'Bloodlines' Queensland-born artist Gordon Bennett (1955-2014) was deeply engaged with questions of identity, perception and the construction of history, and made a profound and ongoing contribution to contemporary art in Australia and internationally. He found this liberating. The word DISPERSE was used by the colonisers to represent the killing of Aboriginal people. The representation of Aborigines has been reduced to caricature. Explore. SOLD FEB 21, 2023. Gordon Bennett | World War II Database - WW2DB Is this response informed by Bennetts work? This world is not my home - Gordon Bennett - QAGOMA Learning We would like to hear from you. It was no accident that Bennett used Pollocks Blue Poles: Number 11. Bennett used Blue Poles to recall this period of change. Das Jahr 1904 brachte mit dem Gordon-Bennett-Rennen in Deutschland und dem Vanderbilt Cup in den USA einen weiteren Aufschwung des Motorsports vor allem auch auerhalb Frankreichs, wobei fr das Rennen in New York erstmals europische Fahrer und Rennstlle nach bersee gereist waren. L120238 Gordon Bennett. The viewer does not confront the artist, but self. 27 oct. 2018 - Dcouvrez le tableau "GORDON BENNETT" de Bibishams sur Pinterest. The effect is that they dissolve into a mass of colour, dots and slashes of paint . 1. 22-24, Gordon Bennett, The manifest toe, in The Art of Gordon Bennett, p. 32, Gordon Bennett, The manifest toe in Ian McLean & Gordon Bennett, The Art of Gordon Bennett, Craftsman House, 1996, pp. Much of Bennetts work has been concerned with an interrogation of Australias colonial past and postcolonial present, including issues associated with the dominant role that white, western culture has played in constructing the social and cultural landscape of the nation. In Unassailable heroes (Sweet Damper) Famous since Captain Cook, 1996 the motifs and symbols suggest issues and questions related to history and representation that concern Bennett. ), National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 2007, p. 101, Gordon Bennett, Conversation Bill Wright talks to Gordon Bennett, p. 97, the visual qualities and symbolism of art elements such as colour and shape, the symbolism and representation of subject matter/content (including text), the appropriation of the work of other artists, the presentation of the artwork (ie. Queensland-born Gordon Bennett was an artist who loved collapsing 'high' and 'low' art boundaries. These images are fused and overlapped in a dynamic composition underpinned by Mondrian-style grids. I found people were always confusing me as a person with the content of my work. SOLD FEB 10, 2023. Gordon Bennett 1. These qualities expose some of the complications that arise from understandings built on binary opposites. The Constitution is being rethought with respect to Indigenous Australians, and treaty-making is on the agenda yet the Uluru Statement from the Heart was roundly ignored by the Federal Government. Here Bennett raises questions and matters about the stories that define us personally and culturally, and about the complex relationship that has existed between the Christian church and Indigenous cultures through history. Gordon Bennett (1955-2014) created the triptych Bloodlines 1993 early in his career. It alludes to ownership and territory. The performance that forms an integral part of this work shows a tall indistinct figure (Bennett) prowling around a stage- like setting illuminated by a rapidly changing pattern of images, text, light and colour. Suggest reasons for the similarities and differences that you find. Gordon Bennett, The manifest toe, p. 27, Identities come from somewhere, have histories, and like everything which is historical, they undergo constant transformation. [Bennett] seeks to expose the shadows of official history, to track its doubles and contradictions, not in order to repudiate the European vision but to map a postcolonial future Ian McLean 2. Landing of Captain Cook at Botany Bay 1770 by E. Phillips Fox, for example, depicts Captain James Cook ceremoniously coming ashore at Botany Bay to claim the land for Britain. So, painting in an overtly abstract manner was a way to go silent on the issues involved and yet still keep painting. Bennetts interest in adopting a strategy of intervention and disturbance in the field of representation manifests in many different ways in his art. Possession Island 1991 was recently purchased by the Historic Houses Trust of NSW. A gush of blood red paint shoots into the sky from his body. In just three generations, that heritage has been lost to me. In a conceptual sense I was liberated from the binary prison of self and other; the wall had disintegrated but where was I? The early 'Possession Island' (Abstraction))' 1991 was one choice. Thousands of dots fill the canvas. Ft. 2707 Coral Shores Dr, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306. Bloodlines: The art of Gordon Bennett - QAGOMA Blog For example, Aboriginal deaths in custody was recognised as a significant issue. Bennetts final year at art college in 1988 coincided with the Bicentenary of European settlement of Australia. Born in 1955 in Monto, Queensland, Gordon Bennett lived and worked in Brisbane before his unexpected death in 2014. These paintings reflect Bennetts belief that after the Notes to Basquiat series of 2003, I had gone as far I could with the postcolonial project I was working through1. The works I have produced are notes, nothing more, to you and your work Gordon Bennett 1. Bennetts use of the grotesque is evident in Outsider, 1988, which makes reference to two paintings by the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh (1853 1890) Vincents bedroom in Arles 1888, and Starry night 1889. Unfinished Business: The Art of Gordon Bennett In images such as these, Aboriginal people are often absent or relegated to the background. However, the cross- like form in Bennetts painting has an image of Bennetts mother, kneeling before it, with a cleaning rag in her hand, recalling her early training and work as a domestic servant under the governments protection. Narratives of exploration, colonisation and settlement failed to recognise the sovereign rights (or sovereignty) of Australias Indigenous people. Lists of words draw the viewer into a game of word association. John Citizen is an artist for our times: he reflects back to us citizens the white Australia of the postKeating era. Van Goghs original bedroom evokes a feeling of peace and harmony. By overlaying perspective diagrams on images constructed according to the conventions of perspective, such as the landscape in Requiem, Bennett reminds us of the learned and culturally specific systems that influence knowledge and perception. It is reproduced in flat, bold and black line work. John Citizen was a work in progress that allows me to follow other streams of thought in my practice. In 2003, Bennett embarked on a series of non-representational abstract paintings, marking a dramatic shift in his art practice, formally and conceptually. As a self- portrait, the artist seems to be present everywhere within the installation but is in fact nowhere. 3 Beds. . It is uttered by all good Muslims before a good deed. In the Christian tradition light is associated with goodness and righteousness while darkness is associated with evil. This is a Tate Images licensable image titled 'Possession Island (Abstraction)' by Tate Images. Oil and acrylic on canvas, 182 x 182 cm. He quotes directly from this image, which is in fact a copy of a copy, as Samuel Calvert copied this image of Captain Cook landing in Botany Bay from an image by Gilfillan, which is now lost. Bennett depicts self as a black empty vessel, coffin- like with lash markings almost disguised by a thick layer of black paint. I decided that I would attempt to create a space by adopting a strategy of intervention and disturbance in the field of representation through my art. On closer inspection we see it is an image of an Aboriginal man. A long-distance hot-air balloon race (The International Gordon Bennett balloon race), which still continues, was inaugurated by him in 1906. History | World Air Sports Federation Gordon Bennett: Selected Writings - Power Publications Gordon Bennett | MCA Australia Bennett also had ongoing concerns about how his Aboriginal identity and his interest in subjects related to Aboriginality were framing and hence limiting the way his artistic identity and his work were perceived. Gouged into the skin like a tattoo, these markings will never heal or fade away. ). How do these systems/conventions reflect values and ideas important to that culture? Select two artworks by Gordon Bennett that interest you and discuss how the artists personal background, postcolonialism and/or postmodernism provide a framework for the meanings, ideas and/or formal qualities you find in the artworks. Collection: Museum of Sydney, Sydney Living Museums The Estate of Gordon Bennett The Other is clearly marked out as not only different but by necessity inferior. The The Notes to Basquiat series,which Bennett commenced in 1998, marked a significant new direction in his art in relation to working with the style of another artist. Cook, l'escroc du Pacifique - CASOAR Arts et Anthropologie de l'Ocanie The content of the work was getting to me emotionally. Bennetts referencing, appropriation and recontextualisation of familiar images and art styles challenges conventional ways of viewing and thinking and opens up new possibilities for understanding the subjects he explored. But in Bennetts painting disparate diagrams, symbols and images disrupt the illusion, presenting the landscape as a site where many ideas and viewpoints compete. Explain how these images might have influenced perceptions of Australian identity? While self- portraits usually address issues of personal identity, Bennett uses this form of representation to also look at issues of identity on a national scale. "I want a future that lives up to my past": the words from David McDiarmid's iconic poster reverberate now, as we ponder the past year and think ah. These visual representations of history present the colonisers as powerful figures and as the bearers of learning and civilisation in a land of primitive people who have no obvious learning or culture. Greene-ware 2020 Year 11 Ruby T Art as Lens - issuu.com Nov 26, 2012 - The paintings of Gordon Bennett are loaded with graphic detail. It is a monument that also unintentionally signals the subsequent dispossession of Aboriginal people from their homeland. Possession Island (Appendix 1) 1991 and Notes to Basquiat (Jackson Pollock and his Other) (Appendix 2) 2001 will be discussed in relation to Henri's statement. It is based on a newspaper photograph of Bennetts mother and another young Aboriginal woman, dressed in crisp white uniforms, polishing the elaborate architectural fittings in a grand interior of a homestead in Singleton. Discuss in relation to selected artworks by Bennett that you believe reveal questions and complexities, rather than answers and simplicities. No easy answers in the art of Gordon Bennett Discuss with reference to selected artworks by Gordon Bennett. Create an illustrated and annotated timeline of the history of Australia since settlement. Bennetts art is not always easy to look at. I AM is borrowed from a well known art work, Victory over death 2, 1970 by New Zealand artist Colin McCahon (19191987) . Jenna Gribbon, Silver Tongue, 2019, Price ranges of small prints by Pablo Picasso. I didnt go to art college to graduate as an Aboriginal Artist. possession island Gordon Bennett (1955-2014) voraciously consumed art history, current affairs, rap music and fiction, and processed it all into an unflinching critique of how identities are constituted and how history shapes individual and shared cultural conditions. Articles - JSTOR This emphasises the works formal qualities and discourages any narrative or symbolic reading of it. The persistence of language references the way language controls and defines how we understand ourselves and our world. While the conceptual framework underpinning Bennetts art remained remarkably consistent, his art practice was characterised by some dramatic stylistic shifts over twenty years. Many Indigenous Australians saw this appropriation as further evidence of a justification of colonisation and a Eurocentric interpretation of Aboriginal culture. The soundtrack includes digital sampling of ICE.Ts Race War. How does Bennetts use of appropriation reflect an interest in some of the moral and ethical issues associated with this practice. I had never thought to question those narratives and I certainly had never been taught at school to question them only to believe them. The repression of Aboriginal heritage that Bennett experienced was reinforced by an education system and society dominated by a history built on the belief in Australia as terra nullius. Gordon Bennett! The Scot behind the popular saying Gordon bennett hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy She was once thought to be the last surviving Tasmanian Aborigine. Gordon Bennett, Possession Island #2, 1991. 1 Bill Wrights interview with Gordon Bennett in Gellatly K with contributions by Clemens, Justin; Devery, Jane; and Wright, Bill Gordon Bennett National Gallery of Victoria exhibition catalogue, Melbourne, 2007, During his childhood in the 1950s and 60s, Bennett lived with his family in Victoria and Queensland. The only clearly defined part of Possession Island is the black skinned male figure in the centre. Discuss with reference to the same works. While Bennetts art is grounded in his personal struggle for identity as an Australian of Aboriginal and AngloCeltic descent, it presents and examines a broad range of philosophical questions related to the construction of identity, perception and knowledge.
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