The only defence to the allegation is where there was no opportunity to buy a ticket before boarding the train or where permission is given by an authorised person to travel without a ticket. The letter and evidence drawn up and presented was successful in withdrawing a court appearance and avoiding a criminal record. If the offence was committed by a foreign national within territorial waters then the provisions of s 3 of the Territorial Waters Jurisdiction Act 1878 (the TWJA) will apply, under which the Secretary of State must consent to the proceedings and must certify that it is expedient to institute the proceedings. by JulesN19 Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:50 pm, Post By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In November 2021, I received a court summons for train evasion fare, because I had travelled without a valid rail pass. I contacted Nathan with a week to spare, and he was incredibly professional and helpful and met with me that afternoon. Luckily when searching online, Reeds Solicitors were listed I gave them a call from my very first call they were so so amazing helpful, professional and very understanding this was just reception staff. People caught fare evading can be charged a penalty fare of 80 (reduced to 40 when paid within 21 days). Reeds were instructed to write representations to avoid a criminal conviction. A Penalty fare is a civil means of disposal and is not recordable anywhere other than on the computer system of the train operator (or the company they contract to manage their Penalty fare admin). Nathan Seymour-Hyde phoned me very promptly about my situation and was sympathetic and easy to deal with. In Minneapolis, a 23-year-old's arrest for evading a $1.75 fare led to his deportation. Above and beyond! Deliberate fare evasion is a criminal act and specific legislation allows for that to be dealt with by the Courts. Successful representations were made to settle the matter out of court. He patiently amended the representation letter Nathan Seymour-Hyde was the most supportive and knowledgeable solicitor I have ever met. He displayed sound knowledge of how such matters are viewed by train companies and tailored an approach bespoke to my case to give the best chance for a successful outcome. For this I will always be grateful. is fare evasion a recordable offence. I was incredibly stressed as in my profession a criminal conviction immediately jeopardises my employability. Dear Nathan Seymour Hyde, thank you so much for representing me on my fare evasion case. . Nathan responded quickly to our out of Nathan helped us with a fare evasion case against our student son. . You can also challenge the process in front of magistrate as its the TFL who didn't gave you chance to buy ticket or pay penalty. Rather, fare evaders are subject to a civil fine of up to $50. When it comes to Penalty Fares, The Railways (Penalty Fares) Regulations 2018 sets out the way in which they are administered. Needless to say I had a very low chance of success at this point and had given up all hope. June 7, 2022; certified financial therapist . is fare evasion a recordable offence. Active Trans recommends community service and the opportunity to become enrolled in a reduce . But before Vance made his announcement, New York police, prosecutors, and judges were already doing it: the numbers for fare-evasion arrests and summons have fallen, with arrests down by 27.5 percent and civil violations down 18.7 percent last year alone. In short no. I cannot thank him enough for going above and beyond to ensure that this was resolved. However, an offer can be made to the train operator to settle out of court. The solicitor Service that I received from Nathan was excellent. Police have powers to arrest/remove a person who is on or about to board an aircraft if they reasonably suspect that person intends to commit an offence under sections 1-3 or a s6 ancillary offence. Customer: . If you are stopped by a ticket inspector you could later face charges under railway bye laws for not having a valid ticket in a restricted area, for fare evasion with intent or under the Fraud Act 2003. information online. If convicted, you will: Get a criminal record. Nathan gave my son new life. He helped me regarding a fare evasion accusation. The term also includes a number of non-imprisonable offences for example begging and illegal . In answer to a question about baggage/stores/cargo. (2) This section is prescribed as a fare evasion provision for the following provisions of the Act. In 2015, it was the top arrest in the city, with 29,000 criminal . (b) "Merchant . . Also, TfL staff passes are not only issued to TfL staff but also to staff of London Underground, as well as employees of various private companies such as Arriva Rail London, First Tram Operations and so on whom all have their own disciplinary policies. In Minneapolis, a 23-year-old's arrest for evading a $1.75 fare led to his deportation. I highly recommend Nathan Seymour HydeHe helped out a family member regarding a fare Evasion accusation he was so professional from start to finish. by hashemp Fri Dec 10, 2010 2:01 am, Post The train company noticed this suspicious pattern and stopped him when he arrived into London. Does it matter that I committed the offence by accident/mistake? A genuine mistake or misunderstanding can still result in these consequences. You should phone Triple Zero (000): if a crime is happening now; when a life is threatened. aircraft in or flying over the UK or registered in the UK, CC Five years imprisonment or an unlimited fine or both, MC Three months imprisonment or an unlimited fine or both, A person will be deemed to have these articles with them where the articles are in their baggage which is in the aircraft etc. Southeastern and Greater Anglia only afford 7 days to respond. A fare evasion allegation will typically start with a conversation between a commuter and a Revenue Protection Officer (RPO). I received the help from Nathan Seymour-Hyde. Nathans expertise in this area was evident throughout and I would not hesitate to recommend Nathan for matters relating to fare evasion. The regional train companies prosecute under a very similar but different Regulation if they seek a prosecution for fare evasion as a Byelaw offence. The Code for Crown Prosecutors is a public document, issued by the Director of Public Prosecutions that sets out the general principles Crown Prosecutors should follow when they make decisions on cases. He deals with the matter fast and we have got an amazing result with no criminal record. B was travelling into London over a 3 month period, purchasing a ticket which did not cover the whole journey. This varies depending on the train company. Without having paid the fare. The actions needed to be taken were perfectly simplified and explained to me and it allowed me to fully understand my role in solving my situation. That being the case, an offence HAS been committed, usually under Byelaw 18.1 (fail to show a valid rail ticket in laymans terms! App. To obtain or retain an identity document issued by one of the specified persons. Use this search tool to find a full list of road-related penalties and offences in NSW. I would fully recommend these services to anyone in any legal situation because of their excellent knowledge and understanding of legal processes and the speed of action and response they take . Generally speaking, these are crimes for which an individual could be sentenced to a term of imprisonment or they have otherwise been made recordable by statute. By taking it to court would make it much easier to sack the employee who lent the pass for a misbehaviour type reason, without notice or compensation. I tried getting hold of a Solictor and he said I would need to pay in excess of over 1,000 so I thought sod it, I will take my chances and write an amazing plea Oh okay! However, the imposition of a criminal conviction often carries far more serious consequences and could lead to the loss of your job. An Absolute Discharge is still a conviction; the court may feel that the experience of coming to court and the costs are enough of a punishment. Thank you very much for the great news on the out of court settlement and going the lengths to achieve this for me. Railway fare evasion (Revised 2017) Regulation of Railways Act 1889, s.5 (3) (travelling on railway without paying fare, with intent to avoid payment); s.5 (1) (failing to produce ticket) Effective from: 24 April 2017 Triable only summarily Maximum Level 2 fine (s.5 (1) failing to produce ticket) The estimated fare evasion rate on subways has declined from 13.6% in the third quarter of 2020 to 7.9% in the fourth quarter of 2021, according to the MTA. Those offenses too are punishable by a $50 fine. adding water to reduce alcohol in wine. Pay compensation for fares avoided. is a conviction for fare evasion a recordable conviction that can be viewed by potential employers (I would not be working with children or vunerable children) Submitted: 9 years ago. He did what other solicitors thought was impossible, and saved me from getting a criminal record. This 2015 policy states that persons convicted of the " following offences by the courts of Hong Kong will be recorded by Police ", followed by more than five pages of listed recordable offences. Travelling in a class of accommodation for which you do not have a valid ticket (for example first class). They had enough evidence to prosecute him and if he was prosecuted my child would have lost everything including his professional career. Help us to improve our website;let us know In this policy, careless driving is not a recordable offence but possessing unregistered Chinese medicines and tax evasion are. We were then put through to Sofia who was again amazingly helpful and was very reassuring and totally understood and very sympatheticwith us. I was well supported throughout the process with all my questions answered quickly and professionally. "Intent to avoid payment" in Section 5 does not mean a dishonest intent, but an intent to avoid payment of the sum actually due. Railway Fare Evasion - The law. I was impressed by Nathans communication, his efficiency and how quickly he conducted and concluded the matter. offence. Moderators: Casa, ChetanOjha, archigabe, push, JAJ, ca.funke, Amber, zimba, vinny, Obie, EUsmileWEallsmile, batleykhan, geriatrix, John, Post He acted quickly and decisively without wasting any time at all. Really went that extra mile to help us. I undoubtedly would not have had this result if it werent for the exceptional work from Nathan.