CFR founder Paul Warburg was a member of Roosevelt's "brain trust." In 1950, his son, James, told the Senate . In order not to trespass upon your time, Mr. Chairman, I have left a number of gaps in the presentation of the suggested modification of the McMahon proposal. But they are still ideologically motivated. H. Alexander Smith, New Jersey. We have been so naive in our world dealings, as you know, with the Soviet Union particularly and with others, and my whole thought in questioning you is to see or make sure that the thing we want, in other words, people sitting down, nations sitting down together, keeping faith with one another, things that we want to be--that our wishes do not lead us up other blind alleys that we would regret. He thought the Second Bank was a tool of moneyed elites (just as populists today accuse the Fed of favoring Wall Street). I think we have lost it. Feb. 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 13, 15, 17, and 20, 1950 He also made substantial contributions to the Warburg Library in Hamburg, founded by his brother, the art historian Aby Warburg; he gave a hall known as the American House to Heidelberg University; and he made generous donations to the Academy of Political Science in Berlin.[2]. 'They Want to Reset the World': End Times Author Breaks Down 'Great Reset,' Antichrist, and Future One-World Govt, The Global Elite's Plan for Your Future: The Great Reset, Are the End Times Upon Us? I believe them to be solublebut not by the adoption of any hastily conceived formulas, and, above all, not without exploring patiently and carefully what is in the minds of other peoples, who, while friendly to us, do not share our historical background nor our particular political or economic prejudices and predilections. Mr. WARBURG. But what about fighting disease? He was well known for being the financial adviser to Franklin D. Roosevelt. I don't think that by our avowed intention to transform the United Nations into a world federation, that we change an existing crisis with Russia, and the whole Communist orbit. That basic conflict is not eliminated by merely passing a resolution or creating a mechanism. If I might sum it up, I think Senate Resolution 56 does the minimum required to undertake the job we have to undertake without going any further than is necessary, to accomplish that minimum, at the present time. Paul Warburg, "A Plan for a Modified Central Bank". We should get together with the other nations, which are willing to share our purpose to create the rule of law in the world. He was well known for being the financial adviser to Franklin D. Roosevelt. We must be prepared to accept some sort of a composite pattern, in which we may preserve for ourselves the things we cherish, but in which others may be equally free to do the same. As the worlds politics become even more convoluted, many utopian-minded individuals are pushing for more global governance organizations to help order the billions of people around the world. Please use Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge to view this site. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest. In due course we shall have to define more closely what we mean by world government and by what steps we propose to get there. This declaration of principle remains as yet unimplemented and the legislation now before Congress would, if enacted, constitute only a very small first step in its execution. Nathanial Rothschild threatened the United States with war if it did not renew the central bank charter. February 17, 1950, by James Paul Warburg ("Angel" to and active in the United World Federalists), son of Paul Moritz Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg and of Jacob Schiff both of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. which poured millions into the Russian Revolution through James' brother Max, banker to the German government.See the Sission Report Added to timeline: You feel it presupposes that we might commit ourselves to something like the Swiss Federation, or our own federation, or any other existing federation at the approach. He became a director of the Council on Foreign Relations at its founding in 1921, remaining on the board until his death. Indeed, why should Russia prefer the unpredictable hazards of war to a continuation of here present profitable fishing in the troubled waters of an uneasy armistice? Yet even such a regime can, in the long run, be brought to accept new facts which alter the conception of its own self-interest and self-preservation. Its opponents today are more mainstream. One world government is inevitable." George Herbert Walker Bush: September 11, 1990: "Out of these troubled times, our objectivea new world ordercan emerge. Alexander Wiley, Wisconsin After his arrival, Warburg wrote a paper, calling for a central bank similar to the one in his native Germany. This brings me to the final observation I should like to make concerning the Senator's proposal. Once we shall have declared a positive purposeonce we shall have cemented the united will of the free peoples in a common aspiration we shall be in a far stronger position to deal with the obstacles presented to the realization of that purpose. (February 17, 1950, as he testified before the US Senate)."- Paul Warburg before the Senate. This proposal falls into two parts: the proposal itself, and the conditions upon which it was put forward. He was an early advocate of the US central bank system. It is true that the Baruch plan is out of date. Similarly, were the Fed inflicting hardship on Americans with onerous interest rates, the anger would be comprehensible. Would you be willing, irrespective of whether this is passed or not, to support the Thomas-Douglas proposal, or the so-called Ferguson Resolution, if you know what they are? In 1895, Warburg married Nina Loeb, scion of the Kuhn, Loeb banking family in New York. But Senator McMahon did more than merely repudiate the idea that security can be attained through maintaining the greatest arsenal of destructive weapons. You are assuming law and law enforcement. Sen. Warren has criticized the Fed for being too cozy with banks; apparently her anger at banks trumps her well-advertised empathy for consumers. Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., "The Real Secrets of the Temple". Senator McMahon's proposal would make aid to the underdeveloped areas an integral part of an over-all program financed largely by Government contributions channeled through the United Nations. The speech delivered in the United States Senate on February 2, 1950, by the Honorable Brien McMahon, may well go down in history as the turning point in postwar United States policy. We embarked, in 1947, upon a wholly negative concept of extending economic and military aid wherever needed to contain Soviet-communism. Self-conscious of his imperfect English and his status as a newcomer, he left his paper to sit in his desk for four years. His efforts were successful in 1913 with the founding of the Federal Reserve System. It states the objective in unequivocal terms. Why not, then, combine two bravely taken positions of wise statesmanship into one? I think we are talking about an aim to find a mechanism; something different. REVISION OF THE UNITED NATIONS CHARTER I would hesitate to express an unconsidered opinion as to this, Senator. Mr. WARBURG. Jacob Schiff, Warburgs brother-in-law and senior partner at Kuhn, Loeb, showed the paper to James Stillman, head of National City, the countrys biggest bank. [1][2], On March 8, 1929, Warburg warned of the disaster threatened by the wild stock speculation then rampant in the United States, foreshadowing Wall Street Crash of 1929 which occurred in October of that year. These studies led me, 10 years ago, to the conclusion that the great question of our time is not whether or not one world can be achieved, but whether or not one world can be achieved by peaceful means. 141 votes, 14 comments. Copyright 2023 The Forward Association, Inc. All rights reserved. The first of these new facts would, for a time, be static. The Federal Reserve's founding members all had ties to the Rothschilds. In other words, it is sort of copying after our own state or Swiss state. Mr. WARBURG. Many of his contemporaries regarded him as the chief driving force behind the establishment of America's central bank. Now, the thing I am trying to bring out in my questions is, that no mechanism will do the job unless there is a willingness and intent on the part of the peoples to carry it through. This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States federal government (see 17U.S.C. Senator WILEY. In 1907, just as Warburg had predicted, a panic virtually shut down the banking system. I am not assuming that we will run the world government. I am assuming that a government will be run as our own Government is run, by the development of a fair process of . Those and many other questions are addressed here. I will be creating a thread/post compiling TONS of admitted quotes by the NWO architects themselves (Kissinger, Rockefeller, Brezenski, ect), from their OWN PUBLICATIONS, that detail and outline their plan advocating for the creation of a one world . Secretary of State Acheson has said that the only agreements that can be made with the Kremlin are agreements which rest upon existing facts. The passage of this resolution seems to me the first prerequisite toward the development of an affirmative American policy which would lead us out of the valley of death and despair. Senator SMITH of New Jersey. The minute you have government and law, and law enforcement, there is no longer a question of whether you are willing to stick to a contract, you have to, or the policeman will come and take you in to jail. The alternatives with which we are faced today are not whether we should or should not talk to the Russians. The alternatives we face are whether or not to doin spite of the Russianswhat needs to be done and what. No, sir; I am not in favor of that, as I stated in my testimony. A few days later, Stillman paid Warburg a visit. That is the political approach. And the rise of globalism and the one-world government is preparing the way. After graduating from the Realgymnasium in Hamburg in 1886, he entered the employ of Simon Hauer, a Hamburg importer and exporter, to learn the fundamentals of business practice. Congresss ire stems largely from libertarians who disdain the Fed as a meddling Washington bureaucracy. Let us now consider the conditions upon which this extremely interesting proposal has been put forward. At a conference in New York last week, I ventured to put forward an alternative, in which Senator McMahon's world-wide Marshall plan would not be conditioned upon anything the Kremlin might or might not be willing to do. In 1950, James Paul Warburg, chairman of the Council of Foreign Relations, told a subcommittee of the . In the present-state of world affairs, it would seem to me unwise to commit ourselves to any fixed plan of action, without first exploring all the possibilities. I couldn't support that because it doesn't seem to go to the root of the matter, which is simply that the United Nations in its present form is a league of sovereign states, and the root of the evil is that it is not a league of sovereign people. November 29, 2015, Paul Moritz Warburg, a German-Jewish immigrant who was one of the founding fathers of the U.S. Federal Reserve, had a fervent wish that his creation would be seen as one of Americas great monuments like the old cathedrals of Europe.. Mr. WARBURG. Concerning its financial system, he argued, "The United States is in fact at about the same point that had been reached by Europe at the time of the Medicis, and by Asia, in all likelihood, at the time of Hammurabi. What I have in mind is that it is not a mandate because under the Constitution this is a question of foreign policy. Until we have established this goal, we shall continue to befog and befuddle our own vision by clinging to the illusion that the present structure of the United Nations would work, if only the Russians would let it work. It has to be something finer, a rebirth within the minds of men. The movement toward a one-world government began with a few individuals in the twentieth century. "The New York bankers got all they wanted", Wicker argues, "with the single exception of banker control. Was this proposal a workable plan for peace? Senator WILEY. This would in no way preclude private investment. Mr. WARBURG. This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 08:52. The basic tenet of our policy has been to strengthen the United Nations; nevertheless, we have acted unilaterally in western Europe, in Greece and Turkey, and in China. Paul Moritz Warburg, a German-Jewish immigrant who was one of the founding fathers of the U.S. Federal Reserve, had a fervent wish that his creation would be seen as one of America's great. Warburg was stunned by the primitive condition of American banking. The benefits of the McMahon plan would become immediately available to those countries which made known their will to accept supranational authoritynot only in the field of atomic energy, but in the whole field of international relationsto the extent necessary in order to establish peace under law. I am aware, Mr. Chairman, of the exigencies of your crowded schedule and of the need to be brief, so as not to transgress upon your courtesy in granting me a hearing. I think the essential thing we should undertake is that we declare our willingness to participate in some sort of world organization capable of enacting, administering, interpreting, and, enforcing world law, whether you call it a federation, a government, or world order, I don't think that matters. Paul Warburg > Quotes (?) The second purpose is the transfer of wealth from the countries of the West to third world countries And the third purpose of this new entity, this government, is enforcement [Delegates discussed] setting up a global government so that they could shut down the West, shut down democracy, and bring freedom to an end worldwide. I am wondering whether you are prepared to go that far, where you say in your statement that you are not trying to outline the details, you mean you are not prepared to say yet what kind of over-all federal legislature should be set up to enact the kind of laws you contemplate? Dr. Michael Youssef was born in Egypt and lived in Lebanon and Australia before coming to the United States and fulfilling a childhood dream of becoming an American citizen.