The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program offers financial assistance with electric bills depending on eligibility. Reunifying Families - Child Welfare Information Gateway Accepts adults with a diagnosed cognitive,medical or psychological disability. Offers money management services for individuals who can no longer manage their personal monetary affairs due to age or disability. b. 9Muses Art Center 7139 W. Oakland Park Blvd., Lauderhill, FL 33313, M-F: 10:00am - 6:00pm, Sat: 10:00am - 5:00pm. The Family Reunification Program (FRP) is designed to support families by reuniting children and parents in order to repeated foster care placements. Each podcast includes a full transcript and related resources. GOODMAN JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE (formerly Jewish Family Service) 954-370-2140 5890 S Pine Island Road #201 Davie, FL 33328 Insurance, Medicare, Sliding Scale Hebrew M: 9:00am-7:00pm, Tue & Thu: 9:00am-9:00pm, W: 9:00am-5:00pm, F: 8:00am-4:00pmProvides individual, couples, family, group and in-home counseling. Educational and support services available based onrisk factors and need. A community arts organization and fully-functioning art studio where instruction and mentoring are offered. Offers caregiver support groups, early-stage support groups, advocacy & public policy initiatives, safety services for those with memory impairment, and a clinical trial matching program.AMERICAN RED CROSS954-797-3800 South Florida Region 600 NE 3 Avenue Ft Lauderdale, FL 33304No Fee 24/ relief to victims of disaster and helps people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies. Offers individual and family counseling, adoption and foster care services, supportive housing and family preservation programs. Offers education for financial literacy, budgeting, credit counseling, homeownership, foreclosure prevention, and loan modification. Family Reunification Program. Information and referral services for families and caregivers of children with physical needs and/or children with developmental disabilities including Autism, intellectual disabilities, and Cerebral Palsy. Specialized 24-hour helpline providing information and referral for mentalhealth services, substance abuse prevention and treatment programs,case management, and other specialized behavioral health services. Programs Home - Broward County, Florida CINS/FINS (Children in Need of Services/Families in Need of Services) Provides counseling, social skills development and mentoring to divert youth 6-17 years from the juvenile justice system. They are located in Pompano Beach, (954) 357-5340, Coral Springs, Florida (954) . 2. Offers monthly workshops on a variety of financial topics.North Region Family Success Ctr 954-357-5340Annie L Weaver Health Center2011 NW 3 Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33060 M-Tue: 7:30am-5:30pm, W-Thu: 7:30am6:30pm, F: 7:30am-5:00pmNorthwest Region Family Success Ctr954-357-500010077 NW 29 Street Coral Springs, FL 33065 M,W,Th,F: 8:00am-5:00pm, Tue: 8:00am-6:30pmCentral Region Family Success Ctr 954-357-5001Edgar P Mills Multi-Purpose Center900 NW 31 Avenue #3000 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33311 M-F: 7:45am-6:30pmSouth Region Family Success Ctr 954-357-5650Carver Ranches4733 SW 18 Street West Park, FL 33023 M,W,F: 8:30am-5:00pm; Tue, Thu: 8:30am-6:30pmDavie Family Success Ctr954-797-20544700 Davie Road #B Davie, FL 33314 M-F: 8:30am-5:00pmCommunity Action Agency 954-357-5025900 NW 31 Avenue Ft Lauderdale, FL 33311 Provides assistance to low income Broward County residents through two federally funded programs. Provides 24-hour comprehensive helpline and support services for individuals seeking crisis intervention, assistance and/or information and referrals to health and human services, community resources and disaster-related information in Broward County. Offers dentalcare for underserved children at the annual Give Kids a Smile event.BROWARD COUNTY FAMILY SUCCESS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION954-357-6367 TTY: 800-955-8770Edgar P Mills Multipurpose Center 900 NW 31 Avenue #3000 Ft Lauderdale, FL Fee Spanish, French, Creole, American Sign Language Telephone for Hearing Impaired M-F: 8:00am-5:00pmAssists individuals and families to achieve economic and social stability.Family Success Centers providesocial services information, referrals and services to assist individuals and families in setting goals, learning skills, and accessing the services for self-sufficiency. Family Success Center Locations - Broward County, Florida It was billed as 'adult content.' December 28, 2022 Services can only be utilized once in a lifetime. Services may include case management, tuition and education assistance (including books and/or supplies), and other services needed to remove barriersto employment and self-sufficiency.Housing Options Program 954-357-5099900 NW 31 Avenue Ft Lauderdale, FL 33311 Assist Broward County resident individuals or families who are experiencing homelessness with temporary rental subsidies, intensive case management and placement and referral services. Family Reunification - Family Success Administration Division (FSAD Offers individual counseling for youth who have experienced a loss within the past three months and group counseling for youth who have experienced a loss more than three months ago. Clients may also apply for benefits at over 150 community partner sites.Central Broward Service Center 3511 N. Pine Island Road Sunrise, FL 33351North Broward Service Center 1400 W. Commercial Blvd. Services include integrated intake, assessment and case management, and rent/mortgage and utility assistance. Family Reunification by Family Success Administration Division (FSAD) - Broward County serving Fort Lauderdale, FL. 24-Hour Helpline ServicesCrisis/suicide intervention, empathetic listening, information and referral helpline for callers of all ages seeking assistance with problems and needs such as mental health, substance abuse, family violence, financial problems, hunger, shelter needs, relationship issues, and depression.Behavioral Health Info Line 954-396-4636Specialized 24-hour helpline providing information and referral for mentalhealth services, substance abuse prevention and treatment programs,case management, and other specialized behavioral health services. Broward County Programs and HUD agencies operate across the region and offer free advice, information, and housing solutions to homeowners. On-site Frame Shop and Gallery is open to the public. Our services include: - One-way Greyhound Ticket Offers bereavement services for adults and children.NoogielandOffers social and emotional support for children and teens living with cancer, or those who have, or have lost, a loved one with cancer. We are a Catholic ministry and we serve people without regard to age, gender, race, income, nationality, religious affiliation, disability or other arbitrary circumstances. If you live in Broward, call 954-985-1920 for information. 2-1-1 BROWARD- Dial 2-1-1or954-537-0211(formerly First Call For Help of Broward) TDD: Dial 7-1-1www.211-broward.orgNo Fee Spanish, Creole, Language Line Service 24/7Provides 24-hour comprehensive helpline and support services for individuals seeking crisis intervention, assistance and/or information and referrals to health and human services, community resources and disaster-related information in Broward County. *Regional Contracts are funded by both in CBC's and are reimbursed on a cost reimbursement method of payment. Offers free evaluations for hearing, vision, speech/language, and developmental functioning.Exceptional Student Education (E.S.E.) According to the Broward County Clerk of Courts, Black violated the conditions of his pretrial release related to an oxycodone . domestic violence, Residence in Broward County for a minimum of
The program does not import or Additional program information include: Service is rendered every Tuesday Intake and referral are accepted via phone, fax or email Qualified customers must be prepared to leave at the appointed time Assists with daycare, after-school care, and camp.Bi-weekly support group. Provides education, training, and collaboration to foster, develop and enhance drug-free efforts throughout Broward County. Callers in crisis should call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency room.Sun Program (Solutions Unlimited Now) Early intervention and prevention program that teaches problem-solving, coping and social skills to adolescents. at the appointed time, No food or cash will be provided for travel, Must meet HUD definition of homeless or flee
The program provides homeless residents a one-way ticket anywhere Greyhound Lines travels to reunify customers with their family or supportive friend. six months, Adult 18 and older must present a government
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. Facilities include water parks, campgrounds, target range, multipurpose stadium, observatory, mountain bike trails, dog parks, velodrome, educational farm and stables, disc golf courses, and more.Broward County 4-H Program 954-357-5270Offers hands-on education and fun projects for youth 5-18 years, ina wide range of areas including marine science, food, and nutrition, photography, horticulture, small animals, horses, computers, and more. Also operates satellite sites in Coral Springs, Deerfield Beach, Pompano Beach, Sunrise and Lauderhill on a variable schedule. UNITED COMMUNITY OPTIONS 954-584-7178 (formerly United Cerebral Palsy) 3117 SW 13 Court Ft Lauderdale, FL 33312 www.unitedcommunityoptionssfl.orgProvides support and services for people with cerebral palsy and other developmental disabilities, and their families. PDF Broward County assistance programs | Fort Lauderdale Operates pediatric dental and eye care clinics in collaboration with Nova Southeastern University. PDF Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Florida Offers food and emergency assistance with rent and utilities. This exciting partnership allows you to start at Broward College and seamlessly finish your education at FIU's Chaplin School of Hospitality and Tourism Management. Statement of Purpose HELPING FAMILIES THROUGH TRANSITION Since 2010, the Toby Center Staff members live with youth to provide a combination of family life, friends, school, extracurricular activities, therapy, and life skills classes that help youth overcome their traumatic pasts and learn to become independent. Services include integrated intake, assessment and case management, and rent/mortgage and utility assistance. Fathers may attend an entire program of 18 modules divided into three blocks of six: Becoming a Better Man; Parenting; Future Planning. Single Family Construction Program. MENTAL HEALTH AMERICA OF SOUTHEAST FLORIDA (MHA) (formerly MHA of Broward County) 954-746-20557145 W. Oakland Park Blvd.,Lauderhill, FL 33313-1012www.mhasefl.orgM-F: 9:00am - 5:00pm, Additional hours by appointment No Fee for most services Spanish, CreoleProvides information and referral to the public and private community. Offers classes for first aid, CPR & AED, water safety, lifeguard instructor and babysitter safety. Operates a developmental preschool for children,18 months-5 years, with extended care available before and after school hours.Respite CareProvides care and supervision to children with developmental disabilities. Offers case management and counseling, job assistance, emergency food, rent, and utility payment assistance, HIV/AIDS testing, and health services. 754-321-0000 600 SE 3rd Avenue, 7th Floor Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301, No Fee Spanish, French, Creole, Portuguese M-F: 8:00am - 8:00pm. AUTISM SPEAKS 786-235-11655805 Blue LagoonDrive #170 Miami, FL services for individuals with autism and their families across the autism spectrum and throughout the life span. Emergency Management / Reunification - Families for whom the lack of adequate housing is a primary factor in: a. Services can only be utilized once in a life time. Multi-Family Housing Bond Program. Treatment services include case management, nursing/medical care, psycho-social rehabilitation, outpatient treatment, psychiatric evaluations, medication monitoring, supported employment services, residential supported housing and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309www.myflfamilies.comNo Fee Spanish, Creole M-F: 8:00am - 5:00pmBranch of State Government responsible for the administration of social services.Adult Protective Services (APS)954-375-6093 201 W. Broward Blvd., #510 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301Provides services for frail, elderly and disabled adults who are at risk or are victims of abuse, neglect, or exploitation and disabled adultswho need assistance to remain in their own homes in the community. Some fees may apply to these classes.Mental Health TeamOffers emergency response, mental health, case management, and support services to survivors of a disaster. Offers rehabilitation services (OT, PT, Speech Therapy), in-home parent training, respite care, social and job skills for transitioning youth, and specialized summer camp for youth with developmental disabilities and moderate to severe behavioral challenges, 3-21 years. Offers resources and education for the prevention of mental illness and the promotion of mental health, and advocacy for and empowerment of people with behavioral illness. GTranslate - / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Uses miniature horse interactions with therapeutic play areas and facilitated peer support. Offers special intervention and case management services for students experiencing behavioral problems, homelessness, child abuse, teenage pregnancy or other special situations.Strategic Planning Office754-321-1891Provides at-risk students with the necessary tools to foster personal, academic and social growth leading to school completion.Suicide Prevention754-321-3425Each school has a staff person, trained on the signs and symptoms of a child in crisis, who can be contacted regarding a student who may be suspect for suicide.Title 1 Office754-321-1400Provides federally funded remedial programs at various elementary and middle schools to help children reach their grade level in reading and math. Provides case management for clients who receive OSS (Optional State Supplement) and live in an ALF (Assisted Living Facility) or adult family care home, and clients who receive subsidies from the Home Care for Disabled Adults/Elderly program. Mortgage Credit Certificate Program. NAMI BROWARD 954-316-9907 4161 NW 5th Street, Plantation, FL 33317www.namibroward.orgNo Fee SpanishM-F: 9:00am - 5:00pmProvides support, advocacy and educational resources for persons living with serious mental illness and their families. Broward County Transit Bus Route: 5 . Also provides legal advice and representation for victims of domestic, dating and stalking violence at injunction (restraining order) hearings. Broward County Services | ChildNet Foster Family Group Home. All winners are available in our searchable awards database, where winning programs are searchable by year, category and state dating back to 2007. ARCHWAYS954-763-2030 919 NE13th Street Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304www.archways.orgMedicare, Medicaid, Insurance, Sliding Scale Spanish, French, Creole, Italian, American Sign LanguageProvides behavioral healthcare to persons suffering from severe and persistent mental illness or mental illness/substance abuse issues. Contact us by phone only.MOUNT BETHEL HUMAN SERVICES954-763-5010 1100 W Sunrise Blvd Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311 No Fee Spanish M-F: 8:00am-5:00pm Provides services for at-risk families including foster care, family reunification, child care assistance, emergency food pantry, parenting and neighborhood empowerment. Housing Options Program 954-357-5099 900 NW 31 Avenue Ft Lauderdale, FL 33311 Assists Broward County resident individuals or families who are experiencing homelessness with temporary rental subsidies, intensive case management and placement and referral services. Provides daily telephone reassurance call and emotional support for people 60+ years, living alone and in need of someone to check on them. Information on technical schools, military options, and workforce entry is also available.Health Education 754-321-1575Provides education to maintain the health and well-being of students.Innovative Programs754-321-2070Specially designated public schools that offer opportunities for in-depth experiences and study in specific areas of interest.Seagull School Homebound Program754-321-7320Provides an in-home school for medically fragile children who cannot attend classes in a school setting.SEDNET 754-321-3400(Severely Emotionally Disturbed Children Network)A multi-agency cooperative effort between the Broward County School Board, Department of Children and Families, parents/caregivers, childrens agencies, community mental health centers, and other organizations to improve the service delivery system for SED children and adolescents.Student Support Services754-321-1618Federally funded remedial programs at various elementary and middle schools to help children reach their grade level in reading and math.Child Abuse Services754-321-1569Provides case consultation and support services for children, identified or at high risk for child abuse, abandonment or neglect including victims of domestic violence and sexual behavioral problems.Child Find754-321-7200Provides resources, screening, and referral for children, 0-22 years at risk of developing special needs and not receiving educational services. Phone: 954-414-6000 | Fax: 954-414-6019 To help families prepare for the 2022/23 school year, the Ready for You! GOODMAN JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE(formerly Jewish Family Service) 954-370-2140 100 S. Pine Island Road, #230Plantation, FL 33324www.jfsbroward.orgInsurance, Medicare, Sliding Scale Hebrew M: 9:00am - 7:00pm; Tu & Th: 9:00am - 9:00pm; W: 9:00am - 5:00pm; F: 8:00am - 4:00pmProvides individual, couples, family, group and in-home counseling.Family Link ProgramPrivate pay services for family advocacy and care management.Legacy Corps for Veterans and Military FamiliesProvides non-medical companionship/respite for veterans and military family caregivers including in-home respite and/or assistance with errands, transportation, recreational activities, etc.Holocaust Survivors Assistance ProgramOffers free, confidential assistance and support including reparations and restitution assistance, in-home care counseling, emergency financial assistance, socialization event, dental assistance for survivors of the Holocaust.Joshua's PathAssists family caregivers or advocates of an adolescent or adult with a developmental, physical or mental health disability to put in place needed supports and arrangements for their loved one's current and future needs, including free planning consultations, educational seminars, and a special needs resource fair. for 1+3, enter 4. Residential community of single-family homes, a community center, and a program services building that serves children in foster care and allows brothers and sisters, who are typically separated while in foster care, to reunite and maintain their family connection. Adult Residential Program 954-941-9828 220 SW 2 Street Pompano Beach, FL 33060 Short-term (60-90 days) residential treatment for substance abuse and/or mental health serving adults 18+ years withindividual, group and family counseling. Provides case management, independent living and adoption services, and subcontracts with social service agencies to provide child welfare services including family preservation and strengthening, residential group and shelter care and foster home management.CINS/FINS PROVIDER AGENCIES954-486-4222Through the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice and local social service agencies provide help to children and their families to reduce or stop behaviors that may otherwise require families to go to court as last resort. The program operates out of four of the five archdiocesan pregnancy help centers: Hollywood, North Dade, South Dade, and Fort Lauderdale. The Community Service Block Grant assists individuals and families in setting goals, learning skills and accessing services that are needed to become self-sufficient. Provides culturally competent violence and substance abuse education, mental health services, and appropriate referral, treatment, and follow-up services. Stoneman Douglas Commission Discusses Reunification Process, Broward Since 1999, the FRP has helped united families grow strong and healthy in Kalamazoo.. Keeping Families Together Offers developmental screenings for children whose families participate in the school readiness program. A financial coach is available at each location to work one-on-one with residents to help develop individualized financial goals and foster good financial management practices. T he Broward County Family Success Division, in partnership with the Housing Finance Administration of Broward County, has funds available through the CARES ACT - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) to help . HOPWA Case ManagementProvides housing resources for people living with AIDS including rent or mortgage assistance, move-in assistance, utilities, and case management. Services include individual, couples, family and group therapy as well as support groups and professional training. Services
Parenting Enrichment ClassesFee-based community workshops are available on parenting subjects including communication, listening, positive discipline and stress management.PROSPER (Peers Reaching Out Support Partners for Emotional Recovery)7139 W. Oakland Park Blvd., Lauderhill, FL 33313 This recovery initiative for adults with mental illness pairs consumers to peer partners who assist one another as they pursue life skills, social skills and health agendas that support recovery. LSF Health Systems Providers Central West Adult Day Care Ctr. Counseling services are provided to children who require in-home intervention for emotional and behavioral issues.CENTER FOR AUTISM& RELATED DISABILITIES (C.A.R.D.) To use this program, a case must be filed in Broward County and a family mediation order must be signed by a Broward judge . Sliding Scale Spanish, Creole M-F: 8:00am - 6:00pm. Offers specialized mentor programs for youth 13-21 years in protective custody and transitioning out of foster care, and children who have one or both parent(s) incarcerated. Family Engagement Program Collaborative program serving parents struggling with substance abuse to enhance the stability of the family unit. HISPANIC UNITY OF FLORIDA954-964-8884|5840 Johnson St, Hollywood, FL|Hispanic Unity of Florida (HUF) is a non-profit founded in 1982 by community leaders to ease the acculturation transition for newcomers from other nations. Offers an after-care program for young adults transitioning out of foster care that helps them find housing, employment, finish their education and raise their own children. TRUSTBRIDGE HEALTH561-848-5200 550 Cypress Creek Road, #550, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309www.trustbridge.comMedicare, Medicaid, Insurance, Sliding Scale Spanish, Creole 24/7Offers support for families facing any stage of illness, including hospice care and caregiver support. Offers education for elders 60+ years and persons with disability 18-49 years, on the Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) Statewide Medicaid Managed, Medicare, Medicaid, Insurance, Sliding Scale Spanish, French, Creole, Italian, American Sign Language. Therapeutic Family Support Services (TFSS) In partnership with Children & Family Services (CFS) and Ventura County Behavioral Health (VCBH). Home | Family and Co-Parenting Enrichment Services This service is not available for stranded students, persons wishing to transfer to another program (e.g., moving to a Salvation Army shelter . Independent living program supports youth, 13-21 years, living in the group home to eventually live on their own.Senior Caregiver ProgramOffers support to grandparents, 55+ years, who are raising their grandchildren. Provides behavioral healthcare to persons suffering from severe and persistent mental illness or mental illness/substance abuse issues. Special Notice: If you require Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations to participate in any ChildNet event or activity, please notify Krista Beekmann, Single Point of Contact, by phone at 954-414-6000 or by email at, within at least seven (7) days of the event. Social skills and successful community integration are reinforced.Public Policy InitiativesSupports and advocates public policy and agendas consistent with the values of access, choice, and empowerment.Seth Line 954-578-5640Peer Support Warm Line 866-964-3714Provides a "warm line" offering peer support, information and referral, and telephone reassurance to any person seeking a caring and supportive listener. BIG BROTHERS / BIG SISTERS OF BROWARD954-584-9990 4101 Ravenswood Road, #123,Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312www.bbbsbroward.orgNo FeeProvides children facing adversity with professionally supported, one-to-one mentoring relationships. Support groups are available for persons living with mental illness as well as groups for family members and/or caregivers of persons diagnosed with a mental illness. Offers individual counseling for youth who have experienced a loss within the past three months and group counseling for youth who have experienced a loss more than three months ago. Psychiatric, medical services, case management and peer support available. The Toby Center - for Family Transitions They can cash in these parent dollars for anything from diapers to cribs and mattresses.SOS CHILDREN'S VILLAGES 954-420-5030 3681 NW 29th Place, Coconut Creek, FL 33073www.sosflorida.comNo Fee 24/7Residential community of single-family homes, a community center, and a program services building that serves children in foster care and allows brothers and sisters, who are typically separated while in foster care, to reunite and maintain their family connection. HOPE WOMEN'S CENTERS 954-372-7089 991 SW 71st Avenue, N. Lauderdale, FL 33068www.thereishope.orgNo Fee M-Th: 9:00am - 5:00pm; F: 9:00am - 1:00pmProvides confidential pregnancy testing, options counseling, limited obstetric ultrasounds, referrals, and STI testing.Fort Lauderdale Center 954-568-2616840 E. Oakland Park Blvd, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334 M-Th: 9:00am - 5:00pm; F: 9:00am - 1:00pmDavie Center 954-452-94592261 S. University Drive, Davie, FL 33328 M-F: 9:00am - 5:00pm; Sat: 9:00am - 1:00pmNorth Lauderdale Center 954-726-7464943 SW 71st Avenue, N. Lauderdale, FL 33068 M-Th: 9:00am - 5:00pm; F: 9:00am - 1:00pmJEWISH ADOPTION & FOSTER CARE OPTIONS (JAFCO) 954-749-7230 4200 N. University Drive, Sunrise, FL 33351www.jafco.orgNo Fee M-F: 9:00am - 5:00pm Emergency Shelter 24/7Provides services for at-risk children and their families including adoption program, foster care, group homes, case management for family preservation and developmental disabilities program.
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