wasnt caused by foreign adversaries. #ArrestKatieHobbs, The Truth will set you free. Perhaps the only question that matters now is: can you save an organization by destroying it first? We will follow. This is so good to see. The far left New York Times published a hit piece on Erik Prince and James OKeefe on Saturday morning. In the article The New York Times reveals the founder of the security company Academi is recruiting former American and British spies for secretive intelligence-gathering operations on corrupt liberal organizations and campaigns. Meanwhile, members of OKeefes inner circle over the years scoffed at the notion that he did not understand the boards concerns about his near-constant use of black cars while on company business.
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