While all three teachers have spoken out against the policy, Tanner was suspended for the comments he made in his personal capacity at a public school board meeting in May 2021. Id. On September 7, 2010, Mr. Miller served a subpoena upon Vohne Liche requesting documents concerning all training the police dog received. How many Black people have been victims of this kind of overkill? On June 8, 2012, because Mr. Miller lacked subject matter jurisdiction or failed to state a claim, the Court terminated the action against all municipalities and political subdivisions. In 2014, a titled protection trained rottweiler (level 2 IPO) attacked a 7-year old boy in the head and neck, killing him. Police also use dogs which are half GSD and half Malinois. Lastly, the "partnership relationship" between an officer and K-9 are rarely seen in videos today. Awesome kennel! 24, 2013). Thanks. High 47F. We see from the videos, its still happening. Violations of the noise ordinance range from a Class 3 misdemeanor, which carries a maximum fine of $500, to a Class 1 misdemeanor, which carries a maximum penalty of twelve months in jail and a $2,500 fine. Without the choker, the handler loses a lot of control. Watching the body cam video should make you weep. In the alternative, Mr. Miller claims that doctrines of fraudulent concealment or equitable tolling tolled the statute of limitations until such time Mr. Miller became aware of Vohne Liche and AWD. (Alpha Dogs premieres on February 8 and airs Fridays at 9 p.m on Nat Geo WILD.You can see a preview here.). He alleged that Vohne Liche Kennels inadequately trains drug-detection dogs, therefore the dogs are improperly certified by American Working Dogs United. Mr. Miller emphasizes the court's phrase "and by whom," but this phrase had no special significance in Norfolk and was not explained by the court. First, quote snip title of this valuable study: We Are All in Trouble When Trained Police K-9s Attack Yes. Or the out and out killings. The dogs are under greater pressure and less able to handle that pressure calmly due to training them to be excited by their *performance*, rather than obedient to commands. In the three I did watch, the suspects were clearly surrendered and standing or sitting still when out of nowhere the dogs attack. at 838. The best example we could find of an ideal "partnership relationship" between an officer and K-9 occurred in February. Josh Saxton, police K-9 Boyka and Richard Bailey Jr. (I have nothing against properly used prongs for training). The comment section is also enlightening. VLK argued that those transcripts had been necessary to explore a possible defense of issue preclusion. Official websites use .gov I remember when I saw people training their dogs with treats. The leash seems to be caught underneath the poor fellow the dog is mauling. at 837. Of course, in so many attacks they boltcollar or no collar. ", [This trainer also pointed us to videos showing solid K-9 take downs and clean Outs. We will not tolerate dishonest contractors who seek to enrich themselves at the expense of federal taxpayers, said United States Attorney Thomas L. Kirsch II. Under the settlement, Vohne Liche Kennels agrees to repay the $900,000 of federal funds that Vohne Liche Kennels received for the fraudulently billed claims, and also agrees to pay a civil penalty of $450,000. In comments, we would like your feedback on the Lafayette Police Department K-9 neck attack involving Sgt. In the case of Carlos Balli, he was unarmed, but not a low-level offender. The attack begins at 8:28. They cant scale a fence or run overtop of a car etc. If excessive force cases involving police K-9s continue to escalate, taxpayers will grow angrier at funding the resulting lawsuits. Ind. Then, if it is properly trained, it will go straight for the weapon hand, accomplishing 2 things. "No one can maintain an action in a federal court, including an appeal, unless he has standing to sue, in the sense required by Article III of the Constitution-that is, unless he can show injury (in a special sense, noted below) and that he would benefit from a decision in his favor." VLK has trained Police and Military Service Dogs for over 5000 law enforcement and government agencies to include the; National Security Agency (NSA) Polk County, FL United States Secret Services O'Regan v. Arbitration Forums, Ins., 246 F.3d 975, 983 (7th Cir. You didnt read the science! It isnt about the safety of the officers, considering how many wind up getting mauled by their own dogs. of Educ. At the root of this and so many of our problems is the dog worship culture. My Offices Affirmative Civil Enforcement Unit will continue to require contractors who submit fraudulent claims for federal government funds to reimburse the government for their ill-gotten gains and also pay civil penalties under the False Claims Act.. FFS a dog that cannot breathe will let go and wont reject the OUT command next time. How do they do it? Graduations, games or events, order prints of your favorites photos from the Kokomo Tribune. Norfolk is a criminal case, in which defendant sought the return of his property from the Government under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 41(g). These assholes will buy point and shoot dogs from people that dont speak a word of English. She also believes that a belligerent drunk on a moped "does not authorize a straight up door pop," when the dog flies out of the vehicle without a handler. The policy requires teachers to help students deny their biological sex by using whatever pronouns students specify. Vohne Liche Kennels was sub-contracted in 2011 to provide personnel, equipment, tools, materials, supervision, and nonpersonal services for the creation and operation of a training program for both military handlers and dogs for the TEDD program. Perhaps an Excel sheet tracking those would produce another set of stats? The facts of Mr. Miller's alleged injury were indisputably known to him on May 14, 2008, regardless of whether he knew about this particular legal theory or the specific defendants. It was very effective. The problem with Bouviers and Rottweilers are, although they are far more temperamentally suited in many cases, they tend to be one-person dogs and it is costly to train a dog where it needs to be with the handler from puppyhood (or at least 10-11 months) and trained with the handler for another year to get the best result. Again, a story for 60 Minutes to consider. That comes down to genetics, amount of inexperienced dog owners, how the dogs were purchased, and then, the handling/treatment of those dogs. VLK has trained Police and Military Service Dogs for over 5000 law enforcement and government agencies to include the; National Security Agency (NSA) Polk County, FL United States Secret Services Here, Mr. Miller claims he was ignorant to his injury and who caused it. That dog's training performed an excellent outcome. Sierakowski, 223 F.3d at 443 (quoting O'Shea v. Littleton, 414 U.S. 488, 495 (1974)). Vohne Liche Kennels has purchased dogs from vendors in Europe for 25 plus years. Sorry, there are no recent results for popular commented articles. The lawsuit says during the contract, Vohne Liche fraudulently submitted claims for labor hours for trainers and FSRs involved in the TEDD program, including inflated labor hours billed for training sessions held at its Miami County facility. Email: Kenneth@vohneliche.com Education Employment Schools 1977 United States Air Force Security Police Academy 1977 Basic Patrol Dog School 1979 Narcotic Detection K-9 Course 1980 K-9 Supervisors School 1981 Explosive Detection Course 1981 United States Air Force NCO Leadership School 1982 Law Enforcement Supervisors School Therefore, Defendants' motion for summary judgment on the damages claim is GRANTED. Indeed, the existence of cross-motions for summary judgment does not necessarily mean that there are no genuine issues of material fact. The following facts are undisputed. A locked padlock But before Britta hit the big screen as Lulu, she. I wouldnt have my dogs on livestock if I had that poor a handle on them for fear of injuring the livestock, and these cops are using bigger, more aggressive dogs on humans. No. (Rude kids are no fun either. Sh*t happens, but a responsible cop would have got the dog off when it latched on to the guys neck, even if it meant killing it. The suspect has an upper left arm bite (3:52), where the dog immobilized him, and bites to his hip through his jeans. This notion applies equally where, as here, opposing parties each move for summary judgment in their favor pursuant to Rule 56. Thats barely enough training to pass a basic obedience trial at the CKC. So thats one fatality and one very close call from Vohne Liche Kennels. Vohne Liche Kennels pays $1.3M in federal lawsuit. This theme is getting picked up by local papers: https://www.pennlive.com/news/2020/10/when-police-violence-is-a-dog-bite.html, This topic made national news today : https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/investigations/2020/10/02/police-use-of-force-dog-bite-k-9-investigation-excessive-force-arrests-lawsuits/5879123002/. Period. In Norfolk, the court stated, "The discovery rule starts the statute of limitations running only when the plaintiff learns that he's been injured, and by whom." Most such cases are unknown, because they go unreported by official sources and because they go unreported by news media sources and therefore are never brought to public attention. R.J. Corman Derailment Serv., Inc. v. Int'l Union of Operating Eng'rs., 335 F.3d 643, 647 (7th Cir. These attack dogs are clearly excited by the taste of blood. Another risk of aggressive dogs. In the course of litigating the suit, Mr. Miller sought information regarding the training of Plymouth police officers and police dogs. She stars beside Channing Tatum as Lulu, a troubled Army K-9 trying to make it home to her handler's funeral. Local news, sports and entertainment when you want it. Officers say to Bailey, "Stop fighting the dog, stop moving," while the dog is still latched onto his neck. Quiet: That still goes on at protests across North America. Police are supposed to PROTECT and Server. 179.) On June 11, before the release of this video on July 25, the Tippecanoe County prosecutor requested a special prosecutor to investigate three Lafayette officers -- K-9 handler, Sgt. And, of course, theres the Birmingham police departments use of dogs against peaceful civil rights protestors back in the 1960s. Heeling seems to have gone out of style across the board. One, the use of police and military dogs -- the attack dog industry -- exploded after 9-11, which impacted the breeding and training of these dogs. Seriously, that hold should be a death sentence for any police dog. I.C.C., 900 F.2d 1023, 1026 (7th Cir. The only claims remaining are against Vohne Liche and AWD. Occasionally, someone with good media contacts might get a story in about how their dog died in the jaws of a dog but when I was dog trainingI heard about it a lot more back then. In the context of considering whether the two-year statute of limitations for those actions had expired, the court explained that the defendant could amend his complaint, i.e., the Rule 41(g) motion, to add a Bivens or 1983 claim, and the addition would relate back to the original filing that was within the applicable statute of limitations. Id. Southern District of Indiana DISTRIBUTION: KEVIN D. MILLER205 W. Joliet Street, #304Schererville, IN 46375 Jon David BakerBAKER AND BODWELL PCsmchenry@cinergymetro.net Andrew J. SickmannBOSTON BEVER KLINGE CROSS &CHIDESTERajsickmann@bbkcc.com John P. BushemiBURKE, COSTANZA & CARBERRY LLPbushemi@bcclegal.com Mike J. BoldeBURKE, COSTANZA & CARBERRY LLPbolde@bcclegal.com Patricia HassBURKE, COSTANZA & CARBERRY LLPhass@bcclegal.com Ashley Marie UlbrichtCITY OF CARMELaulbricht@carmel.in.gov Douglas C. HaneyCITY OF CARMELdhaney@carmel.in.gov Sean M. SurrisiCITY OF PLYMOUTH, INDIANAcityattorney@plymouthin.com Chou-il LeeCITY OF TERRE HAUTEchou-il.lee@terrehaute.in.gov Charles F.G. ParkinsonHARRIS WELSH & LUKMANNcparkinson@hwllaw.com Douglas Joseph MassonHOFFMAN LUHMAN & MASSON PCdjm@hlblaw.com Darren J. MurphyHOWARD & ASSOCIATESdmurphy@ori.net Kate E. ShelbyINDIANA ATTORNEY GENERALkate.shelby@atg.in.gov Jacqueline N. ChosnekPEARLMAN CHOSNEK & HOPSON PCjchosnek@chosneklaw.com Elizabeth A. KnightPORTER COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVECENTEReknight@porterco.org James H. AustenSTARR AUSTEN MYERS & MILLER,LLPausten@starrausten.com Blake J. BurganTAFT STETTINIUS & HOLLISTER LLPbburgan@taftlaw.com Chou-il LeeTAFT STETTINIUS & HOLLISTER LLPclee@taftlaw.com Kevin C. TankersleyTANKERSLEY LAW OFFICEkevin@tanklaw.com Daniel Joseph LaydenWILLIAMS BARRETT & WILKOWSKI,LLPdlayden@wbwlawyers.com, Case No. Police Dogs Should Be Trained as Officers, Not Equipment, Police K-9 Dog Bite Studies and Regional Investigations - DogsBite.org, https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/investigations/2020/10/02/police-use-of-force-dog-bite-k-9-investigation-excessive-force-arrests-lawsuits/5879123002/, 2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Man Killed by Pack of Dogs in Tucumcari, New Mexico, 2022 Dog Bite Fatality: Beloved Church Leader Dies After Being Mauled by Neighbor's Pit Bull in Richmond, Virginia, 2022 Double Dog Bite Fatality: Pair of Family Pit Bulls Kill Two Children, Seriously Injure Mother in Tennessee, Pit Bulls Lead Biting Incidents Across U.S. Cities and Counties, 2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Dog Pack Kills 65-Year Old Man in Jefferson County, Alabama, 2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Man Killed by Three Pit Bulls in Escambia County, Florida, 2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Horrific Pit Bull Mauling in San Antonio Kills One, Hospitalizes Two, Injures SAFD Firefighter, 2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Woman, 58, Mauled and Killed by Her Daughter's Family Pit Bull in Toledo, Ohio, Elderly Man Shares Account and Aftermath of Having His Lip Ripped off in a Vicious Pit Bull Attack on April 15th, 2018 in the Little City neighborhood in Bangor, Maine. I knew one that was banging them out at 5-10k after 6 weeks training. Next: I recall national news stories about how police K-9 handlers are forced to be required to shoot their own trained K-9s when their own K-9 attacks its own handler. Mostly I send the ones that are grievous for other reasons. Two years earlier, K-9 Finn had attacked an officer during a training exercise, biting him on the face and neck. Again, the good ol trainers before toy addictions and cookie wavershad this right. These dogs are assisting officers in apprehension and immobilizing suspects.]. Should the officer have been promoted two months after the attack? No. Im pretty sure Howie, the owner, did a LOT of scenario training as well. Bailey's arms and a leg are exposed, but the dog targets his neck. 227) is GRANTED. Dog bites rarely get reported here, at all, either unless something is odd about the story. The main difference between this case and the Northern District litigation is the theory of the violation and choice of defendant. The recent felony charge against Salt Lake K-9 Officer Nickolas Pearce marks the first time we have seen this after an active duty police K-9 mauling. Something about aggression and bitework is just toxic with many people; they lose their damn minds. Police Dogs Should Be Trained as Officers, Not Equipment (pronounced Von Lick) is a full service K-9 training facility where the best of the best go for highly trained Police Service Dogs. VLK's training staff has certified city, county, state and Federal Law Enforcement / Government Agencies around the world to handle dogs. You brought up heeling. Was this dog properly deployed on Bailey? Indiana State Police confirmed they were investigating the officers for possible excessive force in the arrest of Richard Bailey Jr., during which Saxton's police K-9 mauled Bailey's neck, causing life-threatening injuries. In the Prescott Valley video, police at the scene assess the man's bite injuries. Your dog actually learned to pay attention to you and follow commands so your walking experience was calm and pleasant? Please consider subscribing so we can continue to bring you the best local news, sports and entertainment coverage. Web: Visit our main web site at VohneLiche.com. Pitbull owners make this error all the time on video during maulings. I doubt if this always occurs. That dog could have just as easily targeted the other officer. 1996). We also dedicated substantial time to that case, documenting the preliminary hearing and final trial, where former officer Alex Geiger was acquitted. "Episode 162:"The Difference Between Cocaine and Quail with Ken Licklider. I always thought the K9 unit dogs only attacked arms or legs? Watch where the dog is biting him. Id. Training is only finished in the USA. At 8:52, Saxton snaps a leash onto the dog. This settlement was reached as a result of an investigation by the United States Attorneys Office for the Northern District of Indiana, the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, Indianapolis Resident Agency, and the United States Army CID, Major Procurement Fraud Unit, Indianapolis Fraud Resident Agency. Federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies have contracted with Vohne Liche Kennels for their training needs. Its like training trials. Its time they were treated as suchinstead of attacks being palmed off as any different than either shooting, or furiously beating someone with a sidehandle. 2015) Annotate this Case. "VLK delivers some great dogs to the historic Rikers Island for the New York Department of Corrections. In the video, K-9 Boyka attacks Bailey's neck area for 30 seconds (see left side of screen), while an officer handcuffed him. Contact us with theinformation below. For example, the plaintiff in City of Los Angeles v. Lyons, 461 U.S. 95 (1983), alleged that he was arrested and subjected illegally to a chokehold, causing him injury. Vohne Liche Kennels (pronounced Von Lick) is a full service K-9 training facility where the best of. Running away in fear shouldnt result in a person being maimed for life. You mean you didnt get dragged down the street by a dog in a harness while you waved bacon bits around as it mangled the neighbours poodle and then their granny? Main Office:
Code 34-11-2-4. Maybe the movement should be aware of the injuries caused by these dogs. They added that a "murder" while in police custody -- referring to George Floyd -- "very nearly did" happen here. "CRAZY DOMINANT POSSESSIVE Eastern Bloc dog with no respect of his handler dog redirected on the cop. The Lafayette police K-9 "neck attack" fell squarely within worldwide protests due to the disproportionate police violence inflicted on Black men. Through our work, we hope to protect both people and pets from future attacks. The FSRs monitored the activities of the newly-trained TEDD handlers and dogs to reinforce and improve their techniques. Aside from that (or, in addition to that), the roachback look has been an unnecessary and terribly ruinous direction in which to breed these dogs. We invite you to browse through our store and shop with confidence. Further, Mr. Miller became aware of the alleged inadequate training by Defendants while still in the throes of litigation in the Northern District. The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office released a statement to address what it called "misinformation" circulating in the media regarding the two cases. A good dog would be calm, awaiting commands. "Due to this verdict, a 'retired' police K-9 can now breakout of its property and savagely attack and kill an innocent person without criminal culpability," we wrote after the trial. Flying J, Inc. v. Van Hollen, 578 F.3d 569, 571 (7th Cir. Does that video look like it lessened the chances of a second bite? That is not supposed to be the intent of police K-9s; the intent is to immobilize "dangerous" offenders. I dont know what kind of budget local PDs have, but I hope they are not cutting corners up front trying to get less-than-well-trained K9s on the cheap. is heard, alerting the dog to its target. The dog is poorly trained, as is the officerunless hes a brute. Im old enough to remember peaceful civil rights protesters being attacked by these dogs. No drugs were found in Mr. Miller's vehicle. My feedback on the Lafayette Police Department K-9 neck attack. Assuming for the sake of argument that Mr. Miller's contentions are correct and Vohne Liche and AWD inadequately train drug-detection dogs, Mr. Miller's claim for compensatory and punitive damages under 42 U.S.C. "Our desire is to acquire dogs with true natural drives." Dogs that are not taught how to do police/military work but ones that can . To what extent such injuries are occurring in Indianapolis is unclear. The dog alerted for the presence of illegal drugs and a search of Mr. Miller's vehicle took place. Vohne Liche Kennels 7953 N Old Rte 31 Denver, IN 46926 (P) 765-985-2274 (F) 765-985-2595 Email General questions: vlkcourses@vohneliche.com Online Store: onlinestore@vohneliche.com Back to Top 2023 Vohne Liche Kennels Tweets by @@KennyLicklider The confrontation starts at 6:28. On May 14, 2008, Mr. Miller was pulled over by a City of Plymouth (Indiana) police officer for speeding while driving from Munster, Indiana to Fort Wayne, Indiana. The attack begins at 8:28 and lasts until 9:00. You have permission to edit this article. Vohne Liche Kennels (pronounced Von Lick) is a full service K-9 training facility where the best of. It said its investigation of the alleged assault on May 28 took two months because it "was complex".. LCPS said it was prohibited from "investigating complaints of sexual harassment and sexual assault" and did not "impose interim . Federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies have contracted with Vohne Liche Kennels for their training needs. Mr. Miller's Partial Motion for Summary Judgment (Dkt. Download PDF. This was contrasted from the plaintiff who is ignorant "of the fact of his injury or its cause," whether because the injury has not manifested itself or "the facts about causation may be in the control of the putative defendant, unavailable to the plaintiff or at least very difficult to obtain." Address: 43455 Hilltop Drive. Who the EVER LOVING FARK has a protection dog on a *prong collar* when its working? Been saying that protection dog handling practises are horrifying for *decades*. Lafayette PD Video: We Are All in Trouble When Trained Police K-9s Attack the Head, Neck Regions of Unarmed Suspects. Your email address will not be published. Id. That is a very strong indicator this K-9 has a history of inappropriate bites, as we would expect a "neck biter" to have. Phone: Dustin Elleman cell #: 435-994-0395. It was work. Period. The taxpayers shouldnt be having to pay out pantloads of wrongful death/maiming suits because the police department/unions are afraid of cleaning house. 2005). Id. After Alliance Defending Freedom filed a lawsuit . Once trained, my dogs would heel with a regular leather collar. Because: Was this excessive force? Yes. at 648. Some of our Many Services, "VLK delivers some great dogs to the historic Rikers Island for the New York Department of Corrections.". We encourage you to watch the full 16-minutes to understand the whole context. Kenny Licklider, owner of Vohne Liche Kennels and star of National Geographic WILD's show Alpha Dogs, shares why dogs trained for executive protection may be the best investment you'll ever make. In St. Paul, Minnesota, three high-profile police K-9 attacks were captured on video (2016, 2017 and 2018), including two innocent bystanders and two K-9s ignoring "Out" commands. For the reasons set forth below, Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment (Dkt. At that point, he may have pulled straight up, strangling it to force the release because from what I can see, the dog is much higher in the air than it is while he is agitating it. Vohne Liche Kennels. The dog belonged to the child's stepfather, who was the director of Vohne Liche Kennels Executive and Family Protection. Wow. Low near 30F. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. "Awesome partnership between the world's finest! "Here, here, here!" - United States Attorney Thomas L. Kirsch II. Vohne Liche produced certifications, class schedules, and receipts. The GSD had been a safer choice. Winds W at 10 to 20 mph.. Mostly cloudy skies this evening will become partly cloudy after midnight. Holy sh*t. Theyre allowed to use potentially lethal force on belligerent drunks now? The pre-suit settlement comes after Vohne Liche Kennels was sub-contracted in 2011 by the DOD to provide personnel, equipment, materials and supervision for the creation and operation of a training program for military handlers and dogs called Tactical Explosive Detection Dogs (TEDDs). (you can delete but Ive got the same suspicions about some of these pitbull happy video channels, as well, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqPXcv-IE0k. Heck no! VLK has trained Police and Military Service Dogs for over 5000 law enforcement and government agencies to include the; National Security Agency (NSA) Polk County, FL. The company was also contracted to provide Field Service Representatives (FSRs) who co-located with military units in Afghanistan. If the target does not have a weapon or attack the handler directly, the dog should not bite. Miami County dog shines in 2022 Hollywood filmClick to view YouTube VideoABC News Article. For Violations of the Stark Law Regarding Physician Referrals, Fort Wayne Man Sentenced To 120 Months In Prison, Settlement With Vohne Liche Kennels, Inc. For Submitting False Claims For Its Work. . Ive noticed with pit bulls especially, theyre usually dragging their owners behind them. Great dogs and great people! R. Civ. But that video, the first method, the German method that was what I learned when I took a dog to an old-fashioned obedience class. A dog lunges at a man acting as a decoy during training at Vohne Liche Kennels in Indiana. So painful to watch that I could not watch all of them. Thirty plus years ago, I associated using a harness with puppies or dogs too young for a collar/choker and with seeing eye dogs. See Black v. Rieth-Reily Const. It was touted as the way Seaworld trains the sea mammals. You are a liability magnet. This video literally made me cry. That was pretty informative, Boni. Im not sure if the bulking up of GSDs is responsible for the hip problems. Lock I.A.E., Inc. v. Shaver, 74 F.3d 768, 774 (7th Cir. Thats what agitation (fancy name for heavy leather wide flat buckle collars) are for. That we know of anyway! Claims brought under 1983 are governed by the statute of limitations for personal injury actions in the state where the purported injury occurred. /s. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. It also inflated the number of labor hours performed in Afghanistan by the FSRs. Miami County dog shines in 2022 Hollywood film. Because the officers could have removed him from the moped without resorting to grave body harm force. IMHO, the dog should have been shot the minute it latched on to the guys neck. Later that year, Canadian-based Pivot Legal Society released a study that concluded police K-9s were the leading cause of injury by RCMP and municipal forces in British Columbia. 2001) (quoting Hendricks-Robinson v. Excel Corp., 154 F.3d 685, 692 (7th Cir. See Greer v. Bd. The video put its finger on a problem I couldnt quite describe. As we delve into this post, which contains violent and disturbing imagery, it is important to know three things. Id. I remember using a more gentle choke collar (not spike ones) at training sessions. Heeling and use of chokers has gone out of style. Our nonprofit began investigating the issue of police K-9 attacks on undeserving people six years ago. When looked at that way, its easier to see when they should be deployed, and when they should not. They are NOT pets or public relations fodder. You're going to hurt people and your agency is going to write checks." Stop it. Among other things, he sought an injunction against the City of Los Angeles barring the use of control holds. 1996). LMPD officers Maverick, Ripley, and Luna participated in the 2021 K9 Olympics, taking place at Vohne Liche Kennels in Denver, Indiana. Good Luck and stay safe out there! 2003). Bailey's doctor described his wounds as a punctured trachea, cut carotid artery, damaged tissue in his neck, injuries to his shoulder and a broken finger.