This Overdrive is primarily meant to be a high damage combo ender, especially in the corner where Sol receives increased damage, strong okizeme, and regenerating Tension after the forced Wall Break. Overall much harder than your usual Ram matchup, but not unwinnable by any means. Jack-O is a woman with green eyes and red hair. If you let Baiken grab you, she can start to run pressure like. 236S has a use in this matchup. Hits overhead, but is very reactable. GGST - Ramlethal Valentine Matchups - Dustloop Wiki Just try to turtle with FD and let him slowly back off via the block pushback. Ideal combo ender and potential extender. At max range, Pot can play at the mid range effectively due to his big buttons like f.S and 5H. search. I don't have time to do any Eddie setups at all, he's rushing me down 24/7, and taking advantage of Zato's weak defense (as . Furthermore, 6P special cancels on block which will let you start running your pressure. Make sure you keep Zato at bay with your strong pokes and go for the throat after you take out Edwin. Its invincibility while grounded and massive disjointed hitbox during ascent makes it a useful anti-air, but be warned that Sol is negative on block if the opponent air blocks it, and fully punishable if they happen to land close enough. Gatling Options: 6P, f.S, 2S, 6S, 5H, 2H, 6H, 5D, 2D. Jack-O: Guilty Gear -Strive- | DashFight Sol Badguy - 4.9. This opening is designed such that the attacker can easily counter the defender's attack with his own.s, and Kabari at longer ranges. Hard knockdown on ground hit or Counter Hit. Note that non-meaty timings for okizeme will render it vulnerable to throws at close range, and later timings will render them vulnerable to a 6P. As Ram, you might have to rely on faster normals to avoid his spin, but. Opponent cannot use Blue Psyche Burst on hit or the resulting knockdown. Moves forward about one character length at no charge to fullscreen at max charge. You can pretty much do what you usually do on offense, except you'll need to watch out for his crawl shenanigans. The opponent is then forced to block your jumping attack, since reversaling doesn't work, which will give you some nice pressure and hopefully an opening. Sol is a character who likes to get up close and personal, but does not sacrifice a balanced toolkit to do so. Basic air jab that's fairly safe on whiff. This can be exploited by air-dashing and immediately cancelling into Faultless Defense, to trick the Axl into spending his meter while keeping Baiken safe. Score - Sum of match-up values for this character. Guilty Gear / YMMV - TV Tropes Includes first active frame. It's also a bit more complex than Guilty Gear Strive. This lets Baiken approach more easily than a lot of the cast, and forces Axl to commit to pokes that have longer recovery. Baiken has the ability to Hiiragi during your rekka pressure, although this is risky for the Baiken to do and she'll just blow up into a thousand pieces if you delay the rekka. A particularly strong setup is OTG c.S > f.S followed by quickly tapping back into another c.S, which will put Sol out of throw range and catch the opponent using fuzzy timings for their defensive options. Matchups. I-No - 19. GGST - Sol Badguy Overview - Dustloop Wiki In the corner or on Counter Hit against an airborne opponent, following up 6P with the first hit of Bandit Revolver can link into 5K for a full combo. The game was released for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and Windows in June 2021, and for Japanese arcades in July 2021. And Axl is the only one I have a decent chance of beating if I bump into a level 600 one. Use it after an empty jump to catch opponents expecting an overhead or in c.S or f.S pressure to represent the threat of a low that is difficult to challenge while you're at frame advantage. When you manage to catch her, it's likely that she will attempt to jump out of your pressure, as Millia's jump is fast and high, so plan your pressure accordingly. High-level replays may also be found in-game (Main Menu > Collection > Replay > Search). A vital tool in Sol's anti-air toolkit that has greater startup than 5K but is more effective against deeper jump-ins due to its upper body invincibility. He's too fast, period. Guilty Gear Xrd Tier List [October] 2022 ; S Tier. This is because she loses to Sol and Chipp, two of the best characters in the game. GGST - Zato-1 Matchups - Dustloop Wiki It is also possible to perform a Red Roman Cancel to convert into a full combo before the opponent hits the ground, usually by shifting it downward and dashing in with c.S. Slow but high reward anti-air that mainly sees use as combo filler. A projectile which usually travels slowly across the screen in a horizontal path above the ground. They have some good and bad matchups, but can be very effective in the right hands. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. That means that a person that is willing to fight a certain match up does that knowingly. This opening is designed such that the attacker can easily counter the defender's attack with his own., and wall bounce combo tool. Can be Purple Roman Canceled for tricky mix-ups, such as using Wild Throw before the attack is blocked or jumping over the opponent right before it hits for a cross-up. This attack is Sol's best point to use Roman Cancels in most combos. Use it to steal momentum against poor okizeme and predictable pressure. This is just a small project I took on out of interest. [[GGST/ May|Overview]] | [[GGST/ May/Frame_Data|Frame data]] | [[GGST/ May/Matchups|Matchups]] | [[GGST/ May/Strategy#|Strategy]] Return to Top, Frame Data Counterstrategy Reverse Matchup [1]. Can throw the opponent either forward or backwards. Don't take this seriously. Compared to 6P, its hurtbox is a bit taller, but a raw 2D is safer if there's a chance of it being blocked. Best Match. It's also good to note that Baiken players are extremely abnormal humans and will find zero issue with using gun super as a full screen whiff punish in a last hit scenario. This is Sol's highest damage OTG, though doing so will sacrifice okizeme and leave Sol vulnerable, especially in the corner, so only do it if it will close out a round. Ram gets strong punishes on both block and startup due to its generally risky nature, being -17 on block. The character whose not only not bad but good, it's Sol Badguy! At close range, 5K is an extremely fast knee with 3 frames of startup, making it Sol's fastest button and tied for the fastest normal in the game alongside Chipp's 5PGuard:AllStartup:3Recovery:10Advantage:-2. Thanks to its lack of proration, it is easily Sol's strongest starter. I think most interestingly is Leo. Dashing forward in small increments to force Anji into Hiiragi or 5P Abare range is also recomended. Discord: (if preferred): After spending a considerable time with Testament, I'm finally ready to share with you my matchup chart for them in Guilty Gear Strive! Lastly, his 6P is a fast and reliable tool for anti-airing and counter poking. How much R.I.S.C. He wears a white coat with purple lining decorated with silver studs and . 8.5K 30.5K 2.7K . A window in which to cancel a move. Giovanna vs Happy Chaos Matchup Knowledge. Avoid using the follow-up if the initial attack Wall Sticks so that the wall can be broken by a stronger ender like 5H, 6H, Fafnir, or Tyrant Rave. Cannot Roman Cancel unless the opponent is in hitstun or blockstun. Sol stabs downward with his sword. Baiken is very nimble and annoying to deal with in the neutral. Due to Zato's unconventional aerial movement, you'll need to do 6P on reaction rather than expectation. The last letters of a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich (and what some people hope to recieve from #11 Down. In general, use low-commit moves like your K and P buttons. Since there will be certain types of people choosing to play May vs Axl or Anji vs I-No and btw certain character scarcity also plays a role, atleast for me personally wether i want to play a certain match up at a point in time, we will have certain people dodging certain matchups or favoring others etcetc. A vital part of Sol's mix-up game as the fear of being hit by this move will incentivize the opponent to either jump or mash out of pressure, allowing Sol to fish for Counter Hits and anti-airs. No Axl allowed everyone hates that mofo. It's 31 frames meaning it's very much reactable. The two I found were Chipp against Pot and Pot against Doctor Who. Shorter active window compared to the ground version. Upward swipe that hits overhead pretty quickly. Due to her poor anti-air game and amazing air game, air approaches are used to move around more freely and punish frugal usage of pokes and H Kabari. Standard strike throw stuff needs to be thought of here. After the super freeze, Sol has constant full guardpoint for as long as the move remains active, and if an opponent hits Sol during this time, Sol will experience pushback, but then continue to move and remain active during hitstop. Leo's tier match-ups in Guilty Gear Strive - EventHubs The amount of Tension gained when the move is input. Good for frame traps as most light normals can cancel into it and immediate cancels leave a very small gap in blockstun. The aerial version can be delayed to halt Sol's momentum in the air, useful for baiting out an opponent's anti-air attempts, although it will lose to attacks with high vertical reach like Potemkin's Heat KnuckleGuard:Air Guard CrushStartup:12Recovery:18Advantage:+10~+3, Faust's 6PGuard:AllStartup:9Recovery:32Advantage:-21 or most rising DPs. Chipp's speed allows him to maneuver around Ram's big scary moves in neutral, keeping her "honest" to a certain extent. It's risky but can work. Sol has some of the strongest defensive tools in the game. A lot of her Yo-Yo normals have hurtboxes that extend beyond the hitbox and Yo-Yo itself, meaning that you can abuse your disjoints to punish her lack of some. Volcanic Viper, the latter of which leads to Sol's most damaging combos in the corner. Enables a meaty Gun Flame setup if you delay the special cancel to avoid the OTG window, and leads into a full combo on Counter Hit. It doesn't matter if she bodies all the lower tiers if she loses to the top tiers. Pay attention to this and be less committal with moves at higher Risc values. This can be caused by crouching, certain moves, and being short. Accompanied by a wolf spirit called Rei, Giovanna is an officer in the special operations unit that protects the President of the United States. Clean Hit deals enhanced damage and puts the opponent into a tumble state on hit. Useful in air combos for comboing into j.H or directly into j.D when both hits of j.H won't connect in the corner, delaying as necessary to adjust Sol's height relative to the opponent. Roman Cancels can be used to combo after it connects for even more damage. Sol's primary pressure tool, and flexible combo starter. Otherwise, Baiken has the advantage with fast buttons like f.s and 5K for close range poking, along with the larger pokes like 2S, 2H, and H Kabari to check approaches. Anji has an array of frametraps and mixups to open up Baiken on defense, but is weak to HiiragiGuard:Startup:1Recovery:32Advantage:. Wall bounces airborne opponents in the corner. Also Snail is -24 on block. You don't like having to work your way in against characters that outrange you. Can be used when fighting extremely distant and defensive opponents to build Tension, though the amount built is too small to mean much unless it's spammed multiple times. Worst Match. 14 comments. You don't really wanna go for a f.S or 5H super often from a mid range since Baiken can run up and punish with her own f.S which is decently disjointed. An honorable mention goes to Sepulturabeing the multi-purpose tool that it is also lends its use as a poke to pressure jumpers and beat out anyone trying to low profile your other options. Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2 Answer Axl Low Baiken Bedman Chipp Zanuff Dizzy Elphelt Valentine Faust I-No Jack-O' Jam Kuradoberi Johnny Kum Haehyun Ky Kiske Leo Whitefang May Millia Rage Potemkin Ramlethal Valentine Raven Sin Kiske Slayer Sol Badguy Venom Zato-1 Click [] for character's full frame . He's also armed with powerful mid-ranged tools such as 6S, a sizeable poke, and Gun Flame, a mid-ranged projectile that is plus on block if it hits meaty or at max range. It's a better idea to play more passive and to let her come to you, forcing her to commit to something you can punish. The lower the tier, the weaker the character. Counter Hit state during recovery until landing. Builds 1000 Tension once all damage is dealt. Your most hated matchups? :: GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- General Discussions Slight ground bounce on hit, hard knockdown upon landing. Has no recovery after the active frames end, allowing Sol to link into follow-up attacks, which is vital for some of his advanced combos. Also links into 2K against crouching opponents, even at max range. Roman Canceling the throw on hit can lead to equivalent damage to its grounded counterpart by shifting down into the same basic Red Roman Cancel route mid-screen or canceling directly into a falling j.D and comboing into a Dustloop in or near the corner. This move travels very far very quickly, ultimately giving it a niche as a full screen whiff punishing tool. Now, I am not much of a programmer, I am just starting and not that confident in my abilities. Popularity. But some people in support of -STRIVE-welcomed lowered difficulty barrier for newbies (in the series . Combos into 6S on crouching opponents and links into c.S on Counter Hit. Be ready to jump! Business as usual but just make sure you stay aware of Testament being able to use. Thanks Daisuke. A strong okizeme tool thanks to its high advantage on block and useful for resetting offense against a defending opponent reluctant to challenge. Arc System Work's Guilty Gear Strive released this past June, and while players are still learning the plenty of nuanced mechanics the game offers, certain characters are already rising above the rest.. This is a primary way to escape Baiken's H Kabari RPS situation due to its range and speed, but will lose to the followup. Combos directly into c.S, though 5K should be used instead if the forward movement doesn't bring Sol close enough for c.S or the gravity is too severe. Often safer than 6S as a gatling, requires a slightly longer delay to frame trap with. Anji has a strong footsies game with his large normals and the Autoguard property on his specials. While its range is shorter than f.S, it functions as a good counter poke at the same speed, as it does not move Sol's hurtbox very far forward while sporting a significantly disjointed hitbox. A lunging gut punch. Dustloop focuses on the competitive elements of these games, and provides instructional content aimed at helping players improve. Published on 3 Mar 2023. Cannot be special canceled from any move. Potempkin is somewhat similar to May, bodying lower tiers but losing to all the top tiers, thus being so low. Guilty Gear Strive arrives on Game Pass next week Playing as Axl, May can be rough sometimes, but Chipp is absolutely painful. The proportion of damage dealt when hitting Off The Ground (OTG). This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Recovery frames which happen under abnormal conditions, such as after landing. An input method to perform a special move in the air as fast as possible after you leave the ground. We'll take our She def needs buffs now. I haven't been running from fights and usually opt to fight characters I know I'm terrible against with Zato (see: Axl, Chipp, Sol, etc. Will lose to any attack before the super freeze but will not waste any Tension in doing so. Guilty Gear Strive Anji Mito Guide: Beginners Tips, Move List & Best Combo 26. So happy to see that program finally get some use, I've been waiting years hoping to see it applied to more games. How much Wall Damage is applied when the move connects on hit. If the knee attack connects while the opponent is airborne, Sol can drop the follow-up for much stronger okizeme or link into 5K to extend combos. His fast normals and DP can give Ram some trouble even when she does get him to block, and Chipp himself can have some really scary mixups in the right situations. Concerns:12,000 matches is a fuck-tonne and took way too long, but it's actually a super tiny number. Links into c.S on Counter Hit for a decently powerful conversion. One of Baiken's most annoying tools on block is Kabari, due to how she's built around R.P.S (rock, paper, scissors), she has a stupid amount of gaps that you can get caught by, here's some things you can try doing S Kabari will allow her to get tether after it lands, this is still RPS however. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame. Baiken's amazing normals control space very well, so moves like f.s and 2S end up being primary pokes in neutral as there isn't much she can do to contest them herself. Dustloop Wiki is an unofficial wiki dedicated to games developed by Arc System Works. Just be mindful that Chipp has. Matchups | RATING UPDATE Low hitting disjoint used to help control neutral. Gg Rev 2 Tier ListTier List Tier List URF Tier List ARAM Tier List Duo On air hit, it can combo into specials that lead into additional follow-ups (such as the first hit of Bandit Revolver or even Gun Flame in the corner) or it can combo into Bandit Bringer for a hard knockdown if it hits high enough. The ground version can potentially be plus on block if properly spaced or if it hits meaty, but the aerial version is always minus on block, if not completely punishable due to its greater landing recovery. Streaming Sunday 12:30 AM ET - Join to fight me!This is a tier list video based on Jack-O's matchups in Guilty Gear Strive If you enjoyed this video please m. It is integral to watch for Chaos' bullet amount and concentration, as they are extremely important to his gameplan. At long range, you can use Banjoneto to hit Chaos. I mean there's that but he also has some pretty polarising matchups too? Much like with Gun Flame, Fafnir can carry dash momentum to increase its range. If you don't punish it however, she's +2 which means she can keep running her pressure. Only 100 matches per match-up. Floating crumple on ground hit: Total 28F (airborne 1~11F, standing 12~28F, can block 19~28F). Her normals might look like they aren't very contestable but you can very much run up and premptively 6P them to stop her. Vote for tiers. Luckily for you, Ram has an annoying combo and great ways to get in. A very well-timed jump attack on a character who is rising from a knockdown. * Proration: Forced 75%. You can actually beat Leo's guard point stance with a grab or low (the low will cause a counterhit). Sol Badguy; People just love playing as Sol. Here's how to play Goldlewis Dickinson well in Guilty Gear Strive. The recovery of an attack refers to the amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action. Refer to the. 2S is also still useful. As Ram, avoid using f.S and 5H, because Millia can easily stay outside their range and just get in when they whiff. Can be done out of a dash to let Sol slide closer to the opponent as the projectile moves forward, making it easier for him to utilize the plus frames of a late hit Gun Flame. This is a definitive Matchup Chart for I-No in Guilty Gear Strive. Properties change if Roman Canceled before all damage is dealt: Reduces positive R.I.S.C. Sol leans forward and slams his sword into the ground. It loses to throws, so try to only use it if the opponent isn't at point blank range. Almost always abbreviated to TK. He doesn't do great in average win chance, but because he does so well against Sol (according to the data) and goes even against Chipp, he moves up a bit. Can be kara canceled into any special move to increase its range. The hard knockdown can grant good okizeme. If Chaos uses Concentration or Reload, you can attack with 623P, 214P, or j.214S at short to mid range. Her outfit is a white bodysuit with flared, slit pants and a deep decollete. An offensive technique where the attacker leaves a small opening in their offense, goading the defender into performing an attack. Universal Sweep. This is especially true for multi-hit projectiles, as they keep Sol pushed away for longer. Best Match. On top of that, Ram has a much easier time dealing with dolphin RPS, meaning May has to work harder to actually get her hits. You out neutral him but he heavily out damages you. Millia bottom 3. Walk back Far Slash and jumping away can work well. Worst Match. The two pro players agreed on having Sol Badguy as the best S-tier character, but Justin went on a tangent by saying that Ramlethal was next in line on his Guilty Gear Strive tier list. Sol: Guilty Gear -Strive- | DashFight He doodled me and a friend as if we were Sol and Ky from Guilty Gear Strive. This can be performed either from a jump cancelable normal (an air hit 5K/c.S or a CH c.S) or an early combo Bandit Revolver canceled into either a forward dash Purple Roman Cancel into j.K or a downward dash Red Roman Cancel canceled directly into Volcanic Viper deep in the corner. Do try to be careful when going for the second or third hit of, Since Testament has low damage relative to Ram, this makes winning neutral more often pretty vital which can be difficult because it's Ramlethal. Axl just doesn't get as much leeway in neutral because the range she can start threatening him is much larger than most other characters. An attack during the opponent's pressure, intended to interrupt it. Sol Badguy is the protagonist of the Guilty Gear series and Ky Kiske's rival. Just based on my own experience, Id expect Chipp and Ram to be much worse matchups than May here. Key tool in frame traps, leading to some of Sol's highest damage. It can also be used to guarantee plus frames after a blocked j.S, but the pushback will weaken Sol's pressure afterwards. H Kabari is only minus 3, keeping it safe on block and will push the opponent towards Baiken. Sol's command throw. Guilty Gear Strive is the latest entry into a more than two-decade old franchise, . 5P, 6K, and 2S are large anti-air moves that control the airspace very well. Usually something like to a. An offensive technique where the attacker leaves a small opening in their offense, goading the defender into performing an attack. The opposite of hoping your main will be buffed, ________ thinking. Test 6P is juiced so if Ram gets 6P happy just slap them. Despite what the animation implies, it can hit certain crouching opponents. High-level replays may also be found in-game (Main Menu > Collection > Replay > Search). His f.S is a fast, plus on block poke that lies at the heart of his pressure game. 5H has moderate horizontal range and a surprisingly tall vertical hitbox, but it shouldn't be used as an anti-air as it is very unsafe on whiff. Its vertical range and fast recovery makes it a low risk anti-air, and in some cases is more useful than 5K, being easier to utilise on Counter Hit for short burst damage conversions into Clean Hit Volcanic Viper. Can be varied in usage. Instead, it should be used to control the air, as it easily allows Sol to continue pressure if the opponent air blocks it, and may score stray hits due to its long active frames. Sol steps forward and swings his sword. I don't understand what makes that matchup positive for Anji. Clean Hit deals greatly enhanced damage, increases launch distance, and grants hard knockdown. Someone you don't want to run into. What are the worst matchups in Strive at the moment? Most things Leo does round start loses to Ram's. Instant BlockA special type of blocking done by inputting a block immediately before blocking an attack. Fighting game Guilty Gear Strive will join Game Pass next week, and will be playable on console and PC. The Clean Hit deals absolutely massive damage, so it should be used to end combos whenever possible. With the right autoguard triggers, Anji Mito can make explosive plays to punish a foe's advance. His pressure can be challenged easier but it can end up being much more rewarding for Gold if he gets a counter hit. Sol Badguy's Guilty Gear Strive tier match ups. Giovanna: Although she's a rushdown character, she feels less threatening than other rushdowns. Please take my money Tattie!!!!! Happy Chaos and Ramlethal both share a deep connection, that being that you simply have to endure the rest on the match suffering in a corner as you hold this mix. Hits slightly behind Sol, allowing it to be used for cross-ups. Chipp has very fast round start options via, Chipp has a very easy time evading a lot of Ram's stuff and he tends to be a whiff punish demon. Character Strategy pages generally have at least some basic counter-strategy. If the first hit connects at close proximity, the second hit will Clean Hit, dealing even more damage and making it highly potent at overpowering Guts to end rounds. Your goal is to attack extremely close to when you land so that, if the character performs an invincible reversal attack, you will land and be able to block.
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