Surname origins reveal a complex history of slavery in The Bahamas Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. But the Slaves generally had two namesthe one given by the slave owner (e.g. They did so either to take on a surname for the first time, or to replace a name or surname given to them by a former master. What were common last names in the 1800s? - TeachersCollegesj One former slave Bill Scott from Wessyngton reported in his pension application for military service that when he enlisted in the Union Army officials put down his surname as Washington. Spanish areas had male Slave names as Francisco, Pedro, and Antonio; and for females: Maria, Isabella, and Juana. It is from this myth that the plant genus, Phoebe is the Latin variation of the Greek name Phoibe, which derived from. But the bureau also compiled lists of the fastest-growing surnames in the United States and these include Zhang, Li, Ali, Liu, and Khan - a testament to the wonderful diversity of our nation. See flier here. I was bornthe child of Phillis Houston, slave of Sol Smith. E. Togo Salmon Conference, E. Togo Salmon Conference 1993 Mcmaster University: Goodyear III, Frank H. "Photography changes the way we record and respond to social issues". On the 30 rolls of NARA Microfilm Publication M1895, Slave Manifests of Coastwise Vessels Filed at New Orleans, Louisiana, 1807-1860 (30 rolls), are reproduced manifests filed with the collector of customs at New Orleans, Louisiana, of slaves transported in coastwise trade to or from New Orleans during the period 1807-1860. In addition to time and place, a likely variable is whether the birth rate, in a severely overworked and maltreated population, was sufficient to ensure a relatively stable population over several generations, or whether the high mortality associated with slavery led to declining numbers and hence to the frequent acquisition of new slaves. I make extensive use of tables for organization, analysis and citation in my research, and they have proven very popular with genealogists. They are part of Records of the U.S. Customs Service . Alfred Francis Russell (1817-1884), 10th President of Liberia. I was only three years old when she died. Five of the slaves were sold to the Washingtons and brought to Wessyngton. It means 'bought land'. In Greek mythology, Daphne was the nymph daughter of Peneus, a river god. No, I don't know to whom she belonged before she was brought from Virginia to Kentucky. You can read the introductory maps for a high-level guided explanation, view the timeline and chronology of . In 1911, Barnett and Fry's widow, Mollie, both applied for pensions from the government. 2. Well, I got to thinking about all us slaves that was going to take the name Fitzpatrick. By examining periods of violence during the Reconstruction era, students learn about the potential backlash to political and social change. My father would be 105 if he were alive. Some scholars of slavery have come to view the names and naming of enslaved people as agauge of many aspects oflife and culture during enslavement and of howcustoms changed over time. I liked the name better than Octavia, and so I took it with me to Danville, and was never called anything else there than that name. Perhaps this caused some Slaves to ask: Am I my new name or am I still my old name? I also see that in 1900 she is listed as widow with 1 child living, so you may have luck trying to find out who her child was. Your insight is always welcome and I am glad you shared these posts for other readers to see. A. The surname issue really presents huge challenges for those of us doign this research, but you soulnd as though you are making headway. Slaves were generally listed with just one name and thus with little to none of the genealogical information recorded for free whites. . This database is a compilation of information on over four thousand slaves from Louisiana who were involved in manumission (the formal emancipation from slavery) between 1719 and 1820. As enslavement continued through the 1800s, African American culture included naming practices that were national in scope by the time of emancipation, and intimately related to the slave trade. [15] Alice Clifton (c. 1772-unknown), as an enslaved teenager, she was a defendant in an infanticide trial in 1787. As a newspaper that publishes in the spirit of the Black Press, the Black Voice News has given voice to the voiceless and shined a light on systemic inequities and disparities since 1972. The surname Williams occurs roughly 550 times per 100,000 people in the U.S. You can find explanations for each of the table columns below, or use the following links to view more last names for different ancestries. Black Last Names: 80 Popular & Common African American, African See footnotes for source information. When Wessyngtons owner George A. Washington married Margaret Lewis in 1849 her father gave the couple twenty-nine slaves. Victorian Surnames in England and Wales - Geri Walton Are you thinking this woman Eliza Ellis was married to Wash Ellis? My fathers name was John Crosby and he lived in the town of Geneva, Alabama, I had two brothers and one sister. Unfortunately, I am not knowledgeable enough about African and Caribbean research in the areas you name. Each name was a clue to her origins. 687+ African-American Last Names [All Categories] - Tag Vault 5,000 Most Common Last Names in the U.S. | Name Census Slavery. Finding State Laws About Slaves and Free Blacks, More Suggestions for White Slaveholder Descendants,,,, State of residence is Missouri unless otherwise noted. Aruba Congo Bob D'Sean Latoya Dilsy Lopez Lunah African Emmaline Ebo Mema Milla Kyser Ibo Medwin Oilsay Cupad Viney Centere Minta Zoruba Tyzer Nefar Phiba LaVaughn Congo Bob Ladia Ikbo Abah Medger Bossy Shand Cufee Uri Zulu jenee Sorce Tomm Dedib Slave Names Of The 1800's Cena Billah Quarker Lamoney Minba Geto Tonesia Zulu Jana Brutis They identified 21 distinctly Black male names, among them biblical classics such as Abraham and Moses, and word names including Freeman and Prince. Table 7. I have done quite a bit of genealogy for my own family, and it was difficult enough, but what you are doing, is incredible work. PDF Lists of Slave owners with names of slaves 781 And please do share posts that interest you. Jamaica Slavery FamilySearch John C. Inscoe, "Carolina Slave Names: An Index to Acculturation," Journal of Southern History 59 (November 1983). Hi Jim, Available from (accessed May 6, 2022). However, research byLisa D. Cook and colleagueshas revealed evidence of racialized names from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Questions about slave naming intersect with some of the major debates in slavery studies (especially regarding Creolization and the formation of Atlantic Creoles) and can illuminate issues about the ethnicity of African slaves, the personhood and agency of those enslaved, the nature of kinship structures among the enslaved, and the survival of African cultural practices in the diaspora. In these cases, unless the name change had been passed down in the family by oral history, it would be impossible to trace the family back any further. American slave owners or slaveholders were owners of slaves in the United States which typically worked either as agriculture laborers or house servants. 2023 The Voice of the Black Community in California. Thank you, my dear friend, for adding this about enslaved people owned in the Caribbean is really important, as some of the customs were certainly different. Fernsby, (Old English Origin) Derived from the old English words meaning "fern farmstead". In Greek mythology, Athena is the name of the daughter of Zeus who was the goddess of wisdom, warfare, handicrafts, mathematics, and courage, among others. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. 2023 is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. I liked the name better than Octavia, and so I took it with me to Danville, and was never called anything else there than that name. 12 Lost American Slangisms From The 1800s : NPR History Dept. : NPR However the frequent rebellions by . Isaac evolved from the name Yitzchaq, derived from the Hebrew word, Lysander is a distinctive Greek name that could be thought of as a more creative cousin of Alexander. Robyn. The same family may appear with different surnames in the 1870 and 1880 federal census records, and may appear in other records with either, both, or a third surname altogether. Now, that parent's surname could very well be the surname of the most recent slaveholder or an earlier slaveholder. They called me OCK. For example, Roll, Jordan,Roll has an entire chapter called The Naming of Cats, discussing slave names and The Slave Community has a very good chapter called The Slave Family. Two other books I like are Been In The Storm So Long by Leon Litwick (pgs 247-248)and Joining PLaces: Slave Neighborhoods in the Old South by Anthony Kaye. Allard. Olympic speed skater Apolo Anton Ohno might inspire some parents. Whereas names withAfrican, classical, or other unique origins were popular during enslavement, --- often continuingfrom one generation to the next and creating a distinctive nomenclature unlike that of southern whites -- free black peopleoften used more traditionally Anglicized versions of their first names. Three formerly enslaved people discuss their names and the changes they underwent after Emancipation. I also meant to email you and tell you how I enjoyed your article in the last NGSQ. It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl. Hello But, my mtdna also said I share ancestry with the Kru people of Liberia and the Mende from Sierra Leonne! My fathers name was Gilbert Jackson, and after I was set free I took the name of my father, and have been known by the name Smith Jackson. Top 130 French Last Names or Surnames With Meanings - FirstCry Parenting College, Advanced AA Gen. Class, September 2009, Alice, Robyn and Lajoye, CM AAHGS, September 2017, Robyn and Andrea, NGS Conference, May 2014. I hope you dont mind my sharing those posts. The name James has been a popular Victorian male names in the 1800s. 6. Post Author: Post published: 18 avril 2022; Post Category: . Through a video-based activity, students examine Americas struggle for a stronger democracy during Reconstruction and today. Names and Naming, African Africans arriving in the American colonies and later the United States continued to give their children African names well into the nineteenth century. Tell me the name you were called before you met Phillip Fry? . Several of the other slaves were sold to various slave owners. Each is present in your body. This event is $12. Thanks for all you to do keeps us all so enlightened! Private names used in the quarters included Abah, Bilah, Comba, Dibb, Juba, Kauchee, Mima, and Sena. Thank you. I make extensive use of tables for organization, analysis and citation in my research, and they have proven very popular with genealogists. Surnames - Historic UK Interestingly, the five most common American surnames as of 2010 haven't changed that much over time and are Smith, Johnson, Williams, Brown, and Jones. I worked for him as nurse for his children, and my full and correct name was OCTAVIA, but the family could not catch on to that long name and called me LOTTIE for short. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Elaine Fantham, Helene Peet Foley, Natalie Boymel Kampen, Sarah B. Pomeroy, H. A. Shapiro. My maiden surname is Williams. The following is a list of historical people who were enslaved at some point during their lives, in alphabetical order by first name. Place names that were disproportionately popular among Black Americans in history include Boston, Jamaica, York, and Africa. The practice was common until its abolition in 1865 with the end of the Civil War and the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution.. For the time being, we are using this as the Slavery Plantation umbrella or portal. Through a video-based activity, students explore how Radical Reconstruction changed the nature of voting rights and democracy in the South. Through Reclaiming Kin, I share tips on genealogy skillbuilding for all genealogists, and on researching slavery and the enslaved. 42. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. This meant that army records documented their service with their old names instead of their new ones. Leo (M) (Russian origin) means "lion". Bradley was the last man owned em. They ran away, fought back, feigned illness, destroyed tools, and clung to their families. 1754 Excerpts from the Courant for June 22 to 29, 1754 at Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library - contain the names of some "runaway slaves" or indentured servants, and information about them. Surnames. -George Burns, "Where does the family start? Ninety percent of them were African-American, a far higher black percentage than for any other common name. Newly emancipated slaves also frequently chose new first names, discarding those associated with slavery. After emancipation, they all used the Terry surname because their families had been with the white Terry family for generations. I am an engineer by day, but my true passion lies in genealogy. The most common origin for surnames is that enslaved people initially used the surname of either their mother or their father, if they knew what those names were. He was a slave owner and, in 1800 as Chief Justice of New Brunswick, he supported slavery in defiance of British practice at the time. Edited by Gabriele vom Bruck and Barbara Bodenhorn, 178199. His slaveholder was named David Humphries. The top 5 most common Hispanic last names from the 1920s are: 1. In ancient history, Lysander was the name of an esteemed Spartan naval commander and his literary cred comes from one of the two star-struck young men in Shakespeare's. Copeland This last name comes from Old Norse origin. No superior alternative has yet been found." common last names for slaves in the 1800s. Robyn N. Smith, [insert post title], Reclaiming Kin ( accessed [insert date you read the post]), [insert the date the post was written]. The last U.S.census slave schedules were enumerated by County in 1860 and included 393,975 named persons holding 3,950,546 unnamed slaves, or an average of about ten slaves per holder. On another branch, members of the Griffin family from around Campbell County VA all stuck together and are believed to have kept family bonds & name of their father after Emancipation. Abel, the name of Adam and Eve's unfortunate younger son, compensates with positive connotations: capable, competent, ready and willing. Throughout the colonial period, as many as one-fifth of the enslaved people in North Carolina retained African names; Quash, Cuffee, Mingo, Sambo, Mustapha, and Sukey were among the most common recorded. This was the case with several others from Wessyngton. I mean, really retro. Chapter 4 gives a brief and introductory outline of naming in the United States during slavery and its consequences in African American culture. My surname of SAM originated from Sem or Sam FUSELIER, a free man of color who freed my ancestor,Jean-Louis, out of slavery in 1811. Slavery. So just a few things to be aware of when researching any African-American ancestors. I find it interesting that they often used the strange phrase he calls himself in the ads, as if having a given name and a surname was silly: Ran away from the subscriber on the 25th of October, a well set dark mulattoe man named Jem, but calls himself James Ferguson.. . In order to receive their pensions decades later, these former soldiers and their family members had to demonstrate to the government that they were who they claimed to be. But if Romeo and Venus are now deemed baby-appropriate, why not Apollo? . Testimony of Mollie Russell (widow of Phillip Fry), September 19, 1911: Q. The Washingtons of Wessyngton Plantation: Stories of My Familys Journey to Freedom is proudly powered by WordPress Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS). Another slave named Bill who attended the sheep became Bill Shepherd. However, the enslaved occasionally had surnames, which became normal leading up to and after emancipation as a mark of assimilation into free society. 19. In instances where slaves were sold from their families and they did not retain their previous owners surnames, they named their children for parents, sisters and brothers to keep a connection with their families. 20 August 2022, 1-3:30 pm [PAST EVENT], Eastern Standard Time: Join me for a two-hour lecture and workshop on Using Deed Records. Proving their identity as former soldiers often revealed some of the most detailed explanations for former slaves choice of surnames. I was called mostly Lewis Smith till after the war, although I was named Dick Lewis SmithDick was the brother of John Barnett whom I learned was my father . The first published African-American poet & author Phillis Wheatley was born in West Africa. James) will have . is for you. I love to hear from my readers. In the 1760s Anglo-American frontiersmen, determined to settle the land, planted slavery firmly within the borders of what would become Tennessee. . . Numerous historical sources confirm that enslaved people had surnames that they used among themselves and in many cases were known by their slaveholder. Some of the most common or popular last names in the 1800s included Robinson, Clark, and Smith. After emancipation, he became William Smith. . Robyn. Places; Login. Louis (M) (English origin) means "famous warrior". African Americans in the U.S. Federal Census, 1870-1890 (National Special slave censuses were kept in the early 1800s. Names of prominent slaveholderse.g. Q. And again, as a white Southerner whose ancesters were NOT slaveowners, your blog is helping me to understand the real and horrible legacy of the peculiar institution. 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, Finding Aids for the National Archives at Atlanta, National Archives Catalog (National Archives Identifier 2767350). . Marking an 'X': Exploring the History of Grenada's Surnames I am sure your father would also be very proud of your interest in family history. Bernard Meaning: brave warrior Origin: French 4. I am searching for information about a woman named Eliza Ellis, from Versailles KY or that area. I am the identical person who was named called and known as Dick Lewis Smith before the Civil War and during the Civil War and until I returned home after my military service . For more details, see the flier here, and you can purchase them here. The private name served as a form of Selfhood Armor (you cant take all of me, White man!); gave them a sense of power over their captors; and provided their children with a sense of heritage and pride. In 2001, I began a process of transcribing names of some of the largest slaveholders and matching the surnames with numbers of African Americans on the 1870 . Cheryll Cody, "'There Was No Absalom on the Ball Plantation': Slave-Naming Practices in the South Carolina Low Country, 1720-1865," American Historical Review 92 (June 1987). In 1800, Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman were able to escape their terrible life of enslavement and were able to help other slaves trapped in a world of forced labour and grant them freedom once again due to the Underground Railroads that helped him, his partner Anna Murray Douglas and many other fugitives sneak away from the horrible The battle was long and hard-fought, with pro-slavery campaigners arguing that the slave trade was important for the British economy and claiming that enslaved Africans were happy and well-treated. The given name Athena was derived from the city name Athens, which is of uncertain origins. Encyclopedia of North Carolina, University of North Carolina Press. The resources Im getting from my colleagues through Facing History have been just invaluable. Once the slaves were freed they found they did need another name besides a given name. Copyright 2023 Facing History & Ourselves. I am researching the surname Culbert worldwide, and the data can be found at: There are a growing number of African Americans with this surname, which I believe originates in Scotland. I was called by that name all the time I was with the Morrows. They are recorded with the Ashby surname on subsequent documents. Just makes me sad for the human spirit that anyone, let alone hundreds of thousands of people could participate in it. Thank you so much for your kind words. Another slave named Bill who attended the sheep became Bill Shepherd. In more than thirty years of researching my ancestors and hundreds of others enslaved on one of Americas largest plantations, slaves owned by mid-sized planters and small farmers, reviewing thousands of documents I have come across various situations that might give others clues on what to look for. common last names for slaves in the 1800s One thing I envy about the Catholic church is the baptisms available for even the enslaved people there. Cora: We first fell in love with this short baby girl's name from Downton Abbey, but Cora was already popular in the 1800s, meaning 'maiden' or 'good'. The existence of those surnames in the area would help to verify, but also, you are fortunate to have the important oral history of that name change in the first place, since so many of us dont. My maternal grandmother was an Auber. 1. My mother then told me my fathers name was John Barnett, a white man, and I took up the name Barnett., My mothers name was Jane and she was called Jane Nunn because she belonged to the Nunns. Turner was deeply religious,. Slaves are identified by given name under their masters. If you can identify your ancestor's master, this source will prove of tremendous value to your research. You can read about this in the following two posts on my blog. Renate, You already know the rich historical terrain of FPOC in Louisiana, what terrific grounds for family research. I communicate with them on Facebook. Relish, (Old French Origin) Derived from relaisse meaning "flavor or taste". Examples include: Francois, Jean, Pierre, and Leon for men; and Manon, Delphine, Marie Louise, Celeste, and Eugenie for women. The names that were brought together to form "Geffery" were "Gaufrid" (territory-peace), "Godafrid" (god-peace), and "Galfridus" (song-peace). Join my mailing list below to learn about upcoming webinars. Hi Pat, Testimony of Dick Lewis Barnett, May 17, 1911: I am 65 years of age; my post office address is Okmulgee Okla. Analyzing Creole names, especially those of African origin, demands a combination of historical and linguistic expertise that has not yet been systematically applied to slave names. Slavery existed in the United States from its founding in 1776 and became the main . Thank you for commenting, and continued luck to you in your research. Last updated: November 1, 2003 "Dwelling No." This financial assistance was available to all Civil War veterans and their families. African Americans were known by these surnames in the slave community and often recorded by slave owners on plantation documents. Former slaves often used surnames names of historical figures such as Washington, Jefferson or Jackson. Or, the Slaves were given numbers or classical Greek names. A. I was first called by that name in the family of Col. Morrow in whose service I was in Louisville, Ky., just after the war. Many Welsh surnames follow this pattern, with Jones (from 'John's son) being the most common. Evie (F) (English origin) means "life" or "lively". The following documents are excerpts from government records in which Dick Barnett and Mollie (Smith) Russell explain when and why they changed their names. After Emancipation, many former slaves adopted new names and surnames. Rather than being derived from the supernatural world, European given names were a mere handle or tag. Start your year off with tips and strategies that can help you in the new year & beyond. Students learn about President Andrew Johnson and the Congressional Republican's conflicting visions of how to rebuild the nation after the Civil War. One of my grandfathers in Africa was called Jeaceo, and so I decided to be Jackson. Feel free to contact me directly if you have more questions or need some assistance. Popular last names in the 1800's? - Answers This old French surname has Germanic origin, and means 'noble'. Popular Last Names in the 1920s Gatsby Flapper Girl In doing slave research in Barbados, I have found one group of enslaved Chase ancestors who were manumitted (freed) and given the last name of the former slave owner. Brutus) and a private name (e.g. An 's' at the end of a personal name also meant 'son of', for example Richards, Stevens, Williams and so on.
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