One cemetery in particular thats well known for its ghostly encounters is Maple Hill Cemetery, which you can read all about below. One of the strangest events to occur at the Gaines Ridge Dinner Club was when the apparition of a woman was seen floating past the windows. There are many haunted places located throughout the state, including several cemeteries. How Much Have Ghosts Changed in 150 Years? Alabama Ghosts and Haunted Places Table of Contents Haunted Cemeteries In Alabama 11 Haunted Places In Alabama That Will It initially incorporated in 1901 (although the 1910 U.S. Census stated 1900), but disincorporated in 1915. Forks of Cypress Cemetery (or Jackson Cemetery) - Florence. Mar 2, 2023 1:42 PM EST. Bass Cemetery - Irondale. Alabama is no stranger when it comes to paranormal activity. There are lots of tales of paranormal activity linked to the mansion. She's buried next to an antique rocker, which just so happens to be her most prized possession. Many years ago, Mr. Boyington was wrongly accused of murder and hung outside the cemetery. Visitors to the USS Alabama have reported hearing footsteps coming towards them when nobody is there, and there have been apparitions spotted in the officers quarters and the cooks galley. There have been several reports of strange noises heard throughout this cemetery. WebA ghostly white lady has long been said to haunt the dirt road outside of Clearwater Cemetery in Wagarville. WebMaple Hill Cemetery; Huntsville. Some even said they could hear a man's voice calling square dance moves. Grancer (1789-1860) was a wealthy cotton planter who had his slaves build a dance hall to house his frequent dances and barbecues. Required fields are marked *. 11 Haunted Places In Alabama That Will Creep You Out! The best hidden gems and little known destinations - straight to your inbox. Thank you! Since his death in 1860, people passing by his tomb have reported hearing clogs and the strains of a fiddle. The church, built in 1853 in the Sardis community of Dallas County, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Particularly haunted, the show claimed, was the grave site of Col. John Bell, who was killed in 1856 along with his son in a shootout on Cahaba's main street. From houses and restaurants, to cemeteries and battle sites, you never really know where youll have a paranormal experience while exploring the Yellowhammer State. And according to the cemetery department, that number could be as high as 100,000. It initially incorporated in 1901 (although the 1910 U.S. Census stated 1900), but disincorporated in 1915. Get more stories delivered right to your email. Please leave your valid email address below. Supposedly, between 10:00pm to 3:00am, the spirits of the children who are buried nearby come out to play. Love Alabama? The paranormal TV series The Dead Files once featured the home on the show. Over the years, many people have reported fiddle music and the sounds of clogging. At Moundville Archaeological Park, there have been several reports of paranormal activity. On May 11, 1833, Charles R.S. In 1966, it was struck by lightning and burned down, leaving nothing but the pillars. Your email address will not be published. She enjoys discovering new places and currently calls North Alabama home. This cemetery adjoining an abandoned building that was once the stately Adams Grove Presbyterian Church has been investigated by several paranormal groups, including the host of "American Ghost Hunter" on aghtelevision.comand Southern Paranormal Researchers. Love Alabama? Although this cemetery is believed to be haunted, its also quite beautiful. Listed below are three haunted cemeteries in Alabama where you just might spot a ghost or have some other type of paranormal experience. Church Street Graveyard, founded in Mobile in 1819, is said to be haunted by a wrongly accused man who was hanged outside the cemetery wall. Established in 1818, Maple Hill Cemetery is Huntsvilles largest and oldest cemetery with more than 80,000 gravesites. It later reincorporated in 1953. As a matter of fact, he requested to be buried in his dancing shoes. Many visitors have reported hearing the sounds of a rocker moving back and forth after walking past the burial house. Suddenly, an old man appeared and asked the hunters if they had seen his dog. During the Civil War, nearly 200 Confederate soldiers were buried here, in addition to many Union soldiers. One cemetery in particular thats well known for its ghostly encounters is Maple Hill Cemetery, which you can read all about below. The Gaines Ridge Dinner Club is well known for its ghosts, so it's not surprising that it's considered to be Alabama's most haunted restaurant. In addition to Gaineswood being one of Alabama's most beautiful plantation homes, it's also one of the state's most haunted places. Church Street Graveyard - Mobile. All rights reserved. Other haunted cemeteries in Alabama mentioned in this article include the Seven Hills Cemetery in Mobile and Cemetery Mountain in Munford. From old plantations and mansions to battleships and haunted cemeteries, the Yellowhammer State has something for everyone. When Samuel was examined later, he was found to have severe burns where the blows had fallen. Swamps are usually pretty creepy at the best of times, but Bear Creek Swamp is even more so, given many weird stories that have been going around about it! Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. One cemetery in particular thats well known for its ghostly encounters is Maple Hill Cemetery, which you can read all about below. Cemetery The Pickens County Courthouse is best known for its "Face in the Window." Haunted Alabama Cemeteries Will Give You Goosebumps The corpse had been removed. Many cemeteries are located throughout Alabama, and several have even been reported to be haunted. There is some debate about whether this slave-driving tyrant did slip and fall or if disgruntled workers either living or dead pushed him! The best hidden gems and little known destinations - straight to your inbox. After he made it to the attic of the courthouse, he peeked out the window and warned the people outside that he would haunt them forever if they killed him. Sadly, this beautiful mansion was struck by lightning in 1866 and burned down. Haunted Places in Adamsville Alabama. It is said that if you take photos at the site, 90% of the time, you will encounter a host of odd and unexplainable occurrences. Haunted Cemeteries in Alabama III January 16, 2010 jim No Comments Two local ghost hunters led an investigation of the old cemetery called Mount Pisgah Cemetery (in Gadsdenwhere) and took pictures that revealed orbs and light strands in On a desolate road in the rural Butler County community of Red Level is a picturesque white clapboard church and an adjoining cemetery that look too peaceful to be the subject of urban legend. One of the most haunted spots is probably the old barracks. Bass Cemetery, located in Irondale, is one of the most haunted cemeteries in Alabama. Its appearance was seen by some as evidence that the wrong man was hanged. Alabama Real Haunts Alabama's Official Travel Guide Haunted Haunted Cemeteries in Alabama YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. One of the most well-known haunted places to visit in Hunstville, Maple Hill Cemetery is sure to Jemison Center. There is so much activity here that the local police force is frequently called to deal with unexplained events. Family Home to be Exorcized a Second Time, The Meat Eater couple arrested for child abuse, The Meat-Eater boxer kidnapped and raped a young school Girl, Carnist man arrested for 198 years for raping and shooting a woman. Please Let Us know. Other haunted cemeteries in Alabama mentioned in this article include the Seven Hills Cemetery in Mobile and Cemetery Mountain in Munford. Alabama is no stranger when it comes to paranormal activity. The best hidden gems and little known destinations - straight to your inbox. Mr. Harrison died in 1860, and many people who've passed by his grave have reported the sounds of clogging and a variety of fiddle tunes. St. James Hotel - Selma, AL. OnlyInYourState may earn compensation through affiliate links in this article. Many have also reported hearing the sounds of laughter and children calling out. There have been several reports of children's laughter and swings moving on their own at this haunted playground. Located in the ghost town of Old Cahaba, New Cahaba Cemetery is more than 160 years old and several visitors have reported hearing strange voices and children's' laughter. the four men were shot to death on Dec. 26, 1864, after they attempted to hide their cattle on a small island to prevent marauder Ben Harris and his troops from confiscating them, according to the book "Wicked North Alabama"by Jacque Proctor Reeves. In fact, some of the nations most haunted cemeteries are right here in the Yellowhammer State. Jennifer is the Alabama staff writer for Only In Your State and has nearly 15 years of professional writing experience. Bear Creek Swamp is also said to be haunted by the ghost of a mother in search of her lost child. Since then, several people have reported hearing the cries from who they believe is the prisoner. To back his claim, Boyington said an oak tree would grow from the location of his heart at his burial site. Listed below are three haunted cemeteries in Alabama where you just might spot a ghost or have some other type of paranormal experience. There is also a room in the property where female visitors are regularly locked inside! Ancient European Healing: Primary Herbs I, Exploring Venus Important for Climate of the Planet. Legends abound among local schoolchildren and on the internet that the cemetery is haunted by the spirits of Civil War soldiers buried on the grounds and that, at times, visitors can hear their dying screams. The site's long-running history provides fodder for unexplained phenomena including ghostly encounters involving the sightings of spectral apparitions and hearing strange noises after dark. One popular ghost tale associated with the cemetery area centers on an old man that lived by himself on the Cemetery Mountain with just his dog to keep him company. Kinston is located in Coffee County, Alabama. In terms of the resident spooks, visitors and staff have reported disembodied voices and the sounds of children laughing. OnlyInYourState may earn compensation through affiliate links in this article. With a population of less than 600, it's also one of the state's smallest towns. Listed below are three haunted cemeteries in Alabama where you just might spot a ghost or have some other type of paranormal experience.
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