And when the government of Brazil is saying that that's what they actually want to happen because knocking down the rainforest is a very good (ph) way to get a quick buck. In 1950, a Japanese family was likely to have three or more children. At first, they caught plenty of fish in their nets. But its possible to slow, even to stop population growth well before it reaches that point. Ive experienced the living world firsthand in all its variety and wonder. We seem to have broken loose from the restrictions that have governed the activities and numbers of other animals. Politicians and corporates have to overcome vested interests and work towards the greater good. And who knows what effect that will have on the world. Algal forests would not attach to ice, damaging the ocean food chain. It was called natural history because thats essentially what it was all about history. Synopsis. In this future, we discover ways to benefit from our land that help, rather than hinder, wilderness. Ive traveled to every part of the globe. When you think about it, were completing a journey. In 2014, a plane with 239 people aboard vanishes from all radar. And we're on the danger of doing that. And ways to harvest our forests sustainably. At the same time, the Arctic becomes ice-free in the summer. Weitere Details. Nothing to stop us. David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet - Netflix David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet - Fishers survived on food vouchers but kept the faith, and today, marine life in that area has increased by more than 400%. And skeletal is precisely what these reefs were becoming. This too is happening as a result of bad planning and human error and it too will lead to what we see here. Right now, were facing a manmade disaster of global scale. With David Attenborough, Max Hughes. Over billions of years, nature has crafted miraculous forms, each more complex and accomplished than the last. The 'why' behind this, points to global warming. [whales singing] Their mournful songs were the key to transforming peoples opinions about them. He seems tired of keeping quiet about it. For much of its expanse, the ocean is largely empty. And you see this curtain of green with occasionally birds in it, and you think its perhaps okay. Today, the forest has taken over the city. Video zone: David Attenborough: A Life on Our . Walruses rest on the sea ice when they're not hunting, and because there isn't enough space on the diminishing ice, it becomes very overcrowded. Which is why weve cut down three trillion trees across the world. Weve come this far because we are the smartest creatures that have ever lived. Weve managed to travel by boat to islands that were impossible to get to historically because they were permanently locked in the ice. The number of children being born worldwide every year is about to level off. Within the span of the next lifetime, the security and stability of the Holocene, our Garden of Eden will be lost. The planet cant support billions of large meat-eaters. Rewilding the world is simpler than you might think. [Attenborough] By the end of the century, Borneos rainforest had been reduced by half. The pace of change was getting faster and faster. A broadcaster recounts his life, and the evolutionary history of life on Earth, to grieve the loss of wild places and offer a vision for the future. Sample Page; ; Since the Second World War, what's known as the "Great Acceleration" has brought us many progressive things, as our GDPs indicate. It was a very different world back then. David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet - Transcript As the ocean continues to heat and becomes more acidic, coral reefs around the world die. This truth defined the life we led in our pre-history, the time before farming and civilization. Iceland, Albania, and Paraguay generate their electricity without fossil fuels. It revealed a cold reality. Due to carelessness, poor planning, and human error, it's probably the most devastating environmental disaster to date. One man has seen more of the natural world than any other. As healthcare and education improved, peoples expectations and opportunities grew, and the birth rate fell. It triggered an environmental catastrophe that had an impact across Europe. [young Attenborough] We heard a crashing in the branches ahead. If we push beyond even one of them, we destabilize the balance of our planet. Then watch the video and do the exercises. Its all happened within the last 2,000 years or so. Did you know that 1.8 trillion plastic fragments are currently drifting like a garbage site in the northern Pacific? David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet 2020 | Maturity rating: PG | 1h 23m | Science & Nature Documentaries A broadcaster recounts his life, and the evolutionary history of life on Earth, to grieve the loss of wild places and offer a vision for the future. We require wisdom. And we now had the means to make people across the world aware. It was a feature of all five mass extinctions. Ways to fish our seas that enable them to come quickly back to life. And if we do it right, it can continue because theres a win-win at play. The living world is essentially solar-powered. [Attenborough] I was in a television studio when the Apollo mission launched. A Life on Our Planet by David Attenborough Summary - Briefer He researched how the Earth had experienced massive eruptions at specific points, destroying many species. SIMON: I feel the need to take up some of the very practical points that you raise in this book. So when he asks that people heed his "witness statement" about the peril humans . Nature, once again, had to start again. But for us, an idea could do that. Downloads sind nur bei werbefreien Abos verfgbar. Fishing is worlds greatest wild harvest. Focusing on a specific period, from the birth of Black Wall Street to its catastrophic downfall over the course of two bloody days, and finally the fallout and reconstruction. Amid planet's crisis, filmmaker Sir David Attenborough's 'vision for Results of search for 'ccl=(su:{television programs.})' Marywood The complete series [HD DVD] / a BBC/Discovery Channel/NHK co-production, in association with the CBC ; . This city in Ukraine was once home to almost 50,000 people. A 12-year-old boy learns he's the returned Jesus Christ, destined to save humankind. Despite its size, the Netherlands is now the worlds second largest exporter of food. Attenborough's BBC production, The Blue Planet, changed this when its sophisticated camera equipment filmed a bait ball frenzy, a fantastic underwater hunt the likes of which no one had seen before. This film is my witness statement and my vision for the future, the story of how we came to make this our greatest mistake, and how, if we act now, we can yet put it right. A key reason the population is still growing is because many of us are living longer. Do the preparation task first. our planet from deserts to grasslands transcript SIMON: What does that mean? Working with their traditional technology, they were living sustainably, a lifestyle that could continue effectively forever. The natural world is, fading, he writes. Sir David, thanks so much for being with us. By and large, its a story of slow, steady change. After moving his family into his childhood home, a man's investigation into a local factory accident connected to his father unveils dark family secrets. They were virtually impossible to find. Our planet becomes four degrees Celsius warmer. The natural world will survive. Its only now that I appreciate how extraordinary. I spent the latter half of the 1970s traveling the world, making a series I had long dreamed of called Life on Earth, the story of the evolution of life and its diversity. And it relies on its biodiversity to run smoothly. Great numbers of species disappear and are suddenly replaced by a few. Skeletons of dead creatures. The pace of progress was unlike anything to be found in the fossil record. And the reef turns from wonderland to wasteland. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Tired of the small-time grind, three Marseille cops get a chance to bust a major drug network. But its now becoming apparent that its not all doom and gloom. This habitat was the subject of the series The Blue Planet, which we were filming in the late 90s. It was a great place to come to as a boy, because this is, um, ironstone workings, but it was disused. At 93, Sir David Attenborough has spent a lifetime studying the natural world, and been knighted for his efforts. Sir David Attenborough explains what he thinks needs to happen to save Our intelligence changed the way in which we evolved. So there's not a profit in it, we still go killing it, and they throw a heck of a lot of it back. Our impact now truly profound. A powerful shared conscience had suddenly appeared. Copyright 2020 NPR. And that completely changed the mindset of the population, the human population of the world. The thing we rely upon for every element of the lives we lead. "No fishing" zones cover less than 7% of the ocean. Still, energy use, production, transport, farming, and telecommunication have also shown their sinister side. He has perpetually been on the road ever since. I am David Attenborough, and I am 93. Air transport will be hugely problematic to solve, although electric and hydrogen planes are in the process of being developed. Executive-produced by his sons, Rodrigo and Gonzalo. Download Worksheet Language level Those forests and plains and seas were already emptying. And as the natural environment fails, pandemics are likely to increase. In international waters, the UN is attempting to create the biggest no fish zone of all. David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet - Netflix Emmy-winning narrator David Attenborough ("Our Planet," "Planet Earth II") looks back and shares a way forward. There are many differences between humans and the rest of the species on earth, but one that has been expressed is that we alone are able to imagine the future. It is the only way out of this crisis that we ourselves have created. Sir David Attenborough Has A Dire Message About The Earth's Future Polar bears need ice as the launching pads for hunting. The wealthiest 16% in the world are responsible for almost 50% of the environmental impact. A few millennia after this began, I grew up at exactly the right moment. We invented farming. Governments need to offer financial incentives to create wilderness areas or involve local communities that can benefit from rewilding. There was an edge to our existence. Renewable energy, such as solar, wind, and water, could supply power. We eat 50 billion chickens a year and feed them with soy planted on deforested land. Boo! Jonnie Hughes served as director and producer, as he has on Attenborough's documentaries since 2000. In the end, after a lifetimes exploration of the living world, Im certain of one thing. At first, the cause of the bleaching was a mystery. A sixth mass extinction event is well underway. A Life on Our Planet is a masterpiece that explores the life and legacy of natural historian and national treasure David Attenborough. How many people can the Earth carry? I've seen it with my own eyes. Interspersed with footage of his career and of a wide variety of ecosystems, he narrates key moments in his career and indicators of how the planet has changed since he was born in 1926. In one act, this would transform the open ocean from a place exhausted by subsidized fishing fleets to a wilderness that will help us all in our efforts to combat climate change. ATTENBOROUGH: Yes. He believes that we have The Planetary Boundaries model as our guide, and that we should be looking to it for inspiration. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. A Life on Our Planet Quotes by David Attenborough - Goodreads But if you get in a helicopter, you see that that is a strip about half a mile wide. PDF David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet - British Council One of the significant findings was that we pay attention to the environment when it affects us. At times, our ancestors existed only in tiny numbers, but just over 10,000 years ago, that number suddenly stabilized and with it, Earth's climate. Furthermore, less ice means that the Arctic would be unable to cool the planet down. A Life on Our Planet - Google Books This city in Ukraine was once home to almost 50,000 people. A marked change in atmospheric carbon has always been incompatible with a stable earth. And the rich and thriving living world around us has been key to this stability. Back then, it seemed inconceivable that we, a single species, might one day have the power to threaten the very existence of the wilderness. In one person's lifetime, we have demolished our land and sea wilderness. Instead, cover crops are planted after harvest to protect the soil, and crops are rotated. If you have not used our catalog since prior to June 6, 2016 contact Circulation at the number below to get your PIN reset. Then you deal so with the land. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. And in life the animal itself lived in the chamber here and spread out its tentacles to catch its prey. You can also read the transcript. Amazingly the plants on Earth, together with their ocean counterparts of algae and phytoplankton, know all about solar power. One of the greatest films ever made, The Sorrow and The Pity is a contribution to history, to social psychology, to anthropology, and to art. And because we would be then dedicated to raising plants, we could increase the yield of this land substantially. Fast forward to 2021, and a far greater catastrophe looms. It was a rediscovery of a fundamental truth. All sorts of things that you had no idea had ever existed, all in a multitude of colors, all unbelievably beautiful. In the 1950s, Bernhard Grzimek, a German scientist, realized that wildlife was under threat in the Serengeti and needed the entire expanse of the plains to survive. Landslides and floods would occur, but worse still, this thawing would release 1,400 gigatonnes of carbon into the atmosphere. David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet. 2030s. That may sound impossible, but there are ways in which we can do this. Life had no option but to rebuild. A few days after that and theyre gone over the horizon. [reindeer grunting] [birds hooting] [buffalo snorting] [birds cawing] [elephants trumpeting]. David Attenborough: ( 00:48) For much of humanity's ancient history, that number bounced wildly between 180 and 300, and so too did global temperatures. In the northern regions, the temperatures would lift in March, triggering spring, and stay high until they dipped in October and brought about autumn. Yet, theyve removed 90% of the large fish in the sea. As a result, the average global temperature today is one degree Celsius warmer than it was when I was born. Watch David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet | Netflix Official Site If we want to, we can kill almost anything in the sea that we wish. This is a series of one-way doors bringing irreversible change. This docuseries delves into one of our greatest modern mysteries: Flight MH370. I look at these images now and I realize that, although as a young man I felt I was out there in the wild experiencing the untouched natural world it was an illusion. Fossil fuels increase the greenhouse effect, releasing gases such as carbon dioxide. David Attenborough A Life On Our Planet 2020 (1080p) Earth could be 4 degrees Celsius warmer, making farming in many areas impossible. One of the extraordinary things about it was that the world could actually watch it as it happened. A thick belt of jungles around the equator has piled plant on plant to capture as much of the suns energy as possible, adding moisture and oxygen to the global air currents. And the idea could be passed from one generation to the next. And in less than 48 hours, the city was evacuated. Wherever I went, there was wilderness. Against the backdrop of the WWII battle known as Hitler's first defeat, a Norwegian soldier returns home and learns a shocking truth about his wife. Its covered with small family-run farms with no room for expansion. We have already moved beyond the boundaries of four of these nine. In the past, animals had to develop some physical ability to change their lives. Planet Earth. It was only in the 50s that large fleets first ventured out into international waters to reap the open ocean harvest across the globe. This is not about saving our planet its about saving ourselves. Ocean life was also unravelling in the shallows. [groaning] Those beneath can get crushed to death. And, of course, the ocean is important to all of us as a source of food. I'm quite sure. SIMON: You project what the world might look like in 10 years and even a century. As nations develop everywhere, people choose to have fewer children. But during his lifetime, Attenborough has also seen first-hand the monumental scale of humanity's impact on nature. However, as it does this, carbon dioxide changes into carbonic acid. It's happening already. In 1937, at age 11, he would cycle from his home in Leicester into the countryside to study fossils in the rocks.
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