The housing market could weaken. Be informed of breaking news as it happens and notified about other don't-miss content with our free news alerts. Though police said the circumstances pointed to a likely suicide, the medical examiners office ruled the death undetermined, saying there was not enough information to render a conclusion about whether it was a homicide, suicide or accident. In it he expresses a wish for himself and many people he knew to be made five years younger. According to the Baltimore Sun, Stansberry offered a $1,000 reward for information about Rivera when he first disappeared, and it was increased to $5,000. Ive got to find my friend. Instead, it is so real and so serious, it takes our breath away. Unsolved Mysteries | Official Clip | Impossible Hotel | Netflix. Quotes Stansberry asserts that while the call might have come from someone at Agora he says Rivera was doing freelance work for another Agora subsidiary after leaving Stanberrys firm it could not have come from his company. Instead of getting married and having children, same-sex couples get hitched to collect each others pension benefits from companies that will go bankrupt under the burden. Now streaming on Netflix, Unsolved Mysteries "Mystery on the Rooftop" references a businessman named Frank Porter Stansberry, butleaves out relevant information. Simple ideas are turned over and pressed into a new shape the exact opposite of what they used to be. Brottman, the author of the 2018 book about Riveras death and a resident of the Belvedere, said the Netflix show interviewed her for hours, and that she told them the roof was easily accessed, and not a difficult task to reach as the show asserted. Between two men or women, it is a lie. Everything we know about the strange case at the center of Netflix's new true crime show. Since he launched Stansberrys Investment Advisory, his string of accurate forecasts has made his advisory one of the most widely read in the world, and has helped his readers both avoid catastrophe and make incredible gains. Please review our privacy policy here:, Copyright 2023 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. Porter Stansberry Bill Bonner Posted September 17, 2004, Porter Stansberry got married last weekend. Thats why people are generally bullish on stocks but bearish on bonds. The Baltimore Sun reported after the Netflix show streamed that Stansberrys company is the largest operating subsidiary of Baltimore-based Agora Publishing, the worlds largest investment newsletter company through its holdings., David Churbuck, a publicist at Sitrick & Co., a crisis management firm hired by Agora, told the Sun that the company didnt bar employees from speaking about Riveras case. The show painstakingly explains how the dimensions are off, making it unlikely, in the minds of some, that Rivera jumped from the hotels rooftop. According to his LinkedIn page, Porter Stansberry is the founder of Stansberry Research in Baltimore, Maryland. His unique writing style, philanthropic undertakings and preservationist activities have been recognized by some of Americas most respected authorities. Riveras home alarm was set off twice in the week he disappeared, adding fuel to the flames, and Stansberry also allegedly took out a gagging order preventing his employees from speaking about Rivera. When not binge-watching the latest series on Netflix, she is busy singing along to her favorite artists/showtunes, consuming too many coffees a day and dreaming about penning her next big story. "I disagree with this assessment. Born in 1970, he was Reys childhood friend and is known as an author and financial publisher. .css-13y9o4w{display:block;font-family:GraphikBold,GraphikBold-fallback,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-13y9o4w:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.05rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.28598rem;line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.39461rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.5rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.23488rem;line-height:1.3;}}Is 'Daisy Jones & The Six' Based on a True Story? The reason Ive never commented about Reys death publicly first and foremost is because I never thought there was any mystery about why or how he died, Stansberry, who runs an investment newsletter business, said in a phone interview. On the second chart, a graph of the Nikkei 225 from 1976 is compared with the Nasdaq bubble, so that the bubble peaks are lined up. You may call it a "marriage." Interviewees reveal thatRivera received a phone call fromStansberry & Associates on the evening in question, and the location of hisbody suggests that a suicide jump would've required a running start. "Marriage is a sacred union," explained the presiding minister. But if you study the charts, and if the lines continue to move in parallel, that will not be what happens. If we knew the answer, we could take positions in stocks, bonds, currencies and commodities and be confident in making profits across the board. In "Unsolved Mysteries" episode "Mystery on the Rooftop," Netflix examines the mysterious death of Rey Rivera (top right), who was once a water polo star at Winter Park High School in Florida. 4. As fans watched in the episode, the last phone call Rivera received was from the switchboards of the financial firm (with the identity of the called still unknown), before he rushed out of his home in response. One of the products subscribers receive is a report titled The 4 Investment Assets You Do NOT Have to Report to the U.S. Government. A description of the report promises information vital to getting rich in the coming currency crisis. Other reports encourage investment in gold and silver. And the days data back them up: The CPI was down, while jobless claims went up a perfect 1-2 combo for bond bulls. The truth to know before you go to your nearest jeweller, A Russian-Chinese plan to encircle Eurasia?, Would the U.S. have actually invaded Saudi Arabia to seize its oil? How the U.S. Congress may provoke the Saudis into dropping, By James Rickards Posted November 26, 2018, Now its Saudi Arabias turn to get even by reducing supply and driving prices higher, Might the Feds bailout of repo market exceed the entire Wall Street bailout of 200710?, Best-Selling author, Nomi Prins takes a deep dive into the Federal Reserves impact on Wall Street banks and what that means for, Heres Nomi Prins with the latest analysis on the Feds repo market action. Stansberry was found guilty of security fraud in 2007 and fined $1.5 million. The Netflix documentary claims that Porter Stansberry refused to speak to or cooperate with investigators or media following Rey Riveras disappearance and death, and gag ordered his companys employees from doing so as well. Even between a man and woman, a gay marriage is an oxymoron. For occasionally, generally at weddings and funerals, the hooey of mans works suddenly lifts, like a bank of fog. Who's Porter Stansberry on 'Unsolved Mysteries'? WebHe had actually just married the love of his life, Allison, and moved with her from Los Angeles to Baltimore for a job with his youth friend, Porter Stansberry. 2021 Associated Newspapers Limited. The episode also dives into two separate times the alarm went off in the Riveras Baltimore home at night in the days leading up to Reys disappearance. But the evidence is that faith works best as long as you continue to break your back and pass the ammunition. And more Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week, 16,000 more of them. Many believe Rivera may have been killed for his work with a company called Agora, an affiliate of Stansberrys firm. For the first time his friend and former boss, Porter Stansberry, is speaking out to defend himself against what he calls the program's lies and innuendo designed to make him look guilty. Riveras decomposed body was found inside the locked room with the punctured ceiling, suggesting that he either fell or was pushed from the roof of the main building. By Bill Bonner The former employer of Rey Rivera is pushing back on his portrayal in Netflixs popular Unsolved Mysteries reboot, which raised questions about his involvement in Riveras 2006 death. Browse by collection. There was also no indication in the Proposing Release of a Commission policy shift relating to the effect of injunctions described in Advisers Act Section 203(e)(4) on solicitors like Mr. Stansberry. 3. It is as if the nations strength, its historically "strong dollar," has also been its long-term curse. Everything Unsolved Mysteries Leaves Out About Frank Porter Not Addison, he nearly spilled his coffee. They may do unmentionable things in the privacy of their bedroom. A new Netflix series, "Unsolved Mysteries," digs into the 2006 death of Baltimore resident Rey Rivera at the Belvedere Hotel. Rivera had just got married to a woman named Allison, and worked for his childhood friend Porter Stansberry in Baltimore, Maryland at his research company. Married second to Bernice (Ogle) Porter in 1966. Common institutions, such as marriage, money and war, are bent into grotesque new forms. The first episode, Mystery on the Rooftop, centres around the 2006 death of 32-year-old Rey Rivera. The sailor said, "Hey Father, do you have a prayer for us?" Instead of giving money to the poorwe borrow money from them. Its horrific, Stansberry said. Savings should become more important. Today, Porter is well-known for doing some of the most important and often controversial work in the financial advisory business. "Lying rides upon debts back," said Ben Franklin.Americans expect their houses and stocks to make them rich without saving, without work, without sacrifice.They believe the rest of the world will gladly support them in the style to which theyve become accustomed forever, and without ever having to pay back the money. The stock market is near a high for the next 10 years. The man who supposedly provided Stansberry with the information denied ever doing so, and many investors lost thousands of dollars by acting on the fabricated information. Police at the time suspected he'd died from suicide. "Well, maybe this was the first time you were saying something that mattered," we replied. ", The research note explains: "After every primary bull market, there comes a primary bear market. In general, what is true for individuals is also true for nations. But so fara slow, soft slump seems to be precisely the sump hole into which the United States is sinking.". WebPorter got married on 9/11/04 and had his first child (induced) on 9/11/07. His other works includeMobs, Messiahs and Markets(with Lila Rajiva), Dice Have No Memory, and most recently,Hormegeddon: How Too Much of a Good Thing Leads to Disaster. There is a theory that Rivera was killed, and then positioned to make it look like suicide. Things may work out for the wicked in the short term, but in the long run things work out for the righteous. Since he launched Stansberrys Investment Advisory, his string of accurate forecasts has made his advisory one of the most widely read in the world, and has helped his readers both avoid catastrophe and make incredible gains., The LinkedIn page continues, For example, his dead-on prediction of the mortgage meltdown got the attention of Barrons, who said Porters work was remarkably prescient Nothing, as far as we can see, has happened to contradict his dire prophecy At Stansberry Research, Porter oversees over a dozen of the best editors and analysts in the business, who do an exhaustive amount of real-world, independent research. Its completely a lie, Stansberry said. Many suspicious details arose, which further debunked the theory of suicide: Rivera .css-umdwtv{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:.0625rem;text-decoration-color:#FF3A30;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:background 0.4s;transition:background 0.4s;background:linear-gradient(#ffffff, #ffffff 50%, #d5dbe3 50%, #d5dbe3);-webkit-background-size:100% 200%;background-size:100% 200%;}.css-umdwtv:hover{color:#000000;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;-webkit-background-position:100% 100%;background-position:100% 100%;}would have had to take a running leap off the main building to land where he did; Riveras shoes were placed near the holes opening along with his unbroken cell phone; his glasses were found intact and unscratched; Riveras money clip, a gift from his wife, was not on his person and was never recovered; there were zero witnesses that saw Rivera, who was 65, enter the hotel that night, and mysteriously, all the hotels camera rooftop footage of the day in question was unwatchable due to a technical error. The Suspicious Case of Rey Rivera and Why He Matters, Part 1 To get better results, add more information such as Birth Info, Death Info and Location He said when Riveras family and friends were searching for him, Riveras wife told him that the Saturday before he went missing, Rivera was morose and would not get out of bed., She told me she was very worried about his mental state at the time he disappeared, Stansberry said. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition." Rey Riveras friend, former Baltimore employer pushes back on The bride had entered the Methodist church on Mount Vernon Square only a few minutes early. The show presents questions about how Rivera could have accessed the buildings roof, while his family members say he was not suicidal and did not have any known mental illness. The two can be "partners"they can be "friends"they can be a lot of things; they can be united in many different ways physical, mental, professional, financial, emotional. Rivera had a key to the place, but then returned it. Since founding Agora Inc. in 1979, Bill Bonner has found success in numerous industries. My theory is that Porter was an IC asset running a controlled opposition project with his conspiracy newsletters as just one of his assignments. Rivera and his wife Allison had recently moved to Baltimore so he could take a job writing financial newsletters for his good friend Porter Stansberrys financial company. 2017 Stansberry Conference & Alliance Meeting. The letter starts and ends with references to the Freemasons and the Masonic order. Stansberry, for his part, vehemently denied wrongdoing. I did everything I could to help, he said, including meeting with a detective in late June 2006. He is also the host of Stansberry Radio, a weekly broadcast that has quickly become one of the most popular online financial radio shows, it reads. We may earn a commission from these links. Or you might dress up a village idiot in a Brooks Brothers suit and give him a Nobel Prize in physics. Prior to launching Stansberry Research, Porter was the first American editor of the Fleet Street Letter, the worlds oldest English-language financial newsletter. Episode One, Mystery on The Rooftop, details the death of 32-year-old aspiring filmmaker Rey Rivera in 2006. Riveras case was featured as the first episode of the new season of Unsolved Mysteries, and reached No. The first episode of Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries, a remake of the classic series, covers cold cases and paranormal mysteries, with each episode traversing a different unsolved tale. But it is still a disgusting rodent. But alas, we dontand neither does our anonymous portfolio manager from Smith Barney"I realize that we will not necessarily turn into Japanbut we might," he writes. The first episode of He also writes a list of dead people, including the filmmaker Stanley Kubrick. What Happened to Rey Rivera of 'Unsolved Mysteries' Netflix This Is What Happened to Porter Stansberry From. That is the work of men and womendoing what comes naturally. The firm is still in business, and it also has its own podcast titled Stansberry Investment Hour. Per Bloomberg, Stansberry remains a relevant figure inthe Baltimore business world, and continues to provide various types of financial tips through newsletters. Hes a happy guy, Stansberry told The Sun at the time. Common institutions, such as marriage, money and war, are bent into grotesque new forms. We often venture out to the far ends of the, By Addison Wiggin Posted September 11, 2021, Today marks a grisly anniversary. Allison Rivera has said the call came from the switchboard of Agora Publishing, and the specific caller could not be determined. In 2006, Rey Rivera was found dead amid extremely bizarre circumstances. Powered by. Supporting evidence for this theory includes the fact that, despite his body being badly damaged when he was found, his phone and glasses were completely fine. The note was largely nonsensical, typed in tiny font, and was so puzzling to police that it was sent off to the FBI, who ruled it to not be a suicide note. But with a lack of hard evidence, and a number of strange details leading up to his death, the case remains unsolved. Instead of getting rich by saving, we are told to spend money in order to "help the economy." Faith works. ", "I do a lot of public speaking," said Porter after the wedding was over. The mystery of his death was covered in the media at the time and was the subject of a 2018 book, An Unexplained Death: The True Story of a Body at the Belvedere, by local author Mikita Brottman. Yes, things will work out, and thats why we need the warnings you provide. Meanwhile, your misplaced Baltimore-based British editor was hoping to complete an assignment before leaving the office yesterday evening. He said only that employees were told to refer media inquiries to a spokesperson. WebHe had actually just married the love of his life, Allison, and moved with her from Los Angeles to Baltimore for a task with his youth pal, Porter Stansberry. for The Daily Reckoning "America at the moment, with its faith-based currency. Porter had started a financial advising organization called Stansberry Sjuggerud continued: Our entire base-level portfolio is up nearly 50% since it launched in 2016. Wife Dr. Steve Sjuggerud is married, but other details were not disclosed. Here at The Daily Reckoning, we watch the parade. The bull market in the United States follows the Japanese pattern, with a 10-year lag. "Ive never choked up like that before.". The chaplain looked at the sailor and said, "Yes, kid. WebPorter L. Stansberry (1923-1988) - Find a Grave Memorial Married first to Georgia Featherston in 1954. We enjoy the noisy goofiness of it all. His cellphone and glasses were found on the roof, relatively undamaged, which a retired homicide detective who worked the case said appeared staged to him. During the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, an enemy bomb exploded near his ship and knocked the electric power off-line. Once the body was found, Stansberry said this week, we were all sad and shocked by the fact that Rey killed himself, but once we saw all the facts and his financial pressures, it wasnt much of a mystery.. They needed to be brought up carefully, one by one, like foundation blocks out of a rock quarry. With his friend and colleague Addison Wiggin, he co-foundedThe Daily Reckoning in 1999, and together they co-wrotetheNew York Times best-selling booksFinancial Reckoning Day and Empire of Debt. Supporting this theory is a bizarre letter he left before his death. But as the weight of debt builds up, the whole nation is crushed by sham. A man does not enter into a real marriage in a lighthearted waybut soberly, solemnlyas if he were going to his own funeral. At the time of his death, Rivera had been working for his longtime friend, Stansberry, the founder ofStansberry & Associates Investment Research (now known as Stansberry Research). But when you mentioned your partner I thought you were talking about yourwellyour partner. Thats what gay guys call their lovers. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The ads can be blocked by individual channels, however, even if they are run by external providers. Shortly thereafter, the firms employees were instructed to not discuss the situation (although a very recent statement to The Baltimore Sun denied that), and Stansberry was supposedly offering a reported $1,000 reward for information on what happened to Rivera. This content is imported from youTube. Prior to launching S&A, Porter was the first American editor of the Fleet Street Letter, the worlds oldest English-language financial newsletter. *** "Your critic is right: Things will work out. But working out for the people of real faith includes trials that purge the impurities from us, and working out for the people of faith as a cover for recklessness, greed and stupidity means destruction. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. His most recent project isThe Bill Bonner Letter. The only way they cant be united is by marriage. "From time to time, we arent sure the thesis in our book is correct," admitted Addison, as he paced about the office, stretching the telephones cord. Find out why the real story Wall Street is, Why the greatest British patriot was no true patriot Many Americans admire America for being strong, not for being American A patriotism, The Wall Street Journal wags a finger at China, Trump will win reelection this year. The 'super committee' circus: Much ado about nothing? WebPorter Stansberry (if he didnt do it himself). Edit 4: Quote from Reys note: That was a well-played game. Welcome Back, Porter Stansberry Where Have You Been? The episode never accuses Stansberry of foul play, but viewers were clearly pointed to Stansberry as a shadowy figure who existed off screen and might know more than he was saying. At the reception, a young lady asked Bill if he was gay, "But man, proud man,Drest in a little brief authorityPlays such fantastic tricks before high heavenAs make the angels weep. Heavy reached out to the firm to request an interview or statement from Porter Stansberry. A public relations representative for one cable television channel told The Daily Caller that the ads may be distributed over external ad networks, rather than sold directly by channels. Package theft, or porch piracy, is on the rise and with Christmas coming quickly its important to protect yourself, and your goods. The more you learn about, Clipping coupons can be a fun hobby, but there are far more efficient ways for you to save money while shopping with, By Nilus Mattive Posted September 21, 2019, Just about everyone nowadays has a cell phone.
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