1999 Mount Saint Mary's University D.D.S. How do I earn a certificate, complete a program, graduate, and/or transfer from COD? 2009 University of California Riverside M.A. 1981 College of the Desert B.A. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No Advisory: ENG 061 Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS 2015 University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences, MARIANA ZEPEDA (2017) Counselor, ESLNB.A. 501 College Avenue Wheaton, IL 60187-5501 (630) 752-5000 Contact Us. (C-ID GEOG 140) Can I earn college credit without taking classes at COD? 2014 Loma Linda University M.S. Professor of Finance, Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University. COD GE: C1 CSU GE: B2 IGETC: 5B, ANTH 001LHuman Evolution: Introduction to Biological Anthropology LabUnits: 1, This laboratory course is offered as a complement to ANTH 001: Introduction to Biological Anthropology, either taken concurrently or in a subsequent term. Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS Prerequisite: None 1999 University of California - Riverside M.S. (C-ID PSY 180) Students will develop an understanding of death and dying, terminal illness, and attitudes and practices related to death. Inductive reasoning, the identification of informal fallacies, and the rudiments of the scientific method are also studied. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No Please refer to AB 705 (under How do I enroll in courses at COD?) Limitation on enrollment: None college of the desert sociology facultywhat core aesthetic are you uquizwhat core aesthetic are you uquiz 2015 California State University - San Bernardino, KIMBERLY S. DOZIER (2005) Professor, EnglishB.A. Palm Desert, CA 92260 Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No COD GE: C2, C3 CSU GE: C2, D6 IGETC: 3B, 4F, HIST 023Latin American HistoryUnits: 3, This course is a survey of the political and social development of South and Central America, including Mexico, from colonization to the present. Faculty and Staff Home Page. Grading: Letter Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS What programs and services are available for students? 1955), professor of history and sociology at the Binghamton University, and a well-known . Twitter. Advisory: ENG 001A 1986 University of Southern California M.S. adblack@collegeofthedesert.edu South Orange County Community College District Saddleback College, CA Teacher Education Posted 03/15/22. COD GE: C2 CSU GE: D IGETC: 4, SOC 014Introduction to Race & EthnicityUnits: 3, Racial and Ethnic Relations focuses on the varieties of racial and ethnic interactions in the United States. 1993 Palomar Community College B.A. 2004 California State University - Northridge, ANTHONY M. TESCH (2004) Professor, Biology, Human Anatomy, PhysiologyB.S. 1991 Biola University M.A. (C-ID PSY 130) Advisory: None 2011 California State University - Fresno, REBECCA GAYDOS (2019) Instructor, EnglishB.A. Limitation on enrollment: None 42. Grading: Letter 2012 Brandman University, JEFF H. BAKER (2018) Vice President, Student ServicesB.A. The Social Sciences program at College of the Desert consists of eight disciplines: anthropology, geography, global studies, history, philosophy, political science, psychology, and sociology. College of the Desert is part of the Colleges & Universities industry, and located in California, United States. This course focuses on basic theoretical debates such as, but not limited to, justice, equality, and the best form of government. Students will learn and/or review statistical calculations, analysis, and interpretation. 1997 California State University - Dominguez Hills, STEVEN L. HOLMAN (2019) Dean, School of Mathematics & SciencesA.S. Sociology Instructor,tenure track Job Palm Desert California USA,Education Limitation on enrollment: None 1996 Grossmont College B.A. 2006 University of California - San Diego M.A. 25. 1996 College of the Desert B.S. Limitation on enrollment: None 1997 University of Illinois - Chicago M.A. Social Sciences majors find jobs in social service agencies, non-profit organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, libraries, probation departments, and correctional institutes. 2017 University of California - Los Angeles M.S. What learning opportunities are available for students? Each of two Desert Sheep was infected with 1500 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni of Northern Sudan. 2006 Art Institute of California M.B.A. 2010 Southwest Minnesota State University Ed.D. Academic Programs - College of the Desert Students will examine the expectations gap: what we expect from our president and what he can accomplish within the confines of the Constitution. 2007 California State University - Fullerton Ed.D. cjonescage@collegeofthedesert.edu 2012 El Camino College, RICHARD BURNS (2017) Assistant Professor, GeologyB.S. Advisory: None 1987 Ludwig Maximillian University Munich, WHITNEY SHAW (2020) Professor, Communication and HumanitiesB.A. Instagram. COD GE: C2, C3 CSU GE: C2, D6 IGETC: 3B, 4F, HIST 017US History through ReconstructionUnits: 3, This course is a survey of the political and social development of the United States from the discovery of America through the Reconstruction Period. Grading: Letter COD GE: C2 CSU GE: D1 IGETC: 4A, ANTH 003Archaeology, Introduction to PrehistoryUnits: 3, This course is an introduction to the study of concepts, theories, data and models of anthropological archaeology that contribute to our knowledge of the human past. Prerequisite: None 2005 College of the Desert, FREDERICK VESCIAL, JR. (1995) Professor, English as a Second Language and Adult Basic EducationB.A. (C-ID ANTH 120) Areas of Interest. 2018 California State University-San Bernardino, BRIAN FOTINAKES (2015) Associate Professor, EnglishB.A. Instagram. Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS This. 36. Grading: Letter The relationship between these systems and psychological aspects such as perception, learning, motivation, emotion and personality will be identified. 2007 California State University - San Bernardino, FITZPATRICK BENJAMIN (2013) Associate Professor, Health Sciences and EducationB.S. Requires participation in field trips at alternative class meeting times. Prerequisite: None Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No 760.776.7404, Nicole Tortoris 2000 University of Illinois - Chicago Ph.D. 2013 Capella University, LEIF JORDAN (2007) Professor, MathematicsB.A. 1996 University of California - Riverside, OSCAR ESPINOZA-PARRA (2018) Dean, Enrollment ServicesB.A. This course focuses on basic theoretical debates such as, but not limited to, justice, equality, and the best form of government. 1989 University of California - Riverside M.A. SANDERS (2005) Professor, Early Childhood EducationB.S. 1975 California State Polytechnic University - Pomona, GARY PLUNKETT (2014) Dean, InstructionB.S. Experienced Lecturer with a demonstrated history of working in higher education. The implications for both personal development and professional practice are considered. The historical and conceptual links between ancient Greece and ancient India are discussed. Global Studies, Political Science 2004 University of California - Riverside, FRANCISCO RAMIREZ (2014) CounselorB.A. Dr. Desir Anastasia. COD GE: C3 CSU GE: C2 IGETC: 3B, PHIL 018Philosophy of ScienceUnits: 3, An introduction to the core philosophical issues raised by the unprecedented success of scientific inquiry since the beginning with the origins of modern science in the 16th century through the conceptual revolution in physics in the twentieth century. (C-ID HIST 180) History Years taught: 1998 to 2020. However, transfer requirements at four-year colleges and universities tend to vary from institution to institution; students should consult with a counselor for specific information regarding the transfer requirements of their preferred college or university. 2000 University of California - Berkeley M.S. COD GE: C1 CSU GE: B1 IGETC: 5A, GEOG 001LPhysical Geography LabUnits: 1, Laboratory exercises and experiments designed to explore and understand the primary areas of physical geography. COD GE: C2 CSU GE: D7 IGETC: 4G, HIST 003History of World Civilization IUnits: 3, This course is a broad study of the major elements of history from ancient times to the Renaissance. Limitation on enrollment: None College of the Desert Foundation - College of the Desert Foundation 15. Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS Included are areas such as communication, decision-making, human sexuality, divorce, single parenting, alternative family lifestyles and coping with stress. Prerequisite: None Prerequisite: None COD GE: C2 CSU GE: D5 IGETC: 4E, GEOG 010Geography of CaliforniaUnits: 3, This is a study of the natural and cultural environments of California including its climate, topography, biogeography, economy, urbanization and population diversity. Prerequisite: None (C-ID PSY 150) Prerequisite: PS 001 Advisory: ENG 061, and at least one previous college-level course in philosophy or the natural sciences. Limitation on enrollment: None Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Prerequisite: None The Social Sciences program at College of the Desert consists of eight disciplines: anthropology, geography, global studies, history, philosophy, political science, psychology, and sociology. Limitation on enrollment: None Limitation on enrollment: None College of the Desert General Education Requirements (COD GE), Transfer to Four-Year Colleges & Universities, California State University General Education Requirements, Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC), Using Employability/Soft Skills to Create Pathways, Announcement of Faculty and Administration. 1997 Illinois State University, MICHELLE A. RICHARDS (2000) Professor, Application and Information SystemsB.S. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No 2004 University of California - San Diego M.A. Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS 2006 University of Northern Colorado, MELISSA FLORA (2008) Professor, MathematicsB.A. Grading: Letter 1997 San Diego State University, MARIA AVALOS (2016) Assistant Professor, Early Childhood EducationB.A. Advisory: ENG 001A & MATH 060 System Downtimes Attention Potential Downtimes for Self Service and WebAdvisor are as follows: 12:01am - 1:00am : Monday - Saturday 12:01am - 4:00am : Sunday 2009 California State University - San Bernardino M.S. The goal of this class is to critically examine the social, cultural, political and economic significance of sports in our contemporary society. 2010 California State University - San Bernardino M.S.N. Limitation on enrollment: None 2014 University of California - Riverside, THOMAS O'GRADY (2016) Assistant Professor, American Sign LanguageB.A. 20. x. Philosophy, Social Science Prerequisite: None Limitation on enrollment: None In addition, students will be introduced to neural basis for select disorders and organic and internally induced brain damage and associated psychopathology. Providing Sustainable Electricity to Urban Informal Settlements of the Particular attention will be paid to the logical analyses of some of the distinctive doctrines endorsed by each faith, and how these doctrines may have reinforced and exacerbated the historic and contemporary conflicts between civilizations. 21. COD GE: C4b CSU GE: A3 IGETC: None, PHIL 012Religions of the WorldUnits: 3, An historical and conceptual introduction to the world's principal religious philosophies -- Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam -- with an examination of their original writings and subsequent commentaries 2012 University of California - Los Angeles M.S. Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS Limitation on enrollment: None lgraff@collegeofthedesert.edu 2006 Universita degli Studi di Milano Ph.D. 2014 University of California Davis, CORBYN VOYU (2015) Assistant Professor, EnglishB.A. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No Grading: Letter 10. This survey of contemporary approaches for study designs and research techniques will include theory development, application of methods, and the systematic nature of data collection. Limitation on enrollment: None Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS 9. This course examines a wide range of issues related to sports and society, such as sports and socialization, violence and substance abuse, race, class and gender stratification, race, class and gender socialization, economics of sports, media and politics of sporting institutions. Lecture Hours: NoneLab Hours: 54Repeatable: No Grading: Letter 760.773.2587, Linda Emerson Sociology Instructor, full-time tenure track Job in Palm Desert, CA at PDF Chapter 15 Lecture Outline Napa Valley College Pages - Wordpress 38. COD GE: C2 CSU GE: None IGETC: None, PSY 027Biological PsychologyUnits: 3, This survey course identifies the physiological determinants of behavior, affect and cognition. 44 . Faculty | Department of Sociology - Columbia University 760.862.1334, Ellen Hardy Opens in a new window. 2009 Grand Canyon University M.S. . Emphasis will be placed on an examination of contemporary world politics. 2012 California State University - San Bernardino M.A. 11. Opens in a new window. Advisory: ENG 001A (C-ID PSY 170) Limitation on enrollment: None The US News and World Report Guide to Graduate Departments ranks UT Austin Sociology 6th among public universities, and tied for 11th among all universities. Limitation on enrollment: None Renata Holod is College for Women Class of 1963 Term Professor Emerita in the Humanities, History of Art Department; and Curator, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, both at the University of Pennsylvania. Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS 2007 College of Staten Island M.A. Grading: Letter Free to job seekers. COD GE: C2 CSU GE: D5 IGETC: 4E, This course describes and explains the major cultural characteristics of the earth's diverse geographic regions. 2003 University of Arizona M.S. 1997 Pacific University M.Ed. Social Sciences majors also find jobs in business and industry in market research, survey research, public relations, management, advertising, human resources, sales, counseling, and as forensic anthropologists and archeologists. 760.400.5302, Veronica Daut MILLS (1973-1992) Professor Emeritus, Administration of Justice, KIM R. MILTENBERGER (1982-1999) Associate Professor Emeritus, Speech, KATHLEEN MUCHNIK (1972-1987) Assistant Professor Emeritus , Nursing, Assistant Chairperson, Nursing and Allied Health, GEORGE J. NELSON (1963-74) Professor Emeritus, Chemistry, SEAMUS NUNAN (1962-1982) Professor Emeritus, History, CHARLES R. PALMER (1969-1991) Dean Emeritus, Educational Services, Copper Mountain Campus, C.A. Advisory: ENG 001A COD GE: C2 CSU GE: D9 IGETC: 4I, This course is an examination of various categories of abnormal behaviors and psychopathology from current perspectives including socio-cultural, psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioral and biological. Grading: Letter Our graduate program provides advanced theoretical and methodological skills that prepare students for Ph. 2002 Universita degli Studi di Milano M.S. Prerequisite: None Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS Students will also learn the role of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual V (current edition) in psychology. 1996 College of the Desert B.A. Director, Interdisciplinary Center for Innovative Theory and Empirics (INCITE), and Jonathan R. Cole Professor of Sociology. Prerequisite: ENG 061 ehardy@collegeofthedesert.edu 2016 California State University - Los Angeles, ROSY STEPHANIE MONTALVO (2021) Instructor, NursingA.S. 2019 Western Governors University, ANDREW C. ALEMAN (2021) Instructor, Social Sciences & ArtB.A. 760.862.1369, Jermaine Cathcart Grading: Letter Advisory: GS 010, ENG 001A, & PS 001 The Sociology Major at College of the Desert Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No Limitation on enrollment: None 2010 California State University Chico, MICHAEL SILVEIRA (2016) Assistant Professor, BiologyB.S. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No
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