Dear pigeonfanciers,
1. & J.DNAX. A female racing pigeon named New Kim was sold at a Belgian auction on Sunday for a record-breaking 1.6 million euros ($1.9 million USD). AUCTIONS - Europa Loft Reset Password. Pigeon Bids Gerard Koopman - Marathon Edition 2023. This fantastic male bred by M. Hekman deserves it for the both! Shortly, all you are looking for in your future golden breeder. GPS Fixed Price Auctions. A descend confirmation of the . Live Online Auction - Auctions
- 12. THE GOLDEN BREEDING LOFT OF M.& S. KOBAL : the best of Batenburg - van de Merwe & Jellema & Rans GEBROEDERS JACOBS : MORE THAN 40 YEARS AT THE ABSOLUTE TOP OF HOLLAND ON THE MARATHON FLIGHTS Five exclusive pigeons with a super pedigree - special "VIP auction" - original/direct pigeons We at Pigeoncom are ambitious people who share your passion for racing pigeons! Bid Help . 22/02/2023 11:45 - In the past years, Kristof has achieved something special every season. No Listing Fees, Open auctions to all users, Bid on existing auctions or setup your own. Live Online Auction - Auctions The pigeon-racing industry has soared to new heights with a record-breaking sale. Add your sites advertisement banner to this area. Auction Site 10 very nice young pigeons that you can still use to race yourself! Take part in this wonderful sport today. COUPLING HELP FOR UKRAINE SALES STARTING LIVE ON EXCELSIOR 20/03/22, HELP FOR UKRAINE - UPDATED DONOR LIST AS OF 13/03/22
Auctions. Best for Big-Ticket Items: IRS Treasury Auctions. If you're within Canada but out of Ontario and can't pick up your purchase, the shipping rates within Canada are standard: For 1 to 6 pigeons the total cost is $260.00 including the shipping crate. We offer racing pigeons from the most famous names in the sport and introduce lessor known superstars to America. . - Welcome to! Copyright 2017-2023 Pigeoncom | Design & realisation. birdsforsale - CBS Pigeon NPO-North Laon 5.485 p, 4. 5 Days 5 Hrs. In addition, we also find a lot of the "ROT AS 217" back, 1. Relying on several top breeders, the future is looking bright for future edition of this mythical race. Inbred to No1 hen T'Goedge. You simply cannot ignore the performances of Rico and the Whiteman family of pigeons by Vrancken Berden, Excelsior breeding stud have been steadily growing a blended family of pigeons Excelsior Pigeon Breeding Stud strengthen there KBDB Nat Ace Speed bloodlines (Part ii). This fantastic male bred by M. Hekman deserves it for the both! Soup greens are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Gem Strike 200g 18.50 Ends in 13d, 20h. Copyright 2023 Best Pigeons - All Rights Reserved. Bid Help . Currently this week we are celebrating Independence day and our 6 moth anniversary! 02/03/2023 09:37 - The final result of the 2022 PIPA IATP ranking. NPO Issoudun, 5.+21. Paired to Rudyka Ga Cheq cock. LIVE AUCTIONS - World record price paid for Belgian racing pigeon Bolt "The Argenton", 1.+2.+4.+4.+4. 03/03/2023 08:43 - Next weekend, the Spring Fair will take place in Houten (NL). CoC no. End time: 2023-03-05 16:00:00 Quantity
Some participants Pipa auction - Schaerlaeckens DreamPigeons, top pigeon auctions! | Dreampigeons EUR 45.00 per pigeon. The 'Picasso' of Racing Pigeons Just Sold at Auction for $1.9 - Leisure Top Pigeons - The no. 1 online pigeon gallery Excelsior Pigeon Breeding Centre, Pigeon Auctions & Shop. Click Here For Full Details. Auctions. Recovery and training effect; the key words for modern top sport pigeon racing; Dreampigeons introduces Dreamcollection. Dutch Auction Sales, NJ - Upcoming Auctions & 46 Past Catalogs All Auctions - Excelsior Pigeon Not just striving to achieve his own success but also closely following the results of others, particularly when looking to introduce pigeons into his own loft. Description. Winners? 1) The birds are pick up at the breeder or auction site at no charge and taken to the Poland Quarantine Facility. 7 pigeons. We offer you the opportunity to purchase pigeons from top fanciers Worldwide! End time: 2023-03-04 15:00:00 Quantity:12. 5 Days 5 Hrs. Actually the grandsire RONALDO was bred by M&C Breeding and the greatgranddam is still breeding at our loft. Auction Time: February 28, 2023 / 07:25 PM PDT: Welcome to! Actually the grandsire RONALDO was bred by M&C Breeding - and the greatgranddam is . - Welcome to! Vromans, M& S Tekin and Kobal. These feathered future champions are descended from Gaby Vandenabeele, Louis van Loon, Alwin Petrie and Janssen Bros - all esteemed lines within this sport! With over 50 years experience at the top of the sport. )father 1.-8.762b., 1.-8.939b., 3.-19.430b., out "Harry & Esmee" x "The 520", dtr. Just an amazing reference the best we can get !! View Auctions; Buy Now; Sell; Sign Up; Login Active Buy Now Auctions . Online Pigeon Auction Sale slot invites are being sent out for the 2023/24 season - please book early to avoid disappointment - for enquiries selling with Excelsior email [email protected] Nanteuil 201 p, 3.-1.628 p, 7.-2.042 p, 8.-523 p, 9.-203. End time: 2023-03-05 15:30:00 Quantity
. How To Pay. We guarantee the best auction result through a tailor-made strategy. That is why we at PIPA have recently been working on a completely new web page for the One Loft Races. Granddaughter 'Triple DiCaprio'. Congratulations Mr Holt More winners from young birds Purchase at Louella. 20 pigeons. From: "Prince Manu", grandson "Harry", "Esmee", "Princess Esmee", "Manu" x "The 610", grand daughter "Prince Esmee", "New Esmee, Hallilujah, New Hope. National Acepigeon Middledistance Old Birds KBDB 2019 is BEL17-6038324 from Vic De Wilder - and it comes partly from our Gaston Van De Wouwer lines!! Denmark, Copyright / Disclaimer 1998-2023 M&C Auctions | M&C Hansen. 28/02/2023 15:30 - The European Commission announced new rules within the framework of the European Animal Health Law last week to harmonize the vaccination of animals against the most serious animal diseases among Member States. New pigeons will be offered here daily at fixed prices. LEONARDO AND TINKELBEL.DIJKSTRA 2. Lot 0119. Two weeks ago we visited Vic De Wilder and saw his 1. Call if you are looking for something else. Lokhorst 2 children are offered from their ancestor "Pirlo". !! Click on Live Auctions at the top of the page for all listings BEST OF CRAZY AL LOFTS $50000000.00 Details VICTORIA FALLS PERFORMANCE PIGEONS $5000000.00 Details - 1. The only place to find true UK performance pigeons where the only thing that matters is the results, and nothing but the results.. Outstanding Blue Hen "BOONEN 372" 19C46372 Proven Direct Daughter of RPRA Sprint Champion "BOONEN". 6 x 2023 Heremans-Ceusters YB Bred by Watkin/Wright Bros Direct from the Stock Loft. Narla777 ( 44 ) Yorkshire, United Kingdom. The UK seller for all php products from the natural brand of pigeon health and performance, used and recommended by Jos . Every time there was something to celebrate! Top Pigeons - The no. 1 online pigeon gallery You've landed on Best Pigeon, an online auction house for racing pigeons of superior genetics. Easy to order through our webshop. We publish our newsletters whenever we have interesting news or if something interesting happens in the pigeonsport near us. Best Pigeons i. 2x 1st, 2x 2nd, 1x 3rd NATIONAL ZLU KEIZER GROTE FOND Kaptein-Soeterbroek !! Active auctions. Head over to NPH Pigeons on YouTube to view some interesting videos on Cosmin and his family of pigeons, including some long discussions on selection and the world class HOGO VLAEMINCK (Rupelmonde, Belg) pigeons..PLEASE NOTE THE PHOTOS OF THE SALE BIRDS WERE TAKEN IN SEPTEMBER, THEY ARE ALL OLD ENOUGH AND READY TO PAIR. Today I selected these two great pigeons, in my opinion, the perfect pair! Pedigree and banded, sire and dam. We have many others. Fancy & Racing Pigeon Auction. The UK seller for all php products from the natural brand of pigeon health and performance, used and recommended by Jos Thone. 28/02/2023 08:40 - Lubomir Kubacek had another fantastic season winning 1st National Champion Long Distance and 1st National Ace bird Marathon 2022! View picture. including wood base. All our birds are vaccinated for maximum safety, with no hidden surprises or auctions when it comes time to purchase we take pride in providing personal service tailored just as you need! Home - Pigeon Partners Auctions M&C Hansen ALL LIVE AUCTIONS - Click Eye ZG-Helios Kittel & Performance Collection ZG-Helios Kittel & Performance Collection. BERNBURG TRUMPETERS {VOICE PIGEON} 0 bids: Current Bid $60.00 Shipping FREE: 8 Days 17 Hrs MULTIPLE BREEDS : 0 bids: Buy It Now $10.00 Shipping ACTUAL: 5 Days 13 Hrs CLASSIC MODENA HEN : 0 bids: Current Bid $25.00 Shipping Postage is actual to the buyer's zip code. IMPORT - DonHartsPigeons "Jari", "Eliza", "Magic Junior". . Our normal rates are 10% commission, but again this week ALL listings are FREE! Through Tj & J. Elzinga we meet a son of "Hallelujah", "LastOne". Indicative shipping costs. A new selection of fantastic pigeons is made available every two weeks to be auctioned at our website. My account. $300 View Details >. 01/03/2023 08:46 - According to many, 'one loft racing' is the future of pigeon racing. International Fair of Pigeon Racing link . : 12, Pitbull Special - Sven Fierens / Yves De Wit. Pigeons: Introduction - Pigeon Center We congratulate Vic and Jef De Wilder with this magneficient pigeon! Racing Pigeons For Sale. INTERNATIONAL FAIR OF RACING PIGEONS - POLAND 2010 . World Pigeon Bid - USA . GPS Auctions Pigeon Bids Jan Vandepasch & Daughter. Dutch auction - Wikipedia International Fair of Pigeon Racing preview file . NPO Issoudun, 5.+21. - Welcome to! Top breeder with "18-388" (sale 4), father of ao "20-222". Best Online Police Auction: PropertyRoom. He is very well respected across the continent. NPO, out "Hallilujah & New Hope" x "Beauty Hope", daughter "Brother Sven & New Hope". Excelsior Pigeon Auctions, Superior quality racing pigeons for sale by means offixed price pigeon salesand pigeon auctions online,from top performance racing pigeoncompetitors and show pigeon breeders in the UK and Europe. End time: 2023-03-05 15:00:00 Quantity
Contact . Choice Pigeon USA.
Hens, cocks, bluebar, red, all types of birds. M&C Auctions - Racing Pigeons Online Bierges 575 p, 2.-3.148 p, 1. IT IS TOP RESULTS THAT WE ALL WISH TO ACHEIVE, AND IT IS RESULTS AND RESULTS ALONE THAT WILL NEVER GO OUT OF FASHION Chris Gibson. Voucher auctions . if you have questions or would like more information you can email, call me Shane @ 651-955-4623 or visit Rudi De Saer (Ruiselede, BE) fully enjoyed the 2022 racing season, Lots of oneloftraces collect pigeons at the Spring Fair in Houten (NL). One loft races, the death knell or a blessing for our sport. For Sale. Welcome to Pigeon Partners, we are a digital auction platform for breeding, performance and collectable racing pigeons worldwide. A small draft of just 11 Lots containing what has to be some of the best middle distance blood in the world, 8 Lots also contain the bloodlines from a name that few will have heard off. From: "Last One", 1.-20.464b., 1.-8.762b., 1.-8.939b., from "Hallilujah & Esmee" x "The 707", daughter "Porsche 911 & Esmee". From Comb. 15/02/2023 13:30 Loft Report. Many fanciers from all over the globe already asked for my help to select breeding pairs. Loftbrovej 20 0 bids. High-Quality poloshirt ! Edit User Account. Sort by lot #, time remaining, manufacturer, model, year, VIN, and location.
Double grandchild of Geelogerr . Status: CopyrightEPW Copyright @ 2009-2022 all right reserved
Lakewood, California 90715 Phone (562) 235-1829. - Jan de Wijs, racing pigeons for sale Paul Swindell Total Clearance Sale - Sale 7 - Pigeon Partners Auctions Inbed to the T'Goedge Hen when paired to Antonio National winner and New Tours National winner. Ace pigeon Pattaya PIPR OLR in 2020. Invitation Viewing Day 2018; Piet and Gerard Lindelauf, Vijlen: over a decade of supreme racing! The shipping can also be fully under control of the buyer. More info. NR: 75551470 | VAT NL860320789B01. Mixed. All usernames and passwords have remained the same for our 3,000 registered users. For fans of the long-distance and great long-distance many pigeons of the Dutch champion 'Ko van Dommelen' joined the Descheemaecker Pigeon Center.
Nlois 17.206b. Don't have the facility to do pedig 1 X Young Bird pull off perches holds 12 birds, will be two sets of these , both identical, purhased only two years ago , li My aim was to build up a small team of very good pigeons capable of consistently flying at national level with the Bicc.I h My aim was to build up a small team of very good pigeons capable of consistently doing well at National level with the Bicc, I had jus My aim was to build up a small team of very good pigeons to compete at National level consistently well in the Bicc,i had just started to acheive this My aim was to build up a very good team of pigeons capable of consistently racing well at National level with the Bicc, I had My aim was to build up a very small team of very good pigeons to compete consistently at National Level with the Bicc.I had GROUP 2Auction is for 6Mark Caudwell Van Reets, these are Blue`s or Blue Pied`s and are very well bred Young Birds,these are very nice Birds. 1 Day 22 Hrs BERNBURG TRUMPETERS {VOICE PIGEON} 0 bids: Current Bid $60.00 . Barley, high in nutrients, low in calories - give your feathered friends in rest only the best with barley! NEW QUEEN L.. JELLE ROZIERS 2. Father and sons Cuffel (Montivilliers, BE) join the select club of International Perpignan & Barcelona winners! On wood base. Congratulations Mr Oldam. "Leonardo & Elise". We use cookies to analyze website traffic and optimize your website experience. Pure Long Distance. Fill in the form and we go from there Pigeons for Sale - Birds Now
Zwethkade Zuid 29b, 2635 CV, The NetherlandsA part of Nononsense Holding BV,C.O.C. EUR 70.00 per pigeon. 0 bids 3 days, 13h 58m 05s. A Dutch auction is one of several similar types of auctions for buying or selling goods. Nat. One for its appearance, the other for its pedigree. STARTS 8PM THURSDAY 12th JANUARY ENDS 8PM onwards THURSDAY 19th JANUARY, This small but outstanding selection of middle to short long distance pigeons, is truly outstanding. - Racing pigeons and more Zwethkade Zuid 29b, 2635 CV, The Netherlands. Best Pigeon - Online Auctions | Racing Pigeons | South Africa 3 Pairs of Bellneck rollers. 03/12/2015 Four decades of supremacy in Belgium: Van Hove-Uytterhoeven, Putte 17/02/2023 09:30 - Simon van Hoeve from Terneuzen was amongst the fanciers to beat in 2022. View Details. Best of "THE ROCKET" . NPO, 3.+11. We provide between 10,000 and 13,000 pigeons. 27/02/2023 13:30 - Monday the 27th of February these new auctions will start: Pieter Goeree, Geert Maroy, Davy Tournelle, F&J Vandenheede, Demaret-Marichal, Wim & Steven De Troy, Ruben & Ludo Lanckriet, Bart Geerinckx & One Loft Race Special. Leo Heremans from Vorselaar is a legend in international pigeon racing. - Racing Pigeon Auction. 5. Just an amazing reference - the best we can get !! One for its appearance, the other for its pedigree. Adult. This site uses cookies to help personalize content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Golden lines Soft as silk feathers, a perfect balance, a great set of wings and an impressive eye in his head. Victory goes to Jan & Twan Nobels from Achthuizen in the Netherlands, followed by Dominique Neuville (FR) & Hugo Casaert (BE). NPH Pigeon Auctions, Is committed to locating and bringing only true, good, honest, quality racing pigeons to auction for the fancy. Belgian Netherlands Racing Pigeons For Sale, Pigeon racing is an International sport with Belgium & Netherlands Racing Pigeons as recognized olympic racing pigeons, our bloodlines are a critical line in the sport, we recognize the best bloodlines from all of Europe but more specific, Belgian and Netherlands bloodlines . The male (Blue) was bred by Danny de Voogd and a grandson of his legendary "Bijter". Cortenoeverseweg 82. - The Online Trading Site for Pigeons. 405-691-1313. Beste P-Bay team, Langs deze weg willen wij jullie bedanken voor het super goede resultaat van onze eerste veiling met jullie. Nat., k.d. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Plastic D-Cups (Large) 0.70 Ends in 24d, 19h. 1st Club, 1st Federation, 1st Amal Stromnes 418 miles. The shipping can also be fully under control of the buyer. The female (Blue Pied) was bred by Koos van Koppen and a, and she even won a 1st prize! We offer you the opportunity to purchase pigeons from top fanciers Worldwide! Easy to order through our webshop. National Acepigeon Middledistance Old Birds KBDB 2019 is BEL17-6038324 from Vic De Wilder and it comes partly from our Gaston Van De Wouwer lines!! 1. Each pigeon has been handpicked from our stock of the best quality breeding birds, so when it comes to quality and performance, these birds wont let you down. Tel: 0031 ( 0 ) 6 83374059 . The old auction site rapidly became one of the top auction sites in the world. Bowing - Jansen but 3 pigeons from the very best, namely inbreeding to the famous "864", van Gunter Prange descendants of this topper have won a 371st prize at least 1 times. Racing Pigeon Mug 5.99 Ends in 24d, 19h. Best for Specialty Items: Catawiki. APC Loft Auction..Top Winning Bloodlines 10. Current Bid $100.00. Pigeons come from the fortified fanciers of the Netherlands, and then from their very best. Additionally, these leafy vegetables are chock-full of fiber, which aids in digestion and helps keep pigeons feeling fuller longer. 23-CBS-349 Red Check Squeaker. End time: 2023-03-05 14:30:00 Quantity
Polish Pigeon Fair January 29-31 2010 . Father of "21-083", : 12
Int. We source and sell to South African fanciers at the best possible prices. Successful auction Sangers Pigeons on PIPA | Sangers Pigeons FEATHERS ELITE PIGEON AUCTIONS. Ad Type. Frillbacks Pigeons show and breeding stock After 12 years selling out Red & blue Grizzle Black, White, yellow and mixed colors Whites $75 each others. Europigeons is offering a unique opportunity to purchase a young bird kit, bred by Jaap Ramsteijn that possess the legendary bloodlines of renowned racing pigeons. Auctions | PIPA About TopPigeons Basic philosophy . This is where the world comes for Pigeons! GPS-Auctions Pigeons Internet Auctions - HOLLAND . Auction Time: March 04, 2023 / 01:12 AM PDT: Welcome to! In all his 37 years of keeping and racing pigeons, since the age of 7, Chris Gibson has only ever been interested in one thing and one thing only, results. The racing pigeon "New Kim" sold for $1.9 million on Sunday after a two-week auction at Belgium's Pipa pigeon . This varied from national ace pigeon to national victories, provincial victories, or ace pigeons. kit of 2023 youngbirds1x vanloon x leo Herman x busschaert2 x busschaertsAll very well bred from proven winning bloodlinesPlease contact me before arranging courier t kit of 2 2023 youngbirds1x lambrech x van den bulcke1x wall lunt and greenAll very well bred from proven winning bloodlinesPlease contact me before arranging courie For sale for 1 day a pair of Busschaerts youngsters bred down from stock from Curran, Ferguson and McCally of Scotland ready to go now grab a bargain buyer to arrange car For sale 1 day only another kit of 5 second round Gaston van de wouwer youngsters bred from top blood lines ranging from the best of Ian Stafford, wim de troy, Premier G.GSon from the world famousHARRY1st Blois 37,728 birds1st Chateauroux 22,340 birds3rd Chateaudun 21,520 birds6th Morlincourt 4,418 birds15th Strombeek 4,358 birds2 Due to breeding too many ybs, i reluctantly have to put up for sale, these two well bred ybs. The Netherlands, Item Details. The Belgium Middle Distance Champion HOGO VLAEMINCK (Rupelmonde, Belg) Unbelievable results racing a team of just 24 widowhood cocks each year. Racing pigeons (0) supplies meds (0) (0) Auction Statistics: Current Auctions Listed (0) Total Registered Users (455) Featured Galleries High-Quality Flag! Today I selected these two great pigeons, in my opinion, the perfect pair! But here we go. Famous Dutch Pigeons - GPS-Auctions NPH Pigeon Auctions, Is committed to locating and bringing only true, good, honest, quality racing pigeons to auction for the fancy. Welcome to Best Pigeons Auctions Top Pigeons Power Endurance Granulate is a modern food supplement developed in close collaboration with Bram Koppenaal of Nutrievo. From: "Hallilujah", (gr. Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp. CRPU NEWS LETTER . : 12, End time: 2023-03-05 15:00:00 Quantity
From December 29th until January 9th and 10th 2022 Sangers Pigeons sold their famous Van Den Bulck and Lambrechts breeding team together with the entire racing team and young birds from special pairings! M & C Hansen's OnLine Pigeons. American Pigeon Auction.
Active Users: 73 Site powered by 1. Phone:00-31-638080872 ICP18023581-2, End time: 2023-03-05 14:30:00 Quantity
: 7, End time: 2023-03-05 15:30:00 Quantity
The decision of is final. Auction Site | Pigeon-Talk Or on YouTube! EUR 175.00 for (1 - 6 pigeons) Indicative shipping costs next pigeon (s) EUR 175.00. Racing pigeon website of Hans and Evert Jan Eijerkamp "Brother Latoya", out "Enzo", father 2. All Rights Reserved. NPO & "July". Bred 4 x 1st UNC winners! Some of the pigeons we have faith in for next season Are you looking for a head start in the world of racing pigeons? Condition: Very good with no damage or . We have an abundant selection of 500 pigeons in stock, all expertly and personally handled to ensure superior health and condition. Best Pigeons is owned by Frank McLaughlin. Purchased on Pipa for a lot of money.
3 X DANIEL AERENS LONG DISTANCE, YOUNG BIRDS, THESE ARE BRED FROM DIRECT DANIEL AERENS STOCK PIGEONS, THESE ARE OUTSTANDING YOUNG BIRDS, IF ITS DISTANCE BIRDS YOU WANT TH. BuyAPigeon welcomes all buyers. His National winners and Olympic champions are well known all over the world. March auction - China transport. 05 Mar at 14:00 - 15 Mar at 14:00. More info. Not just striving to achieve his own success but also . Status: From: "Blauwe Henri", father "Pirlo", 1.+5.+21 NPO, son "Tiffany", 15. The 10 most expensive auctions ever worldwide, all organized by PIPA. Successful auction Sangers Pigeons on PIPA. $200 View Details >. 1st National Winner 30179 birds, 1st 6899 birds, 1st 1255 birds , 2nd 2039 birds. Colin Leask Radionic Products - 341 Comb. Europa Master OLR, Avirings, Golden Algarve Million Euro Pigeon Race & One Loft Race South Bulgaria are on site. 11138 E. Del Amo Blvd., Suite 262.
World Pigeon Bid - International Pigeon Auction Site Welcome to Pigeon PartnersA Digital Auction Platform. Forget auctions get yourself off to a flying start with this Koos van Koppen Starter Kit! Active auction. 1 - NL19-1677541 - S&P van Helden, "De Pontoise". Gender. Mr & Mrs Brian Hawes Distance Clearance Sale, Kevan Smith - Wigan - Clearance Sale due to ill health, Devon South Devon Federation ~ Transporter Fund Auction, A kit of 5 Gaston van de wouwer youngsters, 4 Caudwell Van Reets, 2 Frans Zwol 2023 YBs. Super Star DBA 2017, 1. FOR SALE - Angelfire In all his 37 years of keeping and racing pigeons, since the age of 7, Chris Gibson has only ever been interested in one thing and one thing only, results. 02/03/2023 12:30 - Only very few fanciers can say that they have won both International Perpignan and Barcelona. These feathered future champions are descended from Gaby Vandenabeele, Louis van Loon, Alwin Petrie and Janssen Bros - all esteemed lines within this sport! Please enjoy the videos by Frank McLaughlin.
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