As the industry continues to grow, many clubs find themselves vulnerable, and embezzlement scandals have fractured organizations and communities across the country a youth basketball club in Omaha; a wrestling club in Mt. In an interview with the Source Weekly, Bilanski denies that claim. determines that investigation reveals sufficient evidence to bring charges, D.A. If Tara or her directors and coaches wanted to run camps, they could have that profit line or moneys we usually spent to hire [outside companies]. Refinanced to 4%. Maybe let your readers know how the Board's scorched-earth campaign is being funded - from the dues of the Timbers' players. Please arrive on time. Even before the allegations of embezzlement came to light, the lawsuit contends, Bilanski and a group of Timbers employees and team managers embarked on a campaign to undermine the organization, which was born out of tension with the board and its president, Hart. I respected that Taras main objective was to give as many kids as possible an opportunity to love the sport of soccer.. affiliated to FIFA or international club competition matches, it is recommended that the futsal floor be produced and installed by a company officially licensed under the FIFA Quality Programme for Futsal Surfaces and carrying one of the following quality labels: Artificial turf pitches are permitted in exceptional cases but only for domestic We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your goals both on and off the field! Our program was founded in 2022 by Coach Nate with the goal of bringing soccer into schools around the Bay Area. He is not coordinated at all., I know. Earlier this year, in response to what the Bend FC Timbers board of directors called increasing concerns about Bilanskis leadership, the board asked all members to complete a survey. The ongoing case reveals the complexities of running a youth sports organization: Leaders engaged in bickering, name-calling and political maneuvering, all the while leaving kids in the crossfire or, in some cases, altogether forgotten. Athletes are expected to be in school on time (7:45 a.m . APEX FC WAS STARTED BY A GROUP OF HIGHLY EXPERIENCED SOCCER PROFESSIONALS DEDICATED TO PROVIDING THE PREMIUM YOUTH SPORTS EXPERIENCE NOT ONLY IN CENTRAL OREGON, BUT THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. Why did all these people (I heard over 150+ players) go with them? ", Language in the lawsuit says that those budgets, "Combined categories of costs and revenue within the annual budgets and other financial reports provided to the Board in such a way as to make it impossible to detect the flow of Embezzled Funds she took from the Timbers and paid to herself.". i heard that a Timbers Club parent who was president of that board is on the central oregon soccer league board now. Privacy Policy. An attorney who says hes representing Bilanski told Central Oregon Daily News that the DAs Office made the filing after and obtaining only information from the Plaintiffs in a pending Civil Case., FROM THE ARCHIVE: Bend Timbers soccer club files lawsuit against former executive director. Enjoy making turns at Mt. For the ultimate football experience, head to one of the best sports bars in Bend, OregonThe Hideaway Tavern. Depositions are still being taken. Apartments for Rent in Bend OR - 364 Rentals | We would like to announce that PDX Sliders are officially our Club's main jersey sponsor for the 2020-2022 competitive seasons! with well-researched news and impactful stories on local events. Ashland Soccer Club - Ashland. Apex FC League Management - soniche GotSoccer GotSoccer Scheduled Event (Bonus points awarded) . Youth Sports - Bend Parks and Recreation District | Bend Parks Apex Futbol Club. An independent source of exclusive news and insight about state government delivered conveniently by email each Friday to subscribers. The OSAA requires you to be on track to graduate. It was kind of sad, Wheeler said. Culture Consult. Within months, another bombshell dropped: The club studied Bilanskis books and couldnt account for more than $80,000. Jack is originally from Kansas City, Missouri and has been making his way west since graduating from the University of Missouri, working a year and a half in Northeast Colorado before moving to Bend in the Spring of 2021. This is the name that will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more. Sponsorship opportunities have already changed college athletics. Tryout Corrections | US Youth Soccer This notification provides information about Central Oregon Soccer League (COSL) R egistration opens September 15th, 202 2. Club Sports - Central Oregon Community College Apex Club | Campground Discounts & Rebate 2685 Rikkard Thousand Oaks CA 91362 PHONE: 805.630.1622 Bend FC Timbers (919) 699-8442. Garret come one. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Variable. . Real-time results for football matches from over 1,000 . Tara Lynn Bilanski, 48, is the subject of a new $380,000 lawsuit brought by Bend FC . The Bend FC Timbers is a youth soccer club recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Both clubs are trying to move forward, but feelings are still raw. Former Bend FC Timbers Executive Director Tara Bilanski, as well as four former full-time staff members and a coach, have asserted their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in a pending lawsuit in Deschutes County Circuit Court alleging breach of fiduciary duty. When critical news happens, we bring it straight to you to keep you informed. Friday, November 4th 2022. Tara Lynn Bilanski, 48, is the subject of a new $380,000 lawsuit brought by Bend FC Timbers in Deschutes County Circuit Court. While lawyers for the Timbers contend that the embezzlement case has jeopardized the organizations status as a tax-exempt nonprofit, the club is still facing considerable debt to build new fields roughly $760,000, according to the clubs latest newsletter sent out to parents in September. All points expire 12 months after end date. Bilanski was hired as director of operations in 2014. The [youth sports] organizations financial maturity is not relative to the dollars flowing through them. F--k these guys, he allegedly wrote, according to court documents. In Wisconsin, a former treasurer was charged with embezzling more than $84,000 from a basketball club over a seven-year span, allegedly spending more than $73,000 on retail items, meals at restaurants, airline tickets and mobile phone bills. The camps were run by Timbers paid staff and volunteers and Timbers paid all of the costs associated with the camps and bore all the financial risk.. We will host a club-wide zoom call on Monday, January 3rd Bend FC Timbers Sports Complex at Pine Nursery, 145 NE Revere Avenue,Suite 6Bend,Oregon97701, West Field (11V11) Open until 3:30pm Weekdays, Closed Weekends, East 1 Open until 3:30pm Weekdays, Closed Weekends, East 2 Open until 3:30pm Weekdays, Closed Weekends, Spring Recreation - Central Oregon Soccer League (COSL), Bend FC Soccer Complex Schedule and Rental Information, Board Update: AGM, Reduced Debt, Legal Update, NWSL CHAMPION THORNS TRAINING AT BEND FC COMPLEX, BEND FC TIMBERS & THORNS announce partnership with CAPACITY PERFORMANCE THERAPY, Directors Mortgage Sponsorship Announcement. College Prep. In addition to setting a bad example for the kids served by the organization, the actions of the suspects in this case violated the law.. With its roots as an informal league in the 1990s, Bend FC Timbers was formally incorporated in 2005 and is today the largest youth soccer organization in Central Oregon, according to the 26-page lawsuit. Apex Legends - How to create or join a Club in Apex Legends He must be pocketing so much money off kids., Said Davin: Why is he wearing Nike from the 80s?, Davin: Hey, werent you the us national coach? Home | Apex Soccer Academy Oregon Futbol Academy - Grants Pass. Sign up now for Trivia Night! Carrozza has tracked and examined hundreds of cases of youth sports embezzlement totaling millions of dollars stolen in the United States and abroad in recent years. An allegation is exactly that unless proven - no more, no less. In conjunction with these deletions Bilanski, Williams, and Davin downloaded a host of documents from Bend FC Timbers Google drive so they could maintain access to these documents in order to set up a competing organization: Apex Soccer Club., Members of a local non-profit organization focused on kids disagreed with the board of directors of the organization, and rather than channeling their ire into advocating for change, they unlawfully tampered and interfered with property of the organization, District Attorney John Hummel said in a statement. In Virginia, an Ashburn woman pleaded guilty in January to stealing an unspecified amount of money from McLean Youth Football the organization dissolved at the time of the scheme in 2016 using funds for meals at restaurants, visits to a spa and pet care. AGM: AGM scheduled for April 26, 2023 at 6pm. Why were they so angry at Timbers? The nonprofit organization reported more than $1.1 million in revenue in 2019 alone, according to the most recent tax records available. Be Truthful. A former Bend mayor died homeless. The group of coaches also demanded two board seats be eliminated, that coaches be allowed to be on the board and that new elections be held for all board positions. Its not making sense to us., Massive sports complexes are latest front in war for visitors, dollars. Explore more of Central Oregon with a subscription to The Bulletin. In the past few months alone, reports of alleged financial misconduct and convictions of embezzlement have been reported across the country, underscoring a long-standing issue within the industry. Romeo Athletics, and Equinox Sports Club, helped Austin refine his skills for training all types of people. But I also will not give them full admin access for a long long time.. BEND, Ore. Tara Bilanski was already a household name in the Pacific Northwest soccer scene when she was named executive director of the Bend FC Timbers in 2016. As you know, we have started a new soccer club here in Bend, OR, and I could really use some help spreading the word about our Winter Programming.. PREMIER ACADEMY. apex futbol club bend oregon - Oh he actually gets a team, Davin wrote. As a parent I'm pissed about that. Worse yet in a situation like this, where the Board has both instigated a criminal investigation AND filed a civil lawsuit, why would someone give testimony in the criminal matter that the Boards attorney would no doubt dissect and try to use to prove their civil allegations? How To Become a Member of APEX. The 5th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides that no one shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.. Be Proactive. B end FC Timbers soccer club fired its executive director Tara Bilanski, on Aug. 19 over its board of directors' concerns around her leadership skills . A surveillance camera set up in front of the familys house captured someone driving by and yelling, F--- you!, Its affected us, Ethan said. Drop Restrictions on Abortion Pill, As a Texas judge considers a case that could ban a drug used in medical abortion, Oregon's Attorney General seeks to reduce barriers to it, Cocktails and Mocktails Guide 2023 [With Video ], 2023 The largest youth soccer club in central Oregon, the Timbers date back several decades as an informal local club and officially became an incorporated organization in 2005. The laptop and Bend FC Timbers social media accounts have helped her establish a competing youth soccer organization, the lawsuit states. Defendants in Bend youth soccer lawsuit assert Fifth Amendment Williams allegedly confirmed that she remained employed by Bend FC Timbers so she could serve as a double agent and maintain access to Timbers IT systems, according to the lawsuit, allowing the group time to steal, share, forge and delete thousands of Bend FC Timbers files. Bend FC Timbers Bend La Pine Schools requires you to be in class for the entire day of a contest or you will not be allowed to participate. -Athletic wear/Cleats. Sports Club. Threats of harming another According to the lawsuit, the Timbers is the largest youth soccer organization in Central Oregon. They are being CRIMINALLY investigated by multiple agencies. Be Nice. Bend soccer club board alleges former director had employees alter [11] Whether it is a transcendental number remains an open question. But I also will not give them full admin access for a long long time., Dang, Bilanski responded. In Nebraska, the founder of the popular Omaha Sports Academy was accused of taking more than $400,000 last year and was sentenced to probation after pleading no contest to the charges this past summer. Depending on your Club privacy settings, only leaders may be able to invite players to a Club. Explore the Great Bend Outdoors. IPTV CHANNELS LIST | Best Buy IPTV provides Bend, OR 97703. We're proud to offer a range of programs for players of all ages and skill levels, from our beginner-level clinics to our advanced training camps. Bilanski was eventually terminated. . The Universal Book Of Mathematics [PDF] [70mec4a14sl0] Wow Davin wrote. Apex Scholarships reward scholars for reaching the peak of high school achievement. Your financial contribution ensures our work stays free for all. What a scammer. A handful of coaches and roughly 120 players from the Timbers left last year to join Bilanski's new organization, Apex Futbol Club, cleaving the town's soccer community in half. In my opinion, it was served to me to stop the formation of Apex FC, and really for us to move forward with our competing club.Tara Bilanski. The rift in Bends soccer scene was just beginning. Become a Source Weekly Insider today. So, yes, it was in her contract, Shore said. Theres often no governance of youth sports organizations not from parents, sponsors or local governments and most embezzlement cases involve treasurers or volunteer board members who have been trusted with an organizations funds, with little to no checks and balances on how budgets are operated. To the contrary, those camps were not a separate for-profit venture, the lawsuit states. Apex FC has multiple programs to suit any level of soccer player and has partnered with globally recognized organizations to deliver a top . There is an appeal process for those who may fall below this requirement. The lawsuit is seeking a total of $380,648 in damages. He wasnt going to stop leading the basketball team he loved. We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. 160 talking about this. Last part first: Due Process is the idea that we dont take property (money) from or lock up a Defendant unless and until allegations and/or charges have been proven. His home has also been targeted because his mother is the former board president, according to court records. Member Clubs. The fracture can especially be felt during the public-school season in the fall, when players from both clubs are forced to compete side by side and parents must sit next to one another in the stands. Home | Apex Soccer Events After 13 years coaching in the New Jersey youth club scene, he grew wary there because much of the industry in that state is moving to a for-profit model. A handful of coaches and roughly 120 players from the Timbers left last year to join Bilanskis new organization, Apex Futbol Club, cleaving the towns soccer community in half. Bilanski said she believes the lawsuit was filed and sent around the community, including to BFCT members' emails, media outlets and Apex members, to tarnish her reputation as she's forming a new club. He warned her of the ongoing lawsuits but opted to not interfere with her choice. I hear from parents, you know, severed relationships of a decade or more. League offers U19, U23 and an Open Division. In Michigan, an employee of a Flint-area wrestling club set the organization back after being accused of stealing more than $20,000. Sometimes he plays video games online with his former teammates and they will tell him he should come play for Apex. $200. Lay It Out Inc. | 704 NW Georgia Ave. Bend, Oregon 97703 | Don't knowingly lie about anyone In August Tara Bilanski filed a defamation suit against the BFCT and the board president that claimed $5.1 million in damages. The State further alleges that Davin moved documents into the Google drive trash from which they would be deleted. Being active is a large part of our life styles here in Bend, Oregon. Everyone is shocked when it happens because they trust who is handling the money.. Today's and tonight's Bend, OR weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and Bilanski had coached the University of Oregons womens program for eight years, leaving as the schools all-time winningest coach. Articles like this are what make people distrust journalists like you. Theres got to be some corrective damage done for someone doing that stuff, especially because its kids.. Now, Bend FC Timbers' former director speaks about the allegations against her. You could sue me today for posting this comment, and I would immediately be a "Defendant." Its probably one sided because the other side invoked their 5th ammendement protections. Williams informed Bilanski, saying theyre screwed if there is any evidence of file deletion or transfer., Dude, said Williams, Bend FC Timbers former administrator, The s--t that I can see on the google admin is crazy We are all screwed as there is evidence of any file deletion or transfer. Soccer for Kids | Kids Soccer Camps and Classes | ACTIVEkids that is degrading to another person. Use the 'Report' link on Tutoring Club of Bend, OR. The survey, which is cited in the lawsuit, garnered 169 responses, with 50% giving Bilanski a "needs improvement" rating. Award Information The Apex Scholarship awards Oregon residents $8,000 total - $2,000 per year for four years, and due to the difference in tuition, non-residents will receive $30,000 total - $7,500 per year for four Bilanski said she's now coaching for a team called Apex Futbol Club. Ryan Shore, the board president who hired Bilanski as the Timbers technical director in 2013, said in an interview that the club had outsourced companies to run camps for years. We are committed to providing the Central Oregon community The s--- that I can see on the google admin is crazy. 2500 NW High Lakes Loop. Bring your friend group together for a personalized soccer experience. 2022 by Apex Soccer Academy. He needs to learn to crawl first.. She has yet to respond to the lawsuit though she has stated she received the money in dispute as part of a profit-sharing arrangement for overseeing Timbers soccer camps, the lawsuit states. Proudly created with Bend, OR 97701 US. Facebook . We had those kind of increases and moneymaking abilities to draw her as a new hire. Shore said he was not familiar with Bilanskis more recent employment contracts with the Timbers. An unrivaled soccer experience for the players of Central Oregon At the same time Bilanski was terminated, a group of coaches and staff, including Davin and Williams, sent a letter to the board informing them that they were going on strike. 2021 by Apex Soccer Events. Summer brings warm weather, longer days, and an abundance of hiking, biking, and plenty of opportunities to make a splash with heaps of lakes and rivers. Ranked events. The pinnacle of youth soccer in central Oregon . "What didn't feel right about itit was very ambiguous. Apex FC Partners with Trace to Accelerate Player Development with Lonestar Premier will kick off its Youth Fall league this September! Based on the article, this is still at the investigation stage. HS Premier Academy. Winter bestows us with snow covered mountains and chilly temps. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. Apex United Football Club Here is more from the DAs Office explaining what led to the announcement: All three suspects were dissatisfied with the way Timbers FC was being run. Apex Park and Recreation District 13150 W. 72nd Ave. Arvada, CO 80005 303.424.2739 Bilanski and several former employees downloaded over 7,000 documents and edited, shared or deleted hundreds of documents from the Timbers Google Workspace IT systems in the 11 days after Bilanski was fired, according to the lawsuit; when the administrator told Davin she was removing certain files, Davin allegedly responded: Delete f---ing away.. The lawsuit claims Bilanski earned over $80,000 through an improper profit-sharing agreement that netted her 85% of profits from the camps, giving the club 15% without disclosure to or approval from the board. apex The vertex of a cone or a pyramid. . The State alleges that Bilanski and Williams intentionally deleted hundreds of documents from the Google drive for the express purpose of inconveniencing and interfering with the Bend FC Timbers access to these documents. Brunch service starts at 8 a.m., which includes greasy spoon favorites like chicken fried steak, breakfast burritos . Keep it Clean. Beds. An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address listed on your account.
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