[119], Another important element in nation-building, the story of the heroic past, fell to such nationalist German historians as the liberal constitutionalist Friedrich Dahlmann (17851860), his conservative student Heinrich von Treitschke (18341896), and others less conservative, such as Theodor Mommsen (18171903) and Heinrich von Sybel (18171895), to name two. PDF AP EUROPEAN HISTORY 2008 SCORING GUIDELINES (Form B) Wilhelm refused to give such an encompassing statement, and he sent Bismarck a dispatch by telegram describing the French demands. When Italy and Germany were unified, they changed history. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. Victoria and Albert Museum, Dept. Russia says US, NATO's 'increasing' involvement in Ukraine 'fraught with direct military clash of nuclear powers' Anadolu Agency. Bismarck's response to the Lower House was his famous "iron and blood" speech. Urban middle class Dahlmann himself died before unification, but he laid the groundwork for the nationalist histories to come through his histories of the English and French revolutions, by casting these revolutions as fundamental to the construction of a nation, and Dahlmann himself viewed Prussia as the logical agent of unification. There was no readily applicable definition for who the German people would be or how far the borders of a German nation would stretch. emphasized their distinctiveness for not only the Christian Germans, but for the local Jewish populations as well. With this constitution, the new Germany acquired some democratic features: notably the Imperial Diet, whichin contrast to the parliament of Prussiagave citizens representation on the basis of elections by direct and equal suffrage of all males who had reached the age of 25. Finally, it extended to the religion of the new Empire's population. Even after the end of the Holy Roman Empire, this competition influenced the growth and development of nationalist movements in the 19th century. There is, in political geography, no Germany proper to speak of. Victor Grossman is a journalist from the U.S. now living in Berlin. Emerging modes of transportation facilitated business and recreational travel, leading to contact and sometimes conflict between and among German-speakers from throughout Central Europe. Music scholars have also argued that the sustained E-flat not only represents the depths of Rhine River, but because Wagner was a Social Darwinist, the note represents creation itself; the music "evolves" from one simple note, and therefore Wagner's intention was that Germany itself, in spite of its newness, was an organic entity, existing in spirit, long before it was created politically. Good grades in such AP tests can result in the student being granted exemption from certain college freshman courses. Applegate, Celia. [12], Problematically, the built-in Austrian dominance failed to take into account Prussia's 18th-century emergence in Imperial politics. Kuhne, Thomas. The French defeat at the Battle of Sedan and annexation of Alsace-Lorraine brought Bavaria into the German Confederation, and William I became the first monarch of the German Empire. AP Euro: Unification Flashcards | Quizlet [123], For the 1871 ceremonial event marking completion of unification, see, Administrative areas after the unification of the, Dissolution of the Old Empire by the Napoleonic Continental System, Rise of German nationalism under Napoleon, Congress of Vienna and the rise of German dualism, Emergence of liberal nationalism and conservative response, German revolutions and Polish uprising of 184849, The aborted 184849 German Empire in retrospective analysis, Problem of spheres of influence: The Erfurt Union and the Punctation of Olmtz, External expectations of a unified Germany, Peace of Prague and the North German Confederation, Unified Italy and Austro-Hungarian Compromise, Open hostilities and the disastrous end of the Second French Empire, War as the capstone of the unification process, Internal political and administrative unification, Historical arguments and the Empire's social anatomy, Beyond the political mechanism: forming a nation, Although the Prussian army had gained its reputation in the. By 1846, 180 steamers plied German rivers and Lake Constance, and a network of canals extended from the Danube, the Weser, and the Elbe rivers. They captured Napoleon III and took an entire army as prisoners at Sedan on 1 September 1870. The German question is not a constitutional question, but a question of power; and the Prussian monarchy is now wholly German, while that of Austria cannot be. Recent research into the role of the Grand Bourgeoisiewhich included bankers, merchants, industrialists, and entrepreneursin the construction of the new state has largely refuted the claim of political and economic dominance of the Junkers as a social group. [60]. SEOUL, South Korea . Sheehan, pp. In November 1850, the Prussiansspecifically Radowitz and Frederick Williamagreed to the restoration of the German Confederation under Austrian leadership. Om. [112], If the Wartburg and Hambach rallies had lacked a constitution and administrative apparatus, that problem was addressed between 1867 and 1871. The external tariffs on finished goods and overseas raw materials were below the rates of the Zollverein. Bismarck used the king's telegram, called the Ems Dispatch, as a template for a short statement to the press. [] His intention was nothing less than to overturn the European settlement agreed [to] in 1815 by the Congress of Vienna, which had reestablished an oppressive hegemony of a few great powers and blocked the emergence of smaller nations. Their governance varied: they included free imperial cities, also of different sizes, such as the powerful Augsburg and the minuscule Weil der Stadt; ecclesiastical territories, also of varying sizes and influence, such as the wealthy Abbey of Reichenau and the powerful Archbishopric of Cologne; and dynastic states such as Wrttemberg. [38], The Bavarian Ludwig Railway, which was the first passenger or freight rail line in the German lands, connected Nuremberg and Frth in 1835. He was first and foremost a politician, and in this lied his strength. Giant AP Euro Terms List with complete solutions 2023 As chancellor, Bismarck tried without much success to limit the influence of the Roman Catholic Church and of its party-political arm, the Catholic Center Party, in schools and education- and language-related policies. In this unit, there are two big pieces of content to cover: the unification of Italy and German, as well as New Imperialism. [122], Mommsen's contributions to the Monumenta Germaniae Historica laid the groundwork for additional scholarship on the study of the German nation, expanding the notion of "Germany" to mean other areas beyond Prussia. . They also understood that Prussia's only ally abroad was Italy. The second war of German unification was the 1866 Austro-Prussian War, which settled the question of "smaller" versus "greater" Germany. Instead of a war of revenge against Prussia, supported by various German allies, France engaged in a war against all of the German states without any allies of its own. [80], A quick peace was essential to keep Russia from entering the conflict on Austria's side. By 1914, the SPD's 3 million members made it the largest party in Germany. During this period, European liberalism gained momentum; the agenda included economic, social, and political issues. The German Empire became," in Karl Marx's words, a military despotism cloaked in parliamentary forms with a feudal ingredient, influenced by the bourgeoisie, festooned with bureaucrats and guarded by police. Indeed, many historians would see Germany's escape into war in 1914 as a flight from all of the internal-political contradictions forged by Bismarck at Versailles in the fall of 1870. Gramont wrote a sharply formulated ultimatum to Wilhelm, as head of the Hohenzollern family, stating that if any Hohenzollern prince should accept the crown of Spain, the French government would respondalthough he left ambiguous the nature of such response. (The power of initiating legislation rested with the chancellor.) The German Conquest of France in 18701871. In 1813, Napoleon mounted a campaign in the German states to bring them back into the French orbit; the subsequent War of Liberation culminated in the great Battle of Leipzig, also known as the Battle of Nations. Like their French counterparts, wealthy German Jews sponsored salons; in particular, several Jewish salonnires held important gatherings in Frankfurt and Berlin during which German intellectuals developed their own form of republican intellectualism. Role of prithivi narayan shah in unification of nepal? Stasi German Teaching Resources | TPT Reaction to Danish and French nationalism provided foci for expressions of German unity. With the exception of the years 18721873 and 18921894, the imperial chancellor was always simultaneously the prime minister of the imperial dynasty's hegemonic home-kingdom, Prussia. Unification of Italy and Germany Social Issue High Imperialism World . G.Wawro. For instance Italy was brought together when the Franco-Prussian war withdrew France from Rome. The Austrian government ordered partial mobilization in the southern regions; the Italians responded by ordering full mobilization. German liberals were justifiably skeptical of this plan, having witnessed Bismarck's difficult and ambiguous relationship with the Prussian Landtag (State Parliament), a relationship characterized by Bismarck's cajoling and riding roughshod over the representatives. The model of diplomatic spheres of influence resulting from the Congress of Vienna in 181415 after the Napoleonic Wars endorsed Austrian dominance in Central Europe through Habsburg leadership of the German Confederation, designed to replace the Holy Roman Empire. Most European liberals in the Vormrz sought unification under nationalist principles, promoted the transition to capitalism, sought the expansion of male suffrage, among other issues. [14] As Maria Theresa and Joseph tried to restore Habsburg hegemony in the Holy Roman Empire, Frederick countered with the creation of the Frstenbund (Union of Princes) in 1785. The Unification of Germany and Italy - Students of History [89] The Austro-Prussian War also damaged relations with the French government. 432456. For a representative analysis of this perspective, see. [105] "Einheit unity was achieved at the expense of Freiheit freedom. The effects of the railway were immediate. Europe (1848-1871): Italian Unification (1848-1870) | SparkNotes France promised aid, but it came late and was insufficient. Among the German-speaking states, the Holy Roman Empire's administrative and legal mechanisms provided a venue to resolve disputes between peasants and landlords, between jurisdictions, and within jurisdictions. Ap euro 21 - lecture notes; Ap euro 23 - lecture notes; Ap euro 24 - lecture notes; Ap euro 25 - lecture notes; Ap euro 26 - lecture notes; . The German Confederation could use the ethnicities of the area as a rallying cry: Holstein and Lauenburg were largely of German origin and spoke German in everyday life, while Schleswig had a significant Danish population and history. Finally, Francefearing Hohenzollern encirclementdeclared war on Prussia in 1870, resulting in the Franco-Prussian War. This seemed to be the most logical course since Prussia was the strongest of the German states, as well as the largest in geographic size. The king of Prussia as emperor and Bismarck as chancellor had complete authority over foreign affairs and the army. The German unification was also brought together by the Franco-Prussian war. Chapter 22 | AP Euro [21], At the Wartburg Festival in 1817 the first real movements among the students were formed - fraternities and student organizations emerged. The unification of Germany fundamentally altered the delicate "balance of powers" established by the Congress of Vienna with the creation of a large, wealthy, and powerful nation-state in central Europe. Meanwhile, center-right revolutionaries sought some kind of expanded suffrage within their states and potentially, a form of loose unification. Despite the nomenclature of Diet (Assembly or Parliament), this institution should in no way be construed as a broadly, or popularly, elected group of representatives. History. Today we'll look at how Italy and Germany pulled it together in the second half of the 1800s. The Congregations Law of 1875 abolished religious orders, ended state subsidies to the Catholic Church, and removed religious protections from the Prussian constitution. Industrialists and merchants thus brought liberal politics into German nationalism. Through the organization of imperial circles (Reichskreise), groups of states consolidated resources and promoted regional and organizational interests, including economic cooperation and military protection. Due in part to the shared experience, albeit under French dominance, various justifications emerged to identify "Germany" as a potential future single state. This impractical solution did not reflect the new status of Prussia in the overall scheme. This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 19:38. by cjones004. Although an arch-conservative, Bismarck. Judicial System: Body of Prince electors that often fought. PDF Debates Over Italian Unification Dbq - (PDF) Ap euro 30 - lecture notes - I a th eERXypROoEfFtCSh 0 The age of ' i Let us hope, then, that you can use your energy to overcome your moth-eaten thirty tyrants of the various German states. German Unification DBQ - AP European History Those in authority were concerned about the growing unrest, political and social agitation among the working classes, and the disaffection of the intelligentsia. Over the ensuing thirty years (and more) other German states joined. The Hambach rhetoric emphasized the overall peaceable nature of German nationalism: the point was not to build barricades, a very "French" form of nationalism, but to build emotional bridges between groups. The engagement resulted in a decisive victory for the Coalition of Austria, Prussia, Russia, Saxony, and Sweden. The reason is that the world lacks a nation [that] possesses true leadership. The battle was a decisive victory for Prussia and forced the Habsburgs to end the war with the unfavorable Peace of Prague,[82] laying the groundwork for the Kleindeutschland (little Germany) solution, or "Germany without Austria.". Not being a member mattered more for the states of south Germany, since the external tariff of the Customs Union prevented customs-free access to the coast (which gave access to international markets). This experience echoed the memory of mutual accomplishment in the Napoleonic Wars, particularly in the War of Liberation of 181314. Comparing and contrasting Wagner's views of nationalism in "Art and Revolution" with Bismarck's speech to the Prussian Lower House, what are the strengths and weaknesses of each view? 316395. By establishing a Germany without Austria, the political and administrative unification in 1871 at least temporarily solved the problem of dualism. These lands made up the territory of the Holy Roman Empire, which at times included more than 1,000 entities. Meanwhile, the liberals in the Frankfurt assembly saw German unity as a process of negotiation that would lead to the distribution of power among the many parties. In the aftermath of this disarray, the convergence of von Moltke's operational redesign, von Roon and Wilhelm's army restructure, and Bismarck's diplomacy influenced the realignment of the European balance of power. Austrian-Prussian dualism lay firmly rooted in old Imperial politics. Its impact reached throughout the social order, affecting the highest born to the lowest. Unification was achieved by building on a tradition of legal collaboration under the Holy Roman Empire and economic collaboration through the Zollverein. Napoleon had ordered the emancipation of Jews throughout territories under French hegemony. Beyond the salons, Jews continued a process of Germanization in which they intentionally adopted German modes of dress and speech, working to insert themselves into the emerging 19th-century German public sphere. Following the defeat of the Austrian Empire in 1866, the German states allied with Prussia, with the notable exception of Catholic Bavaria, forming the North German Confederation. The religious reform movement among German Jews reflected this effort. The overture to Das Rheingold sets the stage for the audience. AP stands for "Advanced Placement"; it is a test intended for U.S. or foreign high school students to prove extraordinary knowledge. 9th Edition. This controversy, the latest phase of the German dualism debate that had dominated the politics of the German states and Austro-Prussian diplomacy since the 1701 creation of the Kingdom of Prussia, would come to a head during the following twenty years. Ten Minute History - German Unification and Empire (Short Documentary) History Matters 3.3M views 5 years ago The Roads to World War I: Crash Course European History #32 CrashCourse 870K. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000. Bismarck's policies, especially the buildup of the Prussian army, led to conflict with the liberal-dominated Lower House of the Prussian parliament, which resisted his proposals to pay for the increase in military expenditures with new taxes until Bismarck and the crown agreed to lasting constitutional reform. Others wondered if the railways were an "evil" that threatened the landscape: Nikolaus Lenau's 1838 poem An den Frhling (To Spring) bemoaned the way trains destroyed the pristine quietude of German forests. Chapter 19 AP Euro DRAFT. German economist Friedrich List called the railways and the Customs Union "Siamese Twins", emphasizing their important relationship to one another. Europe (1848-1871) quizzes about important details and events in every section of the book. [107], Though often characterized as a federation of monarchs, the German Empire, strictly speaking, federated a group of 26 constituent entities with different forms of government, ranging from the main four constitutional monarchies to the three republican Hanseatic cities. The career and music of Richard Wagner offer a unique interdisciplinary approach to the romantic aspect of German nationalism. [61], King Frederick William IV suffered a stroke in 1857 and could no longer rule. They brought Austria and Hungary together into one empire. These individual governments rejected the potent combination of enticing promises and subtle (or outright) threats Bismarck used to try to gain their support against the Habsburgs. The states ranged in size from the small and complex territories of the princely Hohenlohe family branches to sizable, well-defined territories such as the Electorate of Bavaria, the Margraviate of Brandenburg or the Kingdom of Bohemia. [103], Victory in the Franco-Prussian War proved the capstone of the unification process. [87] In 1867, the Austrian emperor Franz Joseph accepted a settlement (the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867) in which he gave his Hungarian holdings equal status with his Austrian domains, creating the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary.[88]. As a result, the Confederation of the Rhine collapsed and the French period came to an end. [97] "In the days after Sedan, Prussian envoys met with the French and demanded a large cash indemnity as well as the cession of Alsace and Lorraine. [15], The period of Austrian and Prussian police-states and vast censorship between the Congress of Vienna and the Revolutions of 1848 in Germany later became widely known as the Vormrz, the "before March", referring to March 1848. Scribner, Robert W. and Sheilagh C. Ogilvie. For the German philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte, The first, original, and truly natural boundaries of states are beyond doubt their internal boundaries. The prince withdrew as a candidate, thus defusing the crisis, but the French ambassador to Berlin would not let the issue lie. No amount of censorship, fines, imprisonment, or banishment, it seemed, could stem the criticism. Will give brainliest and a will put up a free point questionthe following question refers to a hypothetical situation. Italian unification dbq ap european history exam 2010 Free Essays "German History before Hitler: The Debate about the German Sonderweg. The unifications were different. Many of the states did not have constitutions, and those that did, such as the Duchy of Baden, based suffrage on strict property requirements which effectively limited suffrage to a small portion of the male population. [111], Additional studies of different groups in Wilhelmine Germany have all contributed to a new view of the period. They conclude that factors in addition to the strength of Bismarck's Realpolitik led a collection of early modern polities to reorganize political, economic, military, and diplomatic relationships in the 19th century. Agitation by student organizations led such conservative leaders as Klemens Wenzel, Prince von Metternich, to fear the rise of national sentiment. Their pressure resulted in a variety of elections, based on different voting qualifications, such as the Prussian three-class franchise, which granted to some electoral groupschiefly the wealthier, landed onesgreater representative power. Throughout the subsequent decades, beginning almost immediately after the defeat of the French, reaction against the mixing of Jews and Christians limited the intellectual impact of these salons. The Prussian cabinet saw German unity as an issue of power and a question of who had the strength and will to wield that power. AP European History - zum.de To name only a few of these studies: Geoff Eley. However, by the 19th century, transportation and communications improvements started to bring these regions closer together. The question became not a matter of if but rather when unification would occur, and when was contingent upon strength. The post Cold War reunification of Germany in 1990 seemed such a natural consequence of the end of the Cold War and the collapse of Soviet power in Eastern Europe that it is easy to forget that Germany had a fairly brief life span as a unified nation-state. Italian and German Unification: Crash Course European History #27 This was particularly important for the emerging industrial centers, most of which were located in the Prussian regions of the Rhineland, the Saar, and the Ruhr valleys. 9 months ago. Ukrainian Forces Hold On In Bakhmut, Kyiv Says, Despite Russian Claims Slowly, the music builds on the E-flat as the lights are slowly turned up on the setting, which shows the three Rhine Maidens swimming in the river. In April 1866, the Prussian representative in Florence signed a secret agreement with the Italian government, committing each state to assist the other in a war against Austria. German Unification - AP Central | College Board Which statement about an important event that led to german unification [93] He approached the Prussian king directly while Wilhelm was vacationing in Ems Spa, demanding that the King release a statement saying he would never support the installation of a Hohenzollern on the throne of Spain. High-performance computing with distributed processing units to build a platform based cloud solution for quantum chemistry calculations and upper layer use-case applications. [42] Such other patriotic songs as "Die Wacht am Rhein" ("The Watch on the Rhine") by Max Schneckenburger began to focus attention on geographic space, not limiting "Germanness" to a common language. The dramatic prelude to the war occurred largely in Frankfurt, where the two powers claimed to speak for all the German states in the parliament. A broad investigation into the problem of creating a German national identity outside of Prussia. [100] On January 18, 1871, the German princes and senior military commanders proclaimed Wilhelm "German Emperor" in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles. Although some of the outlying German provinces were not serviced by rail until the 1890s, the majority of the population, manufacturing centers, and production centers were linked to the rail network by 1865. Demonstrates the impact of German unification on the ethnically French region of Alsace. Furthermore, the member states agreed to send military assistance to any government threatened by unrest. Bismarck encouraged Leopold to accept the offer. Plus, it's packed with the women's World Cup AP Euro P.4 2/14/23 German language: 1800 was one of the most influential elements that led to German unification; several diverse German writers and theorists started to give work towards uniting German identity that wasn't involved with French control under Napoleon Burschenschaft: 1815 The remainder of the letter exhorts the Germans to unification: "This role of world leadership, left vacant as things are today, might well be occupied by the German nation. [13] Ever since the Prince-Elector of Brandenburg had made himself King in Prussia at the beginning of that century, their domains had steadily increased through inheritance and war. The German unification was also brought together by the Franco-Prussian war. The Napoleon's campaigns in Poland (180607) resulting in his decision to re-establish a form of Polish statehood (the Duchy of Warsaw) at the cost of also Prussian-conquered Polish territories, as well as his campaigns on Iberian Peninsula, in western Germany, and his disastrous invasion of Russia in 1812 disillusioned many Germans, princes and peasants alike. In the refrain, "Dear fatherland, dear fatherland, put your mind to rest / The watch stands true on the Rhine", and in such other patriotic poetry as Nicholaus Becker's "Das Rheinlied" ("The Rhine"), Germans were called upon to defend their territorial homeland. AP Euro Unit 7 Notes: National Unification + Diplomatic Tensions | Fiveable So, we haven't talked much about Italy and Germany so far in Crash Course Euro, and that's because prior to the mid-19th century, those two nation-states weren't really a thing. Unification of Germany - Wikipedia [45], On 27 March 1849, the Frankfurt Parliament passed the Paulskirchenverfassung (Constitution of St. Paul's Church) and offered the title of Kaiser (Emperor) to the Prussian king Frederick William IV the next month. Ap Euro Bismarck Teaching Resources | TPT By 1835, Heinrich von Gagern wrote that roads were the "veins and arteries of the body politic" and predicted that they would promote freedom, independence and prosperity. [66] First, the phrase from his speech "the great questions of time will not be resolved by speeches and majority decisions" is often interpreted as a repudiation of the political processa repudiation Bismarck did not himself advocate. Post-1945 historians, however, see more short-term opportunism and cynicism in Bismarck's manipulation of the circumstances to create a war, rather than a grand scheme to unify a nation-state. Smith, Helmut Walser, ed. Correct answers: 1 question: Which statement about an important event that led to german unification is true? Combined diplomatic pressure from Austria and Russia (a guarantor of the 1815 agreements that established European spheres of influence) forced Prussia to relinquish the idea of the Erfurt Union at a meeting in the small town of Olmtz in Moravia. [64], Bismarck expressed the essence of Realpolitik in his subsequently famous "Blood and Iron" speech to the Budget Committee of the Prussian Chamber of Deputies on 30 September 1862, shortly after he became Minister President: "The great questions of the time will not be resolved by speeches and majority decisionsthat was the great mistake of 1848 and 1849but by iron and blood. The southern states became officially incorporated into a unified Germany at the Treaty of Versailles of 1871 (signed 26 February 1871; later ratified in the Treaty of Frankfurt of 10 May 1871), which formally ended the war.
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