He told employees: I truly believe we are an infinitely better and stronger company because of our LGBTQ+ community. "Here is the deleted tweet from the organization the GOP funds," Alex Pfeiffer, a Fox News producer, said in a tweet. For decades the studios output was steadfastly heterosexual even though its creative talents included gay people such as Howard Ashman, an Oscar winner who wrote the lyrics for The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast before his death from Aids in 1991. Its global franchise spans Marvel superheroes, the Star Wars saga, The Simpsons, National Geographic and Lin-Manuel Miranda, who with films such as Encanto projects an admirably inclusive, progressive, 21st-century vision. Jack Whitehall and Emily Blunt in Jungle Cruise. Contraception makes up about 27% of the services it. Additionally, the Disney Employee Relief Fund provides short-term monetary assistance to employees and cast members experiencing hardships due to disasters affecting their primary residence. FRONT ROYAL, Va., Dec. 16, 2019 / Christian Newswire / -- Planned Parenthood watchdog Life Decisions International (LDI) has released a new edition of The Boycott Handbook, which identifies. But the message prompted a social media backlash, with those who are anti-abortion criticising the organization over the tweet. If we find ads that violate our policies, we remove them., Abortion: judge strikes down Kentucky restriction but governor to appeal, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Know Your Meme. Susan G. Komen Greater Central and East Texas - Planned Parenthood Advanced Practice Nurse (NP/CNM)- Downstate Float On a sample basis, we validate the percentages that are reported. LDI also keeps track ofcorporations that contribute to PPFA, seeking to persuadethem to withhold support and including those who refuse todo so on its boycott list. More Companies Are Openly Supporting Abortion Rights | Fortune The Planned Parenthood episode engulfed the Komen foundation in controversy. We also provide an opportunity for employees to turn their hours of volunteer service into a financial donation through Disney VoluntEARS Grants. The tweet triggereda slew of feedback online from users replying to a now-vanished post. Planned Parenthood has historically found support in A-list Hollywood celebrities and it continues to do so as the 2016 presidential campaign heats up and abortion looks like it will be a key issue in the GOP primary. Meanwhile, Hollywood celebrities continue to express their support for the womens healthcare nonprofit, and many made their opinions vocal just before a Senate vote to defund the organization failed. Google should not allow CPCs to use its platform to serve misinformation to pregnant women, she said. directed to underrepresented communities in FY21*, global wish-granting organizations working with Disney to deliver wishes, magical wishes granted globally with Make-A-Wish since 1980. Planned Parenthood believes that pop culture - television shows, music, movies - has a critical role to play in educating the public and sparking meaningful conversations around sexual and. What Would Tami Taylor Do? T-shirt in support of Wendy Davis as she fought against a Texas state legislature bill that would impose major restrictions on abortion. For grants to these two types of organizations, we rely on their self-reported percentages regarding communities served. Silence is complicity.. But their prejudices were laid bare by a tweet from Christina Pushaw, press secretary for Floridas governor, Ron DeSantis, that said: The bill that liberals inaccurately call dont say gay would be more accurately described as an anti-grooming bill., Just in case anyone did not get the message, she added: If youre against the anti-grooming bill, you are probably a groomer or at least you dont denounce the grooming of four- to eight-year-old children. Planned Parenthood's national office confirmed the tweet and its deletion in an email to USA TODAY. For more than 85 years, Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas has served low-income and uninsured patients with essential preventive healthcare, including breast and cervical cancer screening, other gynecologic cancer screenings such as ovarian, vaginal, and uterine, advanced diagnosis of abnormal, precancerous and cancerous cervical cells using colposcopy, treatment of pre-cancerous cervical cells using LEEP, annual exams, a full range of birth control methods, sexually-transmitted infection testing and treatment, HPV vaccinations to prevent HPV-related cancers in women and men, gender affirming hormone therapy and more. 2023 The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. Obria was awarded the 2015 grant despite the fact Google had faced intense criticism a year earlier, after a pro-choice group found the platform was running deceptive ads for clinics that appeared to offer abortions and other medical services, but instead focused on counseling and information on alternatives to abortion. - Seeking to indoctrinate our kids," one Twitter user wrote. Furthermore, all staff at Planned Parenthood of Illinois are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by 10/15/21. voiced support for Planned Parenthood Illinois, Supreme Court skeptical of California law requiring information about abortion, Satanic Temple challenges abortion law in Missouri Supreme Court, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. After becoming a boycott target, the corporation donated $25,000 and for four years told consumers they do not support Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood Branch Calls For Disney Princess 'Who's - HuffPost The Planned Parenthood Keystone account, which has 950 or so followers, had previously postedpopular meme formats refitted to the non-profit's mission. Volunteerism is a central and enduring part of our companys culture and the cornerstone of our community engagement efforts. Donald Trump defended his support of Planned Parenthood on Sunday, saying the organization does good work that, quite frankly, men aren't in the best place to judge. The Susan G. Komen Greater Central and East Texas grant will fund services to residents of Travis County through Planned Parenthoods health centers. In addition to Disney, other corporations on LDIscurrent boycott list are American Express, General Mills,Hewlett-Packard, Johnson & Johnson, Levi Strauss, MerrillLynch, The New York Times, Prudential Insurance and Sony. Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas, Inc. The controversial bill bars instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in schools from kindergarten through grade 3. The following companies provided statements to The Daily Signal: Avon: "Avon does not make any direct donations or grants to Planned Parenthood. "Upon reflection, we decided that the seriousness of the point we were trying to make was not appropriate for the subject matter or context, and we removed the tweet," she added. The Walt Disney Company Pledges $5 Million To Support Nonprofit The SBC and others have cited the following among theirreasons in calling for a boycott of Disney. comfort, happiness, and inspiration to kids and families around the world. (2012 File Photo / Rex C. Curry) But "you lose good will the minute that you become embroiled in anything that has the . Since 1995, the Disney Conservation Fund has directed. About 30percent of its clinics provide abortion services, she said. The clinics are actually opposed to abortion and all forms of contraception. Ive been a Planned Parenthood supporter my whole life since my mom took me to a rally when I was in sixth grade, she wrote. Today, we joined an ongoing Twitter conversation about the kinds of princesses people want to see in an attempt to make a point about the importance of telling stories that challenge stigma and championing stories that too often dont get told. The Starbucks Foundation - Starbucks Stories This funding will help provide life-saving services to uninsured and underinsured women in Central Texas. Shades of Susan G. Komen in Planned Parenthood Temper Tantrum - Townhall This material may not be reproduced without permission. Olive Pardon | Snopes.com Last info found from 2007 https://bit.ly/5738R #prolife #tcot, Write to Darden Restaurants (Red Lobster, Olive Garden), stop giving to Planned Parenthood https://t.co/FHZJxl4, info: https://t.co/rv7b57I, LifeLetters, Julia (@lifeletterj) August 8, 2011. In fact, since 2012, Planned . PPFA has 142 affiliated chapters and about 900 health-care Black lives matter," Netflix wrote on Twitter. Tom Strode is Washington bureau chief for Baptist Press. Support @CecileRichards and @PPFA against attacks on women and repro health freedom. "I have many, many friends who are women . We are investing in initiatives that bring foundational arts, STEM, journalism, and sports to youth, and scholarships and training programs to young adults. For more than 70 years, The Walt Disney Company has supported the Marine Toys for Tots program to bring comfort, happiness and inspiration to children and families in need during the holiday season. Planned Parenthood was awarded as much as $2.2 million in damages on Friday, after a federal jury in San Francisco ruled that an anti-abortion activist had broken federal and state . The original Frozen also prompted complaints over what its detractors said were "subtly gay themes." Austin, TX Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas is proud to be chosen as one of the Susan G. Komen Greater Central and East Texas grant recipients for the 2020 year. Rather than simply serving customers, these corporations are getting involved in lawsuits or political campaigns and donating to organizations that support their political views. The Outrage is a brand offers a multitude of ways to support Planned Parenthood. We need a Disney Princess who is Pro-Gun.We need a Disney Princess who is Pro-Trump.We need a Disney Princess who is isn't a SJW.We need a Disney Princess who isn't a Disney Princess.We need DISNEY to be for kids and not a political agendas. "DISGUSTING: Deleted Tweet from Planned Parenthood 'We Need a Disney princess who's had an abortion.' Origins: Beginning on 14 July 2015, a controversy involving Planned Parenthood dominated conversation topics on social media. Disneys workers have been staging walkouts in protest at chief executive Bob Chapeks lacklustre response to Florida legislation dubbed dont say gay. 2023 Southern Baptist Convention. Kim LaCapria is a former writer for Snopes. Obria runs a network of clinics across the US, many of which suggest on their websites that they offer abortion. Wording of the tweet referenced a March 2018 Twitter meme, "We Need a Disney Princess": We Need a Disney Princess refers to a [text-only meme known as a] snowclone popular on Twitter in which people sarcastically advocate for a Disney princess with a certain characteristic.
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