You treat each other as true peers. A classic love-hate relationship may be an expression of this position. It's important to remember that Saturn can be extreme. While grievances tend to be out in the open, and this can be very helpful, you will need to try to avoid competing with one another. The feelings you have for each other, and the emotions generated between the two of you, run deep. Composite 7th house : planets. At the same, it may confer an element of suspiciousness and nosiness in the person who has this in their chart. A composite seventh-house Saturn is often indicative of a scenario where one person is taking care of the other. Saturn can be imagined as an old father-figure whose focus is on avoiding danger, following rules, and working hard to provide for a secure future. Composite Venus in the 2nd House. Whatever the case may be, Saturn in the house of beginnings and initiative suggests some awkwardness, simply because Saturn is not very comfortable doing the initiating when it comes to close, intimate relationships. You are not the types of people to fly off the handle at one another. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Allowing ingrained patterns of behavior to strain committed relationships. A possible solution for this position if it is found to be a challenging one is to spend some time apart periodically so that you dont burn each other out and it can feel fresh again. The affection and love between you are not light and airy by any means. Frustrations in the relationship can be hard to tolerate, and you may find that you face off with each other frequently. Sexual attraction of a mysterious, intense, and deep nature is indicated here. Composite Ascendant in Cancer. If the relationship lasts, the tables turn and the younger person cares for the older person. A general feeling that the relationship is closing in on you is often experienced and it makes the relationship feel restrictive. Composite Sun in the Houses - South Florida Astrologer Your communications with one another can be very animated and even heated. Paying attention to the theme of the Composite Suns house placement is especially important. Found in the buried twelfth house, vague feelings of discontent that are hard to pinpoint can undermine your relationship. You may focus on digging deeper into something together, and you can enjoy focusing on serious matters. Proper protocol is considered important in your dealings with structured organizations, and you are careful to follow their rules. You may explore new ways of using the resources that you have, and can take an unconventional approach to sharing. Composite Moon in the 9th House. It is important to have a true understanding of Saturn's influence when your composite Saturn is in the fourth house because it often puts a feeling of restriction and burden on home and family life that is strong enough to drive people apart. Over time, you wonder why there is a negative vibe that you can't explain. The creative urge is strong, and one possible manifestation of this is having children together and revolving your world around them. Otherwise, there may be a tendency to come down on each other or to restrict one anothers individuality and sense of freedom. True partnership is a goal. The chances of you achieving a truly bonded and stable relationship are high with this position, unless the Sun is severely challenged in the composite chart. Sun In 8th House Transit, Sun In 8th House Composite. It can make your home life feel overly serious. All this . You may both be somewhat shy as individuals, for example. Keep in mind, as well, that there are positives and negatives of every position. Saturn in the eighth house can make a very powerful influence on the lives and minds of natives. Composite Mercury in the 6th House. Composite Ascendant in Aquarius. Generally, taking the relationship itself seriously and as a responsibility is the ultimate result of this placement. Friendship is very important to you. You are a couple that thinks, communicates, and analyzes. However, it also has the potential of being quite challenging, as it tends to pull two people together in such a way that either or both feel almost as if they have lost their personal identity. You Light Up My Life: Sun in Houses in Synastry. Chiron in 8th House: The Wound of Transformation and Rebirth However, it can also be bad if the serious feeling makes the relationship feel like a burden. - MY Saturn makes an aspect to his Moon made me more committed to this connection than he was (he didn't cheat, he just didn't want to stay in it for the long haul) . Usually it is seen that native having Saturn in the 8th house lives in foreign land and earns and suffers there. What are some CRAZY synastry aspects you've had with someone else? You may have expensive taste, or you might encourage each others indulgent side. Composite Sun in the 8th House July 13, 2009 astrologyplace The composite Sun placed in the 8th house is symbolic of a private couple who keep their affairs behind closed doors and have more layers to their relationship than what is visible on the surface of their connection. The following interpretations are far from comprehensive. Composite Saturn in the Houses - South Florida Astrologer It tells about your nature of death and your total life span. Your work will get done. Reality must be met head on when Saturn is present. A buzz of activity is normally found here until Saturn comes along. Let's take a look at what Saturn is telling you based on house and sign. Composite Venus in the 7th House. With an 8th House stellium and the potential for 8th House matters being elevated in your life, there are some pitfalls to watch for including: Struggling to let go of old ways of being to make way for new. Venus represents areas of life where you derive the most pleasure, and the seventh house represents the relationship itself. Copyright 2013-2023, How the Zodiac Signs Ruin their Relationships. This is a classic dating or lovers position. Composite Uranus in the 6th House. It doesn't seem to have real source, and you can't find a way to bring it out into the open and discuss it. You dont appreciate sweeping changes, which can throw you off-center. With your sights set high, you may not be very good with the details of daily existence. Andthe 8th house ruler is Mercury, which happens to be in 11th house conjunct Neptune, ruler of 2nd house, and Sappho. The feeling of restriction, self-doubt, and awkwardness that Saturn brings are detrimental to the creativity and spontaneity of this house. Saturn in the 8th House - Transcendance Through Tribulation - Astroligion This is also the case with the composite Ascendant (as well as the composite Midheaven). Composite Venus in the 12th House. Although it may not ever feel like a true partnership or commitment with each other, the spirit of acceptance generated between the two of you makes you feel appreciated. it may be difficult for you to share with one another, and you may have a hard time using resources that you have or finding any new resources together. Because pleasure and enjoyment are what you expect from one another, deeper more intimate issues and responsibilities may be avoided or glossed over. Saturn's ultra realistic attitude and approach to life puts a heavy weight into the house it occupies in a composite chart. Saturn is capable of going deep into matter and finding what is hidden. Sun : Need for balances ego's in order to make it work. You are warm, tender, and sympathetic towards one another, ultimately giving each other the benefit of the doubt. When applied to the fourth house, this focus can make your home family life feel like a hard-labor prison sentence rather than a cozy haven with the people you love. Your relationship is a stimulating, compelling one, and you easily attract attention as a couple. A conscious decision can be made to use Saturn's energy to provide a healthy amount of structure and security to your home life without allowing the overly negative and dark side of Saturn to rule this house. Composite Saturn in the 8th House With Composite Saturn in the 8th house, you may struggle over control of the relationship and over one another. Breaking your bond can be difficult to do. While it's true that we need to take care of daily tasks in order to keep our lives running smoothly, and it's true that we should do things correctly, Saturn in the sixth house of a composite chart can have you obsessing over it. This is a challenging position for the Composite Sun, as it suggests a basic inequality in your relationship that could undermine it over time. If either one of you feels that you are in the relationship in order to support the other person rather than for love, resentment can build. When transit Mars is in the composite 8th house, if there is something that you need to dig deeper into together, you can have plenty of energy and drive to do so. Others may think you are together for practical or intellectual reasons rather than emotional ones because of the image you project. It's undefinable, so you can't work on eliminating it. The best way to handle this energy is to put your egos aside and avoid expecting too much from the partnership. Composite Ascendant in Aries. Composite Mars in the 1st House. Transit Mercury in the Composite 8th House. Look to the individual charts to see who might have a hard time with this kind of emotional excitement and who might understand it and feed off it. Whether its passion, elation, sorrow, or desire, emotions are felt on a deeply personal level. This relationship is life-changing in that if it were to end, you will take something from it and feel that you are somehow a different person. House 2 person helps Saturn person remember what luxuries or pleasures they are working for in the first place. Composite Planets in Aspect to the North and South Node In order to make this position work, there needs to be a feeling of mutual devotion and your individual egos need to take a back seat, as inequality is a theme of this position. There could also be an undercurrent of guilt running through this relationship. Composite Sun in the 4th House. Their expression is muted and subverted. Explanation of aspects to the north and south node, Sun through Pluto in a composite chart (Davison chart) Venus, Mars, Uranus and Pluto aspect my Midheaven. Commitment to each other comes quite easily. With enough creativity and self-awareness, two people can experience its benefits together. If challenged, you may be very wrapped up in your own relationship, or you could nag each other endlessly. Your relationship is spontaneous and light, and you are more able than most couples to remain objective about your relationship and the issues you face. Communication, learning, information, trips around town, visits with neighbors and relatives, gossip and news all fall in this house. Composite Ascendant in Pisces. Composite Venus in the 8th House. You may be nervous and restless as a couple, or always on the go. In the fifth house, we discover ourselves by expressing ourselves through a creative medium or by seeing ourselves through a lover's eyes. Composite Mars in the 8th House. However, humans are imperfect, and complete faith is hard to keep up all of the time. Also, wealth received through inheritance. This slush that can take the form of resentment can undermine your relationship if youre not careful. Sun & Moon Combinations: How Well do your Sun & Moon get Along? A light spirit of friendship, communication, and learning is at the heart of your relationship. Getting There: The Function of the Sun in Composite Charts As a couple, you project a confident, proud, and warm aura. They can sense if someone's mood has changed. When transit Saturn is in the composite 8th house, you may struggle with your emotional bonds and intimacy in the relationship. If the Composite Moon is conjunct Ascendant: This relationship touches you deeply. Saturn always thinks long-term and over-thinks decisions. Being in a position where there is mystery or confusion surrounding your partner and/or your relationship can be trying over time. Composite Sun in the 1st House. The eighth house also rules other people's property and money include real estate, inheritances, and investments. You are not inclined to serve each other, and any demands to do so will be turned down. Sun In 8th House, Sun In Eighth House Meaning, Sun In 8th House Past You may have a lot of energy for completing tasks, routines, and work done together. The natives of Saturn in the 8th house may find it very tough to accept changes in their life. Another way of looking at it is that things do tend to balance themselves out over time, even if they seem imbalanced at the moment. In its own house, Saturn's effect is amplified, and reinforced. This may influence your interest in the occult, mystery and psychic matters. In some cases, the relationship begins just fine, but there is a sense of being blocked by the outside world or by circumstances.
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