I also think it's a waste to use her as a dancer because that forces you to choose between dance or rally when you already have to choose between rally or attacking/healing. And if you are in NG+ giving him the Crest riegan with Failnaught makes him even more OP. Requires you to have Gilbert on your team post-timeskip. Annette is, no joke, best as a Wyvern Lord. He's also not horrible with swords/riding either. I contemplated taking Caspar to War Master but decided I wanted to go for S+ Brawling instead of raising Axes up for War Master and Fierce Iron Fist is just too good to pass up. Pretty basic Battalion Vantage + Wrath for Dimitri. All things related to Fire Emblem: Three Houses & Fire Emblem Three Hopes! Mid: Damage The only spell that she gets that attacks a weakness is Excalibur, but it only gets bonus damage on fliers, which you can get anyway with any bow. This can serve as a good reference for people who want examples to look at whether they are attempting Maddening for the first time or want something to compare their own builds to. Because she does have a weakness in heavy armor skill. That's probably why I was more interested in NG only, but NG+ builds seem to be quite popular in discussions so why not include them? FE3H with Worst Classes on Maddening- Season Two Premiere - YouTube Just allowing another unit to get +4 Strength and +4 Speed is already a. She was immediately a powerful physical contender and actually could make enemies ping off of her at end game, while not being doubled. Hapi can also stay Bishop. He never fell off at doing this, keeping up even at the very end. Even two people who make the exact same "build" might have a different perception on how good it was depending on how they used it, what abilities they chose to use, and how it synergized with the rest of their team. I like to bring in at least one Sniper and one War Master once they are available since they have useful roles. Bow Knight is worse than Sniper on maddening. She could not double Swordmasters, but she didn't get doubled by them either. She does well getting her to Wyvern Lord swinging a Bolt Axe. best class for annette maddening. Must I be in Black Eagles to take the Church route. DK is probably better late game, but for the rest of the game she really wants a flying class so she has the movement to take full advantage of her amazing rally utility, "I don't want fear for a future, that may not even come, to stop me from acting today.". best class for annette maddening - randomgoodness.ca Everyone else needed to do hit and run. ===================================================. Feature two pages of exercises for each lesson in the student book, grammar charts and an answer key, practice reading and interpreting real-life documents. Marianne went through a few iterations. She spent most of the game with Meteor equipped and dancing. Also, while I was planning my game at the start, I wanted an idea about what to expect in terms of end game character levels and stats, or even for mid-game. I wish I could have 9 more of her on my team! I see that as a good thing btw! This is a great idea, however my non-NG+ Maddening run was a 100 hours ago, so I would have no way to salvage my unit stats and information. ) If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Mid: Damage Ashe probably wants to stick as a Sniper, but if you already have someone else playing Sniper, he makes for a pretty good Assassin. Armor Knight was only for the unlock, she was a tank as a Mage with 12 starting Def for most of that time period. Hes OP. By this I mean how a character build might fit into the context of a full team or how they might synergize with each other. Which is the better class for Annette: Dark Knight or Wyvern Lord. I always make her a Dark Knight. Thanks for sharing. His Combat Arts also seemed fairly tame. Best Classes for Blue Lions Maddening? - Fire Emblem: Three Houses Firstly Im in no way a veteran of this game or franchise. I have never been so impressed with a unit in my entire life. Even if you don't plan on using her as combat unit, Annette is still plenty useful. I'm probably only deviating with an experimental hybrid build on Sylvain. best class for annette maddening - tcubedstudios.com Going to be using the format Graveless did since it's easy to read and goes through everything. Eventually it came down to her or Catherine. End: Benched. End: Damage Late: Damage/Warp. Which class for Annette? : r/FireEmblemThreeHouses 10 Use: Marianne In Maddening Mode, it's understandably easy to get tunnel vision about using the units that are capable of withstanding the most hits and dealing the most damage. Dedue was a godsend early on. Hapi Gremory is probably the best way to go. 6 Pokemon_Bakugan_Fan 1 yr. ago I think I'd rather go for Dark Knight, so that I can make Mercedes my Gremory. On my current run I went mage -> wyvern rider -> wyvern lord along with training authority so she can rally and use good battalions (she had cichols wyverns by part 2). Her Reason list isn't even that bad, it's just not 'core mage' material (and it needs to be on someone with higher Mag growth than Annette, due to the low Mt of wind spells). Mid: Healing, Support I did Blue Lions on NG Maddening twice, and I suppose there was a lot to learn about builds. He ended a lot better than I expected and probably had the greatest single round damage out of everybodyon my team. I raised her sword rank to give her an additional one shot option and picked up Vantage because it allowed her to have a relevant enemy phase for quite some time. Early: Healer Besides Ingrid, all of these seem suboptimal. But many sword users will have Axebreaker, which will give them bonus avoid against Annette's magic attacks. The main ones are as followed. The 10 extra healing is not usually consequential. Examines differences in taste between modern French classes, discusses the relationship between culture and politics, and outlines the strategies of pretension. Her rally abilities will make the difference between doubling and avoiding getting doubled in a maddening run. One thing I learned is that it's somewhat hard to deviate from the norm, and you are actually not deviating from the norm at all. He had solid Resistance as well, so he was used on occasion to tank a magic attack. In addition, the book includes examples of script format, a glossary of film terms, the Writer's Guild's compensation terms, and such insider Early: Damage- When I first played through Blue Lions, I recruited Dorothea and made her my dancer. Your link has been automatically embedded. Level her as a mage at first to get fiendish blow, but increase her requirements to upgrade to wyvern lord later. I haven't tried this myself, but Annette is apparently killer as a Wyvern Lord with a Bolt Axe and Crusher. before completing the 12th chapter. June 21, 2020 in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. getting one attack per combat and getting doubled by most enemy units). Str stat boosters. Instead, she became the single cheapest and most reliable source of "one enemy dies". Given that he's the weak link in the BL chain and is around to help with Chapter 13, this is actually a viable role. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. best class for annette maddeningrollins college soccer coach. Annette is frowned upon as a mage not because of her stats, but because of her spell list. Also, the lack of diversity is caused by the limited selection of skills in weapons where each individual character excel. My previous experience with axes led me to prioritize getting Archer mastered for Hit+20. But then again considering how people are able to solo Maddening, that can't possibly be the case. Ingrid seems to be a matter of RNG, last time I played blue lions she ended up super weak so I benched her. Moving while having Danger Radius revealed will allow you to make a much safer decision when moving your units. And her Faith list is just terrible. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Similarly, nomatter what benefit you get from Wyvern Rider/Lord, they won't make up for Annette's poor growths in strength, defense,or speed. She gets Str, HP, and speed stat boosters. I look at a character and try to find what they're good at and in the case of Annette what jumped out at me was her rally abilities. Overall, I was fairlypleased with his final result. best class for annette maddening - sensaudicion.com I had not used Jeritza before so his usefulness was a question to me. Bow Knight is good. Season 28 Theme: Altar of Rites. Realistically, War Master Felix can't be used to draw out enemy attacks until lategame. Hilda! Class Progression: Brigand(mastery skill) > Wyvern Rider > Wyvern Lord Late:Support While Ingrid is basically built to be a Falcon Knight, I've been disapointed in her damage in other runs so I sent her up the axe line and wasn't disappointed. She can also just rally/Stride (Secret Transport Force) and run. Assassins and Paladins). I haven't finished the run yet, which means i'm breaking Rule 1 but this is just an example I'll delete later. For the Wyvern Lord path, he would get 5 more levels of Brigand, 10 levels of Wyvern Rider, then 15 levels of Wyvern Lord. best class for annette maddening - sensaudicion.com Glad I was able to at least update it. BL? Your previous content has been restored. (<- Hello, having to talk on the phone in Spanish!) She was great and I don't think much more could be said about her usefulness. I prefer Valkryie to Gremory due to the improved mobility and attack range (it's comical to see endgame Lysithea have 6 range with Thyrsus, +1 range from S-reason, and +1 range from Valkryie). Late: Damage-, Healing Vantage tanks need to also be Damage because they only work if they can keep one rounding everything(they also tend to die to gambits and siege). Hubert was incredibly powerful as he ended up having a very high magic with great Dex, Spd, and Res. I ended up investing heavy into swords for Wind Sweep and I don't regret it. End: Damage-. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. It's a good point about how they continue to grow, something I'll keep in mind. Maybe Ill pick it up moving forward, well see. Best Classes for Each Character This tier list will show who are the best units in Fire Emblem Three Houses (FE3H). Mid: Damage, Physical Tank For girl and guy characters, the optimization is different because of skill availability, mostly Defiant Avoid and Quick Riposte. There's no question about it. End: Damage, Dodge Tank. This post will compile a list of builds people have used to beat the game on Maddening difficulty. best class for annette maddening Mid: Damage She kept it up even into late game, though her bulk fell off. And canto so she does not stay to close to the enemies. However, I thoroughly enjoyed having Hubert on the team and he outpowered Lysithea the entire game, even without Frozen Lance. Lance Prowess Lv5, Lancefaire, Death Blow, Aegis, Swordbreaker, Final Lv 36: Highest Stats Strength 33, Cha 35, Primary Items: Gradivus, Spear of Assal, Silver Lance+, Battalion: Black Eagle Calvary +7PAtk, +20Hit, +5Avo, +5Prt, +10Cha. She was still solid all-around but wasn't as powerful as Bernadetta or any of my other units. Petra was doing really well for a while, but stopped leveling strength. Sylvain had some decent early game bulk and damage. However, having. Abyss came out halfway through my run and I completed it towards the end, so no bonus characters or items that were relevant. However, once she mastered Sniper and obtained Hunter's Volley everything changed. Dmitri is better as Paladin for Canto and the extra move, Ashe should be Sniper. In this episode, which takes place in Chapter 19 and covers The Silver Maiden (the Dimitri paralogue) and Saving Derdriu, Cyril has uncomfortable questions, . Get ready for Season 28 Altar of Rites Diablo 3 - Maxroll.gg In fact, I ended up liking Bernie's role so much as a Sniper, I changed my plans for Leonie and made her a Sniper as well because the role was so useful. Dimitri: Lv45 Unique Class. By Advice: unconventional Ingrid class progression, Wyvern is my favorite class in the franchise but 3H made me hate it a bit. I thought it would be nice to have examples of teams/builds that people used as they beat the game and for those examples to be easily accessible. Petra was phenomenal the entire game. She does well as a Gremory. Mid: Damage, Physical Tank My adjutants were: Lorenz on Ferdinand, Mercedes on Jeritza, and Manuela on Edelgard. Other useful information can be about equipment setup and battalions. Is it standout good? The story of a burned-out average middle-class American who tries to regain his personal freedom through dramatic personal changes in his life, seems to provide . It's too far gone into the haze. This is the best choice for our main character as a sword user. But what about Wyvern Lord? All things related to Fire Emblem: Three Houses & Fire Emblem Three Hopes! Tank:split into physical, magical, dodge, and vantage. End: Support, Dorothea is a great dancer with a decent spell list.
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