According to an unconfirmed but widely believed story, he feigned sympathy for the soldiers exposed to the sun and had trees planted at every position, placed to provide shade. In the name of the Syrian Arab people, The Military court has decided in its meeting which was held on Muharram 7th, 1385 - May 8th, 1965 to sentence Eliyahu Ben-Shaul Cohen, a resident of Tel Aviv in Occupied Palestine, to death for committing the following crimes: The crime of disguised entry into a military location. He had seventeen lovers in Syria, all dazzling beauties with a fair degree of family power. Eli hoped as did Israeli Intelligence that these women would help him escape in time of crisis.. He worked as an accountant and translator. They successfully detected radio transmissions and were able to triangulate the transmitter. Eli Cohen was born in Alexandria, Egypt, on December 26, 1924, the second of eight children in a family of orthodox Jews. Others have attributed the carelessness to an almost suicidal tendency perhaps, it was later surmised, he had been in the undercover world too long, but knew he couldnt get out of it. It was approved by, The head of the presidency council on 17/5/1965, Top 10 Weakest Militaries in the World | The Bahamas, Central African Republic, The Gambia,Barbados, Somalia, Luxembourg military power, MiG-29 vs. Su-27: The Soviet Union's Two Top Fighters Went Head to Head in an East African Air War, Ravindra Kaushik RAW Agent ( Black Tiger) Wife, son, Death reason, | Facts about Ravindra Kaushik | Ravindra Kaushik Movie, Israel's Iron Dome Vs S-400 Russian Comparison, Price, Success Rate | Iron Dome vs S400 which is better, Top amazing facts about RAW and Agent : History, Foundation, Joining , Department of RAW, Eli Cohen Wife, Children | Israeli Spy biography | Last Letter to his wife and Children | Eli Cohen death writing translation | george seif syria. He says the spies wanted him to try and talk to his father's close friends or provide insight. In 1962 Eli cohen was in Damascus with crowded mosques and colorful souks, he rented a luxurious villa in the classy Abu Ramen neighborhood, close to the Syrian embassy. He also requested her to remarry so that their children would have a father and she would have a partner. Spouse/Ex-: Eli Cohen (m. 1959-1965) children: Irit Cohen, Shai Cohen, Sophie Cohen Born Country: Iraq Family Members Iraqi Female Life with Eli Nadia (born Nadia Majald) is an Iraqi Jew who got married to Eli on August 31, 1959. They married in 1959, a month after meeting, and had three children together. Ahead of the mission, Cohen had to learn to speak Arabic in a Syrian accent rather than his native Egyptian. "- From Eli Cohen's last letter to his wife Nadia and his children, written an hour before his execution in Damascus. I hope, pray, that he will be returned home by the time I die," Nadia told Haaretz in 2010. Confused, he took the case to the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, the official responsible for supervising New Zealand's two main intelligence agencies, telling him he could have solved the 53-year-old mystery. To no avail. I understand and respect [it], she said in a separate interview earlier Sunday with the network. Periodically Eli would return to Israel to speak with his Israeli handlers and visit his wife and small children. The Spy, a six-part Netflix miniseries about Cohen's life, showcases the legendary Mossad agent's relationship with his wife, Nadia (Hadar Ratzon Rotem). [24], Following the 1963 Syrian coup d'tat, newly appointed Syrian Intelligence Colonel Ahmed Suidani disliked Cohen and did not trust figures close to the Second Syrian Republic. He continued his social life, spending a lot of time in cafes listening to political gossip. He was driven to the airport, where his wife Nadia saw him off. In November 1964, Tel Dan Syria open fire on Israel tractors in the demilitarized zone. It went wrong, really wrong," he said. Following Israel's independence in 1949, when Jewish families were leaving Egypt, Eli stayed back to finish his electronics degree. Meanwhile, every few days he transmitted important information to his Israeli handlers via a radio transmitter he had hidden in his room. 'Disturbing' footage emerges from famed Israeli spy's execution in In February 1961 one man handed him an Israeli passport in his real name and a plane ticket to Zurich.on his arrival, Eli was met by a white-haired man who gave him a passport from another name, that passport carried an entry visa to chile and a transit visa to Argentina. Khalid al-Hafidh, a Syrian migrant living in Auckland, claims to be the son Amin al-Hafiz, a Syrian leader who presided over the country during Cohen's execution and his subsequent secret burial. During their exchange, Cohen signs off by asking, "Did N get the Singer?" He carefully cultivated contacts with the Baath leadership, which included the Syrian military attach in Argentina, General Amin al-Hafaz. The border with Syria was heating up as well. One of his friends found a new job as an accountant, month later he Marty with Nadia, a nurse of Iraqi origin. The Mossad, Israel's foreign intelligence service, plans to name one of the buildings in its compound after Eli Cohen - its spy in Syria who was caught in Damascus, tried, convicted and executed 40 years ago. click the link in that email to complete your registration. He was hanged on May 18, 1965. A month later, a Syrian officer would say that one of Israel's attack architects had been Eli Cohen, who was in Israel during the battle. Download our mobile app for on-the-go access to the Jewish Virtual Library, Cohen publicly hanged in the Marjeh Square, The Pedagogic Center, The Department for Jewish Zionist Education, The Jewish Agency for Israel, 1998 - 2023 American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. In 1963, during a business trip to Germany, he met Weltrude Scheffeldt, a divorcee, then 22 and with a small child, and married her. "I have passed your response to our partners and am waiting for a reply," said the agent. Eli Cohenarrived in Buenos Aires and checked into a hotel .a local teacher would get in touch with him and teach him the Spanish language. At this time the Ba'ath Party was illegal in Syria but the party seized power in 1963. In Episode 5, Maurice puts the clues together when he covers for the regular analyst that communicates with Cohen using Morse code. One of the most difficult tasks for Eli Cohen was to learn the intricate and unmistakable phonetic tune of Syrian Arabic; prior to his intelligence training, his Egyptian accent was undeniable. His trainer was an Iraqi-born Jew who had extensive experience training operatives in speaking Arabic and the traditions and Muslim customs. A memorial stone has been erected in the 'Garden of the Missing Soldiers' in Mount Herzl, Jerusalem, to commemorate him. The alleged son says the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) contacted him two years ago believing he has clues to the secret location, which his father had apparently taken to the grave. Since Eli did not have a steady job back then, even though he worked as an accountant, he had to rely more on Nadia to help support the family and their marriage. To establish his cover, Cohen moved to Buenos Aires in 1961. Maurice isn't sure what this means. As a young adult, he worked within Egypt to secretly assist other Egyptian Jews in emigrating to Israel. Cohen wasnt allowed tell anyone of the plans and told his wife that he was working abroad for Israels Defense Ministry. Egyptian authorities uncovered the spy ring and sentenced two of the members to death. He died in 2009. Cohen later. In February 1962, Cohen moved to Damascus. "The moment that they informed me [of the watch's recovery] my mouth went dry and I got the chills," Nadia told Israeli TV. These skills were instrumental in ensuring the safety and survival of one Kamal Amin Taabet: Eli Cohens new identity. His family is now settled in Bat Yam. He was convicted in a trial without a defense and sentenced to death. Syria tortures him but he was still lying, his face was covered with wounds, his nail was pulled out. Because of that, perhaps he just tired of the whole charade. China Offering Cutting Edge Type 052D Destroyers For Export: Are Algeria and Russia its Most lIkely Clients? Nadia Cohen attempted to appeal for clemency at the Syrian Embassy in Paris but was turned away. Eli Cohenbecame certain that Israel had spied in the Syrian government. His wife, Nadia, would be left a widow with three very young children. The text messages between Khalid and the NZSIS. Were they not interested? [13][14] In Buenos Aires he moved among the Arab community, letting it be known he had large amounts of money to put at the disposal of the Syrian Ba'ath Party. The three major tributaries of the upper Jordan River the Dan, the Baniyas, and the Hatzbani all originate in the Golan. This week, KAN 11 began broadcasting a documentary series "Lochem 566," (Fighter 566, Cohen's Mossad codename). their chief noticed that their decision taken by the government was broadcast to Israel. But his knowledge of the Arab language and Arab culture, as well as prior work in espionage in Egypt, made him a good candidate for the Mossad. Prime Minister Menachem Begin, Defense Minister Ezer Weizmann, Chief of Staff Mordechai Gur, and several Mossad operatives all attended his son's Bar Mitzvah in 1977. He had been repeatedly interrogated and tortured. Text messages sent from an NZSIS agent called "Carl" appear to show him brokering a deal. The transmissions became longer as well. He would entertain high-ranking politicians and military officials at extravagant parties where there would be many women and lots of booze. they suspect on a tablet but they verify the Tibet's transmission two times at 8 am precisely they broke into the tablet home, Eli was caught red-handed in the transmission. The agent replied: "Will do, thanks K". Cohen established his contact quickly, his letter of recommendation opened the gates to high society. In 1960, Cohen was approached by the Mossad for a mission in Syria. you lived with your uncle and worked as a travel agency, later were very successful. In 1965, the Syrian secret service was on high alert. Learn more. Scheffeldt said that her husband never revealed his true identity, and she learned of it only after a television series aired in Egypt that described him as a national hero. Eli could watch the entrance to the Syrian government officials' guest house. He made friends with many of the guests and ended up receiving classified military briefings and visiting Syrian military sites. Eli has been honored as an Israeli national hero, and many streets and neighborhoods have been named after him. All these years, I remained faithful to him. The Israel Defense Forces were alleged to have used the trees as targeting markers during the Six-Day War, which enabled Israel to capture the Golan Heights in two days. One day in 1960 Israeli Intelligence approached him about working for them again. Over the years, Nadia has made several efforts to seek a bit of mercy from Syrian officials. Eli found out about Syria's secret plan to attack the Israeli defense forces. After the Israel Independence War In 1954, the British pull out of Egypt completely. Cohen was arrested in January 1965 while transmitting to his handlers. Eli was arrested but soon released due to a lack of evidence. Double Agent's Widow Offers New Take on Eli Cohen Affair Sophia Cohen the 26-year-old daughter of billionaire hedge funder and Mets owner Steve Cohen is no longer engaged to her financier boyfriend Jason Levine, Page Six has confirmed. I give you my blessing. Eli studied at a local Jewish community school and then attended the 'University of Alexandria' to study electrical engineering. But he spent most of his time in Tel Aviv perfecting his cover and being briefed on Amans requirements of him in Syria, as well as last-minute intelligence data needed for his mission. His success in effectively penetrating the Syrian social and political/diplomatic/military strata already wildly exceeded Amans expectations of him, Cohen arrived in Damascus in February 1962, posing as a businessman from Argentina who had returned to his native land. This article was originally published in May 2005 and republished to coincide with the release of "The Spy" - a Netflix series about Eli Cohen's life. Once Cohen had established his background, he was inserted into the "target country," Syria, and operated with great success for four years until his capture. they made great efforts to locate the secret transmission to Israel with help of Soviet-made equipment, in January 1965 they got success. It hurt. Eli told Nadia that he got a job with a company that works with defense and foreign ministries, he needs to travel to Europe to buy tools and equipment, and materials for Israel's military. Recalling Elis final days, Nadia states he was in Bat Yam, with her and the three babies. The leading figure in the break-in was the head of Syrian Intelligence, Colonel Ahmed Suedani Elis nemesis. Al-Gamal was born in 1927 and aspired to become an actor. he transfers all operations to Mossad, Eli was now Mossad agent. [29] Mossad director Yossi Cohen presented it to Cohen's family in a ceremony, and it is currently on display at Mossad headquarters. For two weeks Cohen was put under surveillance and was judged suitable for recruitment and training. "You know, when I was growing up, I heard a tremendous amount about your husband. In January 1965, Syrian security services broke into Eli's apartment, where he was caught while he was escaping to Israel. He was sent to Argentina, where he took on the guise of a businessman, scion of a Syrian family. [28] The press announced on 5 July 2018 that Cohen's wristwatch had been retrieved from Syria. In February 2007, the Turkish government offered to act as a mediator for their return. "This cooperation brings significant benefits to New Zealand's national security, we help them (Mossad), and they help us," they added. Prior to the 1952 Egyptian Revolution, Cohen was arrested and interrogated over his Zionist activities. In his late teens, Cohen became an ardent Zionist and at the same time, as . Eli visited other Arab friends as Abdel Latif Hassan and his briefcase was full of enthusiastic letters of recommendation. At the same time, Israeli officials devised escape schemes and appealed to international organizations. He became a confidante of George Saif, high up in the Ministry of Information. For his loyalties, Hafiz grooms Thaabet to be deputy defense minister in his government. Israel could be the target of an aggressive attack by a larger, better Egyptian army that wanted to avenge its shameful defect in the Israel Independence War. This version contradicts that of Israel's secret service. The president was ousted from power a year later in 1966. Recruitment into the Mossad. [12][16], In 2016, a Syrian group calling itself "Syrian art treasures" posted a video on Facebook showing Cohen's body after his execution. Elis connections enabled him to be taken to the Golan Heights a major strategic asset for Syria from 1948-67. So now we have a request. As the Syrian Army officer explained to Eli the fortifications the Syrian Army had built, Eli suggested that the Syrians plant trees there to deceive the Israelis into thinking it was unfortified, as well as to provide shade and beauty for the soldiers stationed there. The highly vigilant Russian security experts, equipped with very sensitive technical intelligence-gathering equipment, pinpointed the source of the transmissions in the Syrian capital and it was Elis home. Diplomats, prime ministers, parliamentarians, and Pope Paul VI tried to intercede. he supplies Eli with inside information about the political and military situation. Sacha Baron Cohen, the Mossad and Netflix. What is perhaps most amazing about Eli Cohen is that he was genuinely liked even loved by so many of the top Syrian leaders. The husband hunters among the Damascus rich and influential flocked to the handsome Taabet, hoping that their almond eyes, Byzantine beauty, and olive skin would secure a future of wealth and power: He became the most sought-after bachelor in the Syrian capital.
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